private void PrepareTrainingSet(COCODataSet data) { traningSet = new Dictionary <long, COCOImageSetDataItem>(); Random rnd = new Random(); List <long> imagesToUse = new List <long>(); uint realMaxImageCount = maxImageCount > 0 ? maxImageCount : (uint)data.Images.Count; // Only categories we want to have var selectedCategories = data.Categories.Where(c => categories.Contains(c.Name) || categories.Contains(c.Supercategory)); var selectedCategoriesIds = selectedCategories.Select(sc => sc.Id); Dictionary <int, List <long> > categoriesImages = new Dictionary <int, List <long> >(); Dictionary <int, int> categoriesIndexes = new Dictionary <int, int>(); foreach (var category in selectedCategories) { List <COCODataSet.Annotation> catAnnotations = new List <COCODataSet.Annotation>(); foreach (var a in data.Annotations) { if (a.CategoryId == category.Id && a.Bbox != null && a.Bbox.Length > 0) { catAnnotations.Add(a); } } categoriesAndIds.Add(category.Id, category.Name); var catImages = catAnnotations.Select(ca => ca.ImageId).ToList(); List <long> catUniqueImages = new List <long>(); foreach (var ca in catImages) { if (!catUniqueImages.Contains(ca)) { catUniqueImages.Add(ca); } } categoriesImages.Add(category.Id, catUniqueImages); categoriesIndexes.Add(category.Id, 0); } bool addedImage = false; do { foreach (var catId in categoriesImages.Keys) { if (imagesToUse.Count == realMaxImageCount) { break; } var catImages = categoriesImages[catId]; bool foundNewCatImage = false; do { if (categoriesIndexes[catId] == catImages.Count) { break; } var catImage = catImages[categoriesIndexes[catId]]; if (!imagesToUse.Contains(catImage)) { imagesToUse.Add(catImage); addedImage = true; foundNewCatImage = true; } categoriesIndexes[catId]++; }while (!foundNewCatImage); } }while (addedImage && imagesToUse.Count < realMaxImageCount); int maxUseCnt = imagesToUse.Count; foreach (var imageId in imagesToUse) { COCOImageSetDataItem item = null; bool existing = false; if (traningSet.ContainsKey(imageId)) { maxUseCnt--; item = traningSet[imageId]; existing = true; } if (item == null) { item = new COCOImageSetDataItem(); item.image_id = imageId; } var imageAnnotations = data.Annotations.Where(a => a.ImageId == imageId).ToList(); foreach (var ia in imageAnnotations) { if (!selectedCategoriesIds.Contains(ia.CategoryId)) { continue; } COCOImageSetBoundingBox bbox = new COCOImageSetBoundingBox(); = ia.Id; bbox.bboxArray = ia.Bbox; bbox.category_id = ia.CategoryId; bbox.image_id = ia.ImageId; item.bounding_boxes.Add(bbox); } if (item.bounding_boxes.Count == 0) { maxUseCnt--; continue; } if (!existing) { traningSet.Add(item.image_id, item); } if (traningSet.Count == maxUseCnt) { break; } } foreach (var item in traningSet.Values) { var image = data.Images.Where(i => i.Id == item.image_id).First(); item.file_name = image.FileName; item.coco_url = image.CocoUrl; item.imageWidth = image.Width; item.imageHeight = image.Height; } }
public static async Task <COCODatasetFactory> LoadFromCOCOAnnotationJSONFileAsync(string filePathOrUri, IList <string> categoriesToUse, uint maxImageCount) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filePathOrUri)) { throw new ArgumentException("filePathOrUri cannot be null or empty", filePathOrUri); } COCODatasetFactory result = new COCODatasetFactory(); result.maxImageCount = maxImageCount; result.categoriesAndIds = new Dictionary <int, string>(); COCODataSet dataSet = null; Uri uri; if (Uri.TryCreate(filePathOrUri, UriKind.Absolute, out uri) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(uri.Host)) { using (WebClient client = new WebClient()) using (Stream stream = client.OpenRead(filePathOrUri)) using (StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(stream)) { dataSet = await result.LoadJson(streamReader); } } else { using (FileStream s = File.Open(filePathOrUri, FileMode.Open)) using (StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(s)) { dataSet = await result.LoadJson(streamReader); } } IList <string> categories = categoriesToUse; if (categories == null || categories.Count == 0) { categories = dataSet.Categories.Select(c => c.Name).ToList(); } #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine("\n** Dataset categories: "); foreach (var cc in dataSet.Categories) { Console.WriteLine("{0}", cc.Name); } Console.WriteLine("\n** Dataset supercategories: "); foreach (var sc in dataSet.Categories.Select(c => c.Supercategory).Distinct()) { Console.WriteLine("{0}", sc); } #endif result.maxImageCount = Math.Min(result.maxImageCount, (uint)dataSet.Images.Count); if (result.maxImageCount > 0 && categories.Count * 15 > result.maxImageCount) // We need at least 15 images per tag in Custom Vision { throw new ArgumentException("maxImageCount should be at least 15 times of number of categories"); } result.categories = categories; result.PrepareTrainingSet(dataSet); return(result); }
private Task <COCODataSet> LoadJson(StreamReader streamReader) { return(Task <COCODataSet> .Run(() => { JsonSerializerSettings settings = new JsonSerializerSettings(); settings.TypeNameHandling = TypeNameHandling.Auto; settings.MissingMemberHandling = MissingMemberHandling.Ignore; settings.FloatParseHandling = FloatParseHandling.Double; JsonSerializer serializer = JsonSerializer.Create(settings); COCODataSet data = new COCODataSet(); using (JsonReader jsonReader = new JsonTextReader(streamReader)) { while (jsonReader.Read()) { if (jsonReader.TokenType == JsonToken.StartObject) { string path = jsonReader.Path; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) { continue; } if (path == "info") { data.Info = serializer.Deserialize <COCODataSet.Info2>(jsonReader); } else if (path.StartsWith("licenses[")) { if (data.Licenses == null) { data.Licenses = new List <COCODataSet.License>(); } data.Licenses.Add(serializer.Deserialize <COCODataSet.License>(jsonReader)); } if (path.StartsWith("images[")) { if (data.Images == null) { data.Images = new List <COCODataSet.Image>(); } data.Images.Add(serializer.Deserialize <COCODataSet.Image>(jsonReader)); } else if (path.StartsWith("annotations[")) { if (data.Annotations == null) { data.Annotations = new List <COCODataSet.Annotation>(); } var obj = serializer.Deserialize(jsonReader) as JObject; var seg = obj["segmentation"]; if (seg.Type == JTokenType.Array) { data.Annotations.Add(obj.ToObject <COCODataSet.Annotation1>()); } else { data.Annotations.Add(obj.ToObject <COCODataSet.Annotation2>()); } } else if (path.StartsWith("categories[")) { if (data.Categories == null) { data.Categories = new List <COCODataSet.Category>(); } data.Categories.Add(serializer.Deserialize <COCODataSet.Category>(jsonReader)); } } } return data; } })); }