Esempio n. 1
        public override void Handler(WebRequest req)
            if (req.URI.Length < this.ServiceURI.Length)
                req.URI = this.ServiceURI;

            if (!req.URI.StartsWith(this.ServiceURI))
                throw new InvalidOperationException();

            uriPath = req.URI;

            string[] pieces = req.URI.Substring(ServiceURI.Length).Split('/'); //split up the path by '/' tokens

            if (pieces.Length == 1 && pieces[0] == "")                         //we passed in only the root
                RespondWithList(r_sys.GetRoot(), req);

            for (int x = 0; x < pieces.Length; x++)
                pieces[x] = decode(pieces[x]);

            Dir422 dir = r_sys.GetRoot(); //grab the root of the filesystem

            if (req.httpMethod == "PUT")  //if the method is put.
                foreach (Tuple <string, string> header in req.headers)
                    if (header.Item1 == "Content-Length")
                        if (Convert.ToInt64(header.Item2) <= 0)

                for (int i = 0; i < pieces.Length - 1; i++) //go through the parts of the path
                    dir = dir.getDir(pieces[i]);
                    if (dir == null) //if you encounter a directory that doesn't exist, tell the user that the target they requested is not found and return
                        req.WriteNotFoundResponse("File not found.\n");

                File422 fileToCreate = dir.GetFile(pieces[pieces.Length - 1]); //grab the last file of the path
                if (fileToCreate == null)
                    string pathName = StandardFileSystem.rootPath;

                    for (int i = 0; i < pieces.Length; i++)
                        pathName += "/";
                        pathName += pieces[i];

                    FileStream fs = new FileStream(pathName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite);

                    int    x           = 0;
                    byte[] bodyBytes   = new byte[4096];
                    string bodyContent = "";

                    x = req.bodyStream.Read(bodyBytes, 0, 4096);
                    fs.Write(bodyBytes, 0, 4096);

                    while (x > 0)
                        bodyContent += Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bodyBytes);
                        x            = req.bodyStream.Read(bodyBytes, 0, 4096);
                        fs.Write(bodyBytes, 0, 4096);


                    req.WriteHTMLResponse("200 OK");

                    req.WriteInvalidUpload("File already exists");


            for (int i = 0; i < pieces.Length - 1; i++) //go through the parts of the path
                dir = dir.getDir(pieces[i]);
                if (dir == null) //if you encounter a directory that doesn't exist, tell the user that the target they requested is not found and return
                    req.WriteNotFoundResponse("File not found.\n");

            //we now have the directory of one above the file / directory

            //one piece to process left
            //check if dir is in the last piece we have
            File422 file = dir.GetFile(pieces[pieces.Length - 1]); //grab the last file of the path

            if (file != null)
                RespondWithFile(file, req);
                dir = dir.getDir(pieces[pieces.Length - 1]); //if it wasn't a file, grab it as a dir
                if (dir != null)
                    RespondWithList(dir, req);
                else //if it's null, tell the user it was not found
                    req.WriteNotFoundResponse("Not found\n");