public ActionResult UploadAccountData(IEnumerable<HttpPostedFileBase> files)
            // Only One file should be passed to server side--- validated in client upload
            // File upload control has validated to take single file and file types are .csv and .xlsx

            var returnResult = new UploadResult();

                // The Name of the Upload component is "files"
                if (files != null)
                    foreach (var file in files)
                        var extension = Path.GetExtension(file.FileName);

                        if (extension == ".xlsx")
                            // Save files on appropriate path
                            var directory = Server.MapPath("~/Files/Uploaded/Excel/");
                            if (!Directory.Exists(directory))
                            var physicalPath = Path.Combine(directory, file.FileName);

                            //Read and Save using SQL BULK Copy 
                            returnResult = ReadAndSaveAccountData(physicalPath, extension);
                        else if (extension == ".csv")
                            // Save files on appropriate path
                            var directory = Server.MapPath("~/Files/Uploaded/CSV/");
                            if (!Directory.Exists(directory))
                            var physicalPath = Path.Combine(directory, file.FileName);

                            //Read and Save using SQL BULK Copy 
                            returnResult = ReadAndSaveAccountData(physicalPath, extension);

                // Return an empty string to signify success
                return Content(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(returnResult), "application/json");
            catch (Exception e)
                return Content(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new ErrorResponseView(e)), "application/json");

        //------------------Private methods ------------------//

        private UploadResult ReadAndSaveAccountData(string physicalPath, string extension)
            // Initialize reader and writer
            IFileReader fileReader = new FileReader();
            IFileWriter filewriter = new FileWriter(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["BulkDataProcessDbConnection"].ConnectionString);

            var returnResult = new UploadResult();

            if (extension == ".xlsx")
                foreach (ExtractedDataDTO dto in fileReader.GetExcelFileData(physicalPath))
                    //fileWriter.WriteChunkData(tbl, destinationTableName, Map());
                    filewriter.WriteChunkData(dto.ChunkDataTable, "AccountDatas", Map());
                    returnResult.SkippedLines = dto.SkippedLines;
                    returnResult.ToatalLineRecordsProcessed = dto.ToatalLineRecordsProcessed;
            else if (extension == ".csv")
                foreach (ExtractedDataDTO dto in fileReader.GetCSVFileData(physicalPath))
                    //fileWriter.WriteChunkData(tbl, destinationTableName, Map());
                    filewriter.WriteChunkData(dto.ChunkDataTable, "AccountDatas", Map());
                    returnResult.SkippedLines = dto.SkippedLines;
                    returnResult.ToatalLineRecordsProcessed = dto.ToatalLineRecordsProcessed;

            return returnResult;   