Esempio n. 1
         * Hack -- main Angband initialization entry point
         * Verify some files, display the "news.txt" file, create
         * the high score file, initialize all internal arrays, and
         * load the basic "user pref files".
         * Be very careful to keep track of the order in which things
         * are initialized, in particular, the only thing *known* to
         * be available when this function is called is the "z-term.c"
         * package, and that may not be fully initialized until the
         * end of this function, when the default "user pref files"
         * are loaded and "Term_xtra(TERM_XTRA_REACT,0)" is called.
         * Note that this function attempts to verify the "news" file,
         * and the game aborts (cleanly) on failure, since without the
         * "news" file, it is likely that the "lib" folder has not been
         * correctly located.  Otherwise, the news file is displayed for
         * the user.
         * Note that this function attempts to verify (or create) the
         * "high score" file, and the game aborts (cleanly) on failure,
         * since one of the most common "extraction" failures involves
         * failing to extract all sub-directories (even empty ones), such
         * as by failing to use the "-d" option of "pkunzip", or failing
         * to use the "save empty directories" option with "Compact Pro".
         * This error will often be caught by the "high score" creation
         * code below, since the "lib/apex" directory, being empty in the
         * standard distributions, is most likely to be "lost", making it
         * impossible to create the high score file.
         * Note that various things are initialized by this function,
         * including everything that was once done by "init_some_arrays".
         * This initialization involves the parsing of special files
         * in the "lib/edit" directories.
         * Note that the "template" files are initialized first, since they
         * often contain errors.  This means that macros and message recall
         * and things like that are not available until after they are done.
         * We load the default "user pref files" here in case any "color"
         * changes are needed before character creation.
         * Note that the "graf-xxx.prf" file must be loaded separately,
         * if needed, in the first (?) pass through "TERM_XTRA_REACT".
        public static bool init_angband()

            /*** Initialize some arrays ***/

            /*** Load default user pref files ***/

            /* Initialize feature info */
            Game_Event.signal_string(Game_Event.Event_Type.INITSTATUS, "Loading basic user pref file...");

            /* Process that file */
            Prefs.process_pref_file("pref.prf", false, false);

            /* Done */
            Game_Event.signal_string(Game_Event.Event_Type.INITSTATUS, "Initialization complete");

            /* Sneakily init command list */

            //#ifdef ALLOW_BORG /* apw */
            //    /* Allow the screensaver to do its work  */
            //    if (screensaver)
            //    {
            //        event_signal(EVENT_LEAVE_INIT);
            //        return !file_exists(savefile);
            //    }
            //#endif /* ALLOW_BORG */

            /* Ask for a "command" until we get one we like. */
            while (true)
                Game_Command command_req = new Game_Command();

                if (Game_Command.get(cmd_context.CMD_INIT, ref command_req, true) == null)
                else if (command_req.command == Command_Code.QUAFF)
                else if (command_req.command == Command_Code.NEWGAME)
                else if (command_req.command == Command_Code.LOADFILE)
Esempio n. 2
        const int MAX_BIRTH_POINTS = 24;         /* 3 * (1+1+1+1+1+1+2) */

        static void recalculate_stats(short[] stats, int points_left)
            /* Process stats */
            for (int i = 0; i < (int)Stat.Max; i++)
                /* Variable stat maxes */
                if (Option.birth_maximize.value)
                    /* Reset stats */
                    Player.Player.instance.stat_cur[i]       = Player.Player.instance.stat_max[i] =
                        Player.Player.instance.stat_birth[i] = stats[i];

                /* Fixed stat maxes */
                    int bonus = 0;
                    /* Obtain a "bonus" for "race" and "class" */
                    if (Player.Player.instance.Race != null || Player.Player.instance.Class != null)
                        bonus = Player.Player.instance.Race.r_adj[i] + Player.Player.instance.Class.c_adj[i];

                    /* Apply the racial/class bonuses */
                    Player.Player.instance.stat_cur[i]       = Player.Player.instance.stat_max[i] =
                        Player.Player.instance.stat_birth[i] =
                            modify_stat_value(stats[i], bonus);

            /* Gold is inversely proportional to cost */
            Player.Player.instance.au_birth = STARTING_GOLD + (50 * points_left);

            /* Update bonuses, hp, etc. */

            /* Tell the UI about all this stuff that's changed. */
Esempio n. 3
         * Create a new character.
         * Note that we may be called with "junk" leftover in the various
         * fields, so we must be sure to clear them first.
        public static void player_birth(bool quickstart_allowed)
            Game_Command blank = new Game_Command(Command_Code.NULL, null, null, false, 0);
            Game_Command cmd   = blank;

            short[] stats        = new short[(int)Stat.Max];
            int[]   points_spent = new int[(int)Stat.Max];
            int     points_left  = 0;
            string  buf;
            int     success;

            bool rolled_stats = false;

             * The last character displayed, to allow the user to flick between two.
             * We rely on prev.age being zero to determine whether there is a stored
             * character or not, so initialise it here.
            Birther prev = new Birther();

             * If quickstart is allowed, we store the old character in this,
             * to allow for it to be reloaded if we step back that far in the
             * birth process.
            Birther quickstart_prev = new Birther();

             * If there's a quickstart character, store it for later use.
             * If not, default to whatever the first of the choices is.
            if (quickstart_allowed)
                Player.Player.instance.psex = 0;
                /* XXX default race/class */
                Player.Player.instance.Class = Misc.classes;
                Player.Player.instance.Race  = Misc.races;
                Player.Player.instance.generate(null, null, null);

            /* Handle incrementing name suffix */
            buf = Utilities.find_roman_suffix_start(Player_Other.instance.full_name);

            if (buf != null)
                /* Try to increment the roman suffix */
                success = Utilities.int_to_roman((Utilities.roman_to_int(buf) + 1), buf);

                if (success == 0)
                    Utilities.msg("Sorry, could not deal with suffix");

            /* We're ready to start the interactive birth process. */
            Game_Event.signal_flag(Game_Event.Event_Type.ENTER_BIRTH, quickstart_allowed);

             * Loop around until the UI tells us we have an acceptable character.
             * Note that it is possible to quit from inside this loop.
            while (cmd.command != Command_Code.ACCEPT_CHARACTER)
                /* Grab a command from the queue - we're happy to wait for it. */
                if (Game_Command.get(cmd_context.CMD_BIRTH, ref cmd, true) == null)

                if (cmd.command == Command_Code.BIRTH_RESET)
                    Player.Player.instance.generate(null, null, null);
                    reset_stats(stats, points_spent, ref points_left);
                    do_birth_reset(quickstart_allowed, quickstart_prev);
                    rolled_stats = false;
                else if (cmd.command == Command_Code.CHOOSE_SEX)
                    Player.Player.instance.psex = (byte)cmd.arg[0].value;
                    Player.Player.instance.generate(null, null, null);
                else if (cmd.command == Command_Code.CHOOSE_RACE)
                    Player.Player.instance.generate(null, Player_Race.player_id2race(cmd.arg[0].value), null);

                    reset_stats(stats, points_spent, ref points_left);
                    generate_stats(stats, points_spent, ref points_left);
                    rolled_stats = false;
                else if (cmd.command == Command_Code.CHOOSE_CLASS)
                    Player.Player.instance.generate(null, null, Player_Class.player_id2class(cmd.arg[0].value));

                    reset_stats(stats, points_spent, ref points_left);
                    generate_stats(stats, points_spent, ref points_left);
                    rolled_stats = false;
                else if (cmd.command == Command_Code.FINALIZE_OPTIONS)
                    /* Reset score options from cheat options */
                    for (int i = Option.CHEAT; i < Option.CHEAT + Option.N_OPTS_CHEAT; i++)
                        Player_Other.instance.opt[Option.SCORE + (i - Option.CHEAT)] =
                else if (cmd.command == Command_Code.BUY_STAT)
                    /* .choice is the stat to buy */
                    if (!rolled_stats)
                        buy_stat((Stat)cmd.arg[0].value, stats, points_spent, ref points_left);
                else if (cmd.command == Command_Code.SELL_STAT)
                    /* .choice is the stat to sell */
                    if (!rolled_stats)
                        sell_stat((Stat)cmd.arg[0].value, stats, points_spent, ref points_left);
                else if (cmd.command == Command_Code.RESET_STATS)
                    /* .choice is whether to regen stats */
                    reset_stats(stats, points_spent, ref points_left);

                    if (cmd.arg[0].value == 1)
                        generate_stats(stats, points_spent, ref points_left);

                    rolled_stats = false;
                else if (cmd.command == Command_Code.ROLL_STATS)
                    throw new NotImplementedException();
                    //int i;


                    ///* Get a new character */

                    ///* Update stats with bonuses, etc. */

                    ///* There's no real need to do this here, but it's tradition. */
                    //Player.Player.instance.history = get_history(Player.Player.instance.race.history, &;
                    //Player.Player.instance.sc_birth =;


                    ///* Give the UI some dummy info about the points situation. */
                    //points_left = 0;
                    //for (i = 0; i < A_MAX; i++)
                    //    points_spent[i] = 0;

                    //event_signal_birthpoints(points_spent, points_left);

                    ///* Lock out buying and selling of stats based on rolled stats. */
                    //rolled_stats = true;
                else if (cmd.command == Command_Code.PREV_STATS)
                    throw new NotImplementedException();
                    ///* Only switch to the stored "previous"
                    //   character if we've actually got one to load. */
                    //if (prev.age)
                    //    load_roller_data(&prev, &prev);
                    //    get_bonuses();

                else if (cmd.command == Command_Code.NAME_CHOICE)
                    /* Set player name */
                    Player_Other.instance.full_name = cmd.arg[0].text;

                    //string_free((void *) cmd.arg[0].string);

                    /* Don't change savefile name.  If the UI wants it changed, they can do it. XXX (Good idea?) */
                /* Various not-specific-to-birth commands. */
                else if (cmd.command == Command_Code.HELP)
                    throw new NotImplementedException();
                    //char buf[80];

                    //strnfmt(buf, sizeof(buf), "birth.txt");
                    //show_file(buf, null, 0, 0);
                else if (cmd.command == Command_Code.QUIT)



            /* Clear old messages, add new starting message */
            History.add("Began the quest to destroy Morgoth.", History.PLAYER_BIRTH, null);

            /* Reset message prompt (i.e. no extraneous -more-s) */
            Term.msg_flag = true;

            /* Note player birth in the message recall */
            Message.add(" ", Message_Type.MSG_GENERIC);
            Message.add("  ", Message_Type.MSG_GENERIC);
            Message.add("====================", Message_Type.MSG_GENERIC);
            Message.add("  ", Message_Type.MSG_GENERIC);
            Message.add(" ", Message_Type.MSG_GENERIC);

            /* Give the player some money */

            /* Outfit the player, if they can sell the stuff */
            if (!Option.birth_no_selling.value)

            /* Initialise the stores */

            /* Now we're really done.. */