Esempio n. 1
        public double[] getSIC_SAC(string[] paquete)
            Metodos Met      = new Metodos();
            int     longitud = Met.Longitud_Paquete(paquete);

            string[] paquete0 = new string[longitud];

            for (int i = 0; i < longitud; i++)
                paquete0[i] = Met.Poner_Zeros_Delante(paquete[i]);
                string bitscat = Convert.ToString(Convert.ToInt32(paquete0[0], 16), 2);
                double CAT     = Convert.ToInt32(bitscat, 2);
                if (CAT != 21)
                    i = i + 1;
            List <string> FSPEC = new List <string>(Met.FSPEC(paquete0));
            // Posicion del vector paquete0 donde empieza la info despues del FSPEC
            int contador = Convert.ToInt32(FSPEC[FSPEC.Count - 1]) + 1;

            FSPEC.RemoveAt(FSPEC.Count - 1);
            double[] SIC_SAC = new double[2];

            if (FSPEC[0] == "1")
                // Item I021/010 : Data Source Identification
                string SAC_Bin = Met.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador]);
                string SIC_Bin = Met.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 1]);
                double SAC     = (Convert.ToInt32(SAC_Bin, 2));
                double SIC     = (Convert.ToInt32(SIC_Bin, 2));

                //decodificamos , solo utilizaremos estos dos
                SIC_SAC[0] = SIC;
                SIC_SAC[1] = SAC;
        public void Decode10(string[] paquete)
            Metodos M        = new Metodos();
            int     longitud = M.Longitud_Paquete(paquete);

            string[] paquete0 = new string[longitud];
            for (int i = 0; i < longitud; i++)
                paquete0[i] = M.Poner_Zeros_Delante(paquete[i]);
                string bitscat = Convert.ToString(Convert.ToInt32(paquete0[0], 16), 2);
                double CAT     = Convert.ToInt32(bitscat, 2);
                if (CAT != 10)
                    i = i + 1;
            List <string> FSPEC = new List <string>(M.FSPEC(paquete0));

            // Posicion del vector paquete0 donde empieza la info despues del FSPEC
            int contador = Convert.ToInt32(FSPEC[FSPEC.Count - 1]) + 1;

            FSPEC.RemoveAt(FSPEC.Count - 1);

            if (FSPEC[0] == "1")
                // Item I010/010: Data source ID
                string SAC_Bin = M.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador]);
                string SIC_Bin = M.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 1]);

                double SAC = Convert.ToInt32(SAC_Bin, 2);
                double SIC = Convert.ToInt32(SIC_Bin, 2);

                Data_Source_ID[0] = Convert.ToInt32(SIC);
                Data_Source_ID[1] = Convert.ToInt32(SAC);

                contador += 2;
            if (FSPEC[1] == "1")
                // Item I010/000: Message Type
                string MessType_Bin = M.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador]);
                Int32  MessType     = Convert.ToInt32(MessType_Bin, 2);
                if (MessType == 1)
                    Message_Type = "Target Report";
                if (MessType == 2)
                    Message_Type = "Start of Update Cycle";
                if (MessType == 3)
                    Message_Type = "Periodic Status Message";
                if (MessType == 4)
                    Message_Type = "Event-triggered Status Message";
                contador += 1;
            if (FSPEC[2] == "1")
                // Item I010/020: Target Report Descriptor
                string TargetReport_Bin = M.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador]);
                char[] Target_Bits      = TargetReport_Bin.ToCharArray();
                string TYP_Bin          = Target_Bits[0].ToString() + Target_Bits[1].ToString() + Target_Bits[2].ToString();
                Int32  TYP = Convert.ToInt32(TYP_Bin, 2);
                // TYP
                if (TYP == 0)
                    Target_Rep_Descript[0] = "SSR Multilateration";
                if (TYP == 1)
                    Target_Rep_Descript[0] = "Mode S Multilateration";
                if (TYP == 2)
                    Target_Rep_Descript[0] = "ADS-B";
                if (TYP == 3)
                    Target_Rep_Descript[0] = "PSR";
                if (TYP == 4)
                    Target_Rep_Descript[0] = "Magnetic Loop System";
                if (TYP == 5)
                    Target_Rep_Descript[0] = "HF Multilateration";
                if (TYP == 6)
                    Target_Rep_Descript[0] = "Not defined";
                if (TYP == 7)
                    Target_Rep_Descript[0] = "Other types";
                if (Target_Bits[3].ToString() == "1")
                    Target_Rep_Descript[1] = "Differential Correction (ADS-B)";
                if (Target_Bits[3].ToString() == "0")
                    Target_Rep_Descript[1] = "No Differential Correction (ADS-B)";
                if (Target_Bits[4].ToString() == "1")
                    Target_Rep_Descript[2] = "Chain 2";
                if (Target_Bits[4].ToString() == "0")
                    Target_Rep_Descript[2] = "Chain 1";
                if (Target_Bits[5].ToString() == "1")
                    Target_Rep_Descript[3] = "Transponder Ground bit set";
                if (Target_Bits[5].ToString() == "0")
                    Target_Rep_Descript[3] = "Transponder Ground bit not set";
                if (Target_Bits[6].ToString() == "1")
                    Target_Rep_Descript[4] = "Corrupted reply in multilateration";
                if (Target_Bits[6].ToString() == "0")
                    Target_Rep_Descript[4] = "No Corrupted replies in multilateration";

                if (Target_Bits[7].ToString() == "1")
                    contador += 1;
                    // First extent
                    string TargetReport_Bin1 = M.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador]);
                    char[] Target_Bits1      = TargetReport_Bin1.ToCharArray();
                    if (Target_Bits1[0].ToString() == "1")
                        Target_Rep_Descript[5] = "Simulated Target Report";
                    if (Target_Bits1[0].ToString() == "0")
                        Target_Rep_Descript[5] = "Actual Target Report";
                    if (Target_Bits1[1].ToString() == "1")
                        Target_Rep_Descript[6] = "Test Target";
                    if (Target_Bits1[1].ToString() == "0")
                        Target_Rep_Descript[6] = "Default";
                    if (Target_Bits1[2].ToString() == "1")
                        Target_Rep_Descript[7] = "Report from field monitor(fixed transponder)";
                    if (Target_Bits1[2].ToString() == "0")
                        Target_Rep_Descript[7] = "Report from target transponder";

                    string LOP_Bin = Target_Bits1[3].ToString() + Target_Bits1[4].ToString();
                    Int32  LOP     = Convert.ToInt32(LOP_Bin, 2);
                    if (LOP == 0)
                        Target_Rep_Descript[8] = "Undetermined";
                    if (LOP == 1)
                        Target_Rep_Descript[8] = "Loop Start";
                    if (LOP == 2)
                        Target_Rep_Descript[8] = "Loop Finish";

                    string TOT_Bin = Target_Bits1[5].ToString() + Target_Bits1[6].ToString();
                    Int32  TOT     = Convert.ToInt32(TOT_Bin, 2);
                    if (TOT == 0)
                        Target_Rep_Descript[9] = "Undetermined";
                    if (TOT == 1)
                        Target_Rep_Descript[9] = "Aircraft";
                    if (TOT == 2)
                        Target_Rep_Descript[9] = "Ground Vehicle";
                    if (TOT == 3)
                        Target_Rep_Descript[9] = "Helicopter";

                    if (Target_Bits1[7].ToString() == "1")
                        contador += 1;
                        // Second Extent
                        string TargetReport_Bin2 = M.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador]);
                        char[] Target_Bits2      = TargetReport_Bin2.ToCharArray();
                        if (Target_Bits2[0].ToString() == "1")
                            Target_Rep_Descript[10] = "Special Position Identification";
                        if (Target_Bits2[0].ToString() == "0")
                            Target_Rep_Descript[10] = "Abcense of SPI";

                        // los siguientes 6 bits deberian ser 0s
                        string Spare_Bin = Target_Bits2[1].ToString() + Target_Bits2[2].ToString() + Target_Bits2[3].ToString() + Target_Bits2[4].ToString() + Target_Bits2[5].ToString() + Target_Bits2[6].ToString();
                        Int32  Spare     = Convert.ToInt32(Spare_Bin, 2);
                    if (Target_Bits1[7].ToString() == "0")
                        contador += 1;
                if (Target_Bits[7].ToString() == "0")
                    contador += 1;
            if (FSPEC[3] == "1")
                // Item I010/140: Time of Day
                string ToD1 = M.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador]);
                string ToD2 = M.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 1]);
                string ToD3 = M.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 2]);

                string ToD = ToD1 + ToD2 + ToD3;

                Time_Day  = Convert.ToInt32(ToD, 2) / 128.0;
                contador += 3;
            if (FSPEC[4] == "1")
                // Item I010/041: Position WGS-84
                string position1 = M.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador]);
                string position2 = M.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 1]);
                string position3 = M.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 2]);
                string position4 = M.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 3]);
                string position5 = M.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 4]);
                string position6 = M.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 5]);
                string position7 = M.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 6]);
                string position8 = M.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 7]);

                string lat_bin = position1 + position2 + position3 + position4;
                string lon_bin = position5 + position6 + position7 + position8;

                Pos_WGS84[0] = Math.Round(M.ComplementoA2(lat_bin) * (180 / Math.Pow(2, 31)), 5);
                Pos_WGS84[1] = Math.Round(M.ComplementoA2(lon_bin) * (180 / Math.Pow(2, 31)), 5);

                contador += 8;
            if (FSPEC[5] == "1")
                // Item I010/040: Position Polar
                string PolarR1 = M.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador]);
                string PolarR2 = M.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 1]);
                string PolarT1 = M.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 2]);
                string PolarT2 = M.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 3]);

                string PolarR = PolarR1 + PolarR2;
                string PolarT = PolarT1 + PolarT2;

                Pos_PolarCoord[0] = Convert.ToInt32(PolarR, 2);
                Pos_PolarCoord[1] = Math.Round(Convert.ToInt32(PolarT, 2) * (360.0 / Math.Pow(2, 16)), 5);

                contador += 4;
            if (FSPEC[6] == "1")
                // Item I010/042: Position Cartesian
                string Cartx1 = M.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador]);
                string Cartx2 = M.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 1]);
                string Carty1 = M.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 2]);
                string Carty2 = M.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 3]);

                string CartX = Cartx1 + Cartx2;
                string CartY = Carty1 + Carty2;

                Pos_Cartesian[0] = Convert.ToInt32(M.ComplementoA2(CartX));
                Pos_Cartesian[1] = Convert.ToInt32(M.ComplementoA2(CartY));

                contador += 4;

            if (FSPEC.Count > 7)
                if (FSPEC[7] == "1")
                    // Item I010/200: Track Velocity Polar
                    string polar_vel1 = M.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador]);
                    string polar_vel2 = M.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 1]);
                    string polar_vel3 = M.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 2]);
                    string polar_vel4 = M.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 3]);

                    string track_gs = polar_vel1 + polar_vel2;
                    string track_ta = polar_vel3 + polar_vel4;

                    Track_Vel_Cartesian[0] = Convert.ToInt32(track_gs, 2) * Math.Pow(2, -14);
                    Track_Vel_Cartesian[1] = Convert.ToInt32(track_ta, 2) * (360.0 / Math.Pow(2, 16));
                    contador += 4;
                if (FSPEC[8] == "1")
                    // Item I010/202: Track Velocity Cartesian
                    string track_vel1 = M.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador]);
                    string track_vel2 = M.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 1]);
                    string track_vel3 = M.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 2]);
                    string track_vel4 = M.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 3]);

                    string track_vx = track_vel1 + track_vel2;
                    string track_vy = track_vel3 + track_vel4;

                    Track_Vel_Cartesian[0] = Math.Round(M.ComplementoA2(track_vx) * 0.25, 5);
                    Track_Vel_Cartesian[1] = Math.Round(M.ComplementoA2(track_vy) * 0.25, 5);
                    contador += 4;
                if (FSPEC[9] == "1")
                    // Item I010/161: Track Number
                    string TN_1 = M.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador]);
                    string TN_2 = M.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 1]);
                    string TN   = TN_1.Remove(0, 3) + TN_2;
                    Track_Num = Convert.ToInt32(TN, 2);

                    contador += 2;
                if (FSPEC[10] == "1")
                    // Item I010/170: Track Status
                    string Status_Bin = M.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador]);
                    char[] Status     = Status_Bin.ToCharArray();
                    if (Status[0].ToString() == "1")
                        Track_Status[0] = "Track in initalisation phase";
                    if (Status[0].ToString() == "0")
                        Track_Status[0] = "Confirmed Track";
                    if (Status[1].ToString() == "1")
                        Track_Status[1] = "Last Report for a Track";
                    if (Status[1].ToString() == "0")
                        Track_Status[1] = "Default";

                    string CST_bin = Status[2].ToString() + Status[3].ToString();
                    Int32  CST     = Convert.ToInt32(CST_bin, 2);
                    if (CST == 0)
                        Track_Status[2] = "No Extrapolation";
                    if (CST == 1)
                        Track_Status[2] = "Predictable extrapolation due to sensor refresh period";
                    if (CST == 2)
                        Track_Status[2] = "Predictable extrapolation in masked area";
                    if (CST == 3)
                        Track_Status[2] = "Extrapolation due to unpredictable absence of detection";
                    if (Status[4].ToString() == "1")
                        Track_Status[3] = "Horizontal manouvre";
                    if (Status[4].ToString() == "0")
                        Track_Status[3] = "Default";
                    if (Status[5].ToString() == "1")
                        Track_Status[4] = "Horizontal manouvre";
                    if (Status[5].ToString() == "0")
                        Track_Status[4] = "Default";
                    if (Status[6].ToString() == "1")
                        Track_Status[5] = "Smoothed Position";
                    if (Status[6].ToString() == "0")
                        Track_Status[5] = "Measured Position";

                    if (Status[7].ToString() == "1")
                        contador += 1;
                        string Status_Bin1 = M.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador]);
                        char[] Status1     = Status_Bin1.ToCharArray();

                        string TOM_bin = Status1[0].ToString() + Status1[1].ToString();
                        Int32  TOM     = Convert.ToInt32(TOM_bin, 2);
                        if (TOM == 0)
                            Track_Status[6] = "Unknown Type of Movement";
                        if (TOM == 1)
                            Track_Status[6] = "Taking-off";
                        if (TOM == 2)
                            Track_Status[6] = "Landing";
                        if (TOM == 3)
                            Track_Status[6] = "Other Types of Movements";

                        string DOU_bin = Status1[2].ToString() + Status1[3].ToString() + Status1[4].ToString();
                        Int32  DOU     = Convert.ToInt32(DOU_bin, 2);
                        if (DOU == 0)
                            Track_Status[7] = "No doubt";
                        if (DOU == 1)
                            Track_Status[7] = "Doubtful correlation";
                        if (DOU == 2)
                            Track_Status[7] = "Doubtful correlation in clutter";
                        if (DOU == 3)
                            Track_Status[7] = "Loss of accuracy";
                        if (DOU == 4)
                            Track_Status[7] = "Loss of accuracy in clutter";
                        if (DOU == 5)
                            Track_Status[7] = "Unstable track";
                        if (DOU == 6)
                            Track_Status[7] = "Previously Cosated";

                        contador += 1;
                        string MRS_bin = Status1[5].ToString() + Status1[6].ToString();
                        Int32  MRS     = Convert.ToInt32(MRS_bin, 2);
                        if (MRS == 0)
                            Track_Status[8] = "Merge or split indication undetermined";
                        if (MRS == 1)
                            Track_Status[8] = "Track merged by association to plot";
                        if (MRS == 2)
                            Track_Status[8] = "Track merged by non-association to plot";
                        if (MRS == 3)
                            Track_Status[8] = "Split track";

                        if (Status1[7].ToString() == "1")
                            contador += 1;
                            string Status_Bin2 = M.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador]);
                            char[] Status2     = Status_Bin2.ToCharArray();
                            if (Status2[0].ToString() == "1")
                                Track_Status[9] = "Ghost Track";
                            if (Status2[0].ToString() == "0")
                                Track_Status[9] = "Default";
                        if (Status1[7].ToString() == "0")
                            contador += 1;
                    if (Status[7].ToString() == "0")
                        contador += 1;
                if (FSPEC[11] == "1")
                    // Item I010/060: Mode-3/A in Octal
                    string Mode3A_Bin1 = M.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador]);
                    string Mode3A_Bin2 = M.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 1]);
                    string Mode3A_Bin  = Mode3A_Bin1 + Mode3A_Bin2;
                    char[] Mode3A_v    = Mode3A_Bin.ToCharArray();
                    // V
                    if (Mode3A_v[0].ToString() == "0")
                        Mode3A_Code[0] = "Code validated";
                    if (Mode3A_v[0].ToString() == "1")
                        Mode3A_Code[0] = "Code not validated";
                    // G
                    if (Mode3A_v[1].ToString() == "0")
                        Mode3A_Code[1] = "Default";
                    if (Mode3A_v[1].ToString() == "1")
                        Mode3A_Code[1] = "Garbled Code";
                    // L
                    if (Mode3A_v[2].ToString() == "0")
                        Mode3A_Code[2] = "Mode-3/A code derived from the reply of the transponder";
                    if (Mode3A_v[2].ToString() == "0")
                        Mode3A_Code[2] = "Mode-3/A code not extracted during the last scan";

                    string Mode3A = Mode3A_v[4].ToString() + Mode3A_v[5].ToString() + Mode3A_v[6].ToString() + Mode3A_v[7].ToString() +
                                    Mode3A_v[8].ToString() + Mode3A_v[9].ToString() + Mode3A_v[10].ToString() + Mode3A_v[11].ToString() + Mode3A_v[12].ToString() +
                                    Mode3A_v[13].ToString() + Mode3A_v[14].ToString() + Mode3A_v[15].ToString();

                    Mode3A_Code[3] = M.Convert_Binary_to_Octal(Mode3A);

                    contador += 2;
                if (FSPEC[12] == "1")
                    // Item I010/220: Target Address
                    Target_Add = Convert.ToString(paquete0[contador]) + Convert.ToString(paquete0[contador + 1]) + Convert.ToString(paquete0[contador + 2]);

                    contador += 3;
                if (FSPEC[13] == "1")
                    // Item I010/245: Target Identification
                    string TI_Bin1 = M.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador]);
                    string TI_Bin2 = M.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 1]);
                    string TI_Bin3 = M.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 2]);
                    string TI_Bin4 = M.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 3]);
                    string TI_Bin5 = M.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 4]);
                    string TI_Bin6 = M.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 5]);
                    string TI_Bin7 = M.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 6]);

                    string TI_Bin = TI_Bin1 + TI_Bin2 + TI_Bin3 + TI_Bin4 + TI_Bin5 + TI_Bin6 + TI_Bin7;
                    char[] TI_v   = TI_Bin.ToCharArray();

                    Int32 sti = Convert.ToInt32(TI_v[0].ToString() + TI_v[1].ToString(), 2);
                    // STI
                    if (sti == 0)
                        STI = "Callsign or registration downlinked from transponder";
                    if (sti == 1)
                        STI = "Callsign not downlinked from transponder";
                    if (sti == 2)
                        STI = "Registration not downlinked from transponder";

                    for (int i = 8; i < TI_v.Length; i++)
                        Target_ID += TI_v[i].ToString();
                    Target_ID = M.Compare_bits(Target_ID);

                    contador += 7;

                if (FSPEC.Count > 14)
                    if (FSPEC[14] == "1")
                        // Item I010/250: Mode S MB Data
                        string REP     = M.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador]);
                        string SMB2    = M.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 1]);
                        string SMB3    = M.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 2]);
                        string SMB4    = M.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 3]);
                        string SMB5    = M.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 4]);
                        string SMB6    = M.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 5]);
                        string SMB7    = M.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 6]);
                        string SMB8    = M.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 7]);
                        string BDS     = M.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 8]);
                        char[] BDS_bin = BDS.ToCharArray();

                        Mode_SMB[0] = REP;
                        Mode_SMB[1] = (Convert.ToInt32(SMB2 + SMB3 + SMB4 + SMB5 + SMB6 + SMB7 + SMB8, 2)).ToString();
                        // BDS 1
                        Mode_SMB[2] = BDS_bin[0].ToString() + BDS_bin[1].ToString() + BDS_bin[2].ToString() + BDS_bin[3].ToString();
                        // BDS 2
                        Mode_SMB[3] = BDS_bin[4].ToString() + BDS_bin[5].ToString() + BDS_bin[6].ToString() + BDS_bin[7].ToString();

                        contador += 9;
                    if (FSPEC[15] == "1")
                        // Item I010/300: Vehicle Fleet ID
                        string fleetID = M.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador]);
                        int    VFI     = Convert.ToInt32(fleetID, 2);
                        if (VFI == 0)
                            Fleet_ID = "Unknown";
                        if (VFI == 1)
                            Fleet_ID = "ATC Equipment maintainance";
                        if (VFI == 2)
                            Fleet_ID = "Airport maintainance";
                        if (VFI == 3)
                            Fleet_ID = "Fire";
                        if (VFI == 4)
                            Fleet_ID = "Bird scarer";
                        if (VFI == 5)
                            Fleet_ID = "Snow plough";
                        if (VFI == 6)
                            Fleet_ID = "Runway sweeper";
                        if (VFI == 7)
                            Fleet_ID = "Emergency";
                        if (VFI == 8)
                            Fleet_ID = "Police";
                        if (VFI == 9)
                            Fleet_ID = "Bus";
                        if (VFI == 10)
                            Fleet_ID = "Tug (push/tow)";
                        if (VFI == 11)
                            Fleet_ID = "Grass cutter";
                        if (VFI == 12)
                            Fleet_ID = "Fuel";
                        if (VFI == 13)
                            Fleet_ID = "Baggage";
                        if (VFI == 14)
                            Fleet_ID = "Catering";
                        if (VFI == 15)
                            Fleet_ID = "Aircraft maintainance";
                        if (VFI == 16)
                            Fleet_ID = "Flyco (follow me)";

                        contador += 1;
                    if (FSPEC[16] == "1")
                        // Item I010/090: Flight Level
                        string FL1 = M.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador]);
                        string FL2 = M.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 1]);

                        string FL_    = FL1 + FL2;
                        char[] FL_bin = FL_.ToCharArray();
                        if (FL_bin[0].ToString() == "0")
                            FL[0] = "Code Validated";
                        if (FL_bin[0].ToString() == "1")
                            FL[0] = "Code Not Validated";
                        if (FL_bin[1].ToString() == "0")
                            FL[1] = "Default";
                        if (FL_bin[1].ToString() == "1")
                            FL[1] = "Garbled Code";

                        string FL3 = FL_bin[2].ToString();
                        for (int i = 3; i < FL_bin.Length; i++)
                            FL3 += FL_bin[i].ToString();
                        FL[2]     = (M.ComplementoA2(FL3) * 0.25).ToString();
                        contador += 2;
                    if (FSPEC[17] == "1")
                        // Item I010/091: Measured Height
                        string height1 = M.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador]);
                        string height2 = M.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 1]);

                        string height = height1 + height2;
                        Height = Math.Round(Convert.ToInt32(height) * 6.25, 3);

                        contador += 2;
                    if (FSPEC[18] == "1")
                        // Item I010/270: Target Size and Orientation
                        string length     = M.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador]);
                        char[] length_v   = length.ToCharArray();
                        string length_bin = new string(length_v, 0, 6);
                        Target_Size_Heading[0] = Convert.ToInt32(length_bin, 2);

                        if (length_v[7].ToString() == "1")
                            string length1     = M.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 1]);
                            char[] length1_v   = length1.ToCharArray();
                            string lenght1_bin = new string(length1_v, 0, 6);
                            Target_Size_Heading[1] = Math.Round(Convert.ToInt32(lenght1_bin, 2) * (360.0 / 128.0), 3);

                            if (length1_v[7].ToString() == "1")
                                string length2     = M.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 2]);
                                char[] length2_v   = length2.ToCharArray();
                                string lenght2_bin = new string(length2_v, 0, 6);
                                Target_Size_Heading[2] = Convert.ToInt32(lenght2_bin, 2);

                                contador += 3;
                            if (length1_v[7].ToString() == "0")
                                contador += 2;
                        if (length_v[7].ToString() == "0")
                            contador += 1;
                    if (FSPEC[19] == "1")
                        // Item I010/550: System Status
                        string stat   = M.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador]);
                        char[] stat_v = stat.ToCharArray();

                        int NOGO = Convert.ToInt32(stat_v[0].ToString() + stat_v[1].ToString(), 2);
                        // NOGO
                        if (NOGO == 0)
                            Sys_Status[0] = "Operational";
                        if (NOGO == 1)
                            Sys_Status[0] = "Degraded";
                        if (NOGO == 2)
                            Sys_Status[0] = "NOGO";
                        // OVL
                        if (stat_v[2].ToString() == "0")
                            Sys_Status[1] = "No overload";
                        if (stat_v[2].ToString() == "1")
                            Sys_Status[1] = "Overload";
                        // TSV
                        if (stat_v[3].ToString() == "0")
                            Sys_Status[2] = "Valid";
                        if (stat_v[3].ToString() == "1")
                            Sys_Status[2] = "Invalid";
                        // DIV
                        if (stat_v[4].ToString() == "0")
                            Sys_Status[3] = "Normal Operation";
                        if (stat_v[4].ToString() == "1")
                            Sys_Status[3] = "Diversity degraded";
                        // TTF
                        if (stat_v[5].ToString() == "0")
                            Sys_Status[4] = "Test Target Operative";
                        if (stat_v[5].ToString() == "1")
                            Sys_Status[4] = "Test Target Failure";

                        contador += 1;
                    if (FSPEC[20] == "1")
                        // Item I010/310: Pre-programmed Message
                        string messg   = M.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador]);
                        char[] messg_v = messg.ToCharArray();
                        // TRB
                        if (messg_v[0].ToString() == "0")
                            Pre_Prog_Message[0] = "Default";
                        if (messg_v[0].ToString() == "1")
                            Pre_Prog_Message[0] = "In Trouble";

                        string MSGbin = new string(messg_v, 1, 7);
                        int    MSG    = Convert.ToInt32(MSGbin, 2);
                        // MSG
                        if (MSG == 1)
                            Pre_Prog_Message[1] = "Towing Aircraft";
                        if (MSG == 2)
                            Pre_Prog_Message[1] = "'Follow Me' operation";
                        if (MSG == 3)
                            Pre_Prog_Message[1] = "Runway Check";
                        if (MSG == 4)
                            Pre_Prog_Message[1] = "Emergency Operation";
                        if (MSG == 5)
                            Pre_Prog_Message[1] = "Work in progress";

                        contador += 1;

                    if (FSPEC.Count > 21)
                        if (FSPEC[21] == "1")
                            // Item I010/500: Standard Deviation of Position
                            string SDx   = M.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador]);
                            string SDy   = M.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 1]);
                            string SDxy1 = M.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 2]);
                            string SDxy2 = M.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 3]);

                            StndrdDev_Position[0] = Math.Round(Convert.ToInt32(SDx, 2) * 0.25, 3);
                            StndrdDev_Position[1] = Math.Round(Convert.ToInt32(SDy, 2) * 0.25, 3);

                            string SDxy = SDxy1 + SDxy2;
                            StndrdDev_Position[2] = Math.Round(Convert.ToInt32(SDxy, 2) * 0.25, 3);

                            contador += 4;
                        if (FSPEC[22] == "1")
                            // Item I010/280: Presence
                            string REP    = M.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador]);
                            string DRHO   = M.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 1]);
                            string DTHETA = M.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 2]);

                            Presence[0] = Convert.ToInt32(REP, 2);
                            Presence[1] = Convert.ToInt32(DRHO, 2);
                            Presence[2] = Math.Round(Convert.ToInt32(DTHETA, 2) * 0.15, 3);

                            contador += 3;
                        if (FSPEC[23] == "1")
                            // Item I010/131: Amplitude of Primary Plot
                            string amplitude = M.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador]);
                            Amplitude = Convert.ToInt32(amplitude, 2);

                            contador += 1;
                        if (FSPEC[24] == "1")
                            // Item I010/210: Calculated Acceleration
                            string Ax = M.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador]);
                            string Ay = M.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 1]);

                            Acceleration[0] = Math.Round(M.ComplementoA2(Ax) * 0.25, 3);
                            Acceleration[1] = Math.Round(M.ComplementoA2(Ay) * 0.25, 3);

                            contador += 2;
Esempio n. 3
        public void Decode21_23(string[] paquete)
            Metodos Met      = new Metodos();
            int     longitud = Met.Longitud_Paquete(paquete);

            string[] paquete0 = new string[longitud];

            for (int i = 0; i < longitud; i++)
                paquete0[i] = Met.Poner_Zeros_Delante(paquete[i]);
                string bitscat = Convert.ToString(Convert.ToInt32(paquete0[0], 16), 2);
                double CAT     = Convert.ToInt32(bitscat, 2);
                if (CAT != 21)
                    i = i + 1;
            List <string> FSPEC = new List <string>(Met.FSPEC(paquete0));
            // Posicion del vector paquete0 donde empieza la info despues del FSPEC
            int contador = Convert.ToInt32(FSPEC[FSPEC.Count - 1]) + 1;

            FSPEC.RemoveAt(FSPEC.Count - 1);
            // definicion de cada data item segun ADS-B Reports UAP

            if (FSPEC[0] == "1")
                // Item I021/010 : Data Source Identification
                string SAC_Bin = Met.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador]);
                string SIC_Bin = Met.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 1]);
                double SAC     = (Convert.ToInt32(SAC_Bin, 2));
                double SIC     = (Convert.ToInt32(SIC_Bin, 2));

                //decodificamos , solo utilizaremos estos dos
                Data_Source_ID_SIC = SIC;
                Data_Source_ID_SAC = SAC;

                contador = contador + 2;
            if (FSPEC[1] == "1")

                // I021/040 : Target Report Descriptor
                string TargetReport_Bin = Met.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador]);

                if (TargetReport_Bin[0].ToString() == "0")
                    Target_Report_Desc[0] = "No differential correction (ADS-B)";
                if (TargetReport_Bin[0].ToString() == "1")
                    Target_Report_Desc[0] = "Differential correction (ADS-B)";
                if (TargetReport_Bin[1].ToString() == "0")
                    Target_Report_Desc[1] = "Ground Bit not set";
                if (TargetReport_Bin[1].ToString() == "1")
                    Target_Report_Desc[1] = "Ground Bit set";
                if (TargetReport_Bin[2].ToString() == "0")
                    Target_Report_Desc[2] = "Actual target report";
                if (TargetReport_Bin[2].ToString() == "1")
                    Target_Report_Desc[2] = "Simulated target report";
                if (TargetReport_Bin[3].ToString() == "0")
                    Target_Report_Desc[3] = "Default";
                if (TargetReport_Bin[3].ToString() == "1")
                    Target_Report_Desc[3] = "Test Target";
                if (TargetReport_Bin[4].ToString() == "0")
                    Target_Report_Desc[4] = "Report from target transponder";
                if (TargetReport_Bin[4].ToString() == "1")
                    Target_Report_Desc[4] = "Report from field monitor (fixed transponder)";
                if (TargetReport_Bin[5].ToString() == "0")
                    Target_Report_Desc[5] = "Equipement not capable to provide Selected Altitude";
                if (TargetReport_Bin[5].ToString() == "1")
                    Target_Report_Desc[5] = "Equipement capable to provide Selected Altitude";
                if (TargetReport_Bin[6].ToString() == "0")
                    Target_Report_Desc[6] = "Absence of SPI";
                if (TargetReport_Bin[6].ToString() == "1")
                    Target_Report_Desc[6] = "Special Position Identification";

                string octeto2 = Met.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 1]);

                string ARC_Bin = octeto2[0].ToString() + octeto2[1].ToString() + octeto2[2].ToString();
                Int32  ARC     = Convert.ToInt32(ARC_Bin, 2);
                if (ARC == 0)
                    Target_Report_Desc[7] = "Non unique address";
                if (ARC == 1)
                    Target_Report_Desc[7] = "24-Bit ICAO address";
                if (ARC == 2)
                    Target_Report_Desc[7] = "Surface vehicle address";
                if (ARC == 3)
                    Target_Report_Desc[7] = "Anonymous address";
                if (ARC == 4 || ARC == 5 || ARC == 6 || ARC == 7)
                    Target_Report_Desc[7] = "Reserved for future use";
                string bits2 = octeto2[3].ToString() + octeto2[4].ToString();
                Int32  bb    = Convert.ToInt32(bits2, 2);

                if (bb == 0)
                    Target_Report_Desc[8] = "Unknown";
                if (bb == 1)
                    Target_Report_Desc[8] = "25 ft";
                if (bb == 2)
                    Target_Report_Desc[8] = "100 ft";
                contador = contador + 2;
            if (FSPEC[2] == "1")
                //Data Item I021/030, Time of Day
                string TODbits = Met.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador]) + Met.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 1]) + Met.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 2]);
                Time_of_Day = Math.Round(Convert.ToInt32(TODbits, 2) * (1.0 / 128.0), 3);
                contador    = contador + 3;
            if (FSPEC[3] == "1")
                // I021/130: Position in WGS-84 Co-ordinates
                string octeto1      = Met.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador]);
                string octeto2      = Met.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 1]);
                string octeto3      = Met.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 2]);
                string octeto_total = octeto1 + octeto2 + octeto3;
                Lat_WGS_84 = Met.ComplementoA2(octeto_total) * (180.0 / Math.Pow(2, 23));
                string octeto4       = Met.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 3]);
                string octeto5       = Met.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 4]);
                string octeto6       = Met.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 5]);
                string octeto_total1 = octeto4 + octeto5 + octeto6;
                Lon_WGS_84 = Met.ComplementoA2(octeto_total1) * (180.0 / Math.Pow(2, 23));
                contador   = contador + 6;
            if (FSPEC[4] == "1")
                // I021/080 Target Address
                Target_Address = Convert.ToString(paquete0[contador]) + Convert.ToString(paquete0[contador + 1]) + Convert.ToString(paquete0[contador + 2]);
                contador       = contador + 3;
            if (FSPEC[5] == "1")
                //I021/140: Geometric Altitude
                string octeto1      = Met.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador]);
                string octeto2      = Met.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 1]);
                string octeto_total = octeto1 + octeto2;
                GA = Math.Round(Met.ComplementoA2(octeto_total) * 6.25, 3);

                contador = contador + 2;
            if (FSPEC[6] == "1")
                //Data Item I021/090, Figure of Merit
                string octeto1 = Met.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador]);
                string acbits  = octeto1[0].ToString() + octeto1[1].ToString();
                if (acbits == "00")
                    Fig_of_Merit[0] = "Unknown";
                if (acbits == "01")
                    Fig_of_Merit[0] = "ACAS not operational";
                if (acbits == "10")
                    Fig_of_Merit[0] = "ACAS operational";
                if (acbits == "11")
                    Fig_of_Merit[0] = "invalid";
                string mnbits = octeto1[2].ToString() + octeto1[3].ToString();
                if (mnbits == "00")
                    Fig_of_Merit[1] = "Unknown";
                if (mnbits == "01")
                    Fig_of_Merit[1] = "Multiple navigational aids not operating";
                if (mnbits == "10")
                    Fig_of_Merit[1] = "Multiple navigational aids operating";
                if (mnbits == "11")
                    Fig_of_Merit[1] = "invalid";
                string dcbits = octeto1[4].ToString() + octeto1[5].ToString();
                if (mnbits == "00")
                    Fig_of_Merit[2] = "Unknown";
                if (mnbits == "01")
                    Fig_of_Merit[2] = "Differential correction";
                if (mnbits == "10")
                    Fig_of_Merit[2] = "No Differential correction";
                if (mnbits == "11")
                    Fig_of_Merit[2] = "invalid";
                string octeto2 = Met.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 1]);
                string pabits  = octeto2[4].ToString() + octeto2[5].ToString() + octeto2[6].ToString() + octeto2[7].ToString();
                Fig_of_Merit[3] = pabits;
                contador        = contador + 2;
            if (FSPEC.Count > 7)
                if (FSPEC[7] == "1")
                    //Data Item I021/210, Link Technology Indicator
                    string octeto = Met.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador]);
                    if (octeto[3].ToString() == "0")
                        Link_Tech[0] = "Unknown";
                    if (octeto[3].ToString() == "1")
                        Link_Tech[0] = "Aircraft Equiped with CDTI";
                    if (octeto[4].ToString() == "0")
                        Link_Tech[1] = "Not Used";
                    if (octeto[4].ToString() == "1")
                        Link_Tech[1] = "Used";
                    if (octeto[5].ToString() == "0")
                        Link_Tech[2] = "Not Used";
                    if (octeto[5].ToString() == "1")
                        Link_Tech[2] = "Used";
                    if (octeto[6].ToString() == "0")
                        Link_Tech[3] = "Not Used";
                    if (octeto[6].ToString() == "1")
                        Link_Tech[3] = "Used";
                    if (octeto[7].ToString() == "0")
                        Link_Tech[4] = "Not Used";
                    if (octeto[7].ToString() == "1")
                        Link_Tech[4] = "Used";
                    contador = contador + 1;
                if (FSPEC[8] == "1")
                    // I021/230 Roll Angle

                    string octeto1      = Met.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador]);
                    string octeto2      = Met.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 1]);
                    string octeto_total = octeto1.ToString() + octeto2.ToString();
                    Roll     = Met.ComplementoA2(octeto_total) * 0.01;
                    contador = contador + 2;
                if (FSPEC[9] == "1")
                    //I021/145: Flight Level

                    string octeto1      = Met.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador]);
                    string octeto2      = Met.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 1]);
                    string octeto_total = octeto1.ToString() + octeto2.ToString();
                    FL       = Math.Round(Met.ComplementoA2(octeto_total) * 0.25, 3);
                    contador = contador + 2;
                if (FSPEC[10] == "1")
                    // I021/150: Air Speed
                    string octeto1      = Met.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador]);
                    string octeto2      = Met.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 1]);
                    string octeto_total = octeto1 + octeto2;
                    double num1         = 0.001;
                    if (Convert.ToInt32(octeto_total[0].ToString()) == 0)
                        double ias = Met.ComplementoA2(octeto_total.Remove(0, 1)) * (Math.Pow(2, -14));
                        // IAS
                        Air_Speed[0] = Math.Round(ias, 3);// NM/s
                        double Mach = Met.ComplementoA2(octeto_total.Remove(0, 1)) * num1;
                        // Mach Num
                        Air_Speed[1] = Math.Round(Mach, 3);
                    contador = contador + 2;
                if (FSPEC[11] == "1")
                    //I021/151 True Airspeed
                    string octeto1      = Met.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador]);
                    string octeto2      = Met.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 1]);
                    string octeto_total = octeto1 + octeto2;
                    True_Airspeed = Met.ComplementoA2(octeto_total);// knots
                    contador      = contador + 2;
                if (FSPEC[12] == "1")
                    //I021/152: Magnetic Heading

                    string octeto1      = Met.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador]);
                    string octeto2      = Met.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 1]);
                    string octeto_total = octeto1.ToString() + octeto2.ToString();
                    MH = Math.Round(Met.ComplementoA2(octeto_total) * (360.0 / Math.Pow(2, 16)), 3);

                    contador = contador + 2;
                if (FSPEC[13] == "1")
                    // I021/155: Barometric Vertical Rate

                    string totalbits = Met.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador]) + Met.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 1]);
                    BVR      = Math.Round(Met.ComplementoA2(totalbits) * 6.25, 3);
                    contador = contador + 2;
                if (FSPEC.Count > 14)
                    if (FSPEC[14] == "1")
                        //021/157: Geometric Vertical Rate

                        string totalbits = Met.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador]) + Met.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 1]);
                        GVR = Math.Round(Met.ComplementoA2(totalbits) * 6.25, 3);

                        contador = contador + 2;
                    if (FSPEC[15] == "1")
                        //I021/160: Airborne Ground Vector

                        string GSbits = Met.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador]) + Met.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 1]);
                        GS = Math.Round(Met.ComplementoA2(GSbits) * 0.22, 3);
                        string TAbits = Met.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 2]) + Met.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 3]);
                        TA       = Math.Round(Met.ComplementoA2(TAbits) * (360.0 / Math.Pow(2, 16)), 3);
                        contador = contador + 4;
                    if (FSPEC[16] == "1")
                        //Data Item I021/165, Rate Of Turn
                        string octeto1 = Met.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador]);
                        string value   = octeto1[0].ToString() + octeto1[1].ToString();
                        if (value == "00")
                            Rate_of_Turn[0] = "Not available";
                        if (value == "01")
                            Rate_of_Turn[0] = "Left";
                        if (value == "10")
                            Rate_of_Turn[0] = "Right";
                        if (value == "11")
                            Rate_of_Turn[0] = "Straight";
                        if (octeto1[7].ToString() == "0")
                            contador = contador + 1;
                        if (octeto1[7].ToString() == "1")
                            string octeto2 = Met.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 1]);
                            string rotbits = octeto2.Remove(7);
                            Rate_of_Turn[1] = (Met.ComplementoA2(rotbits) * (1.0 / 4.0)).ToString();
                            contador        = contador + 1;
                    if (FSPEC[17] == "1")
                        //I021/170 Target Identification (found in table 3.8 annex 10 ICAO) see
                        string octetototal = Met.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador]) + Met.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 1]) + Met.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 2]) + Met.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 3]) + Met.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 4]) + Met.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 5]);
                        Target_ID = Met.Compare_bits(octetototal);
                        contador  = contador + 6;
                    if (FSPEC[18] == "1")
                        //Data Item I021/095, Velocity Accuracy
                        string octeto1 = Met.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador]);
                        Velocity_Acc = Met.ComplementoA2(octeto1);
                        contador     = contador + 1;
                    if (FSPEC[19] == "1")
                        //Data Item I021/032, Time of Day Accuracy
                        string octeto1 = Met.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador]);
                        ToD_Acc  = Met.ComplementoA2(octeto1) * (1.0 / 256.0);
                        contador = contador + 1;
                    if (FSPEC[20] == "1")
                        //I021/200: Target Status

                        string octeto = Met.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador]);
                        // ICF
                        if (Convert.ToInt32(octeto[0].ToString(), 2) == 0)
                            Target_Status[0] = "No intent change active";
                            Target_Status[0] = "Intent change flag raised ";
                        // LNAV
                        if (Convert.ToInt32(octeto[1].ToString(), 2) == 0)
                            Target_Status[1] = "LNAV Mode engaged";
                            Target_Status[1] = "LNAV Mode not engaged ";
                        string octetoPS = octeto[3].ToString() + octeto[4].ToString() + octeto[5].ToString();
                        // PS
                        int PS = Convert.ToInt32(octetoPS, 2);
                        if (PS == 0)
                            Target_Status[2] = "No emergency / not reported";
                        if (PS == 1)
                            Target_Status[2] = "General emergency";
                        if (PS == 2)
                            Target_Status[2] = "Lifeguard / medical emergency";
                        if (PS == 3)
                            Target_Status[2] = "Minimum fuel";
                        if (PS == 4)
                            Target_Status[2] = "No communications";
                        if (PS == 5)
                            Target_Status[2] = "Unlawful interference";
                        if (PS == 6)
                            Target_Status[2] = "Downed aircraft";
                        string octetoSS = octeto[6].ToString() + octeto[7].ToString();
                        int SS = Convert.ToInt32(octetoSS, 2);
                        if (SS == 0)
                            Target_Status[3] = "No condition reported";
                        if (SS == 1)
                            Target_Status[3] = "Permanent Alert (Emergency condition)";
                        if (SS == 2)
                            Target_Status[3] = "Temporary Alert (change in Mode 3/A Code other than emergency";
                        if (SS == 3)
                            Target_Status[3] = "SPI set";

                        contador = contador + 1;
                    if (FSPEC.Count > 21)
                        if (FSPEC[21] == "1")
                            // I021/020 Emitter Category
                            string octeto = Met.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador]);
                            int    value  = Convert.ToInt32(octeto, 2);
                            if (value == 1)
                                ECAT = "light aircraft <= 7000 kg";
                            if (value == 2)
                                ECAT = "reserved";
                            if (value == 3)
                                ECAT = "7000 kg < medium aircraft < 136000 kg";
                            if (value == 4)
                                ECAT = "reserved";
                            if (value == 5)
                                ECAT = "136000 kg <= heavy aircraft";
                            if (value == 6)
                                ECAT = "highly manoeuvrable (5g acceleration capability) and high speed (>400knots cruise)";
                            if (value == 7)
                                ECAT = "reserved";
                            if (value == 8)
                                ECAT = "reserved";
                            if (value == 9)
                                ECAT = "reserved";
                            if (value == 10)
                                ECAT = "rotocraft";
                            if (value == 11)
                                ECAT = "glider / sailplane";
                            if (value == 12)
                                ECAT = "lighter-than-air";
                            if (value == 13)
                                ECAT = "unmanned aerial vehicle";
                            if (value == 14)
                                ECAT = "space / transatmospheric vehicle";
                            if (value == 15)
                                ECAT = "ultralight / handglider / paraglider";
                            if (value == 16)
                                ECAT = "parachutist / skydiver";
                            if (value == 17)
                                ECAT = "reserved";
                            if (value == 18)
                                ECAT = "reserved";
                            if (value == 19)
                                ECAT = "reserved";
                            if (value == 20)
                                ECAT = "surface emergency vehicle";
                            if (value == 21)
                                ECAT = "surface service vehicle";
                            if (value == 22)
                                ECAT = "fixed ground or tethered obstruction";
                            if (value == 23)
                                ECAT = "reserved";
                            if (value == 24)
                                ECAT = "reserved";
                            contador = contador + 1;
                        if (FSPEC[22] == "1")
                            // I021/220 Met Information

                            string octeto = Met.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador]);
                            // Wind Speed in knots
                            if (octeto[0].ToString() == "0")
                                Met_Report[0] = "No Wind Speed reported";
                                string octeto2       = Met.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 1]);
                                string octeto3       = Met.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 2]);
                                string windspeedbits = octeto2 + octeto3;
                                Met_Report[0] = Convert.ToString(Met.ComplementoA2(windspeedbits));

                                contador = contador + 2;
                            // Wind Direction in degrees
                            if (octeto[1].ToString() == "0")
                                Met_Report[1] = "No Wind Speed reported";
                                string octeto2       = Met.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 1]);
                                string octeto3       = Met.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 2]);
                                string windspeedbits = octeto2 + octeto3;
                                Met_Report[1] = Convert.ToString(Met.ComplementoA2(windspeedbits));

                                contador = contador + 2;
                            // Temperature in Celsius
                            if (octeto[2].ToString() == "0")
                                Met_Report[2] = "No Temperature reported";
                                string octeto2       = Met.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 1]);
                                string octeto3       = Met.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 2]);
                                string windspeedbits = octeto2 + octeto3;
                                Met_Report[2] = Convert.ToString(Math.Round((Met.ComplementoA2(windspeedbits) * 0.25), 2));

                                contador = contador + 2;
                            // Turbulence
                            if (octeto[3].ToString() == "0")
                                Met_Report[3] = "No Turbulence reported";
                                string octeto2 = Met.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 1]);
                                Met_Report[3] = Convert.ToString(Convert.ToInt32(Met.ComplementoA2(octeto2)), 2);

                                contador = contador + 1;
                            contador = contador + 1;
                        if (FSPEC[23] == "1")
                            //021/146 Intermediate State Selected Altitude

                            string octeto  = Met.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador]);
                            string octeto2 = Met.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 1]);
                            string total   = octeto + octeto2;
                            if (total[0].ToString() == "0")
                                SAS = "No source information provided";
                                SAS = "Source information provided";
                            string sourcebits = total[1].ToString() + total[2].ToString();
                            if (sourcebits == "00")
                                Source = "Unknown";
                            if (sourcebits == "01")
                                Source = "Aircraft Altitude (Holding Altitude";
                            if (sourcebits == "10")
                                Source = "MCP/FCU Selected Altitude";
                            if (sourcebits == "11")
                                Source = "FMS Selected Altitude";
                            string altitudebits = total.Remove(0, 2);
                            Interm_Selec_Alt = Math.Round(Met.ComplementoA2(altitudebits) * 25.0, 3);
                            contador         = contador + 2;
                        if (FSPEC[24] == "1")
                            //I021/148 Final State Selected Altitude

                            string octeto  = Met.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador]);
                            string octeto2 = Met.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 1]);
                            string total   = octeto + octeto2;
                            if (total[0].ToString() == "0")
                                MV = "Not active or unknown";
                                MV = "Active";
                            if (total[1].ToString() == "0")
                                AH = "Not active or unknown";
                                AH = "Active";
                            if (total[2].ToString() == "0")
                                AM = "Not active or unknown";
                                AM = "Active";
                            string altitudebits = total.Remove(0, 2);
                            FSSA     = Math.Round(Met.ComplementoA2(altitudebits) * 25.0, 3);
                            contador = contador + 2;
                        if (FSPEC[25] == "1")
                            //I021/110 Trajectory Intent

                            string octeto = Met.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador]);
                            if (octeto[0].ToString() == "0")
                                Trajectory_Intent[0] = "Abscence of Subfield #1";
                                contador = contador + 1;
                                string octeto1 = Met.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador]);
                                // NVB
                                if (octeto1[1].ToString() == "0")
                                    Trajectory_Intent[1] = "Trajectory Intent Data is valid";
                                    Trajectory_Intent[1] = "Trajectory Intent Data is not valid";
                                // NAV
                                if (octeto1[0].ToString() == "1")
                                    Trajectory_Intent[2] = "Trajectory Intent Data is not available for this aircraft";
                                    contador = contador + 1;
                                    string octeto2 = Met.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador]);
                                    Trajectory_Intent[3] = Convert.ToInt32(octeto2, 2).ToString();
                                    contador             = contador + 1;
                                    string octeto3 = Met.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador]);
                                    if (octeto3[0].ToString() == "0")
                                        Trajectory_Intent[4] = "TCP number available";
                                        Trajectory_Intent[4] = "TCP number not available";
                                    // NC
                                    if (octeto3[1].ToString() == "0")
                                        Trajectory_Intent[5] = "TCP compliance";
                                        Trajectory_Intent[5] = "TCP non-compliance";
                                    // TCP num
                                    Trajectory_Intent[6] = Convert.ToInt32(octeto3.Remove(0, 1), 2).ToString();
                                    string octetoaltitude = Met.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 1]) + Met.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 2]);
                                    // Alt in ft
                                    Trajectory_Intent[9] = Math.Round(Convert.ToInt32(octetoaltitude, 2) * 10.0, 3).ToString();
                                    string octetolatitude = Met.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 3]) + Met.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 4]) + Met.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 5]);
                                    // Lat TID in degrees
                                    Trajectory_Intent[7] = Math.Round(Convert.ToInt32(octetolatitude, 2) * (180.0 / Math.Pow(2, 23)), 3).ToString();
                                    string octetolong = Met.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 6]) + Met.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 7]) + Met.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 8]);
                                    // Lon TID in degrees
                                    Trajectory_Intent[8] = Math.Round(Convert.ToInt32(octetolong, 2) * (180.0 / Math.Pow(2, 23)), 3).ToString();
                                    string octeto11       = Met.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 9]);
                                    string pointtyopebits = octeto11[0].ToString() + octeto11[1].ToString() + octeto11[2].ToString() + octeto11[3].ToString();
                                    // Point Type
                                    int value = Convert.ToInt32(pointtyopebits, 2);
                                    if (value == 0)
                                        Trajectory_Intent[10] = "Unknown";
                                    if (value == 1)
                                        Trajectory_Intent[10] = "Fly by waypoint (LT)";
                                    if (value == 2)
                                        Trajectory_Intent[10] = "Fly over waypoint (LT)";
                                    if (value == 3)
                                        Trajectory_Intent[10] = "Hold pattern (LT)";
                                    if (value == 4)
                                        Trajectory_Intent[10] = "Procedure hold(LT)";
                                    if (value == 5)
                                        Trajectory_Intent[10] = "Procedure turn (LT)";
                                    if (value == 6)
                                        Trajectory_Intent[10] = "RF leg (LT)";
                                    if (value == 7)
                                        Trajectory_Intent[10] = "Top of climb (VT)";
                                    if (value == 8)
                                        Trajectory_Intent[10] = "Top of descent (VT)";
                                    if (value == 9)
                                        Trajectory_Intent[10] = "Start of level (VT)";
                                    if (value == 10)
                                        Trajectory_Intent[10] = "Cross-over altitude (VT)";
                                    if (value == 11)
                                        Trajectory_Intent[10] = "Transition altitude (VT)";
                                    string TDbits = octeto11[4].ToString() + octeto11[5].ToString();
                                    // TD
                                    if (TDbits == "00")
                                        Trajectory_Intent[11] = "N/A";
                                    if (TDbits == "01")
                                        Trajectory_Intent[11] = "Turn right";
                                    if (TDbits == "10")
                                        Trajectory_Intent[11] = "Turn left";
                                    if (TDbits == "11")
                                        Trajectory_Intent[11] = "No turn";
                                    // TRA
                                    if (octeto11[6].ToString() == "0")
                                        Trajectory_Intent[12] = "TTR not available";
                                    if (octeto11[6].ToString() == "1")
                                        Trajectory_Intent[12] = "TTR available";
                                    // TOA
                                    if (octeto11[7].ToString() == "0")
                                        Trajectory_Intent[13] = "TOV available";
                                    if (octeto11[7].ToString() == "1")
                                        Trajectory_Intent[13] = "TOV not available";
                                    string TOVbits = Met.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 10]) + Met.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 11]) + Met.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 12]);
                                    // TOV in seconds
                                    Trajectory_Intent[14] = Convert.ToInt32(TOVbits, 2).ToString();
                                    string TTRbits = Met.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 13]) + Met.Octeto_A_Bin(paquete0[contador + 14]);
                                    // TTR in Nm
                                    Trajectory_Intent[15] = Math.Round(Convert.ToInt32(TTRbits, 2) * 0.01, 3).ToString();