Esempio n. 1
        private void UpdateModInfo(GUIMod gui_module)
            CkanModule module = gui_module.ToModule();

            Util.Invoke(MetadataModuleNameLabel, () => MetadataModuleNameLabel.Text = gui_module.Name);
            Util.Invoke(MetadataModuleVersionLabel, () => MetadataModuleVersionLabel.Text = gui_module.LatestVersion.ToString());
            Util.Invoke(MetadataModuleLicenseLabel, () => MetadataModuleLicenseLabel.Text = string.Join(", ",module.license));
            Util.Invoke(MetadataModuleAuthorLabel, () => MetadataModuleAuthorLabel.Text = gui_module.Authors);
            Util.Invoke(MetadataModuleAbstractLabel, () => MetadataModuleAbstractLabel.Text = module.@abstract);
            Util.Invoke(MetadataIdentifierLabel, () => MetadataIdentifierLabel.Text = module.identifier);

            // If we have homepage provided use that, otherwise use the kerbalstuff page or the github repo so that users have somewhere to get more info than just the abstract.
                       () => MetadataModuleHomePageLinkLabel.Text = gui_module.Homepage.ToString());

            if (module.resources != null && module.resources.repository != null)
                    () => MetadataModuleGitHubLinkLabel.Text = module.resources.repository.ToString());
                    () => MetadataModuleGitHubLinkLabel.Text = "N/A");

            if (module.release_status != null)
                Util.Invoke(MetadataModuleReleaseStatusLabel, () => MetadataModuleReleaseStatusLabel.Text = module.release_status.ToString());

            Util.Invoke(MetadataModuleKSPCompatibilityLabel, () => MetadataModuleKSPCompatibilityLabel.Text = gui_module.KSPCompatibilityLong);
Esempio n. 2
 public void NewGuiModsAreNotSelectedForUpgrade()
     using (var tidy = new DisposableKSP())
         KSPManager manager = new KSPManager(new NullUser(), new FakeWin32Registry(tidy.KSP)){CurrentInstance = tidy.KSP};
         var registry = Registry.Empty();
         var ckan_mod = TestData.kOS_014_module();
         var mod = new GUIMod(ckan_mod, registry, manager.CurrentInstance.Version());
Esempio n. 3
 public ModChange(GUIMod mod, GUIModChangeType changeType, SelectionReason reason)
     Mod = mod;
     ChangeType = changeType;
     Reason = reason;
     if (Reason == null)
         // Hey, we don't have a Reason
         // Most likely the user wanted to install it
         Reason = new SelectionReason.UserRequested();
Esempio n. 4
        public void HasUpdateReturnsTrueWhenUpdateAvailible()
            using (var tidy = new DisposableKSP())
                var generatror = new RandomModuleGenerator(new Random(0451));
                var old_version = generatror.GeneratorRandomModule(version: new Version("0.24"), ksp_version: tidy.KSP.Version());
                var new_version = generatror.GeneratorRandomModule(version: new Version("0.25"), ksp_version: tidy.KSP.Version(),
                var registry = Registry.Empty();
                registry.RegisterModule(old_version, Enumerable.Empty<string>(), null);

                var mod = new GUIMod(old_version, registry, tidy.KSP.Version());
Esempio n. 5
        public async Task ComputeChangeSetFromModList_WithConflictingMods_ThrowsInconsistentKraken()
            using (var tidy = new DisposableKSP())
                KSPManager manager = new KSPManager(new NullUser(), new FakeWin32Registry(tidy.KSP)) { CurrentInstance = tidy.KSP };

                var registry = Registry.Empty();
                var module = TestData.FireSpitterModule();
                module.conflicts = new List<RelationshipDescriptor> { new RelationshipDescriptor { name = "kOS" } };
                registry.RegisterModule(module, Enumerable.Empty<string>(), tidy.KSP);

                var main_mod_list = new MainModList(null, null);
                var mod = new GUIMod(TestData.FireSpitterModule(), registry, manager.CurrentInstance.Version());
                var mod2 = new GUIMod(TestData.kOS_014_module(), registry, manager.CurrentInstance.Version());
                mod.IsInstallChecked = true;
                mod2.IsInstallChecked = true;

                var compute_change_set_from_mod_list = main_mod_list.ComputeChangeSetFromModList(registry, main_mod_list.ComputeUserChangeSet(), null, tidy.KSP.Version());
                await UtilStatic.Throws<InconsistentKraken>(async ()=> { await compute_change_set_from_mod_list; });
Esempio n. 6
        public async Task ComputeChangeSetFromModList_WithConflictingMods_ThrowsInconsistentKraken()
            using (var tidy = new DisposableKSP())
                var registry = Registry.Empty();
                var module = TestData.FireSpitterModule();
                module.conflicts = new List<RelationshipDescriptor> { new RelationshipDescriptor { name = "kOS" } };
                registry.RegisterModule(module, Enumerable.Empty<string>(), tidy.KSP);

                var mainList = new MainModList(null, null, new GUIUser());
                var mod = new GUIMod(module, registry, tidy.KSP.VersionCriteria());
                var mod2 = new GUIMod(TestData.kOS_014_module(), registry, tidy.KSP.VersionCriteria());
                var mods = new List<GUIMod>() { mod, mod2 };
                mainList.ConstructModList(mods, true);
                mainList.Modules = new ReadOnlyCollection<GUIMod>(mods);
                mod2.IsInstallChecked = true;
                var computeTask = mainList.ComputeChangeSetFromModList(registry, mainList.ComputeUserChangeSet(), null,

                await UtilStatic.Throws<InconsistentKraken>(() => computeTask);
Esempio n. 7
 private bool MatchesAuthor(GUIMod mod)
     return(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Author) ||
            mod.SearchableAuthors.Any(author =>
                                      author.IndexOf(Author, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) != -1));
Esempio n. 8
 private bool IsAuthorInauthorFilter(GUIMod mod)
     return mod.Authors.IndexOf(ModAuthorFilter, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) != -1;
Esempio n. 9
 public bool IsVisible(GUIMod mod)
     var nameMatchesFilter = IsNameInNameFilter(mod);
     var authorMatchesFilter = IsAuthorInauthorFilter(mod);
     var modMatchesType = IsModInFilter(mod);
     var isVisible = nameMatchesFilter && modMatchesType && authorMatchesFilter;
     return isVisible;
Esempio n. 10
 private bool MatchesDescription(GUIMod mod)
     return(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Description) ||
            mod.SearchableAbstract.IndexOf(Description, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) != -1 ||
            mod.SearchableDescription.IndexOf(Description, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) != -1);
Esempio n. 11
File: GUIMod.cs Progetto: dexen/CKAN
 protected bool Equals(GUIMod other)
     return Equals(Name, other.Name);
Esempio n. 12
 private bool IsNameInNameFilter(GUIMod mod)
     return(mod.Name.IndexOf(ModNameFilter, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) != -1 ||
            mod.Abbrevation.IndexOf(ModNameFilter, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) != -1 ||
            mod.Identifier.IndexOf(ModNameFilter, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) != -1);
Esempio n. 13
        private bool IsModInFilter(GUIModFilter filter, ModuleTag tag, ModuleLabel label, GUIMod m)
            switch (filter)
            case GUIModFilter.Compatible:               return(!m.IsIncompatible);

            case GUIModFilter.Installed:                return(m.IsInstalled);

            case GUIModFilter.InstalledUpdateAvailable: return(m.IsInstalled && m.HasUpdate);

            case GUIModFilter.Cached:                   return(m.IsCached);

            case GUIModFilter.Uncached:                 return(!m.IsCached);

            case GUIModFilter.NewInRepository:          return(m.IsNew);

            case GUIModFilter.NotInstalled:             return(!m.IsInstalled);

            case GUIModFilter.Incompatible:             return(m.IsIncompatible);

            case GUIModFilter.Replaceable:              return(m.IsInstalled && m.HasReplacement);

            case GUIModFilter.All:                      return(true);

            case GUIModFilter.Tag:                      return(tag?.ModuleIdentifiers.Contains(m.Identifier)
                                                               ?? ModuleTags.Untagged.Contains(m.Identifier));

            case GUIModFilter.CustomLabel:              return(label?.ModuleIdentifiers?.Contains(m.Identifier) ?? false);

            default:                                    throw new Kraken(string.Format(Properties.Resources.MainModListUnknownFilter, filter));
Esempio n. 14
 private bool HiddenByTagsOrLabels(GUIModFilter filter, ModuleTag tag, ModuleLabel label, GUIMod m, string instanceName)
     if (filter != GUIModFilter.CustomLabel)
         // "Hide" labels apply to all non-custom filters
         if (ModuleLabels?.LabelsFor(instanceName)
             .Where(l => l != label && l.Hide)
             .Any(l => l.ModuleIdentifiers.Contains(m.Identifier))
             ?? false)
         if (ModuleTags?.Tags?.Values
             .Where(t => t != tag && t.Visible == false)
             .Any(t => t.ModuleIdentifiers.Contains(m.Identifier))
             ?? false)
Esempio n. 15
        private DataGridViewRow MakeRow(GUIMod mod, List <ModChange> changes, string instanceName, bool hideEpochs = false, bool hideV = false)
            DataGridViewRow item = new DataGridViewRow()
                Tag = mod

            Color?myColor = ModuleLabels.LabelsFor(instanceName)
                            .FirstOrDefault(l => l.ModuleIdentifiers.Contains(mod.Identifier))

            if (myColor.HasValue)
                item.DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = myColor.Value;

            ModChange myChange = changes?.FindLast((ModChange ch) => ch.Mod.Equals(mod));

            var selecting = mod.IsAutodetected
                ? new DataGridViewTextBoxCell()
                Value = Properties.Resources.MainModListAutoDetected
                : mod.IsInstallable()
                ? (DataGridViewCell) new DataGridViewCheckBoxCell()
                Value = myChange == null ? mod.IsInstalled
                        : myChange.ChangeType == GUIModChangeType.Install ? true
                        : myChange.ChangeType == GUIModChangeType.Remove  ? false
                        : mod.IsInstalled
                : new DataGridViewTextBoxCell()
                Value = "-"

            var autoInstalled = mod.IsInstalled && !mod.IsAutodetected
                ? (DataGridViewCell) new DataGridViewCheckBoxCell()
                Value = mod.IsAutoInstalled
                : new DataGridViewTextBoxCell()
                Value = "-"

            var updating = mod.IsInstallable() && mod.HasUpdate
                ? (DataGridViewCell) new DataGridViewCheckBoxCell()
                Value = myChange == null ? false
                        : myChange.ChangeType == GUIModChangeType.Update ? true
                        : false
                : new DataGridViewTextBoxCell()
                Value = "-"

            var replacing = IsModInFilter(GUIModFilter.Replaceable, null, null, mod)
                ? (DataGridViewCell) new DataGridViewCheckBoxCell()
                Value = myChange == null ? false
                        : myChange.ChangeType == GUIModChangeType.Replace ? true
                        : false
                : new DataGridViewTextBoxCell()
                Value = "-"

            var name = new DataGridViewTextBoxCell {
                Value = mod.Name.Replace("&", "&&")
            var author = new DataGridViewTextBoxCell {
                Value = mod.Authors.Replace("&", "&&")

            var installVersion = new DataGridViewTextBoxCell()
                Value = hideEpochs
                    ? (hideV
                        ? ModuleInstaller.StripEpoch(ModuleInstaller.StripV(mod.InstalledVersion ?? ""))
                        : ModuleInstaller.StripEpoch(mod.InstalledVersion ?? ""))
                    : (hideV
                        ? ModuleInstaller.StripV(mod.InstalledVersion ?? "")
                        : mod.InstalledVersion ?? "")

            var latestVersion = new DataGridViewTextBoxCell()
                Value =
                    hideEpochs ?
                    (hideV ? ModuleInstaller.StripEpoch(ModuleInstaller.StripV(mod.LatestVersion))
                        : ModuleInstaller.StripEpoch(mod.LatestVersion))
                    : (hideV ? ModuleInstaller.StripV(mod.LatestVersion)
                        : mod.LatestVersion)

            var downloadCount = new DataGridViewTextBoxCell {
                Value = $"{mod.DownloadCount:N0}"
            var compat = new DataGridViewTextBoxCell {
                Value = mod.GameCompatibility
            var size = new DataGridViewTextBoxCell {
                Value = mod.DownloadSize
            var releaseDate = new DataGridViewTextBoxCell {
                Value = mod.ToModule().release_date
            var installDate = new DataGridViewTextBoxCell {
                Value = mod.InstallDate
            var desc = new DataGridViewTextBoxCell {
                Value = mod.Abstract.Replace("&", "&&")

            item.Cells.AddRange(selecting, autoInstalled, updating, replacing, name, author, installVersion, latestVersion, compat, size, releaseDate, installDate, downloadCount, desc);

            selecting.ReadOnly     = selecting     is DataGridViewTextBoxCell;
            autoInstalled.ReadOnly = autoInstalled is DataGridViewTextBoxCell;
            updating.ReadOnly      = updating      is DataGridViewTextBoxCell;

Esempio n. 16
 public bool IsVisible(GUIMod mod, string instanceName)
     return((activeSearch?.Matches(mod) ?? true) &&
            IsModInFilter(ModFilter, TagFilter, CustomLabelFilter, mod) &&
            !HiddenByTagsOrLabels(ModFilter, TagFilter, CustomLabelFilter, mod, instanceName));
Esempio n. 17
        private void UpdateModInfo(GUIMod gui_module)
            CkanModule module = gui_module.ToModule();

            Util.Invoke(MetadataModuleNameTextBox, () => MetadataModuleNameTextBox.Text =;
            Util.Invoke(MetadataModuleAbstractLabel, () => MetadataModuleAbstractLabel.Text = module.@abstract);
            Util.Invoke(MetadataModuleDescriptionTextBox, () =>
                MetadataModuleDescriptionTextBox.Text = module.description
                                                        ?.Replace("\r\n", "\n").Replace("\n", Environment.NewLine);
                MetadataModuleDescriptionTextBox.ScrollBars =
                        ? ScrollBars.None
                        : ScrollBars.Vertical;

            Util.Invoke(MetadataModuleVersionTextBox, () => MetadataModuleVersionTextBox.Text = gui_module.LatestVersion.ToString());
            Util.Invoke(MetadataModuleLicenseTextBox, () => MetadataModuleLicenseTextBox.Text = string.Join(", ", module.license));
            Util.Invoke(MetadataModuleAuthorTextBox, () => MetadataModuleAuthorTextBox.Text   = gui_module.Authors);
            Util.Invoke(MetadataIdentifierTextBox, () => MetadataIdentifierTextBox.Text       = module.identifier);

            Util.Invoke(MetadataModuleReleaseStatusTextBox, () =>
                if (module.release_status == null)
                    ReleaseLabel.Visible = false;
                    MetadataModuleReleaseStatusTextBox.Visible = false;
                    MetaDataLowerLayoutPanel.LayoutSettings.RowStyles[3].Height = 0;
                    ReleaseLabel.Visible = true;
                    MetadataModuleReleaseStatusTextBox.Visible = true;
                    MetaDataLowerLayoutPanel.LayoutSettings.RowStyles[3].Height = 30;
                    MetadataModuleReleaseStatusTextBox.Text = module.release_status.ToString();
            Util.Invoke(MetadataModuleGameCompatibilityTextBox, () => MetadataModuleGameCompatibilityTextBox.Text = gui_module.GameCompatibilityLong);

            Util.Invoke(ModInfoTabControl, () =>
                // Mono doesn't draw TabPage.ImageIndex, so fake it
                const string fakeStopSign          = "<!> ";
                ComponentResourceManager resources = new SingleAssemblyComponentResourceManager(typeof(ModInfo));
                resources.ApplyResources(RelationshipTabPage, "RelationshipTabPage");
                resources.ApplyResources(AllModVersionsTabPage, "AllModVersionsTabPage");
                if (gui_module.IsIncompatible)
                    if (!module.IsCompatibleKSP(manager.CurrentInstance.VersionCriteria()))
                        AllModVersionsTabPage.Text = fakeStopSign + AllModVersionsTabPage.Text;
                        RelationshipTabPage.Text = fakeStopSign + RelationshipTabPage.Text;
            Util.Invoke(ReplacementTextBox, () =>
                if (module.replaced_by == null)
                    ReplacementLabel.Visible   = false;
                    ReplacementTextBox.Visible = false;
                    MetaDataLowerLayoutPanel.LayoutSettings.RowStyles[6].Height = 0;
                    ReplacementLabel.Visible   = true;
                    ReplacementTextBox.Visible = true;
                    MetaDataLowerLayoutPanel.LayoutSettings.RowStyles[6].Height = 30;
                    ReplacementTextBox.Text = module.replaced_by.ToString();

            Util.Invoke(MetaDataLowerLayoutPanel, () =>
                var res = module.resources;
                if (res != null)
                    AddResourceLink(Properties.Resources.ModInfoHomepageLabel, res.homepage);
                    AddResourceLink(Properties.Resources.ModInfoSpaceDockLabel, res.spacedock);
                    AddResourceLink(Properties.Resources.ModInfoCurseLabel, res.curse);
                    AddResourceLink(Properties.Resources.ModInfoRepositoryLabel, res.repository);
                    AddResourceLink(Properties.Resources.ModInfoBugTrackerLabel, res.bugtracker);
                    AddResourceLink(Properties.Resources.ModInfoLicenseLabel, res.license);
                    AddResourceLink(Properties.Resources.ModInfoManualLabel, res.manual);
                    AddResourceLink(Properties.Resources.ModInfoMetanetkanLabel, res.metanetkan);
                    AddResourceLink(Properties.Resources.ModInfoRemoteAvcLabel, res.remoteAvc);
                    AddResourceLink(Properties.Resources.ModInfoSteamStoreLabel, res.steamstore);
Esempio n. 18
 private bool MatchesConflicts(GUIMod mod)
     return(RelationshipMatch(mod.ToModule().conflicts, ConflictsWith));
Esempio n. 19
 private bool MatchesSuggests(GUIMod mod)
     return(RelationshipMatch(mod.ToModule().suggests, Suggests));
Esempio n. 20
 private void ModInfo_OnDownloadClick(GUIMod gmod)
Esempio n. 21
 private bool IsAbstractInDescriptionFilter(GUIMod mod)
     return(mod.Abstract.IndexOf(ModDescriptionFilter, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) != -1);
Esempio n. 22
        private bool IsAuthorInAuthorFilter(GUIMod mod)
            string sanitisedModAuthorFilter = CkanModule.nonAlphaNums.Replace(ModAuthorFilter, "");

            return(mod.SearchableAuthors.Any((author) => author.IndexOf(sanitisedModAuthorFilter, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) != -1));
Esempio n. 23
 private void ManageMods_OnSelectedModuleChanged(GUIMod m)
     ActiveModInfo = m;
Esempio n. 24
        private DataGridViewRow MakeRow(GUIMod mod, List <ModChange> changes, bool hideEpochs = false, bool hideV = false)
            DataGridViewRow item = new DataGridViewRow()
                Tag = mod

            ModChange myChange = changes?.FindLast((ModChange ch) => ch.Mod.Equals(mod));

            var selecting = mod.IsInstallable()
                ? (DataGridViewCell) new DataGridViewCheckBoxCell()
                Value = myChange == null ? mod.IsInstalled
                        : myChange.ChangeType == GUIModChangeType.Install ? true
                        : myChange.ChangeType == GUIModChangeType.Remove  ? false
                        : mod.IsInstalled
                : new DataGridViewTextBoxCell()
                Value = mod.IsAutodetected ? Properties.Resources.MainModListAutoDetected : "-"

            var autoInstalled = mod.IsInstalled && !mod.IsAutodetected
                ? (DataGridViewCell) new DataGridViewCheckBoxCell()
                Value = mod.IsAutoInstalled
                : new DataGridViewTextBoxCell()
                Value = "-"

            var updating = mod.IsInstallable() && mod.HasUpdate
                ? (DataGridViewCell) new DataGridViewCheckBoxCell()
                Value = myChange == null ? false
                        : myChange.ChangeType == GUIModChangeType.Update ? true
                        : false
                : new DataGridViewTextBoxCell()
                Value = "-"

            var replacing = IsModInFilter(GUIModFilter.Replaceable, mod)
                ? (DataGridViewCell) new DataGridViewCheckBoxCell()
                Value = myChange == null ? false
                        : myChange.ChangeType == GUIModChangeType.Replace ? true
                        : false
                : new DataGridViewTextBoxCell()
                Value = "-"

            var name = new DataGridViewTextBoxCell()
                Value = mod.Name
            var author = new DataGridViewTextBoxCell()
                Value = mod.Authors

            var installVersion = new DataGridViewTextBoxCell()
                Value = hideEpochs
                    ? (hideV
                        ? ModuleInstaller.StripEpoch(ModuleInstaller.StripV(mod.InstalledVersion ?? ""))
                        : ModuleInstaller.StripEpoch(mod.InstalledVersion ?? ""))
                    : (hideV
                        ? ModuleInstaller.StripV(mod.InstalledVersion ?? "")
                        : mod.InstalledVersion ?? "")

            var latestVersion = new DataGridViewTextBoxCell()
                Value =
                    hideEpochs ?
                    (hideV ? ModuleInstaller.StripEpoch(ModuleInstaller.StripV(mod.LatestVersion))
                        : ModuleInstaller.StripEpoch(mod.LatestVersion))
                    : (hideV ? ModuleInstaller.StripV(mod.LatestVersion)
                        : mod.LatestVersion)

            var downloadCount = new DataGridViewTextBoxCell()
                Value = String.Format("{0:N0}", mod.DownloadCount)
            var compat = new DataGridViewTextBoxCell()
                Value = mod.KSPCompatibility
            var size = new DataGridViewTextBoxCell()
                Value = mod.DownloadSize
            var installDate = new DataGridViewTextBoxCell()
                Value = mod.InstallDate
            var desc = new DataGridViewTextBoxCell()
                Value = mod.Abstract

            item.Cells.AddRange(selecting, autoInstalled, updating, replacing, name, author, installVersion, latestVersion, compat, size, installDate, downloadCount, desc);

            selecting.ReadOnly     = selecting     is DataGridViewTextBoxCell;
            autoInstalled.ReadOnly = autoInstalled is DataGridViewTextBoxCell;
            updating.ReadOnly      = updating      is DataGridViewTextBoxCell;

Esempio n. 25
 private bool IsAuthorInauthorFilter(GUIMod mod)
     return(mod.Authors.IndexOf(ModAuthorFilter, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) != -1);
Esempio n. 26
 private bool Equals(GUIMod other)
     return(Equals(Identifier, other.Identifier));
Esempio n. 27
 private bool IsNameInNameFilter(GUIMod mod)
     string abbrevation = new string(mod.Name.Split(' ').
         Where(s => s.Length > 0).Select(s => s[0]).ToArray());
     return mod.Name.IndexOf(ModNameFilter, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) != -1
         || abbrevation.IndexOf(ModNameFilter, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) != -1;
Esempio n. 28
 private bool Equals(GUIMod other)
     return(Equals(Name, other.Name));
Esempio n. 29
 private bool Equals(GUIMod other)
     return Equals(Name, other.Name);
Esempio n. 30
 private bool MatchesDepends(GUIMod mod)
     return(RelationshipMatch(mod.ToModule().depends, DependsOn));
Esempio n. 31
 private bool IsNameInNameFilter(GUIMod mod)
     return mod.Name.IndexOf(ModNameFilter, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) != -1;
Esempio n. 32
 void NavGoToMod(GUIMod module)
     // focussing on a mod also causes navigation, but we don't
     // want this to affect the history. so we switch to read-only
     // mode.
     navHistory.IsReadOnly = true;
     FocusMod(module.Name, true);
     navHistory.IsReadOnly = false;
Esempio n. 33
 private bool IsModInFilter(GUIMod m)
     switch (ModFilter)
         case GUIModFilter.Compatible:
             return !m.IsIncompatible;
         case GUIModFilter.Installed:
             return m.IsInstalled;
         case GUIModFilter.InstalledUpdateAvailable:
             return m.IsInstalled && m.HasUpdate;
         case GUIModFilter.NewInRepository:
             return m.IsNew;
         case GUIModFilter.NotInstalled:
             return !m.IsInstalled;
         case GUIModFilter.Incompatible:
             return m.IsIncompatible;
         case GUIModFilter.All:
             return true;
     throw new Kraken("Unknown filter type in IsModInFilter");
Esempio n. 34
 public bool IsVisible(GUIMod mod, string instanceName)
     return((activeSearches?.Any(s => s?.Matches(mod) ?? true) ?? true) &&
            !HiddenByTagsOrLabels(mod, instanceName));
Esempio n. 35
File: Main.cs Progetto: skuhnow/CKAN
        private void FocusMod(string key, bool exactMatch, bool showAsFirst = false)
            DataGridViewRow current_row  = ModList.CurrentRow;
            int             currentIndex = current_row?.Index ?? 0;
            DataGridViewRow first_match  = null;

            var does_name_begin_with_key = new Func <DataGridViewRow, bool>(row =>
                GUIMod mod = row.Tag as GUIMod;
                bool row_match;
                if (exactMatch)
                    row_match = mod.Name == key || mod.Identifier == key;
                    row_match = mod.Name.StartsWith(key, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
                                mod.Abbrevation.StartsWith(key, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
                                mod.Identifier.StartsWith(key, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

                if (row_match && first_match == null)
                    // Remember the first match to allow cycling back to it if necessary.
                    first_match = row;

                if (key.Length == 1 && row_match && row.Index <= currentIndex)
                    // Keep going forward if it's a single key match and not ahead of the current row.


            var             rows  = ModList.Rows.Cast <DataGridViewRow>().Where(row => row.Visible);
            DataGridViewRow match = rows.FirstOrDefault(does_name_begin_with_key);

            if (match == null && first_match != null)
                // If there were no matches after the first match, cycle over to the beginning.
                match = first_match;

            if (match != null)
                match.Selected = true;

                // Setting this to the 'Name' cell prevents the checkbox from being toggled
                // by pressing 'Space' while the row is not indicated as active.
                ModList.CurrentCell = match.Cells[2];
                if (showAsFirst)
                    ModList.FirstDisplayedScrollingRowIndex = match.Index;
                AddStatusMessage("Not found.");
Esempio n. 36
 private bool MatchesRecommends(GUIMod mod)
     return(RelationshipMatch(mod.ToModule().recommends, Recommends));
Esempio n. 37
 void NavSelectMod(GUIMod module)
Esempio n. 38
File: Main.cs Progetto: skuhnow/CKAN
 private void NavSelectMod(GUIMod module)
Esempio n. 39
        private DataGridViewRow MakeRow(GUIMod mod, List <ModChange> changes, bool hideEpochs = false, bool hideV = false)
            DataGridViewRow item = new DataGridViewRow()
                Tag = mod

            ModChange myChange = changes?.FindLast((ModChange ch) => ch.Mod.Identifier == mod.Identifier);

            var selecting = mod.IsInstallable()
                ? (DataGridViewCell) new DataGridViewCheckBoxCell()
                Value = myChange == null ? mod.IsInstalled
                        : myChange.ChangeType == GUIModChangeType.Install ? true
                        : myChange.ChangeType == GUIModChangeType.Remove  ? false
                        : mod.IsInstalled
                : new DataGridViewTextBoxCell()
                Value = mod.IsAutodetected ? "AD" : "-"

            var updating = mod.IsInstallable() && mod.HasUpdate
                ? (DataGridViewCell) new DataGridViewCheckBoxCell()
                Value = myChange == null ? false
                        : myChange.ChangeType == GUIModChangeType.Update ? true
                        : false
                : new DataGridViewTextBoxCell()
                Value = "-"

            var name = new DataGridViewTextBoxCell()
                Value = mod.Name
            var author = new DataGridViewTextBoxCell()
                Value = mod.Authors

            var installVersion = new DataGridViewTextBoxCell()
                Value = hideEpochs
                    ? (hideV
                        ? ModuleInstaller.StripEpoch(ModuleInstaller.StripV(mod.InstalledVersion ?? ""))
                        : ModuleInstaller.StripEpoch(mod.InstalledVersion ?? ""))
                    : (hideV
                        ? ModuleInstaller.StripV(mod.InstalledVersion ?? "")
                        : mod.InstalledVersion ?? "")

            var latestVersion = new DataGridViewTextBoxCell()
                Value =
                    hideEpochs ?
                    (hideV ? ModuleInstaller.StripEpoch(ModuleInstaller.StripV(mod.LatestVersion))
                        : ModuleInstaller.StripEpoch(mod.LatestVersion))
                    : (hideV ? ModuleInstaller.StripV(mod.LatestVersion)
                        : mod.LatestVersion)

            var compat = new DataGridViewTextBoxCell()
                Value = mod.KSPCompatibility
            var size = new DataGridViewTextBoxCell()
                Value = mod.DownloadSize
            var installDate = new DataGridViewTextBoxCell()
                Value = mod.InstallDate
            var downloadCount = new DataGridViewTextBoxCell()
                Value = mod.DownloadCount
            var desc = new DataGridViewTextBoxCell()
                Value = mod.Abstract

            item.Cells.AddRange(selecting, updating, name, author, installVersion, latestVersion, compat, size, installDate, downloadCount, desc);

            selecting.ReadOnly = selecting is DataGridViewTextBoxCell;
            updating.ReadOnly  = updating  is DataGridViewTextBoxCell;

Esempio n. 40
 public static bool IsInstallable(this GUIMod mod)
     return(!(mod == null || mod.IsAutodetected || mod.IsIncompatible));