private static void LoadNotetracks(ref XAnim Anim) { try { var SelectList = new MSelectionList(); SelectList.add("SENotes"); if (SelectList.length == 0) { return; } // Get path var NotePath = new MDagPath(); SelectList.getDagPath(0, NotePath); // Get node var Dep = new MFnDependencyNode(NotePath.node); var NotePlug = Dep.findPlug("Notetracks"); var ResultJson = "{}"; NotePlug.getValue(out ResultJson); // Deserialize var ResultNotes = new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize <Dictionary <string, List <int> > >(ResultJson); // Append foreach (var Note in ResultNotes) { foreach (var Frame in Note.Value) { Anim.Notetracks.Add(new Notetrack(Note.Key, Frame)); } } } catch { // Nothing.. } }
public static void ExportXAnim(string FilePath, XAnimType FileType, bool Grab = true, bool ExportTagAlign = false) { // Configure scene using (var MayaCfg = new MayaSceneConfigure()) { // First, get the current selection var ExportObjectList = new MSelectionList(); MGlobal.getActiveSelectionList(ExportObjectList); // If empty, select all joints if (ExportObjectList.DependNodes(MFn.Type.kJoint).Count() == 0) { // Select all joints MGlobal.executeCommand("string $selected[] = `ls -type joint`; select -r $selected;"); // Get it again MGlobal.getActiveSelectionList(ExportObjectList); } // If still empty, error blank scene if (ExportObjectList.DependNodes(MFn.Type.kJoint).Count() == 0) { MGlobal.displayError("[CODTools] The current scene has no joints..."); return; } // Progress MayaCfg.StartProgress("Exporting XAnim...", ((int)ExportObjectList.length + Math.Max((MayaCfg.SceneEnd - MayaCfg.SceneStart) + 1, 1))); // Create new anim var Result = new XAnim(System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(FilePath)); // Metadata var SceneName = string.Empty; MGlobal.executeCommand("file -q -sceneName", out SceneName); Result.Comments.Add(string.Format("Export filename: '{0}'", FilePath)); Result.Comments.Add(string.Format("Source filename: '{0}'", SceneName)); Result.Comments.Add(string.Format("Export time: {0}", DateTime.Now.ToString())); // Iterate and add joints var UniqueBones = new HashSet <string>(); var JointControllers = new List <MFnIkJoint>(); foreach (var Joint in ExportObjectList.DependNodes(MFn.Type.kJoint)) { // Step MayaCfg.StepProgress(); // Grab the controller var Path = CODXModel.GetObjectDagPath(Joint); var Controller = new MFnIkJoint(Path); // Create a new bone var TagName = CODXModel.CleanNodeName(; if (UniqueBones.Contains(TagName)) { continue; } UniqueBones.Add(TagName); // Add to the controller list JointControllers.Add(Controller); // Add to the part list Result.Parts.Add(new Part(TagName)); } // Add TAG_ALIGN if (ExportTagAlign) { Result.Parts.Add(new Part("TAG_ALIGN")); } // Iterate over the frame range, then generate part frames for (int i = MayaCfg.SceneStart; i < (MayaCfg.SceneEnd + 1); i++) { // Step and set time MayaCfg.StepProgress(); MayaCfg.SetTime(i); // Iterate over the parts for this time for (int p = 0; p < JointControllers.Count; p++) { // Make new frame var NewFrame = new PartFrame(); // Fetch the world-space position and rotation var WorldPosition = JointControllers[p].getTranslation(MSpace.Space.kWorld); var WorldRotation = new MQuaternion(MQuaternion.identity); JointControllers[p].getRotation(WorldRotation, MSpace.Space.kWorld); // Create the matrix NewFrame.Offset = WorldPosition * (1 / 2.54); NewFrame.RotationMatrix = WorldRotation.asMatrix; // Add it Result.Parts[p].Frames.Add(NewFrame); } // Add TAG_ALIGN if (ExportTagAlign) { var NewFrame = new PartFrame(); NewFrame.Offset = new MVector(0, 0, 0); NewFrame.RotationMatrix = new MMatrix(); Result.Parts[JointControllers.Count].Frames.Add(NewFrame); } } // Reset time MayaCfg.SetTime(MayaCfg.SceneStart); // Grab XAnim notetracks if (Grab) { LoadNotetracks(ref Result); } // Write switch (FileType) { case XAnimType.Export: Result.WriteExport(FilePath); break; case XAnimType.Bin: Result.WriteBin(FilePath); break; case XAnimType.SiegeAnimSource: Result.WriteSiegeSource(FilePath); break; } } // Log complete MGlobal.displayInfo(string.Format("[CODTools] Exported {0}", System.IO.Path.GetFileName(FilePath))); }