/// <inheritdoc />
        public async Task UpdateAsync(ContentHash contentHash, bool touch, IClock clock, UpdateFileInfo updateFileInfo)
            ContentDirectory.TryGetValue(contentHash, out var existingInfo);

            ContentFileInfo cloneInfo = null;

            if (existingInfo != null)
                cloneInfo = new ContentFileInfo(existingInfo.FileSize, existingInfo.LastAccessedFileTimeUtc, existingInfo.ReplicaCount);
                if (touch)

            var updateTask = updateFileInfo(cloneInfo);

            if (updateTask != null)
                var updateInfo = await updateTask;
                if (updateInfo != null)
                    ContentDirectory.TryGetValue(contentHash, out existingInfo);
                    if (existingInfo == null)
                        ContentDirectory.TryAdd(contentHash, updateInfo);
                    else if (existingInfo.ReplicaCount != updateInfo.ReplicaCount)
                        ContentDirectory[contentHash].ReplicaCount = updateInfo.ReplicaCount;
 /// <inheritdoc />
 public bool TryGetFileInfo(ContentHash contentHash, out ContentFileInfo fileInfo)
     return(ContentDirectory.TryGetValue(contentHash, out fileInfo));
        private async Task SerializeAsync()
            if (ContentDirectory == null || ContentDirectory.Count == 0)

            var openTask         = _fileSystem.OpenSafeAsync(FilePath, FileAccess.Write, FileMode.Create, FileShare.Delete);
            var sync             = new object();
            var writeHeader      = true;
            var entries          = ContentDirectory.ToArray();
            var entriesRemaining = entries.Length;
            var startIndex       = 0;
            var tasks            = new List <Task>();

            GetSizeAndReplicaCount(out var contentSize, out var replicaCount);

            using (var stream = await openTask)
                Action <int, int> writeChunk = (index, count) =>
                    var endIndexExclusive = index + count;
                    var entryCount        = endIndexExclusive - index;
                    var bufferLength      = entryCount * BinaryEntrySize;
                    var partitionBuffer   = new byte[bufferLength];
                    var partitionContext  = new BufferSerializeContext(partitionBuffer);

                    for (var i = index; i < endIndexExclusive; i++)
                        ContentFileInfo entry = entries[i].Value;

                    lock (sync)
                        if (writeHeader)
                            writeHeader = false;
                            var headerBuffer  = new byte[22];
                            var headerContext = new BufferSerializeContext(headerBuffer);
                            stream.Write(headerBuffer, 0, headerBuffer.Length);

                        stream.Write(partitionBuffer, 0, partitionContext.Offset);

                while (startIndex < entries.Length)
                    var i          = startIndex;
                    var chunkCount = Math.Min(entriesRemaining, BinaryMaxEntriesPerChunk);
                    tasks.Add(Task.Run(() => writeChunk(i, chunkCount)));
                    startIndex       += chunkCount;
                    entriesRemaining -= chunkCount;

                await TaskSafetyHelpers.WhenAll(tasks);

                Contract.Assert(startIndex == entries.Length);
        private async Task <ContentMap> DeserializeBodyAsync(Context context, MemoryContentDirectoryHeader header, AbsolutePath path, bool isLoadingBackup)
            var contentDirectory = new ContentMap();

                var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
                using (var stream = await _fileSystem.OpenSafeAsync(path, FileAccess.Read, FileMode.Open, FileShare.Read))
                    byte[] headerBuffer = new byte[header.HeaderSize];
                    stream.Read(headerBuffer, 0, header.HeaderSize);

                    var streamSync       = new object();
                    var entriesSync      = new object();
                    var entries          = new List <KeyValuePair <ContentHash, ContentFileInfo> >(header.EntryCount);
                    var entriesRemaining = header.EntryCount;
                    var tasks            = new List <Task>();
                    var nowFileTimeUtc   = DateTime.UtcNow.ToFileTimeUtc();

                    long totalSize                  = 0;
                    long totalUniqueSize            = 0;
                    long oldestContentAccessTimeUtc = nowFileTimeUtc;
                    long totalReplicaCount          = 0;
                    var  statsLock                  = new object();

                    Action <int> readChunk = count =>
                        var bufferLength = count * BinaryEntrySize;
                        var buffer       = new byte[bufferLength];
                        int bytesRead;

                        lock (streamSync)
                            bytesRead = stream.Read(buffer, 0, bufferLength);

                        if (bytesRead != buffer.Length)

                        var serializeContext = new BufferSerializeContext(buffer);
                        var partitionEntries = new List <KeyValuePair <ContentHash, ContentFileInfo> >(count);

                        for (var i = 0; i < count; i++)
                            var contentHash             = serializeContext.DeserializeFullContentHash();
                            var fileSize                = serializeContext.DeserializeInt64();
                            var lastAccessedFileTimeUtc = serializeContext.DeserializeInt64();

                            // Guard against corruption of serialized timestamps which affect LRU. If we get something out of range,
                            // force it to now.
                            if (lastAccessedFileTimeUtc < 0 || lastAccessedFileTimeUtc > nowFileTimeUtc)
                                lastAccessedFileTimeUtc = nowFileTimeUtc;

                            // ReSharper disable once UnusedVariable
                            var accessCount  = serializeContext.DeserializeInt32();
                            var replicaCount = serializeContext.DeserializeInt32();

                            var contentFileInfo = new ContentFileInfo(fileSize, lastAccessedFileTimeUtc, replicaCount);
                            Interlocked.Add(ref totalSize, fileSize * replicaCount);
                            Interlocked.Add(ref totalUniqueSize, fileSize);
                            Interlocked.Add(ref totalReplicaCount, replicaCount);

                            if (oldestContentAccessTimeUtc > lastAccessedFileTimeUtc)
                                lock (statsLock)
                                    if (oldestContentAccessTimeUtc > lastAccessedFileTimeUtc)
                                        oldestContentAccessTimeUtc = lastAccessedFileTimeUtc;

                            partitionEntries.Add(new KeyValuePair <ContentHash, ContentFileInfo>(contentHash, contentFileInfo));

                        lock (entriesSync)

                    while (entriesRemaining > 0)
                        var chunkCount = Math.Min(entriesRemaining, BinaryMaxEntriesPerChunk);
                        tasks.Add(Task.Run(() => readChunk(chunkCount)));
                        entriesRemaining -= chunkCount;

                    await TaskSafetyHelpers.WhenAll(tasks);

                    context.Debug($"{Name}: Loaded content directory with {entries.Count} entries by {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms: TotalContentSize={totalSize}, TotalUniqueSize={totalUniqueSize}, TotalReplicaCount={totalReplicaCount}, OldestContentTime={DateTime.FromFileTimeUtc(oldestContentAccessTimeUtc)}.");

                    if (entries.Count == header.EntryCount)
                        contentDirectory = new ContentMap(entries);
                        throw new CacheException($"Failed to read expected number of entries. Entries.Count={entries.Count}, Header.EntryCount={header.EntryCount}.");

                if (!isLoadingBackup)
                    // At this point, we've either successfully read the file or tried and failed. Either way, the existing file should now be
                    // deleted.  On a clean shutdown, it will be regenerated. On a dirty shutdown, we want it to already be gone otherwise
                    // we'll read in a file that is out-of-date.
                    _fileSystem.MoveFile(path, _backupFilePath, true);
            catch (Exception exception)
                context.Warning($"{Name} failed to deserialize {FilePath} - starting with empty directory: {exception}");

Esempio n. 5
 /// <summary>
 /// For testing purposes only.
 /// Attempts to add the given file info for the hash.
 /// </summary>
 internal bool TryAdd(ContentHash hash, ContentFileInfo fileInfo)
     return(ContentDirectory.TryAdd(hash, fileInfo));