}                                                            //print queue for the docs

        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor: configure a httpclient
        /// </summary>
        public TNTConnectorShipRequest(bool Debug)
            this.Debug          = Debug;
            this.client         = new HttpClient();
            this.client.Timeout = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 30);
            this.pa             = new TNTPackageAnalyser();
            this.printQueue     = new PrintHTMLQueue();
Esempio n. 2
 public TNTShipRequest(DateTime CollectionDate, RequestTypes requestType, TNTPackageAnalyser pa, bool Debug = false)
     this.reqestType = requestType;
     this.pa         = pa;
     this.Debug      = Debug;
     this.xml        = new MyXMLDocument();
     dateformatinfo  = new DateTimeFormatInfo(); //neutral culture, it has / as date separator
        public const string OutputFile = @"D:\ShipRequest.xml";  //@".\TNTConnector\ShipRequest.xml"

        public static void DoTheTests()
            TNTPackageAnalyser pa  = new TNTPackageAnalyser();
            TNTShipRequest     req = new TNTShipRequest(new DateTime(2019, 1, 14), TNTShipRequest.RequestTypes.Full, pa, Debug: true);

            //add one or more consignments to the request
            SalesOrder o1 = new SalesOrder()
                SalesOrderId     = "a1234r",
                SalesOrderNumber = "1",
                InvoiceValue     = 99.99,
                Vat = "7668880",  //other customer data
                CompanyName    = "Andermatt BIOCONTROL AG",
                StreetAddress1 = "Otztal 67",
                StreetAddress2 = "Who has a streataddress 2?",
                StreetAddress3 = "",
                City           = "Grossdietwil",
                Province       = "",
                PostCode       = "6146",
                CountryAbb     = "CH",
                ContactName      = "Kathrin Flückiger",
                ContactDialCode  = "000",
                ContactTelephone = "41629175005",
                ContactEmail     = "*****@*****.**",
                //shipping agent specific
                ShippingAgentID      = "1",
                ShippingAgentService = "15N",   //N for abroad!
                DeliveryInstructions = "Hold for pickup",
                //package info
                PackageFormatCode = "S+M+M",


            SalesOrder o2 = o1.Clone();

            o2.SalesOrderId         = "b1234p";
            o2.SalesOrderNumber     = "2";
            o2.CompanyName          = "Agentschap Plantentuin Meise";
            o2.PackageFormatCode    = "XL";
            o2.ShippingAgentService = "15N";
            o2.City       = "Meise";
            o2.PostCode   = "1860";
            o2.CountryAbb = "BE";

            //check and print the request to a file
            string errors = req.Validate(ShipRequestSchemaUri);

            if (errors.Length > 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Schema validation error(s): \r\n" + errors);

            using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(OutputFile, FileMode.OpenOrCreate))
                req.ToUTF8Stream(fs, indent: true);