public void LogOffGet()
            // Arrange
            var authServicesStub = new MockAuthenticationServices(removeAuthCookieHandler: () => { });
            var controller = GetAccountController(authenticationServices: authServicesStub);

            // Act
            var result = controller.LogOff(_user) as RedirectToRouteResult;

            // Assert
            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(result, typeof(RedirectToRouteResult));
        public void LogOnPost_InValidUser()
            // Arrange
            var authServicesStub = new MockAuthenticationServices(passwordValidator: (x, y) => false);

            var controller = GetAccountController(authenticationServices: authServicesStub);

            // Act
            var result = controller.LogOn(new LogOnModel { UserName = TestUserName, Password = TestPassword }, string.Empty);

            // Assert
            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(result, typeof(ViewResult));
        public void LogOnPost_ValidUserCausesAuthCookie()
            // Arrange
            var cookieWasSet = false;
            var authServicesMock = new MockAuthenticationServices(passwordValidator: (x, y) => true,
                                                                  setAuthenticationCookieHandler:(x, y) => cookieWasSet = true,
                                                                  userAccount: new MutableUser());

            var controller = GetAccountController(authenticationServices: authServicesMock);

            // Act
            controller.LogOn(new LogOnModel { UserName = TestUserName, Password = TestPassword }, "/desired/url");

            // Assert
        public void LogOnPost_ValidUser_EmptyUrl()
            // Arrange
            var authServicesStub = new MockAuthenticationServices(passwordValidator: (x, y) => true,
                                                                  setAuthenticationCookieHandler: (x, y) => { },
                                                                  userAccount:new MutableUser());

            var controller = GetAccountController(authenticationServices: authServicesStub);

            // Act
            var result = controller.LogOn(new LogOnModel { UserName = TestUserName, Password = TestPassword }, string.Empty);

            // Assert
            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(result, typeof(RedirectToRouteResult));
        public void LogOffGet_RemovesCookie()
            bool cookieRemoveWasCalled = false;
            // Arrange
            var authServicesMock = new MockAuthenticationServices(removeAuthCookieHandler: () => cookieRemoveWasCalled = true);
            var controller = GetAccountController(authenticationServices: authServicesMock);

            // Act

            // Assert
            Assert.IsTrue(cookieRemoveWasCalled, "Log off failed to remove the user's cookie.");