Esempio n. 1
        public override Item GenerateItem(int levelToAdd = 0)
            if (raritySum == 0)

            // Pick a random ItemPrototype
            float rand = Random.Range(0, raritySum);
            //Debug.Log("Picked " + rand + " between 0 and " + raritySum);
            int   index  = 0;
            float sumTry = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < itemPrototypes.Count; ++i)
                sumTry += itemPrototypes[i].Rarity;
                if (rand <= sumTry)
                    index = i;
            ItemPrototype proto = itemPrototypes[index].Item;

            List <Stat> stats = new List <Stat>();

            foreach (StatPrototype statPrototype in proto.StatPrototypes)
                ApplyStat(stats, statPrototype);

            Item item = new Item(proto.ItemName, proto.FlavorText, false, proto.BaseItemTier + levelToAdd,
                                 proto.EquipmentSlot,, stats, proto.WorldDropPrefab);


            ApplyAffixes(affixSets, this, item, proto);

Esempio n. 2
        protected static void ApplyAffixes(List <AffixSetPrototype> allAffixSets, ItemGenerator gen, Item item, ItemPrototype proto)
            List <string> shortNames = new List <string>();
            List <string> longNames  = new List <string>();

            float[] itemTierOdds       = new float[tierOdds.Length];
            float[] itemAffixCountOdds = new float[affixCountOdds.Length];
            System.Array.Copy(tierOdds, itemTierOdds, tierOdds.Length);
            System.Array.Copy(affixCountOdds, itemAffixCountOdds, affixCountOdds.Length);
            for (int i = 1; i < itemTierOdds.Length; ++i)
                itemTierOdds[i] += tierIncrease * item.Tier * i;
            float affixCountSum = 0;

            for (int i = 1; i < affixCountOdds.Length; ++i)
                itemAffixCountOdds[i] += tierIncrease * item.Tier * i;
                affixCountSum         += itemAffixCountOdds[i];
            int   affixCount    = 0;
            float affixCountRng = Random.Range(0, affixCountSum);
            float affixCountTry = 0;

            for (int j = 0; j < itemAffixCountOdds.Length; ++j)
                affixCountTry += itemAffixCountOdds[j];
                if (affixCountRng <= affixCountTry)
                    affixCount = j;
            affixCount = proto.MaxNumberAffixes < affixCount ? proto.MaxNumberAffixes : affixCount;
            List <int> usedAffixIndex = new List <int>();

            for (int i = 0; i < affixCount; ++i)
                AffixSetPrototype toApply;
                int index;
                int itr = 0;
                    index = Random.Range(0, allAffixSets.Count);
                } while (usedAffixIndex.Contains(index) && itr < 100);
                toApply = allAffixSets[index];
                float tierTry = 0;
                float sum     = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < toApply.Tiers.Count; ++j)
                    sum += itemTierOdds[j];
                float tier = Random.Range(0, sum);
                for (int j = 0; j < toApply.Tiers.Count; ++j)
                    tierTry += itemTierOdds[j];
                    if (tier <= tierTry)
                        //Debug.Log(tier + " actual affix: " + j + " item tier: " + item.Tier);
                        longNames.Add(item.Name + " of " + toApply.Tiers[j].affixName + " " + toApply.SetName);
                        shortNames.Add(item.Name + " of " + toApply.SetNameShort);

                        foreach (StatPrototype stat in toApply.Tiers[j].statPrototypes)
                            gen.ApplyStat(item.Stats, stat);
            if (longNames.Count > 0)
                int i = Random.Range(0, longNames.Count);
                item.Name     = shortNames[i];
                item.LongName = longNames[i];