Esempio n. 1
 public MatrixF Translate(CoordinateF translation)
     return(new MatrixF(Values[0], Values[1], Values[2], Values[3],
                        Values[4], Values[5], Values[6], Values[7],
                        Values[8], Values[9], Values[10], Values[11],
                        Values[12] + translation.X, Values[13] + translation.Y, Values[14] + translation.Z, Values[15]));
Esempio n. 2
        public CoordinateF ClosestPoint(CoordinateF point)

            var delta = End - Start;
            var den   = delta.LengthSquared();

            if (den == 0)
                return(Start);          // Start and End are the same
            var numPoint = (point - Start).ComponentMultiply(delta);
            var num      = numPoint.X + numPoint.Y + numPoint.Z;
            var u        = num / den;

            if (u < 0)
                return(Start);       // Point is before the segment start
            if (u > 1)
                return(End);         // Point is after the segment end
            return(Start + u * delta);
Esempio n. 3
        public bool EquivalentTo(CoordinateF test, float delta = 0.0001f)
            var xd = Math.Abs(X - test.X);
            var yd = Math.Abs(Y - test.Y);
            var zd = Math.Abs(Z - test.Z);

            return((xd < delta) && (yd < delta) && (zd < delta));
Esempio n. 4
        public CoordinateF Cross(CoordinateF that)
            var xv = (Y * that.Z) - (Z * that.Y);
            var yv = (Z * that.X) - (X * that.Z);
            var zv = (X * that.Y) - (Y * that.X);

            return(new CoordinateF(xv, yv, zv));
Esempio n. 5
        public CoordinateF Rotate(CoordinateF coord)
            var q    = new QuaternionF(coord.Normalise(), 0);
            var temp = q * Conjugate();

            return((this * temp).Vector);
Esempio n. 6
 public Coordinate(CoordinateF other)
     _x  = (decimal)other.X;
     _y  = (decimal)other.Y;
     _z  = (decimal)other.Z;
     _dx = other.X;
     _dy = other.Y;
     _dy = other.Z;
Esempio n. 7
        public static MatrixF Scale(CoordinateF scale)
            var m = Identity;

            m.Values[0]  = scale.X;
            m.Values[5]  = scale.Y;
            m.Values[10] = scale.Z;
Esempio n. 8
        public static MatrixF Translation(CoordinateF translation)
            var m = Identity;

            m.Values[12] = translation.X;
            m.Values[13] = translation.Y;
            m.Values[14] = translation.Z;
Esempio n. 9
        public PlaneF(Plane p)
            Normal             = new CoordinateF(p.Normal);
            DistanceFromOrigin = (float)p.DistanceFromOrigin;
            PointOnPlane       = new CoordinateF(p.PointOnPlane);

            A = Normal.X;
            B = Normal.Y;
            C = Normal.Z;
            D = -DistanceFromOrigin;
Esempio n. 10
        public PlaneF(CoordinateF norm, CoordinateF pointOnPlane)
            Normal             = norm.Normalise();
            DistanceFromOrigin = Normal.Dot(pointOnPlane);
            PointOnPlane       = pointOnPlane;

            A = Normal.X;
            B = Normal.Y;
            C = Normal.Z;
            D = -DistanceFromOrigin;
Esempio n. 11
        public PlaneF(CoordinateF norm, float distanceFromOrigin)
            Normal             = norm.Normalise();
            DistanceFromOrigin = distanceFromOrigin;
            PointOnPlane       = Normal * DistanceFromOrigin;

            A = Normal.X;
            B = Normal.Y;
            C = Normal.Z;
            D = -DistanceFromOrigin;
Esempio n. 12
 public bool Equals(CoordinateF other)
     if (ReferenceEquals(null, other))
     if (ReferenceEquals(this, other))
Esempio n. 13
        public static MatrixF Rotation(CoordinateF axis, float angle)
            var cos = (float)Math.Cos(-angle);
            var sin = (float)Math.Sin(-angle);
            var t   = 1f - cos;

            axis = axis.Normalise();

            return(new MatrixF(t * axis.X * axis.X + cos, t * axis.X * axis.Y - sin * axis.Z, t * axis.X * axis.Z + sin * axis.Y, 0,
                               t * axis.X * axis.Y + sin * axis.Z, t * axis.Y * axis.Y + cos, t * axis.Y * axis.Z - sin * axis.X, 0,
                               t * axis.X * axis.Z - sin * axis.Y, t * axis.Y * axis.Z + sin * axis.X, t * axis.Z * axis.Z + cos, 0,
                               0, 0, 0, 1));
Esempio n. 14
        public PlaneF(CoordinateF p1, CoordinateF p2, CoordinateF p3)
            var ab = p2 - p1;
            var ac = p3 - p1;

            Normal             = ac.Cross(ab).Normalise();
            DistanceFromOrigin = Normal.Dot(p1);
            PointOnPlane       = p1;

            A = Normal.X;
            B = Normal.Y;
            C = Normal.Z;
            D = -DistanceFromOrigin;
Esempio n. 15
        public static QuaternionF EulerAngles(CoordinateF angles)
            angles = angles / 2;
            var sy = (float)Math.Sin(angles.Z);
            var sp = (float)Math.Sin(angles.Y);
            var sr = (float)Math.Sin(angles.X);
            var cy = (float)Math.Cos(angles.Z);
            var cp = (float)Math.Cos(angles.Y);
            var cr = (float)Math.Cos(angles.X);

            return(new QuaternionF(sr * cp * cy - cr * sp * sy,
                                   cr * sp * cy + sr * cp * sy,
                                   cr * cp * sy - sr * sp * cy,
                                   cr * cp * cy + sr * sp * sy));
Esempio n. 16
 public CoordinateF ComponentDivide(CoordinateF c)
     if (Math.Abs(c.X - 0) < 0.0001)
         c.X = 1;
     if (Math.Abs(c.Y - 0) < 0.0001)
         c.Y = 1;
     if (Math.Abs(c.Z - 0) < 0.0001)
         c.Z = 1;
     return(new CoordinateF(X / c.X, Y / c.Y, Z / c.Z));
Esempio n. 17
        ///  <summary>Finds if the given point is above, below, or on the plane.</summary>
        ///  <param name="co">The coordinate to test</param>
        /// <param name="epsilon">Tolerance value</param>
        /// <returns>
        ///  value == -1 if coordinate is below the plane<br />
        ///  value == 1 if coordinate is above the plane<br />
        ///  value == 0 if coordinate is on the plane.
        /// </returns>
        public int OnPlane(CoordinateF co, float epsilon = 0.5f)
            //eval (s = Ax + By + Cz + D) at point (x,y,z)
            //if s > 0 then point is "above" the plane (same side as normal)
            //if s < 0 then it lies on the opposite side
            //if s = 0 then the point (x,y,z) lies on the plane
            var res = EvalAtPoint(co);

            if (Math.Abs(res) < epsilon)
            if (res < 0)
Esempio n. 18
        public BoxF(IEnumerable <BoxF> boxes)
            if (!boxes.Any())
                throw new Exception("Cannot create a bounding box out of zero other boxes.");
            var min = new CoordinateF(float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue);
            var max = new CoordinateF(float.MinValue, float.MinValue, float.MinValue);

            foreach (var box in boxes)
                min.X = Math.Min(box.Start.X, min.X);
                min.Y = Math.Min(box.Start.Y, min.Y);
                min.Z = Math.Min(box.Start.Z, min.Z);
                max.X = Math.Max(box.End.X, max.X);
                max.Y = Math.Max(box.End.Y, max.Y);
                max.Z = Math.Max(box.End.Z, max.Z);
            Start  = min;
            End    = max;
            Center = (Start + End) / 2;
Esempio n. 19
        public CoordinateF[][] GetBoxFaces()
            var topLeftBack   = new CoordinateF(Start.X, End.Y, End.Z);
            var topRightBack  = End.Clone();
            var topLeftFront  = new CoordinateF(Start.X, Start.Y, End.Z);
            var topRightFront = new CoordinateF(End.X, Start.Y, End.Z);

            var bottomLeftBack   = new CoordinateF(Start.X, End.Y, Start.Z);
            var bottomRightBack  = new CoordinateF(End.X, End.Y, Start.Z);
            var bottomLeftFront  = Start.Clone();
            var bottomRightFront = new CoordinateF(End.X, Start.Y, Start.Z);

                new[] { topLeftFront, topRightFront, bottomRightFront, bottomLeftFront },
                new[] { topRightBack, topLeftBack, bottomLeftBack, bottomRightBack },
                new[] { topLeftBack, topLeftFront, bottomLeftFront, bottomLeftBack },
                new[] { topRightFront, topRightBack, bottomRightBack, bottomRightFront },
                new[] { topLeftBack, topRightBack, topRightFront, topLeftFront },
                new[] { bottomLeftFront, bottomRightFront, bottomRightBack, bottomLeftBack }
Esempio n. 20
        public BoxF(IEnumerable <CoordinateF> coordinates)
            if (!coordinates.Any())
                throw new Exception("Cannot create a bounding box out of zero coordinates.");
            var min = new CoordinateF(float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue);
            var max = new CoordinateF(float.MinValue, float.MinValue, float.MinValue);

            foreach (var vertex in coordinates)
                min.X = Math.Min(vertex.X, min.X);
                min.Y = Math.Min(vertex.Y, min.Y);
                min.Z = Math.Min(vertex.Z, min.Z);
                max.X = Math.Max(vertex.X, max.X);
                max.Y = Math.Max(vertex.Y, max.Y);
                max.Z = Math.Max(vertex.Z, max.Z);
            Start  = min;
            End    = max;
            Center = (Start + End) / 2;
Esempio n. 21
        public IEnumerable <LineF> GetBoxLines()
            var topLeftBack   = new CoordinateF(Start.X, End.Y, End.Z);
            var topRightBack  = End.Clone();
            var topLeftFront  = new CoordinateF(Start.X, Start.Y, End.Z);
            var topRightFront = new CoordinateF(End.X, Start.Y, End.Z);

            var bottomLeftBack   = new CoordinateF(Start.X, End.Y, Start.Z);
            var bottomRightBack  = new CoordinateF(End.X, End.Y, Start.Z);
            var bottomLeftFront  = Start.Clone();
            var bottomRightFront = new CoordinateF(End.X, Start.Y, Start.Z);

            yield return(new LineF(topLeftBack, topRightBack));

            yield return(new LineF(topLeftFront, topRightFront));

            yield return(new LineF(topLeftBack, topLeftFront));

            yield return(new LineF(topRightBack, topRightFront));

            yield return(new LineF(topLeftBack, bottomLeftBack));

            yield return(new LineF(topLeftFront, bottomLeftFront));

            yield return(new LineF(topRightBack, bottomRightBack));

            yield return(new LineF(topRightFront, bottomRightFront));

            yield return(new LineF(bottomLeftBack, bottomRightBack));

            yield return(new LineF(bottomLeftFront, bottomRightFront));

            yield return(new LineF(bottomLeftBack, bottomLeftFront));

            yield return(new LineF(bottomRightBack, bottomRightFront));
Esempio n. 22
 public QuaternionF(CoordinateF vector, float scalar)
     Vector = vector;
     Scalar = scalar;
Esempio n. 23
 public CoordinateF ComponentMultiply(CoordinateF c)
     return(new CoordinateF(X * c.X, Y * c.Y, Z * c.Z));
Esempio n. 24
 public float Dot(CoordinateF c)
     return((X * c.X) + (Y * c.Y) + (Z * c.Z));
Esempio n. 25
 /// <summary>
 /// Project a point into the space of this plane. I.e. Get the point closest
 /// to the provided point that is on this plane.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="point">The point to project</param>
 /// <returns>The point projected onto this plane</returns>
 public CoordinateF Project(CoordinateF point)
     // Projected = Point - ((Point - PointOnPlane) . Normal) * Normal
     return(point - ((point - PointOnPlane).Dot(Normal)) * Normal);
Esempio n. 26
 public float EvalAtPoint(CoordinateF co)
     return(A * co.X + B * co.Y + C * co.Z + D);
Esempio n. 27
 public static QuaternionF AxisAngle(CoordinateF axis, float angle)
     return(Math.Abs(axis.VectorMagnitude()) < 0.0001
                ? Identity
                : new QuaternionF(axis.Normalise() * (float)Math.Sin(angle / 2), (float)Math.Cos(angle / 2)).Normalise());
Esempio n. 28
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns true if the given coordinate is inside this box.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="c"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public bool CoordinateIsInside(CoordinateF c)
     return(c.X >= Start.X && c.Y >= Start.Y && c.Z >= Start.Z &&
            c.X <= End.X && c.Y <= End.Y && c.Z <= End.Z);
Esempio n. 29
 public QuaternionF(float x, float y, float z, float w)
     Vector = new CoordinateF(x, y, z);
     Scalar = w;
Esempio n. 30
 public BoxF(CoordinateF start, CoordinateF end)
     Start  = start;
     End    = end;
     Center = (Start + End) / 2;