public stdMainpage(string username, userDatabase usrDB, courseDatabase crsDB) { // Store attributes InitializeComponent(); this.crsDB = crsDB; this.usrDB = usrDB; std = usrDB.getStudent(username); // Change texts welcome.Text += std.fname + " " + std.lname; gpa.Text += " " + std.GPA; credits.Text += " " + std.totalCredits; // Create all the tables createCrsLst(); createGradeHist(); createStdSch(); // Clear selections on tables gradeHist.ClearSelection(); stdSch.ClearSelection(); // Auto completion source foreach (course crs in crsDB.getCourseList()) { crsIDBox.AutoCompleteCustomSource.Add(crs.crsID); } }
// Construct the database and update it public courseDatabase(ref userDatabase userDB) { this.crsLst = new List <course>(); string line; System.IO.StreamReader input = new System.IO.StreamReader(@"..\..\"); while ((line = input.ReadLine()) != null) { string code = line.Substring(0, 10).Trim(); string title = line.Substring(11, 15).Trim(); string instructor = line.Substring(27, 10).Trim().ToLower(); string credit = line.Substring(38, 4).Trim(); int seats = Convert.ToInt32(line.Substring(43, 3).Trim()); int num_time_blocks = int.Parse(line.Substring(47, 1).Trim()); int index = 49; List <string> BlockLst = new List <string>(); for (int i = 0; i < num_time_blocks; i++) { string time_block = line.Substring(index, 5); BlockLst.Add(time_block); index += 6; } course crs = new course(code, title, instructor, credit, seats, num_time_blocks, BlockLst); crsLst.Add(crs); faculty courseFac = userDB.getFaculty(instructor.Trim()); courseFac.nextSemesterCourses.Add(crs); } input.Close(); }
public facMainpage(string username, userDatabase usrDB, courseDatabase crsDB) { InitializeComponent(); this.usrDB = usrDB; this.crsDB = crsDB; fac = usrDB.getFaculty(username); // Change texts welcome.Text += fac.fname + " " + fac.lname; // Create all the tables createCrsLst(); createFacSch(); createAdviseeLst(); // Auto complete foreach (course crs in crsDB.getCourseList()) { crsIDBox.AutoCompleteCustomSource.Add(crs.crsID); } // Clear selection of tables facSch.ClearSelection(); adviseeLst.ClearSelection(); }
public admChangeAdvisor(userDatabase usrDB, string advisor) { InitializeComponent(); foreach (faculty fac in usrDB.getFacultyList()) { facDropDown.Items.Add(fac.username); facDropDown.AutoCompleteCustomSource.Add(fac.username); } currentAdvisor.Text += advisor; }
bool flag = false; // Flag to check if at least one mainpage was open public LoginForm() { InitializeComponent(); usrDB = new userDatabase(@"..\..\"); // Make the close button transparent Bitmap bmp = ((Bitmap)close.BackgroundImage); bmp.MakeTransparent(); bmp = ((Bitmap)pictureBox2.BackgroundImage); bmp.MakeTransparent(); }
public admCreateUser(userDatabase usrDB) { InitializeComponent(); this.usrDB = usrDB; confirm.FlatAppearance.CheckedBackColor = Color.FromArgb(((int)(((byte)(37)))), ((int)(((byte)(49)))), ((int)(((byte)(63))))); foreach (faculty fac in usrDB.getFacultyList()) { advisor.Items.Add(fac.fname + " " + fac.lname); advisor.AutoCompleteCustomSource.Add(fac.fname + " " + fac.lname); } }
public admCreateCrs(courseDatabase crsDB, userDatabase usrDB) { InitializeComponent(); this.crsDB = crsDB; this.usrDB = usrDB; foreach (course crs in crsDB.getCourseList()) { crsIDBox.AutoCompleteCustomSource.Add(crs.crsID); } foreach (faculty fac in usrDB.getFacultyList()) { facDropDown.Items.Add(fac.fname + " " + fac.lname); facDropDown.AutoCompleteCustomSource.Add(fac.fname + " " + fac.lname); } }
public admChangeCrs(course crs, userDatabase usrDB) { InitializeComponent(); // Create the schedule table DataTable table = new DataTable(); table.Columns.Add("Schedule"); table.Columns.Add("Code"); foreach (string crsBlock in crs.timeBlocks) { table.Rows.Add(course.Decode(crsBlock), crsBlock); } crsSch.DataSource = table; DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn btn = new DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn(); btn.ValueType = typeof(bool); crsSch.Columns.Insert(0, btn); crsSch.Columns[0].HeaderText = "Remove"; crsSch.Columns[0].Name = "Remove"; foreach (DataGridViewColumn col in crsSch.Columns) { col.ReadOnly = true; } crsSch.Columns[0].ReadOnly = false; crsSch.Columns["Code"].Visible = false; foreach (faculty fac in usrDB.getFacultyList()) { facDropDown.Items.Add(fac.fname + " " + fac.lname); facDropDown.AutoCompleteCustomSource.Add(fac.fname + " " + fac.lname); } = crs; this.usrDB = usrDB; }
// Change the database public void removeCrs(string crsID, string filepath, ref userDatabase usrDB) { // Remove the course from the offering course removedCrs = getCourse(crsID); crsLst.Remove(removedCrs); // Remove the course from students' schedule List <student> enrolledStdLst = removedCrs.getStudents(); foreach (student std in enrolledStdLst) { std.dropCrsFromNext(removedCrs); } // Remove the course from faculties' schedule faculty fac = usrDB.getFaculty(removedCrs.instructor); fac.removeCrsFromNext(removedCrs); ////Updates the file to remove the removed course from it //string[] courseLines = File.ReadAllLines(filepath); //string[] newCourseLinesArr; //List<string> newCourseLines = new List<string>(); //foreach (string courseString in courseLines) //{ // string courseID = courseString.Substring(0, 10).Trim(); // //string courseID = courseString.Substring(4, 10); // if (courseID == removedCrs.crsID.Trim()) // continue; // Skip the iteration if the course is being deleted // else // newCourseLines.Add(courseString); // newCourseLinesArr = newCourseLines.ToArray(); // File.WriteAllLines(filepath, newCourseLinesArr); //} }
private void loginClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { uname = username.Text.Trim().ToLower(); utype = "student"; string password = this.password.Text.Trim(); if (usrDB.isValidUser(uname, password, ref utype)) { Hide(); if (utype == "admin" || utype == "manager") { if (!flag) { var form = new admMainpage(usrDB, @"..\..\", utype); form.ShowDialog(); usrDB = form.usrDB; crsDB = form.crsDB; usrDB.updateDatabase(); } else { var form = new admMainpage(usrDB, crsDB, utype); form.ShowDialog(); usrDB = form.usrDB; crsDB = form.crsDB; } } else { if (utype == "faculty") { if (!flag) { var form = new facMainpage(uname, usrDB); form.ShowDialog(); usrDB = form.usrDB; crsDB = form.crsDB; } else { var form = new facMainpage(uname, usrDB, crsDB); form.ShowDialog(); usrDB = form.usrDB; crsDB = form.crsDB; } } else { if (!flag) { var form = new stdMainpage(uname, usrDB); form.ShowDialog(); usrDB = form.usrDB; crsDB = form.crsDB; } else { var form = new stdMainpage(uname, usrDB, crsDB); form.ShowDialog(); usrDB = form.usrDB; crsDB = form.crsDB; } } } username.Text = "Username"; username.ForeColor = Color.Silver; this.password.Text = "Password"; this.password.PasswordChar = '\0'; this.password.ForeColor = Color.Silver; flag = true; Show(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Your username or password is incorrect.", "Invalid Credential", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Question); this.password.Text = ""; this.password.PasswordChar = '*'; this.password.ForeColor = Color.White; } }