Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取拍卖车辆列表
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="query"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public BasePageList<AuctionCarInfoViewModel> GetAuctionList(AuctionCarInfoQueryModel query)
            const string spName = "sp_common_pager";
            const string tableName = @"auction_carinfo as a
                                    left join car_info as b on b.innerid=a.carid
                                    left join base_carbrand as c1 on b.brand_id=c1.innerid
                                    left join base_carseries as c2 on b.series_id=c2.innerid
                                    left join base_carmodel as c3 on b.model_id=c3.innerid
                                    left join base_city as ct on b.cityid=ct.innerid
                                    left join base_province as pr on b.provid=pr.innerid
                                    left join sys_user as su on su.innerid=a.operatedid";
            const string fields = "a.innerid,,a.carid,,a.lowestprice,a.status as auditstatus,b.pic_url,a.status,b.price,b.mileage,b.register_date,a.publishedtime,a.validtime,b.createdtime,c1.brandname as brand_name,c2.seriesname as series_name,c3.modelname as model_name,c3.modelprice,ct.cityname,pr.provname,su.username";
            var oldField = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(query.Order) ? " a.createdtime asc " : query.Order;

            var sqlWhere = new StringBuilder("1=1");

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(
                sqlWhere.Append($" and like '%{}%'");

            if (query.provid != null)
                sqlWhere.Append($" and b.provid={query.provid}");

            if (query.cityid != null)
                sqlWhere.Append($" and b.cityid={query.cityid}");

            if (query.brand_id != null && query.brand_id != 0)
                sqlWhere.Append($" and b.brand_id={query.brand_id}");

            if (query.series_id != null && query.series_id != 0)
                sqlWhere.Append($" and b.series_id={query.series_id}");

            if (query.model_id != null && query.model_id != 0)
                sqlWhere.Append($" and b.model_id={query.model_id}");
            if (query.minmileage.HasValue)
                sqlWhere.Append($" and b.mileage>={query.minmileage}");
            if (query.maxmileage.HasValue)
                sqlWhere.Append($" and b.mileage<{query.maxmileage}");
            if (query.register_date.HasValue)
                sqlWhere.Append($" and b.register_date='{query.register_date}'");
            if (query.status.HasValue)
                sqlWhere.Append($" and a.status='{query.status}'");
            if (query.userno != null)
                sqlWhere.Append($" and'{query.userno}'");
            if (query.auctionno != null)
                sqlWhere.Append($" and'{query.auctionno}'");
            //业务员Id operatedid
            if (query.operatedid != null)
                sqlWhere.Append($" and a.operatedid='{query.operatedid}'");

            var model = new PagingModel(spName, tableName, fields, oldField, sqlWhere.ToString(), query.PageSize, query.PageIndex);
            var list = Helper.ExecutePaging<AuctionCarInfoViewModel>(model, query.Echo);
            return list;
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取正在拍卖的车辆列表
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="query"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public BasePageList<AuctionCarInfoViewModel> GetAuctioningList(AuctionCarInfoQueryModel query)
            const string spName = "sp_common_pager";
            string tableName = @"auction_carinfo as a
                                    left join car_info as b on b.innerid=a.carid
                                    left join base_carbrand as c1 on b.brand_id=c1.innerid
                                    left join base_carseries as c2 on b.series_id=c2.innerid
                                    left join base_carmodel as c3 on b.model_id=c3.innerid
                                    left join base_city as ct on b.cityid=ct.innerid
                                    left join base_province as pr on b.provid=pr.innerid
                                    left join (select count(1) as count,auctionid from auction_participant group by auctionid) d on d.auctionid=a.innerid ";

            string fields = @"a.innerid,,a.lowestprice,a.status as auditstatus,b.pic_url,b.status,b.price,b.mileage,b.register_date,a.validtime,b.createdtime
                ,c1.brandname as brand_name,,c2.seriesname as series_name,c3.modelname as model_name,c3.modelprice,ct.cityname,pr.provname,d.count";

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(query.userid))
                tableName += " left join (select count(1) as follow, auctionid from auction_follow where isdelete=0 and userid = '" + query.userid + "' group by auctionid ) e on e.auctionid = a.innerid";
                fields += " ,ifnull(e.follow,0) as follow ";

            var oldField = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(query.Order) ? " a.createdtime asc " : query.Order;

            var sqlWhere = new StringBuilder(" a.status=6 ");

            if (query.provid != null)
                sqlWhere.Append($" and b.provid={query.provid}");

            if (query.cityid != null)
                sqlWhere.Append($" and b.cityid={query.cityid}");

            if (query.brand_id != null && query.brand_id != 0)
                sqlWhere.Append($" and b.brand_id={query.brand_id}");

            if (query.series_id != null && query.series_id != 0)
                sqlWhere.Append($" and b.series_id={query.series_id}");

            if (query.model_id != null && query.model_id != 0)
                sqlWhere.Append($" and b.model_id={query.model_id}");

            if (query.publishedtime.HasValue)
                sqlWhere.Append($" and a.publishedtime='{query.publishedtime}'");

            if (query.validtime.HasValue)
                sqlWhere.Append($" and a.validtime='{query.validtime}'");
                sqlWhere.Append($" and a.validtime>='{DateTime.Now}'");

            if (query.minmileage.HasValue)
                sqlWhere.Append($" and b.mileage>={query.minmileage}");
            if (query.maxmileage.HasValue)
                sqlWhere.Append($" and b.mileage<{query.maxmileage}");
            if (query.register_date.HasValue)
                sqlWhere.Append($" and YEAR(b.register_date)=YEAR('{query.register_date}')");

            var model = new PagingModel(spName, tableName, fields, oldField, sqlWhere.ToString(), query.PageSize, query.PageIndex);
            var list = Helper.ExecutePaging<AuctionCarInfoViewModel>(model, query.Echo);
            return list;