Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates and runs a distributed cache service
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="CacheException">thrown when cache startup fails</exception>
        public static Task RunWithConfigurationAsync(
            ILogger logger,
            IDistributedCacheServiceHost host,
            HostInfo hostInfo,
            ITelemetryFieldsProvider telemetryFieldsProvider,
            DistributedCacheServiceConfiguration config,
            CancellationToken token,
            string keyspace = null)
            logger.Info($"CAS log severity set to {config.MinimumLogSeverity}");

            var arguments = new DistributedCacheServiceArguments(
                logger: logger,
                copier: null,
                copyRequester: null,
                host: host,
                hostInfo: hostInfo,
                cancellation: token,
                dataRootPath: config.DataRootPath,
                configuration: config,
                keyspace: keyspace)
                TelemetryFieldsProvider = telemetryFieldsProvider,
                BuildCopyInfrastructure = logger => BuildCopyInfrastructure(logger, config),

Esempio n. 2
 private static void AdjustCopyInfrastructure(DistributedCacheServiceArguments arguments)
     if (arguments.BuildCopyInfrastructure != null)
         var(copier, copyRequester) = arguments.BuildCopyInfrastructure(arguments.Logger);
         arguments.Copier           = copier;
         arguments.CopyRequester    = copyRequester;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates and runs a distributed cache service
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="CacheException">thrown when cache startup fails</exception>
        public static async Task RunAsync(DistributedCacheServiceArguments arguments)
            // Switching to another thread.
            await Task.Yield();

            var host   = arguments.Host;
            var logger = arguments.Logger;

            var factory = new ContentServerFactory(arguments);

            // await _lifetimeManager.StartingService();
            await host.OnStartingServiceAsync();

            using (var server = factory.Create())
                var context = new Context(logger);

                    // Removed this, because it is kind-of useless...
                    // _serviceHealthyAction(false);

                    var startupResult = await server.StartupAsync(context);

                    if (!startupResult)
                        throw new CacheException(startupResult.ToString());

                    // _serviceHealthyAction(true);

                    logger.Info("Service started");

                    await arguments.Cancellation.WaitForCancellationAsync();

                    logger.Always("Exit event set");
                    var        timeoutInMinutes = arguments?.Configuration?.DistributedContentSettings?.MaxShutdownDurationInMinutes ?? 30;
                    BoolResult result           = await ShutdownWithTimeout(context, server, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(timeoutInMinutes));

                    if (!result)
                        logger.Warning("Failed to shutdown local content server: {0}", result);

                    // await _lifetimeManager.TeardownCompleted();
Esempio n. 4
        private static Task ReportStartingServiceAsync(
            OperationContext context,
            IDistributedCacheServiceHost host,
            DistributedCacheServiceArguments arguments)
            var configuration      = arguments.Configuration;
            var logIntervalSeconds = configuration.DistributedContentSettings.ServiceRunningLogInSeconds;
            var logInterval        = logIntervalSeconds != null ? (TimeSpan?)TimeSpan.FromSeconds(logIntervalSeconds.Value) : null;

            var logFilePath = GetPathForLifetimeTracking(configuration);

            LifetimeTracker.ServiceStarting(context, logInterval, logFilePath, arguments.TelemetryFieldsProvider.ServiceName);

Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates and runs a distributed cache service
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="CacheException">thrown when cache startup fails</exception>
        public static async Task RunAsync(DistributedCacheServiceArguments arguments)
            // Switching to another thread.
            await Task.Yield();

            var host        = arguments.Host;
            var startUpTime = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            // NOTE(jubayard): this is the entry point for running CASaaS. At this point, the Logger inside the
            // arguments holds the client's implementation of our logging interface ILogger. Here, we may override the
            // client's decision with our own.
            // The disposableToken helps ensure that we shutdown properly and all logs are sent to their final
            // destination.
            var loggerReplacement = CreateReplacementLogger(arguments);

            arguments.Logger          = loggerReplacement.Logger;
            using var disposableToken = loggerReplacement.DisposableToken;

            if (arguments.BuildCopyInfrastructure != null)
                var(copier, pathTransformer, copyRequester) = arguments.BuildCopyInfrastructure(arguments.Logger);
                arguments.Copier          = copier;
                arguments.PathTransformer = pathTransformer;
                arguments.CopyRequester   = copyRequester;

            var logger  = arguments.Logger;
            var factory = new CacheServerFactory(arguments);

            await host.OnStartingServiceAsync();

            // Technically, this method doesn't own the file copier, but no one actually owns it.
            // So to clean up the resources (and print some stats) we dispose it here.
            using (arguments.Copier as IDisposable)
                using (var server = factory.Create())
                    var context = new Context(logger);
                    var ctx     = new OperationContext(context);

                        var startupResult = await server.StartupAsync(context);

                        if (!startupResult)
                            throw new CacheException(startupResult.ToString());


                        using var serviceRunningTracker = DistributedCacheServiceRunningTracker.Create(
                                  new PassThroughFileSystem(),

                        await arguments.Cancellation.WaitForCancellationAsync();

                        context.Always("Exit event set");
                        var        timeoutInMinutes = arguments?.Configuration?.DistributedContentSettings?.MaxShutdownDurationInMinutes ?? 30;
                        BoolResult result           = await ShutdownWithTimeoutAsync(context, server, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(timeoutInMinutes));

                        if (!result)
                            context.Warning($"Failed to shutdown local content server: {result}");

Esempio n. 6
        private static async Task <AzureBlobStorageLog> CreateAzureBlobStorageLogAsync(OperationContext operationContext, DistributedCacheServiceArguments arguments, AzureBlobStorageLogPublicConfiguration configuration)

            // There is a big issue here: on the one hand, we'd like to be able to configure everything from the XML
            // instead of our JSON configuration, simply because the XML is self-contained. On the other hand, the XML
            // will likely be shared across all stamps, so there's no "stamp-specific" configuration in there. That
            // means all stamp-level configuration must be done through the JSON.

            AzureBlobStorageCredentials credentials = null;

            if (configuration.UseSasTokens)
                var secrets = await arguments.Host.RetrieveSecretsAsync(new List <RetrieveSecretsRequest>()
                    new RetrieveSecretsRequest(configuration.SecretName, SecretKind.SasToken)
                }, token : operationContext.Token);

                credentials = new AzureBlobStorageCredentials((UpdatingSasToken)secrets[configuration.SecretName]);
                var secrets = await arguments.Host.RetrieveSecretsAsync(new List <RetrieveSecretsRequest>()
                    new RetrieveSecretsRequest(configuration.SecretName, SecretKind.PlainText)
                }, token : operationContext.Token);

                credentials = new AzureBlobStorageCredentials((PlainTextSecret)secrets[configuration.SecretName]);

            var azureBlobStorageLogConfiguration = ToInternalConfiguration(configuration);

            var azureBlobStorageLog = new AzureBlobStorageLog(
                configuration: azureBlobStorageLogConfiguration,
                context: operationContext,
                clock: SystemClock.Instance,
                fileSystem: new PassThroughFileSystem(),
                telemetryFieldsProvider: arguments.TelemetryFieldsProvider,
                credentials: credentials);

            await azureBlobStorageLog.StartupAsync().ThrowIfFailure();

Esempio n. 7
        private static IStructuredLogger CreateNLogAdapter(OperationContext operationContext, DistributedCacheServiceArguments arguments)

            // This is done for performance. See:
            NLog.Config.ConfigurationItemFactory.Default = new NLog.Config.ConfigurationItemFactory(typeof(NLog.ILogger).GetTypeInfo().Assembly);

            // This is needed for dependency ingestion. See:
            // The issue is that we need to construct a log, which requires access to both our config and the host. It
            // seems too much to put it into the AzureBlobStorageLogTarget itself, so we do it here.
            var defaultConstructor = NLog.Config.ConfigurationItemFactory.Default.CreateInstance;

            NLog.Config.ConfigurationItemFactory.Default.CreateInstance = type =>
                if (type == typeof(AzureBlobStorageLogTarget))
                    var log    = CreateAzureBlobStorageLogAsync(operationContext, arguments, arguments.Configuration.LoggingSettings.Configuration).Result;
                    var target = new AzureBlobStorageLogTarget(log);


            NLog.Targets.Target.Register <AzureBlobStorageLogTarget>(nameof(AzureBlobStorageLogTarget));

            // This is done in order to allow our logging configuration to access key telemetry information.
            var telemetryFieldsProvider = arguments.TelemetryFieldsProvider;

            NLog.LayoutRenderers.LayoutRenderer.Register("BuildId", _ => telemetryFieldsProvider.BuildId);
            NLog.LayoutRenderers.LayoutRenderer.Register("APEnvironment", _ => telemetryFieldsProvider.APEnvironment);
            NLog.LayoutRenderers.LayoutRenderer.Register("APCluster", _ => telemetryFieldsProvider.APCluster);
            NLog.LayoutRenderers.LayoutRenderer.Register("APMachineFunction", _ => telemetryFieldsProvider.APMachineFunction);
            NLog.LayoutRenderers.LayoutRenderer.Register("MachineName", _ => telemetryFieldsProvider.MachineName);
            NLog.LayoutRenderers.LayoutRenderer.Register("ServiceName", _ => telemetryFieldsProvider.ServiceName);
            NLog.LayoutRenderers.LayoutRenderer.Register("ServiceVersion", _ => telemetryFieldsProvider.ServiceVersion);
            NLog.LayoutRenderers.LayoutRenderer.Register("Stamp", _ => telemetryFieldsProvider.Stamp);
            NLog.LayoutRenderers.LayoutRenderer.Register("Ring", _ => telemetryFieldsProvider.Ring);
            NLog.LayoutRenderers.LayoutRenderer.Register("ConfigurationId", _ => telemetryFieldsProvider.ConfigurationId);
            NLog.LayoutRenderers.LayoutRenderer.Register("CacheVersion", _ => Utilities.Branding.Version);

            // Follows ISO8601 without timezone specification.
            // See:
            // See:
            var processStartTimeUtc = SystemClock.Instance.UtcNow.ToString("o", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            NLog.LayoutRenderers.LayoutRenderer.Register("ProcessStartTimeUtc", _ => processStartTimeUtc);

            var configuration = new NLog.Config.XmlLoggingConfiguration(arguments.Configuration.LoggingSettings.NLogConfigurationPath);

            return(new NLogAdapter(operationContext.TracingContext.Logger, configuration));
Esempio n. 8
        /// <summary>
        ///     This method allows CASaaS to replace the host's logger for our own logger.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        ///     Since we don't perform any kind of stats aggregation on our side (i.e. statsd, MDM, etc), we rely on
        ///     the host to do it. This is done through <see cref="MetricsAdapter"/>.
        ///     The situation with respect to shutdown is a little bit odd: we create a custom target, which holds some
        ///     managed resources that need to be released (because this release ensures any remaining logs will be
        ///     sent to Kusto).
        ///     NLog will make sure to dispose those resources when we shut it down, but we may actually return the
        ///     host's logger, in which case we don't consider that we own it, because clean up may happen on whatever
        ///     code is actually using us, so we don't want to dispose in that case.
        /// </remarks>
        private static (ILogger Logger, IDisposable DisposableToken) CreateReplacementLogger(DistributedCacheServiceArguments arguments)
            var logger = arguments.Logger;

            var loggingSettings = arguments.Configuration.LoggingSettings;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(loggingSettings?.NLogConfigurationPath))
                return(logger, null);


            // This context is associated to the host's logger. In this way, we can make sure that if we have any
            // issues with our logging, we can always go and read the host's logs to figure out what's going on.
            var context          = new Context(logger);
            var operationContext = new OperationContext(context);

            context.Info($"Replacing cache logger for NLog-based implementation using configuration file at `{loggingSettings.NLogConfigurationPath}`");

                var nLogAdapter = CreateNLogAdapter(operationContext, arguments);
                if (arguments.Logger is IOperationLogger operationLogger)
                    // NOTE(jubayard): the MetricsAdapter doesn't own the loggers, and hence won't dispose them. This
                    // means we don't change the disposableToken.
                    var wrapper = new MetricsAdapter(nLogAdapter, operationLogger);
                    return(wrapper, nLogAdapter);

                return(nLogAdapter, nLogAdapter);
            catch (Exception e)
                context.Error($"Failed to instantiate NLog-based logger with error: {e}");
                return(logger, null);
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates and runs a distributed cache service
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="CacheException">thrown when cache startup fails</exception>
        public static async Task RunAsync(DistributedCacheServiceArguments arguments)
            // Switching to another thread.
            await Task.Yield();

            var host  = arguments.Host;
            var timer = Stopwatch.StartNew();


            // NOTE(jubayard): this is the entry point for running CASaaS. At this point, the Logger inside the
            // arguments holds the client's implementation of our logging interface ILogger. Here, we may override the
            // client's decision with our own.
            // The disposableToken helps ensure that we shutdown properly and all logs are sent to their final
            // destination.
            var loggerReplacement = CreateReplacementLogger(arguments);

            arguments.Logger          = loggerReplacement.Logger;
            using var disposableToken = loggerReplacement.DisposableToken;


            var context = new Context(arguments.Logger);

            await ReportStartingServiceAsync(context, host);

            var factory = new CacheServerFactory(arguments);

            var operationContext = new OperationContext(context);
            ServiceOfflineDurationTracker serviceRunningTracker = null;

            // Technically, this method doesn't own the file copier, but no one actually owns it.
            // So to clean up the resources (and print some stats) we dispose it here.
            using (arguments.Copier as IDisposable)
                using (var server = factory.Create())
                        var startupResult = await server.StartupAsync(context);

                        if (!startupResult)
                            throw new CacheException(startupResult.ToString());

                        var serviceRunningTrackerResult = ServiceOfflineDurationTracker.Create(
                            new PassThroughFileSystem(),

                        ReportServiceStarted(operationContext, host, serviceRunningTrackerResult, timer.Elapsed);

                        serviceRunningTracker = serviceRunningTrackerResult.GetValueOrDefault();
                        await arguments.Cancellation.WaitForCancellationAsync();

                    catch (Exception e)
                        ReportServiceStartupFailed(context, e, timer.Elapsed);
                        // Writing the current time before shutting the service down.

                        var timeoutInMinutes = arguments.Configuration?.DistributedContentSettings?.MaxShutdownDurationInMinutes ?? 30;
                        var result           = await server
                                               .WithTimeoutAsync("Server shutdown", TimeSpan.FromMinutes(timeoutInMinutes));

                        ReportServiceStopped(context, host, result, timer.Elapsed);
Esempio n. 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates and runs a distributed cache service
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="CacheException">thrown when cache startup fails</exception>
        public static async Task RunAsync(DistributedCacheServiceArguments arguments)
            // Switching to another thread.
            await Task.Yield();

            var host  = arguments.Host;
            var timer = Stopwatch.StartNew();


            using var cts          = CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(arguments.Cancellation);
            arguments.Cancellation = cts.Token;

            if (arguments.Configuration.RespectRequestTeardown)
                LifetimeManager.OnTeardownRequested += _ =>

            // NOTE(jubayard): this is the entry point for running CASaaS. At this point, the Logger inside the
            // arguments holds the client's implementation of our logging interface ILogger. Here, we may override the
            // client's decision with our own.
            // The disposableToken helps ensure that we shutdown properly and all logs are sent to their final
            // destination.
            var loggerReplacement = LoggerFactory.CreateReplacementLogger(arguments);

            arguments.Logger          = loggerReplacement.Logger;
            using var disposableToken = loggerReplacement.DisposableToken;

            var context          = new Context(arguments.Logger);
            var operationContext = new OperationContext(context, arguments.Cancellation);

            InitializeActivityTrackerIfNeeded(context, arguments.Configuration.DistributedContentSettings);


            await ReportStartingServiceAsync(operationContext, host, arguments.Configuration);

            var factory = new CacheServerFactory(arguments);

            // Technically, this method doesn't own the file copier, but no one actually owns it.
            // So to clean up the resources (and print some stats) we dispose it here.
            using (arguments.Copier as IDisposable)
                using (var server = factory.Create())
                        var startupResult = await server.StartupAsync(context);

                        if (!startupResult)
                            throw new CacheException(startupResult.ToString());

                        ReportServiceStarted(operationContext, host);

                        await arguments.Cancellation.WaitForCancellationAsync();
                        await ReportShuttingDownServiceAsync(operationContext, host);
                    catch (Exception e)
                        ReportServiceStartupFailed(context, e, timer.Elapsed);
                        var timeoutInMinutes = arguments.Configuration?.DistributedContentSettings?.MaxShutdownDurationInMinutes ?? 30;
                        var result           = await server
                                               .WithTimeoutAsync("Server shutdown", TimeSpan.FromMinutes(timeoutInMinutes));

                        ReportServiceStopped(context, host, result);