Esempio n. 1
        public ActionResult FiberPoints(string vendorName, 
            decimal bottomLeftLat, decimal bottomLeftLng,
            decimal topRightLat, decimal topRightLng,
            int zoom,
            bool pretty = false)
            MainFactory.getLogSvc().logAction("Vendor Fiber " + vendorName);

            PathMgr pathMgr = new PathMgr(LocationFactory.createPath(vendorName.Equals("level3") ? BuildingType.PATH_DB : BuildingType.PATH_GIS));
            IList<Line> lineList = pathMgr.getPoints(vendorName, bottomLeftLat, bottomLeftLng, topRightLat, topRightLng, zoom);

            ContentResult jsonResult = Jsonify<IList<Line>>.Serialize(lineList, pretty);

            return jsonResult;
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// The controller for the index page. Retrieves a list of states and providers and returns model to view
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The Index view with the model</returns>
        public ViewResult Index()
            logger.logAction("Index Access");
            ViewBag.Message = "Planning Map";

            //IRegion stateThread = ReferenceFactory.get("states");
            //IRegion providerThread = ReferenceFactory.get("providers");

            PathMgr pathMgr = new PathMgr(LocationFactory.createPath(BuildingType.PATH_GIS));
            IPolygonSvc msoSvc = LocationFactory.createShape(ShapeType.MSO);
            IList<ICoordShape> cableVendors = msoSvc.getPolygons();

            Dictionary<string, string> fiberLinks = getFiberVendors(pathMgr);

            ViewData["fiberVendors"]    = fiberLinks;
            ViewData["msoVendors"]      = cableVendors;
            //IndexModel model = new IndexModel(stateThread.getData(), null);

            return View();
Esempio n. 3
        private Dictionary<string, string> getFiberVendors(PathMgr pathMgr)
            Dictionary<string, string> fiberLinks = new Dictionary<string, string>();

            foreach (string vendor in pathMgr.getVendorNames())
                fiberLinks.Add(vendor, pathMgr.getVendorColorHex(vendor));

            return fiberLinks;