/// <summary>
 /// Create an event reader based on the specified data reader of the specified type using the specified head rules.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dataReader">
 /// A 1-parse-per-line Penn Treebank Style parse.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="rules">
 /// The head rules.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="eventType">
 /// The type of events desired (tag, chunk, build, or check).
 /// </param>
 public ParserEventReader(SharpEntropy.ITrainingDataReader <string> dataReader, IHeadRules rules, EventType eventType)
     if (eventType == EventType.Build)
         mBuildContextGenerator = new BuildContextGenerator();
     else if (eventType == EventType.Check)
         mCheckContextGenerator = new CheckContextGenerator();
     else if (eventType == EventType.Chunk)
         mChunkContextGenerator = new ChunkContextGenerator();
     else if (eventType == EventType.Tag)
         mPosContextGenerator = new POS_ContextGenerator();
     mHeadRules  = rules;
     mEventType  = eventType;
     mDataReader = dataReader;
     mEventIndex = 0;
     if (dataReader.HasNext())
         mEvents = new SharpEntropy.TrainingEvent[0];
        ///Creates a new parser using the specified models and head rules using the specified beam size and advance percentage.
        ///<param name="buildModel">
        ///The model to assign constituent labels.
        ///<param name="checkModel">
        ///The model to determine a constituent is complete.
        ///<param name="tagger">
        ///The model to assign pos-tags.
        ///<param name="chunker">
        ///The model to assign flat constituent labels.
        ///<param name="headRules">
        ///The head rules for head word perculation.
        ///<param name="beamSize">
        ///The number of different parses kept during parsing.
        ///<param name="advancePercentage">
        ///The minimal amount of probability mass which advanced outcomes must represent.
        ///Only outcomes which contribute to the top "advancePercentage" will be explored.
        public MaximumEntropyParser(SharpEntropy.IMaximumEntropyModel buildModel, SharpEntropy.IMaximumEntropyModel checkModel, IParserTagger tagger, IParserChunker chunker, IHeadRules headRules, int beamSize, double advancePercentage)
            mPosTagger    = tagger;
            mBasalChunker = chunker;
            mBuildModel   = buildModel;
            mCheckModel   = checkModel;
            M             = beamSize;
            K             = beamSize;
            Q             = advancePercentage;

            mBuildProbabilities    = new double[mBuildModel.OutcomeCount];
            mCheckProbabilities    = new double[mCheckModel.OutcomeCount];
            mBuildContextGenerator = new BuildContextGenerator();
            mCheckContextGenerator = new CheckContextGenerator();
            mHeadRules             = headRules;
            mOldDerivationsHeap    = new Util.TreeSet <Parse>();
            mNewDerivationsHeap    = new Util.TreeSet <Parse>();
            mParses = new Util.TreeSet <Parse>();

            mStartTypeMap    = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            mContinueTypeMap = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            for (int buildOutcomeIndex = 0, buildOutcomeCount = buildModel.OutcomeCount; buildOutcomeIndex < buildOutcomeCount; buildOutcomeIndex++)
                string outcome = buildModel.GetOutcomeName(buildOutcomeIndex);
                if (outcome.StartsWith(StartPrefix))
                    //System.Console.Error.WriteLine("startMap " + outcome + "->" + outcome.Substring(StartPrefix.Length));
                    mStartTypeMap.Add(outcome, outcome.Substring(StartPrefix.Length));
                else if (outcome.StartsWith(ContinuePrefix))
                    //System.Console.Error.WriteLine("contMap " + outcome + "->" + outcome.Substring(ContinuePrefix.Length));
                    mContinueTypeMap.Add(outcome, outcome.Substring(ContinuePrefix.Length));
            mTopStartIndex   = buildModel.GetOutcomeIndex(mTopStart);
            mCompleteIndex   = checkModel.GetOutcomeIndex(CompleteOutcome);
            mIncompleteIndex = checkModel.GetOutcomeIndex(IncompleteOutcome);