private void BulletinBoard_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            for (int i = 0; i < DepartmentArr.Length; i++)
                CCBoxItem item = new CCBoxItem(DepartmentArr[i], i);

            // If more then 5 items, add a scroll bar to the dropdown.
            CBDepartment.MaxDropDownItems = 5;
            // Make the "Name" property the one to display, rather than the ToString() representation.
            CBDepartment.DisplayMember  = "Name";
            CBDepartment.ValueSeparator = ", ";
            // Check the first 2 items.
            CBDepartment.SetItemChecked(0, true);
            CBDepartment.SetItemChecked(1, true);
            CBDepartment.SetItemChecked(2, true);
            CBDepartment.SetItemChecked(3, true);
            CBDepartment.SetItemChecked(4, true);
            //ccb.SetItemCheckState(1, CheckState.Indeterminate);

            if (CBDepartment.CheckedIndices.Contains(1))
                for (int i = 0; i < GroupArr.Length; i++)
                    CCBoxItem item2 = new CCBoxItem(GroupArr[i], i);

                // If more then 5 items, add a scroll bar to the dropdown.
                CBGroup.MaxDropDownItems = 3;
                // Make the "Name" property the one to display, rather than the ToString() representation.
                CBGroup.DisplayMember  = "Name";
                CBGroup.ValueSeparator = ", ";
                // Check the first 2 items.
                CBGroup.SetItemChecked(0, true);
                CBGroup.SetItemChecked(1, true);
                //ccb.SetItemCheckState(1, CheckState.Indeterminate);
        private void CBDepartment_DropDownClosed(object sender, EventArgs e)
            BusinessDataBaseEntities dbContext;

            this.dataGridView1.DataSource = null;


            if (CBDepartment.CheckedIndices.Contains(1))
                for (int i = 0; i < GroupArr.Length; i++)
                    CCBoxItem item2 = new CCBoxItem(GroupArr[i], i);

                // If more then 5 items, add a scroll bar to the dropdown.
                CBGroup.MaxDropDownItems = 2;
                // Make the "Name" property the one to display, rather than the ToString() representation.
                CBGroup.DisplayMember  = "Name";
                CBGroup.ValueSeparator = ", ";
                // Check the first 2 items.
                CBGroup.SetItemChecked(0, true);
                CBGroup.SetItemChecked(1, true);
                //CBGroup.SetItemCheckState(1, CheckState.Indeterminate);

                //foreach (CCBoxItem item in CBDepartment.CheckedItems)
                //    sb.Append(item.Name).Append(CBDepartment.ValueSeparator);
                CBGroup.Text = "(無組別)";

            DataTable dt = new DataTable();

            dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("部門", typeof(string)));
            dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("組別", typeof(string)));
            dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("姓名", typeof(string)));
            dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("留言內容", typeof(string)));
            dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("張貼時間", typeof(DateTime)));

            dbContext = new BusinessDataBaseEntities();

            this.dataGridView1.DataSource = null;
            this.dataGridView1.DataSource = dt;

            if (CBDepartment.CheckedIndices.Contains(0))
                var q = from b in dbContext.BulletinBoards.AsEnumerable()
                        join d in dbContext.Departments.AsEnumerable()
                        on b.DepartmentID equals d.departmentID
                        join g in dbContext.Groups.AsEnumerable()
                        on b.GroupID equals g.GroupID
                        join em in dbContext.Employees.AsEnumerable()
                        on b.EmployeeID equals em.employeeID
                        where b.DepartmentID == 2
                        select new { 部門 =, 組別 = g.GroupName, 姓名 = em.EmployeeName, 留言內容 = b.Content, 張貼時間 = b.PostTime };

                q.OrderByDescending(o => o.張貼時間).ToList().ForEach(q1 => dt.Rows.Add(q1.部門, q1.組別, q1.姓名, q1.留言內容, q1.張貼時間));

            if (CBDepartment.CheckedIndices.Contains(1))
                var q = from b in dbContext.BulletinBoards.AsEnumerable()
                        join d in dbContext.Departments.AsEnumerable()
                        on b.DepartmentID equals d.departmentID
                        join g in dbContext.Groups.AsEnumerable()
                        on b.GroupID equals g.GroupID
                        join em in dbContext.Employees.AsEnumerable()
                        on b.EmployeeID equals em.employeeID
                        where b.DepartmentID == 3
                        select new { 部門 =, 組別 = g.GroupName, 姓名 = em.EmployeeName, 留言內容 = b.Content, 張貼時間 = b.PostTime };

                q.OrderByDescending(o => o.張貼時間).ToList().ForEach(q1 => dt.Rows.Add(q1.部門, q1.組別, q1.姓名, q1.留言內容, q1.張貼時間));

            if (CBDepartment.CheckedIndices.Contains(2))
                var q = from b in dbContext.BulletinBoards.AsEnumerable()
                        join d in dbContext.Departments.AsEnumerable()
                        on b.DepartmentID equals d.departmentID
                        join g in dbContext.Groups.AsEnumerable()
                        on b.GroupID equals g.GroupID
                        join em in dbContext.Employees.AsEnumerable()
                        on b.EmployeeID equals em.employeeID
                        where b.DepartmentID == 4
                        select new { 部門 =, 組別 = g.GroupName, 姓名 = em.EmployeeName, 留言內容 = b.Content, 張貼時間 = b.PostTime };

                q.OrderByDescending(o => o.張貼時間).ToList().ForEach(q1 => dt.Rows.Add(q1.部門, q1.組別, q1.姓名, q1.留言內容, q1.張貼時間));

            if (CBDepartment.CheckedIndices.Contains(3))
                var q = from b in dbContext.BulletinBoards.AsEnumerable()
                        join d in dbContext.Departments.AsEnumerable()
                        on b.DepartmentID equals d.departmentID
                        join g in dbContext.Groups.AsEnumerable()
                        on b.GroupID equals g.GroupID
                        join em in dbContext.Employees.AsEnumerable()
                        on b.EmployeeID equals em.employeeID
                        where b.DepartmentID == 5
                        select new { 部門 =, 組別 = g.GroupName, 姓名 = em.EmployeeName, 留言內容 = b.Content, 張貼時間 = b.PostTime };

                q.OrderByDescending(o => o.張貼時間).ToList().ForEach(q1 => dt.Rows.Add(q1.部門, q1.組別, q1.姓名, q1.留言內容, q1.張貼時間));

            if (CBDepartment.CheckedIndices.Contains(4))
                var q = from b in dbContext.BulletinBoards.AsEnumerable()
                        join d in dbContext.Departments.AsEnumerable()
                        on b.DepartmentID equals d.departmentID
                        join g in dbContext.Groups.AsEnumerable()
                        on b.GroupID equals g.GroupID
                        join em in dbContext.Employees.AsEnumerable()
                        on b.EmployeeID equals em.employeeID
                        where b.DepartmentID == 6
                        select new { 部門 =, 組別 = g.GroupName, 姓名 = em.EmployeeName, 留言內容 = b.Content, 張貼時間 = b.PostTime };

                q.OrderByDescending(o => o.張貼時間).ToList().ForEach(q1 => dt.Rows.Add(q1.部門, q1.組別, q1.姓名, q1.留言內容, q1.張貼時間));
 private void CBDepartment_ItemCheck(object sender, ItemCheckEventArgs e)
     CCBoxItem item = CBDepartment.Items[e.Index] as CCBoxItem;