private void MakeStaticLibrary(Project project,
                                       ProjectFileCollection projectFiles,
                                       CProjectConfiguration configuration,
                                       ProjectPackageCollection packages,
                                       CompilerResults cr,
                                       ProgressMonitor monitor, string outputName)
            if (!NeedsUpdate(projectFiles, configuration, outputName))

            string objectFiles = string.Join(" ", ObjectFiles(projectFiles, configuration, true));
            string args        = string.Format("rcs \"{0}\" {1}", outputName, objectFiles);

            monitor.BeginTask(GettextCatalog.GetString("Generating static library {0} from object files", Path.GetFileName(outputName)), 1);

            string errorOutput;
            int    exitCode = ExecuteCommand("ar", args, Path.GetDirectoryName(outputName), monitor, out errorOutput);

            if (exitCode == 0)

            ParseCompilerOutput(errorOutput, cr);
            ParseLinkerOutput(errorOutput, cr);
            CheckReturnCode(exitCode, cr);
 public void AddRange(ProjectPackageCollection packages)
     foreach (ProjectPackage p in packages)
Esempio n. 3
		protected string GeneratePkgLinkerArgs (ProjectPackageCollection packages)
			if (packages == null || packages.Count < 1)
				return string.Empty;
			StringBuilder libs = new StringBuilder ();
			foreach (ProjectPackage p in packages)
				libs.Append (p.File + " ");
			string args = string.Format ("--libs {0}", libs.ToString ().Trim ());
			StringWriter output = new StringWriter ();			
			ProcessWrapper proc = new ProcessWrapper ();
			try {			
				proc = Runtime.ProcessService.StartProcess ("pkg-config", args, null, null);
				proc.WaitForExit ();
				string line;
				while ((line = proc.StandardOutput.ReadLine ()) != null)
					output.WriteLine (line);
			} catch (Exception ex) {
				IdeApp.Services.MessageService.ShowError (ex, "You need to have pkg-config installed");
			} finally {
				proc.Close ();
			return output.ToString ();
Esempio n. 4
		public override ICompilerResult Compile (
			ProjectFileCollection projectFiles,
		    ProjectPackageCollection packages,
		    CProjectConfiguration configuration,
		    IProgressMonitor monitor)
			CompilerResults cr = new CompilerResults (new TempFileCollection ());
			bool res = true;
			string args = GetCompilerFlags (configuration);
			string outputName = Path.Combine (configuration.OutputDirectory,
			// Precompile header files and place them in .prec/<config_name>/
			string precdir = Path.Combine (configuration.SourceDirectory, ".prec");
			if (!Directory.Exists (precdir))
				Directory.CreateDirectory (precdir);
			precdir = Path.Combine (precdir, configuration.Name);
			if (!Directory.Exists (precdir))
				Directory.CreateDirectory (precdir);
			PrecompileHeaders (projectFiles, configuration, args);
			foreach (ProjectFile f in projectFiles) {
				if (f.Subtype == Subtype.Directory) continue;
				if (f.BuildAction == BuildAction.Compile) {
					if (configuration.UseCcache || NeedsCompiling (f))
						res = DoCompilation (f, args, packages, monitor, cr, configuration.UseCcache);
					res = true;
				if (!res) break;

			if (res) {
				switch (configuration.CompileTarget)
				case CBinding.CompileTarget.Bin:
					MakeBin (
						projectFiles, packages, configuration, cr, monitor, outputName);
				case CBinding.CompileTarget.StaticLibrary:
					MakeStaticLibrary (
						projectFiles, monitor, outputName);
				case CBinding.CompileTarget.SharedLibrary:
					MakeSharedLibrary (
						projectFiles, packages, configuration, cr, monitor, outputName);
			return new DefaultCompilerResult (cr, "");
        protected static string GeneratePkgConfigArgs(ProjectPackageCollection packages, string pkgConfigArg)
            if (packages == null || packages.Count < 1)
            string originalPkgConfigPath = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PKG_CONFIG_PATH");
            string pkgConfigPath         = originalPkgConfigPath;

            StringBuilder libs = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (Package p in packages)
                if (Path.IsPathRooted(p.File))
                    pkgConfigPath = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", pkgConfigPath, Path.PathSeparator, Path.GetDirectoryName(p.File));
                    libs.Append(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(p.File) + " ");
                    libs.Append(p.File + " ");

            string args = string.Format("{0} \"{1}\"", pkgConfigArg, libs.ToString().Trim());

            StringWriter   output = new StringWriter();
            ProcessWrapper proc   = new ProcessWrapper();

                Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("PKG_CONFIG_PATH", pkgConfigPath);
                proc = Runtime.ProcessService.StartProcess("pkg-config", args, null, null);

                string line;
                while ((line = proc.StandardOutput.ReadLine()) != null)
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageService.ShowException(ex, "You need to have pkg-config installed");
                Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("PKG_CONFIG_PATH", originalPkgConfigPath);

        private ProjectPackageCollection ProjectPackages(Project project)
            ProjectPackageCollection packages = new ProjectPackageCollection();

            foreach (CombineEntry c in project.ParentCombine.Entries)
                if (c is CProject)
                    CProject cproj             = (CProject)c;
                    CProjectConfiguration conf = (CProjectConfiguration)cproj.ActiveConfiguration;
                    if (conf.CompileTarget != CBinding.CompileTarget.Bin)
                        packages.Add(new ProjectPackage(cproj));

Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Compiles a single source file into object code
        /// and creates a file with it's dependencies.
        /// </summary>
        private bool DoCompilation(ProjectFile file, string args,
                                   ProjectPackageCollection packages,
                                   IProgressMonitor monitor,
                                   CompilerResults cr,
                                   bool use_ccache)
            string outputName = Path.ChangeExtension(file.Name, ".o");
            string pkgargs    = GeneratePkgCompilerArgs(packages);

            string compiler_args = string.Format("{0} -MMD {1} {2} -c -o {3} {4}",
                                                 (use_ccache ? compilerCommand : string.Empty), file.Name, args, outputName, pkgargs);

            monitor.Log.WriteLine("using: " + compilerCommand + " " + compiler_args);

            ProcessWrapper p = Runtime.ProcessService.StartProcess(
                (use_ccache ? "ccache" : compilerCommand), compiler_args, null, null);


            string line;

            StringWriter error = new StringWriter();

            while ((line = p.StandardError.ReadLine()) != null)


            ParseCompilerOutput(error.ToString(), cr);


            bool result = p.ExitCode == 0;


Esempio n. 8
        protected string GeneratePkgLinkerArgs(ProjectPackageCollection packages)
            if (packages == null || packages.Count < 1)

            StringBuilder libs = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (Package p in packages)
                libs.Append(p.File + " ");

            string args = string.Format("--libs {0}", libs.ToString().Trim());

            StringWriter   output = new StringWriter();
            ProcessWrapper proc   = new ProcessWrapper();

            try {
                proc = Runtime.ProcessService.StartProcess("pkg-config", args, null, null);

                string line;
                while ((line = proc.StandardOutput.ReadLine()) != null)
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                MessageService.ShowException(ex, "You need to have pkg-config installed");
            } finally {

Esempio n. 9
		private void MakeSharedLibrary(Project project,
		                               ProjectFileCollection projectFiles,
		                               CProjectConfiguration configuration,
		                               ProjectPackageCollection packages,
		                               CompilerResults cr,
		                               IProgressMonitor monitor, string outputName)
			if (!NeedsUpdate (projectFiles, configuration, outputName)) return;
			string objectFiles = string.Join (" ", ObjectFiles (projectFiles, configuration, true));
			string pkgargs = GeneratePkgLinkerArgs (packages);
			StringBuilder args = new StringBuilder ();
			if (configuration.ExtraLinkerArguments != null && configuration.ExtraLinkerArguments.Length > 0) {
				string extraLinkerArgs = ExpandBacktickedParameters(configuration.ExtraLinkerArguments.Replace ('\n', ' '));
				args.Append (extraLinkerArgs + " ");
			if (configuration.LibPaths != null)
				foreach (string libpath in configuration.LibPaths)
					args.Append ("-L\"" + StringParserService.Parse (libpath, GetStringTags (project)) + "\" ");
			if (configuration.Libs != null) {
				foreach (string lib in configuration.Libs) {
					string directory = Path.GetDirectoryName(lib);
					string library = Path.GetFileName(lib);

					// Is this a 'standard' (as in, uses an orthodox naming convention) library..?
					string link_lib = String.Empty;
					if(IsStandardLibrary(configuration, directory, library, ref link_lib))
						args.Append ("-l\"" + link_lib + "\" ");
					// If not, reference the library by it's full pathname.
						args.Append ("\"" + lib + "\" ");
			string linker_args = string.Format ("-shared -o \"{0}\" {1} {2} {3}",
			    outputName, pkgargs, objectFiles, args.ToString ());
			monitor.BeginTask (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Generating shared object \"{0}\" from object files", Path.GetFileName (outputName)), 1);
			string errorOutput;
			int exitCode = ExecuteCommand (linkerCommand , linker_args, Path.GetDirectoryName (outputName), monitor, out errorOutput);
			if (exitCode == 0)
				monitor.Step (1);
			monitor.EndTask ();
			ParseCompilerOutput (errorOutput, cr);
			ParseLinkerOutput (errorOutput, cr);
			CheckReturnCode (exitCode, cr);
Esempio n. 10
		private void MakeStaticLibrary (Project project,
		                                ProjectFileCollection projectFiles,
		                                CProjectConfiguration configuration,
		                                ProjectPackageCollection packages,
		                                CompilerResults cr,
		                                IProgressMonitor monitor, string outputName)
			if (!NeedsUpdate (projectFiles, configuration, outputName)) return;
			string objectFiles = string.Join (" ", ObjectFiles (projectFiles, configuration, true));
			string args = string.Format ("rcs \"{0}\" {1}", outputName, objectFiles);
			monitor.BeginTask (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Generating static library {0} from object files", Path.GetFileName (outputName)), 1);
			string errorOutput;
			int exitCode = ExecuteCommand ("ar", args, Path.GetDirectoryName (outputName), monitor, out errorOutput);
			if (exitCode == 0)
				monitor.Step (1);
			monitor.EndTask ();
			ParseCompilerOutput (errorOutput, cr);
			ParseLinkerOutput (errorOutput, cr);
			CheckReturnCode (exitCode, cr);
		public void AddRange (ProjectPackageCollection packages)
			foreach (ProjectPackage p in packages)
				List.Add (p);
		public ProjectPackageEnumerator (ProjectPackageCollection packages)
			temp = (IEnumerable)packages;
			enumerator = temp.GetEnumerator ();
		public EditPackagesDialog(CProject project)
			this.project = project;
			selectedPackages.AddRange (project.Packages);
			Gtk.CellRendererText textRenderer = new Gtk.CellRendererText ();
			Gtk.CellRendererPixbuf pixbufRenderer = new Gtk.CellRendererPixbuf ();
			pixbufRenderer.StockId = "md-package";
			// <!-- Normal packages -->
			Gtk.CellRendererToggle normalPackageToggleRenderer = new Gtk.CellRendererToggle ();
			normalPackageToggleRenderer.Activatable = true;
			normalPackageToggleRenderer.Toggled += OnNormalPackageToggled;
			normalPackageToggleRenderer.Xalign = 0;
			Gtk.TreeViewColumn normalPackageColumn = new Gtk.TreeViewColumn ();
			normalPackageColumn.Title = "Package";
			normalPackageColumn.PackStart (pixbufRenderer, false);
			normalPackageColumn.PackStart (textRenderer, true);
			normalPackageColumn.AddAttribute (textRenderer, "text", 1);
			normalPackageTreeView.Model = normalPackageListStore;
			normalPackageTreeView.HeadersVisible = true;
			normalPackageTreeView.AppendColumn ("", normalPackageToggleRenderer, "active", 0);
			normalPackageTreeView.AppendColumn (normalPackageColumn);
			normalPackageTreeView.AppendColumn ("Version", textRenderer, "text", 2);
			// <!-- Project packages -->
			Gtk.CellRendererToggle projectPackageToggleRenderer = new Gtk.CellRendererToggle ();
			projectPackageToggleRenderer.Activatable = true;
			projectPackageToggleRenderer.Toggled += OnProjectPackageToggled;
			projectPackageToggleRenderer.Xalign = 0;
			Gtk.TreeViewColumn projectPackageColumn = new Gtk.TreeViewColumn ();
			projectPackageColumn.Title = "Package";
			projectPackageColumn.PackStart (pixbufRenderer, false);
			projectPackageColumn.PackStart (textRenderer, true);
			projectPackageColumn.AddAttribute (textRenderer, "text", 1);
			projectPackageTreeView.Model = projectPackageListStore;
			projectPackageTreeView.HeadersVisible = true;
			projectPackageTreeView.AppendColumn ("", projectPackageToggleRenderer, "active", 0);
			projectPackageTreeView.AppendColumn (projectPackageColumn);
			projectPackageTreeView.AppendColumn ("Version", textRenderer, "text", 2);
			// <!-- Selected packages -->
			Gtk.TreeViewColumn selectedPackageColumn = new Gtk.TreeViewColumn ();
			selectedPackageColumn.Title = "Package";
			selectedPackageColumn.PackStart (pixbufRenderer, false);
			selectedPackageColumn.PackStart (textRenderer, true);
			selectedPackageColumn.AddAttribute (textRenderer, "text", 0);
			selectedPackagesTreeView.Model = selectedPackagesListStore;
			selectedPackagesTreeView.HeadersVisible = true;
			selectedPackagesTreeView.AppendColumn (selectedPackageColumn);
			selectedPackagesTreeView.AppendColumn ("Version", textRenderer, "text", 1);
			// Fill up the project tree view
			projectPackages = ProjectPackages (project);
			foreach (ProjectPackage p in projectPackages) {
				if (p.Name == project.Name) continue;
				string version = GetPackageVersion (p.File);
				bool inProject = IsInProject (p.File);
				projectPackageListStore.AppendValues (inProject, p.Name, version);
				if (inProject)
					selectedPackagesListStore.AppendValues (p.Name, version);
			// Fill up the normal tree view
			foreach (string dir in ScanDirs ()) {
				if (Directory.Exists (dir)) {	
					DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo (dir);
					FileInfo[] availablePackages = di.GetFiles ("*.pc");
					foreach (FileInfo f in availablePackages) {
						if (!IsValidPackage (f.FullName)) { 
						string name = f.Name.Substring (0, f.Name.LastIndexOf ('.'));
						string version = GetPackageVersion (f.FullName);
						bool inProject = IsInProject (name);
						normalPackageListStore.AppendValues (inProject, name, version);
						if (inProject)
							selectedPackagesListStore.AppendValues (name, version);
Esempio n. 14
		protected static string GeneratePkgConfigArgs (ProjectPackageCollection packages, string pkgConfigArg)
			if (packages == null || packages.Count < 1)
				return string.Empty;
			string originalPkgConfigPath = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable ("PKG_CONFIG_PATH");
			string pkgConfigPath = originalPkgConfigPath;
			StringBuilder libs = new StringBuilder ();
			foreach (Package p in packages) {
				if (Path.IsPathRooted (p.File)) {
					pkgConfigPath = string.Format ("{0}{1}{2}", pkgConfigPath, Path.PathSeparator, Path.GetDirectoryName (p.File));
					libs.Append (Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (p.File) + " ");
				} else {
					libs.Append (p.File + " ");
			string args = string.Format ("{0} \"{1}\"", pkgConfigArg, libs.ToString ().Trim ());
			StringWriter output = new StringWriter ();			
			ProcessWrapper proc = new ProcessWrapper ();
			try {			
				Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable ("PKG_CONFIG_PATH", pkgConfigPath);
				proc = Runtime.ProcessService.StartProcess ("pkg-config", args, null, null);
				proc.WaitForExit ();
				string line;
				while ((line = proc.StandardOutput.ReadLine ()) != null)
					output.WriteLine (line);
			} catch (Exception ex) {
				MessageService.ShowError ("You need to have pkg-config installed");
			} finally {
				proc.Close ();
				Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable ("PKG_CONFIG_PATH", originalPkgConfigPath);
			return output.ToString ();
Esempio n. 15
 protected string GeneratePkgLinkerArgs(ProjectPackageCollection packages)
     return(GeneratePkgConfigArgs(packages, "--libs"));
        public override BuildResult Compile(
            Project project,
            ProjectFileCollection projectFiles,
            ProjectPackageCollection packages,
            CProjectConfiguration configuration,
            ProgressMonitor monitor)
            if (!appsChecked)
                appsChecked   = true;
                compilerFound = CheckApp(compilerCommand);
                linkerFound   = CheckApp(linkerCommand);

            if (!compilerFound)
                BuildResult cres = new BuildResult();
                cres.AddError("Compiler not found: " + compilerCommand);

            if (!linkerFound)
                BuildResult cres = new BuildResult();
                cres.AddError("Linker not found: " + linkerCommand);

            CompilerResults cr           = new CompilerResults(new TempFileCollection());
            bool            success      = true;
            string          compilerArgs = GetCompilerFlags(project, configuration) + " " + GeneratePkgCompilerArgs(packages);

            string outputName = Path.Combine(configuration.OutputDirectory,

            // Precompile header files and place them in prec/<config_name>/
            if (configuration.PrecompileHeaders)
                string precDir       = Path.Combine(configuration.IntermediateOutputDirectory, "prec");
                string precConfigDir = Path.Combine(precDir, configuration.Id);
                if (!Directory.Exists(precDir))
                if (!Directory.Exists(precConfigDir))

                if (!PrecompileHeaders(projectFiles, configuration, compilerArgs, monitor, cr))
                    success = false;
                //old headers could interfere with the build

            //compile source to object files
            monitor.BeginTask(GettextCatalog.GetString("Compiling source to object files"), 1);
            foreach (ProjectFile f in projectFiles)
                if (!success)
                if (f.Subtype == Subtype.Directory || f.BuildAction != BuildAction.Compile || CProject.IsHeaderFile(f.FilePath))

                if (configuration.UseCcache || NeedsCompiling(f, configuration))
                    success = DoCompilation(f, configuration, compilerArgs, monitor, cr, configuration.UseCcache);
            if (success)

            if (success)
                switch (configuration.CompileTarget)
                case CBinding.CompileTarget.Bin:
                    MakeBin(project, projectFiles, configuration, packages, cr, monitor, outputName);

                case CBinding.CompileTarget.StaticLibrary:
                    MakeStaticLibrary(project, projectFiles, configuration, packages, cr, monitor, outputName);

                case CBinding.CompileTarget.SharedLibrary:
                    MakeSharedLibrary(project, projectFiles, configuration, packages, cr, monitor, outputName);

            return(new BuildResult(cr, ""));
Esempio n. 17
		protected string GeneratePkgLinkerArgs (ProjectPackageCollection packages)
			return GeneratePkgConfigArgs (packages, "--libs");
        private void MakeSharedLibrary(Project project,
                                       ProjectFileCollection projectFiles,
                                       CProjectConfiguration configuration,
                                       ProjectPackageCollection packages,
                                       CompilerResults cr,
                                       ProgressMonitor monitor, string outputName)
            if (!NeedsUpdate(projectFiles, configuration, outputName))

            string        objectFiles = string.Join(" ", ObjectFiles(projectFiles, configuration, true));
            string        pkgargs     = GeneratePkgLinkerArgs(packages);
            StringBuilder args        = new StringBuilder();

            if (configuration.ExtraLinkerArguments != null && configuration.ExtraLinkerArguments.Length > 0)
                string extraLinkerArgs = ExpandBacktickedParameters(configuration.ExtraLinkerArguments.Replace('\n', ' '));
                args.Append(extraLinkerArgs + " ");

            if (configuration.LibPaths != null)
                foreach (string libpath in configuration.LibPaths)
                    args.Append("-L\"" + StringParserService.Parse(libpath, GetStringTags(project)) + "\" ");

            if (configuration.Libs != null)
                foreach (string lib in configuration.Libs)
                    string directory = Path.GetDirectoryName(lib);
                    string library   = Path.GetFileName(lib);

                    // Is this a 'standard' (as in, uses an orthodox naming convention) library..?
                    string link_lib = String.Empty;
                    if (IsStandardLibrary(configuration, directory, library, ref link_lib))
                        args.Append("-l\"" + link_lib + "\" ");
                    // If not, reference the library by it's full pathname.
                        args.Append("\"" + lib + "\" ");

            string linker_args = string.Format("-shared -o \"{0}\" {1} {2} {3}",
                                               outputName, objectFiles, pkgargs, args.ToString());

            monitor.BeginTask(GettextCatalog.GetString("Generating shared object \"{0}\" from object files", Path.GetFileName(outputName)), 1);

            string errorOutput;
            int    exitCode = ExecuteCommand(linkerCommand, linker_args, Path.GetDirectoryName(outputName), monitor, out errorOutput);

            if (exitCode == 0)

            ParseCompilerOutput(errorOutput, cr);
            ParseLinkerOutput(errorOutput, cr);
            CheckReturnCode(exitCode, cr);
Esempio n. 19
		/// <summary>
		/// Compiles a single source file into object code
		/// and creates a file with it's dependencies.
		/// </summary>
		private bool DoCompilation (ProjectFile file, string args,
		                            ProjectPackageCollection packages,
		                            IProgressMonitor monitor,
		                            CompilerResults cr,
		                            bool use_ccache)
			string outputName = Path.ChangeExtension (file.Name, ".o");
			string pkgargs = GeneratePkgCompilerArgs (packages);
			string compiler_args = string.Format ("{0} -MMD {1} {2} -c -o {3} {4}",
			    (use_ccache ? compilerCommand : string.Empty), file.Name, args, outputName, pkgargs);
			monitor.Log.WriteLine ("using: " + compilerCommand + " " + compiler_args);
			ProcessWrapper p = Runtime.ProcessService.StartProcess (
			    (use_ccache ? "ccache" : compilerCommand), compiler_args, null, null);

			p.WaitForExit ();
			string line;
			StringWriter error = new StringWriter ();
			while ((line = p.StandardError.ReadLine ()) != null)
				error.WriteLine (line);
			monitor.Log.WriteLine (error.ToString ());
			ParseCompilerOutput (error.ToString (), cr);
			error.Close ();
			bool result = p.ExitCode == 0;
			p.Close ();
			return result;
Esempio n. 20
        public override ICompilerResult Compile(
            ProjectFileCollection projectFiles,
            ProjectPackageCollection packages,
            CProjectConfiguration configuration,
            IProgressMonitor monitor)
            CompilerResults cr   = new CompilerResults(new TempFileCollection());
            bool            res  = true;
            string          args = GetCompilerFlags(configuration);

            string outputName = Path.Combine(configuration.OutputDirectory,

            // Precompile header files and place them in .prec/<config_name>/
            string precdir = Path.Combine(configuration.SourceDirectory, ".prec");

            if (!Directory.Exists(precdir))
            precdir = Path.Combine(precdir, configuration.Name);
            if (!Directory.Exists(precdir))

            PrecompileHeaders(projectFiles, configuration, args);

            foreach (ProjectFile f in projectFiles)
                if (f.Subtype == Subtype.Directory)

                if (f.BuildAction == BuildAction.Compile)
                    if (configuration.UseCcache || NeedsCompiling(f))
                        res = DoCompilation(f, args, packages, monitor, cr, configuration.UseCcache);
                    res = true;

                if (!res)

            if (res)
                switch (configuration.CompileTarget)
                case CBinding.CompileTarget.Bin:
                        projectFiles, packages, configuration, cr, monitor, outputName);

                case CBinding.CompileTarget.StaticLibrary:
                        projectFiles, monitor, outputName);

                case CBinding.CompileTarget.SharedLibrary:
                        projectFiles, packages, configuration, cr, monitor, outputName);

            return(new DefaultCompilerResult(cr, ""));
Esempio n. 21
		public override BuildResult Compile (
		    Project project,
		    ProjectFileCollection projectFiles,
		    ProjectPackageCollection packages,
		    CProjectConfiguration configuration,
		    IProgressMonitor monitor)
			if (!appsChecked) {
				appsChecked = true;
				compilerFound = CheckApp (compilerCommand);
				linkerFound = CheckApp (linkerCommand);
			if (!compilerFound) {
				BuildResult cres = new BuildResult ();
				cres.AddError ("Compiler not found: " + compilerCommand);
				return cres;
			if (!linkerFound) {
				BuildResult cres = new BuildResult ();
				cres.AddError ("Linker not found: " + linkerCommand);
				return cres;
			CompilerResults cr = new CompilerResults (new TempFileCollection ());
			bool success = true;
			string compilerArgs = GetCompilerFlags (project, configuration) + " " + GeneratePkgCompilerArgs (packages);
			string outputName = Path.Combine (configuration.OutputDirectory,
			// Precompile header files and place them in .prec/<config_name>/
			if (configuration.PrecompileHeaders) {
				string precDir = Path.Combine (configuration.SourceDirectory, ".prec");
				string precConfigDir = Path.Combine (precDir, configuration.Id);
				if (!Directory.Exists (precDir))
					Directory.CreateDirectory (precDir);
				if (!Directory.Exists (precConfigDir))
					Directory.CreateDirectory (precConfigDir);
				if (!PrecompileHeaders (projectFiles, configuration, compilerArgs, monitor, cr))
					success = false;
			} else {
				//old headers could interfere with the build
				CleanPrecompiledHeaders (configuration);
			//compile source to object files
			monitor.BeginTask (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Compiling source to object files"), 1);
			foreach (ProjectFile f in projectFiles) {
				if (!success) break;
				if (f.Subtype == Subtype.Directory || f.BuildAction != BuildAction.Compile || CProject.IsHeaderFile (f.FilePath))
				if (configuration.UseCcache || NeedsCompiling (f, configuration))
					success = DoCompilation (f, configuration, compilerArgs, monitor, cr, configuration.UseCcache);
			if (success)
				monitor.Step (1);
			monitor.EndTask ();

			if (success) {
				switch (configuration.CompileTarget)
				case CBinding.CompileTarget.Bin:
					MakeBin (project, projectFiles, configuration, packages, cr, monitor, outputName);
				case CBinding.CompileTarget.StaticLibrary:
					MakeStaticLibrary (project, projectFiles, configuration, packages, cr, monitor, outputName);
				case CBinding.CompileTarget.SharedLibrary:
					MakeSharedLibrary (project, projectFiles, configuration, packages, cr, monitor, outputName);
			return new BuildResult (cr, "");
Esempio n. 22
		private void MakeSharedLibrary(ProjectFileCollection projectFiles,
		                               ProjectPackageCollection packages,
		                               CProjectConfiguration configuration,
		                               CompilerResults cr,
		                               IProgressMonitor monitor, string outputName)
			if (!NeedsUpdate (projectFiles, outputName)) return;
			string objectFiles = StringArrayToSingleString (ObjectFiles (projectFiles));
			string pkgargs = GeneratePkgLinkerArgs (packages);
			StringBuilder args = new StringBuilder ();
			CCompilationParameters cp =
			if (cp.ExtraLinkerArguments != null && cp.ExtraLinkerArguments.Length > 0) {
				string extraLinkerArgs = cp.ExtraLinkerArguments.Replace ('\n', ' ');
				args.Append (extraLinkerArgs + " ");
			if (configuration.LibPaths != null)
				foreach (string libpath in configuration.LibPaths)
					args.Append ("-L" + libpath + " ");
			if (configuration.Libs != null)
				foreach (string lib in configuration.Libs)
					args.Append ("-l" + lib + " ");
			monitor.Log.WriteLine ("Generating shared object...");
			string linker_args = string.Format ("-shared -o {0} {1} {2} {3}",
			    outputName, objectFiles, args.ToString (), pkgargs);
			monitor.Log.WriteLine ("using: " + linkerCommand + " " + linker_args);
			ProcessWrapper p = Runtime.ProcessService.StartProcess (linkerCommand, linker_args, null, null);

			p.WaitForExit ();
			string line;
			StringWriter error = new StringWriter ();
			while ((line = p.StandardError.ReadLine ()) != null)
				error.WriteLine (line);
			monitor.Log.WriteLine (error.ToString ());
			ParseCompilerOutput (error.ToString (), cr);
			error.Close ();
			p.Close ();
			ParseLinkerOutput (error.ToString (), cr);
Esempio n. 23
		public abstract BuildResult Compile (
		    Project project,
		    ProjectFileCollection projectFiles,
		    ProjectPackageCollection packages,
		    CProjectConfiguration configuration,
		    IProgressMonitor monitor);
Esempio n. 24
        private void MakeSharedLibrary(ProjectFileCollection projectFiles,
                                       ProjectPackageCollection packages,
                                       CProjectConfiguration configuration,
                                       CompilerResults cr,
                                       IProgressMonitor monitor, string outputName)
            if (!NeedsUpdate(projectFiles, outputName))

            string                 objectFiles = StringArrayToSingleString(ObjectFiles(projectFiles));
            string                 pkgargs     = GeneratePkgLinkerArgs(packages);
            StringBuilder          args        = new StringBuilder();
            CCompilationParameters cp          =

            if (cp.ExtraLinkerArguments != null && cp.ExtraLinkerArguments.Length > 0)
                string extraLinkerArgs = cp.ExtraLinkerArguments.Replace('\n', ' ');
                args.Append(extraLinkerArgs + " ");

            if (configuration.LibPaths != null)
                foreach (string libpath in configuration.LibPaths)
                    args.Append("-L" + libpath + " ");

            if (configuration.Libs != null)
                foreach (string lib in configuration.Libs)
                    args.Append("-l" + lib + " ");

            monitor.Log.WriteLine("Generating shared object...");

            string linker_args = string.Format("-shared -o {0} {1} {2} {3}",
                                               outputName, objectFiles, args.ToString(), pkgargs);

            monitor.Log.WriteLine("using: " + linkerCommand + " " + linker_args);

            ProcessWrapper p = Runtime.ProcessService.StartProcess(linkerCommand, linker_args, null, null);


            string       line;
            StringWriter error = new StringWriter();

            while ((line = p.StandardError.ReadLine()) != null)


            ParseCompilerOutput(error.ToString(), cr);


            ParseLinkerOutput(error.ToString(), cr);
Esempio n. 25
		protected string GeneratePkgCompilerArgs (ProjectPackageCollection packages)
			return GeneratePkgConfigArgs (packages, "--cflags");
        public EditPackagesDialog(CProject project)

            this.project = project;


            Gtk.CellRendererText textRenderer = new Gtk.CellRendererText();

            Gtk.CellRendererPixbuf pixbufRenderer = new Gtk.CellRendererPixbuf();
            pixbufRenderer.StockId = "md-package";

            // <!-- Normal packages -->

            Gtk.CellRendererToggle normalPackageToggleRenderer = new Gtk.CellRendererToggle();
            normalPackageToggleRenderer.Activatable = true;
            normalPackageToggleRenderer.Toggled    += OnNormalPackageToggled;
            normalPackageToggleRenderer.Xalign      = 0;

            Gtk.TreeViewColumn normalPackageColumn = new Gtk.TreeViewColumn();
            normalPackageColumn.Title = "Package";
            normalPackageColumn.PackStart(pixbufRenderer, false);
            normalPackageColumn.PackStart(textRenderer, true);
            normalPackageColumn.AddAttribute(textRenderer, "text", 1);

            normalPackageTreeView.Model          = normalPackageListStore;
            normalPackageTreeView.HeadersVisible = true;
            normalPackageTreeView.AppendColumn("", normalPackageToggleRenderer, "active", 0);
            normalPackageTreeView.AppendColumn("Version", textRenderer, "text", 2);

            // <!-- Project packages -->

            Gtk.CellRendererToggle projectPackageToggleRenderer = new Gtk.CellRendererToggle();
            projectPackageToggleRenderer.Activatable = true;
            projectPackageToggleRenderer.Toggled    += OnProjectPackageToggled;
            projectPackageToggleRenderer.Xalign      = 0;

            Gtk.TreeViewColumn projectPackageColumn = new Gtk.TreeViewColumn();
            projectPackageColumn.Title = "Package";
            projectPackageColumn.PackStart(pixbufRenderer, false);
            projectPackageColumn.PackStart(textRenderer, true);
            projectPackageColumn.AddAttribute(textRenderer, "text", 1);

            projectPackageTreeView.Model          = projectPackageListStore;
            projectPackageTreeView.HeadersVisible = true;
            projectPackageTreeView.AppendColumn("", projectPackageToggleRenderer, "active", 0);
            projectPackageTreeView.AppendColumn("Version", textRenderer, "text", 2);

            // <!-- Selected packages -->

            Gtk.TreeViewColumn selectedPackageColumn = new Gtk.TreeViewColumn();
            selectedPackageColumn.Title = "Package";
            selectedPackageColumn.PackStart(pixbufRenderer, false);
            selectedPackageColumn.PackStart(textRenderer, true);
            selectedPackageColumn.AddAttribute(textRenderer, "text", 0);

            selectedPackagesTreeView.Model          = selectedPackagesListStore;
            selectedPackagesTreeView.HeadersVisible = true;
            selectedPackagesTreeView.AppendColumn("Version", textRenderer, "text", 1);

            // Fill up the project tree view
            projectPackages = ProjectPackages(project);

            foreach (ProjectPackage p in projectPackages)
                if (p.Name == project.Name)
                string version   = GetPackageVersion(p.File);
                bool   inProject = IsInProject(p.File);
                projectPackageListStore.AppendValues(inProject, p.Name, version);

                if (inProject)
                    selectedPackagesListStore.AppendValues(p.Name, version);

            // Fill up the normal tree view
            foreach (string dir in ScanDirs())
                if (Directory.Exists(dir))
                    DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(dir);
                    FileInfo[]    availablePackages = di.GetFiles("*.pc");

                    foreach (FileInfo f in availablePackages)
                        if (!IsValidPackage(f.FullName))
                        string name      = f.Name.Substring(0, f.Name.LastIndexOf('.'));
                        string version   = GetPackageVersion(f.FullName);
                        bool   inProject = IsInProject(name);
                        normalPackageListStore.AppendValues(inProject, name, version);

                        if (inProject)
                            selectedPackagesListStore.AppendValues(name, version);
Esempio n. 27
 public abstract BuildResult Compile(
     Project project,
     ProjectFileCollection projectFiles,
     ProjectPackageCollection packages,
     CProjectConfiguration configuration,
     IProgressMonitor monitor);
		private ProjectPackageCollection ProjectPackages (Project project)
			ProjectPackageCollection packages = new ProjectPackageCollection ();
			foreach (CombineEntry c in project.ParentCombine.Entries) {
				if (c is CProject) {
					CProject cproj = (CProject)c;
					CProjectConfiguration conf = (CProjectConfiguration)cproj.ActiveConfiguration;
					if (conf.CompileTarget != CBinding.CompileTarget.Bin) {
						cproj.WriteMDPkgPackage ();
						packages.Add (new ProjectPackage (cproj));
			return packages;
Esempio n. 29
 protected string GeneratePkgCompilerArgs(ProjectPackageCollection packages)
     return(GeneratePkgConfigArgs(packages, "--cflags"));
 public ProjectPackageEnumerator(ProjectPackageCollection packages)
     temp       = (IEnumerable)packages;
     enumerator = temp.GetEnumerator();