protected void PasswordSaveButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            long userid = Convert.ToInt64(Session["UserID"]);
            string oldpassword = OldPasswordTextBox.Text;
            string newpassword = NewPasswordTextBox.Text;
            string confirmpassword = Server.HtmlEncode(ConfirmPasswordTextBox.Text);
            string hash = null;
            string salt = null;
            string goodHash = null;
            bool chk = false;
            UserBL userBL = new UserBL();
            var user = userBL.GetUsersByID(userid);

                    hash = user.ElementAt(0).Password;
                    salt = user.ElementAt(0).PasswordSalt;
                    goodHash = "1000:" + salt + ":" + hash;
                    chk =  Authentication.ValidatePassword(oldpassword,goodHash);

            if (chk == true)
                if(newpassword.Length >=6)
                    if(newpassword == confirmpassword)
                        // save password
                        ErrorLabel.Text = "Success and Saved!";

                            TextBox pe = (TextBox)UsersDetailsView.FindControl("PasswordTextBox");
                            pe.Text = newpassword;
                            ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "script", "CloseModal('BodyContent_ModalPanel1');", true);

                        // new and confirm did not match
                        ErrorLabel.Text = "Confirm Password did not match! Please try again";

                    // more than 6 char
                    ErrorLabel.Text = "Password length should be more than 5 characters";

                // password not match;
                ErrorLabel.Text = "Wrong Password! Please try again.";
