public WallSection GetGroundWallSection(int x, int facadeWidth) { HUtils.log(); switch (_patternAnchors) { case PatternAnchors.Left: //no need to modify XY break; case PatternAnchors.Right: int diff = baseWidth - facadeWidth; x = (x + diff) % baseWidth; break; case PatternAnchors.Middle: int facadeMiddle = Mathf.CeilToInt(facadeWidth / 2f); int patternMiddle = Mathf.CeilToInt(baseWidth / 2f); int midDiff = patternMiddle - facadeMiddle; x = (x + midDiff) % baseWidth; break; } while (x < 0) { x += Mathf.Max(1, baseWidth); } return(GetGroundWallSection(x)); }
public static Facade CreateFacade(string name = null, string directory = null) { HUtils.log(); Debug.Log("调用了Facade.cs CreateFacade(string name = null, string directory = null) name=" + name + " directory=" + directory); Facade newFacade = CreateInstance <Facade>(); if (Application.isPlaying) { return(newFacade); } if (name != null) { = name; } #if UNITY_EDITOR if (directory == null) { UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(newFacade, AssetCreator.GeneratePath("newFacade.asset", "Facades")); } else { UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(newFacade, Path.Combine(directory, "newFacade.asset")); } #endif return(newFacade); }
public List <VolumePoint> GetMovedPoints() { HUtils.log(); List <VolumePoint> output = new List <VolumePoint>(); for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPoints; i++) { if (this[i].moved) { bool canMakeMove = true; for (int j = 0; j < numberOfPoints; j++) { if (i == j) { continue; } if (this[i].position == this[j].position) { canMakeMove = false; break; } } if (canMakeMove) { output.Add(_points[i]); } else { _points[i].MoveBack(); } } } return(output); }
public void RemoveAt(int index) { HUtils.log(); Debug.Log("移动了索引第 " + index + " 个的WallSection"); content.RemoveAt(index); }
public static Volume Create(Transform transform) { HUtils.log(); Debug.Log("Create(Transform transform) transform=" +; #if UNITY_EDITOR Debug.Log("这里是Volume.cs UNITY_EDITOR存在"); GameObject newVolumeGO = new GameObject("Volume"); UnityEditor.Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo(newVolumeGO, "Created Volume GameObject"); UnityEditor.Undo.SetTransformParent(newVolumeGO.transform, transform, "Parent New Volume GameObject"); newVolumeGO.transform.localPosition =; newVolumeGO.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; Volume output = UnityEditor.Undo.AddComponent <Volume>(newVolumeGO); output._visualPart = VisualPart.Create(newVolumeGO.transform, "Volume Visual"); output._prefabs = new GameObject("Prefabs"); UnityEditor.Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo(output._prefabs, "Created Volume Prefab GameObject"); UnityEditor.Undo.SetTransformParent(output._prefabs.transform, newVolumeGO.transform, "Parent New Volume Prefab GameObject"); output.CheckInternalFloorplans(); return(output); #else Debug.Log("这里是Volume.cs UNITY_EDITOR不存在"); GameObject newFloorplanGo = new GameObject("Volume"); newFloorplanGo.transform.parent = transform; Volume output = newFloorplanGo.AddComponent <Volume>(); output._visualPart = VisualPart.Create(newFloorplanGo.transform, "Volume Visual"); return(output); #endif }
public void Init() { HUtils.log(); if (_mesh == null) { _mesh = new Mesh(); } if (_filter == null) { _filter = gameObject.AddComponent <MeshFilter>(); } if (_renderer == null) { _renderer = gameObject.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>(); } if (_dynamicMesh == null) { _dynamicMesh = new BuildRMesh(DYNAMIC_MESH_NAME); } if (_colliderMesh == null) { _colliderMesh = new BuildRCollider(DYNAMIC_COLLIDER_NAME); } }
public void GenerateRuntimeMesh() { HUtils.log(); // Debug.Log("GenerateRuntimeMesh"); if (!isLegal) { Debug.LogWarning("Illegal Runtime Volume. Base points likely intersect"); for (int p = 0; p < numberOfPoints; p++) { Debug.Log(this[p].position.vector3XY); } } if (visualPart == null) { _visualPart = VisualPartRuntime.GetPoolItem(); } _visualPart.GenerateFromDynamicMesh(); for (int f = 0; f < _interiorFloorplans.Count; f++) { _interiorFloorplans[f].GenerateRuntimeMesh(); _interiorFloorplans[f].transform.parent = transform; _interiorFloorplans[f].transform.localPosition =; } }
public static void VolumeSelectorInspectorGUI() { HUtils.log(); Debug.Log("这里也能调用得到吗?"); int floorplanCount = building.numberOfPlans; if (floorplanCount > 0) { EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Volumes"); } if (floorplanCount > 10) { volumeScroll = EditorGUILayout.BeginScrollView(volumeScroll, false, true, GUILayout.Width(MAIN_GUI_WIDTH), GUILayout.Height(150)); } EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(GUILayout.Width(MAIN_GUI_WIDTH)); string[] floorplanNames = new string[floorplanCount]; for (int p = 0; p < floorplanCount; p++) { floorplanNames[p] = building[p].name; } int currentIndex = building.IndexOf(volume); int newIndex = GUILayout.SelectionGrid(currentIndex, floorplanNames, 2); EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); if (newIndex != currentIndex) { volume = (Volume)building[newIndex]; } }
public void PointModified(List <VolumePoint> data) { HUtils.log(); int dataCount = data.Count; if (data.Count == 0) { return; } int pointCount = numberOfPoints; for (int d = 0; d < dataCount; d++) { VolumePoint point = data[d]; if (!point.moved) { continue; } for (int p = 0; p < pointCount; p++) { if (point.lastPosition == _points[p].position) { _points[p].position = point.position; _points[p].MarkUnmodified(); } } } if (isModified) { MarkModified(); } }
public virtual void MarkModified() { HUtils.log(); if (!BuildRSettings.AUTO_UPDATE) { return; } _isModified = true; _regenerate = true; if (_rGen == null) { _rGen = new RandomGen(); } _rGen.seed = seed; IVolume modifiedPlan = GetModifiedPlan(); if (modifiedPlan != null) { // CheckPlanHeights(); CheckPointMovements(modifiedPlan); CheckBuildingLegality(); } SaveData(); MarkUnmodified(); }
public int VolumeBaseFloor(IVolume vol) { HUtils.log(); int volumeCount = _volumes.Count; int output = 0; // Debug.Log("VolumeBaseFloor "; for (int v = 0; v < volumeCount; v++) { IVolume other = _volumes[v]; if (other == vol) { continue; } if (other.ContainsPlanAbove(vol)) {//start the loop again - register the floors below current plan - use parent plan to find other parents v = -1; vol = other; output += vol.floors; // Debug.Log("above plan "+; } } // Debug.Log("VolumeBaseFloor is " + output); return(output); }
public void SetGroundWallSection(int x, WallSection newWallSection) { HUtils.log(); x = x % _baseWidth; _groundFloorPattern[x] = newWallSection; MarkModified(); }
public WallSection GetBaseWallSection(int x, int y, int facadeWidth, int facadeHeight) { HUtils.log(); if (_hasGroundFloorPattern && y > 0) { y += -1; } int anchoredX = x; switch (_patternAnchors) { case PatternAnchors.Left: //no need to modify XY break; case PatternAnchors.Right: int diff = baseWidth - facadeWidth; while (diff < 0 && baseWidth > 0) { diff += baseWidth; } anchoredX = (x + diff) % baseWidth; // Debug.Log("fAnc "+anchoredX+" "+ diff+" "+ baseWidth+" "+ facadeWidth); break; case PatternAnchors.Middle: int facadeMiddle = Mathf.CeilToInt(facadeWidth / 2f); int patternMiddle = Mathf.CeilToInt(baseWidth / 2f); int midDiff = patternMiddle - facadeMiddle; anchoredX += midDiff; break; } switch (stretchMode) { case StretchModes.Wrap: while (anchoredX < 0) { anchoredX += Mathf.Max(1, baseWidth); } x = anchoredX % _baseWidth; y = y % _baseHeight; break; case StretchModes.Clamp: x = Mathf.Clamp(anchoredX, 0, _baseWidth - 1); y = Mathf.Clamp(y, 0, _baseHeight - 1); break; case StretchModes.Fit: x = Mathf.RoundToInt(_baseWidth * (x / (float)facadeWidth)); y = Mathf.RoundToInt(_baseHeight * (y / (float)facadeHeight)); break; } return(GetBaseWallSection(x, y)); }
public void SetBaseWallSection(int x, int y, WallSection newWallSection) { HUtils.log(); x = x % _baseWidth; y = y % _baseHeight; _basePattern[x][y] = newWallSection; MarkModified(); }
public void MarkModified() { HUtils.log(); //Debug.Log("Facade.cs MarkModified()"); UpdatePreviewTexture(); LoadPreviewTexture(); UpdateUsedWallsectionList(); SaveData(); }
public void Place(Vector3 position) { transform.position = position; if (_sibling != null) { _sibling.Move(position); } HUtils.log(); }
public void AddPoint(Vector2Int newPosition) { HUtils.log(); Debug.Log("Volume.cs AddPoint(Vector2Int newPosition) newPosition=(" + newPosition.x + "," + newPosition.y + ")"); VolumePoint newPoint = new VolumePoint(newPosition); _points.Add(newPoint); CheckVolume(); MarkModified(); }
public void SetFacade(int index, Facade value) { HUtils.log(); if (_points[index].facade != value) { _points[index].facade = value; MarkModified(); } }
public WallSection GetWallSection(int x, int y, int facadeWidth, int facadeHeight) { HUtils.log(); if (_hasGroundFloorPattern && y == 0) { return(GetGroundWallSection(x, facadeWidth)); } return(GetBaseWallSection(x, y, facadeWidth, facadeHeight)); }
public WallSection GetWallSection(int x, int y) { HUtils.log(); if (_hasGroundFloorPattern && y == 0) { return(GetGroundWallSection(x)); } return(GetBaseWallSection(x, y)); }
public void SetControlPointB(int index, Vector2Int value) { HUtils.log(); if (_points[index].controlB != value) { // _modifiedControlPointsB.Add(new PointModification(_controlPointsB[index], value)); _points[index].controlB = value; MarkModified(); } }
public void AddPoints(Vector3[] newPoints) { HUtils.log(); for (int i = 0; i < newPoints.Length; i++) { AddPoint(newPoints[i]); } CheckVolume(); MarkModified(); }
public static Building CreateNewBuilding() { HUtils.log(); GameObject newBuildingGO = new GameObject("NewBuilding"); Building newBuilding = newBuildingGO.AddComponent <Building>(); Visual visual = newBuildingGO.AddComponent <Visual>(); visual.building = newBuilding; //todo Add support to create prefab here return(newBuilding); }
public void GenerateFromDynamicMesh(BuildRMesh overflow = null) { HUtils.log(); if (_dynamicMesh.vertexCount == 0) { return; } if (_mesh == null) { _mesh = new Mesh(); } if (_filter == null) { _filter = gameObject.AddComponent <MeshFilter>(); } if (_renderer == null) { _renderer = gameObject.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>(); } if (overflow != null) { _dynamicMesh = overflow; } _dynamicMesh.Build(_mesh); _filter.sharedMesh = _mesh; _renderer.sharedMaterials = _dynamicMesh.materials.ToArray(); if (_dynamicMesh.hasOverflowed) { if (_sibling == null) { _sibling = GetPoolItem(); } _sibling.GenerateFromDynamicMesh(_dynamicMesh.overflow); } else { if (_sibling != null) { _sibling.Deactivate(); VisualPartRuntimePool.Instance.Push(_sibling); } _sibling = null; } if (_colliderPart == null) { _colliderPart = ColliderPartRuntime.GetPoolItem(); _colliderPart.GenerateFromColliderMesh(_colliderMesh); } }
public void Activate() { HUtils.log(); if (_renderer == null) { _renderer = gameObject.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>(); } _renderer.enabled = true; if (_sibling != null) { _sibling.Activate(); } }
public List <VolumePoint> GetModifiedPoints() { HUtils.log(); List <VolumePoint> output = new List <VolumePoint>(); for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPoints; i++) { if (this[i].modified) { output.Add(_points[i]); } } return(output); }
public void HeightModified(IVolume subject) { HUtils.log(); if (subject == this) { int linkedPlanCount = linkedPlans.Count; for (int l = 0; l < linkedPlanCount; l++) { IVolume volume = linkedPlans[l]; if (volume == null) { linkedPlans.RemoveAt(l); linkedPlanCount--; l--; continue; } volume.HeightModified(this); } } else { if (linkedPlans.Contains(subject)) { _floorHeight = subject.floorHeight; _floors = subject.floors; } else { baseHeight = subject.planTotalHeight; } } int abovePlanCount = abovePlans.Count; for (int a = 0; a < abovePlanCount; a++) { IVolume volume = abovePlans[a]; if (volume == null) { abovePlans.RemoveAt(a); abovePlanCount--; a--; continue; } volume.HeightModified(this); } MarkModified(); }
public Matrix4x4 ShutterMeshPositionRight(Vector2 size, float wallThickness) { HUtils.log(); Matrix4x4 output = new Matrix4x4(); float useOpeningWidth = openingWidth; float useOpeningHeight = openingHeight; float wallThicknessRat = wallThickness / size.y; size.y += -wallThickness; if (dimensionType == DimensionTypes.Relative) { useOpeningWidth = useOpeningWidth * size.x; useOpeningHeight = useOpeningHeight * size.y; } float width = useOpeningWidth * 0.5f; float height = useOpeningHeight; float widthOffset = 0; float heightOffset = 0; widthOffset += -width * ( / shutterModel.modelBounds.size.x); widthOffset += (size.x - useOpeningWidth) * (_openingWidthRatio - 0.5f); heightOffset += -height * ( / shutterModel.modelBounds.size.y); heightOffset += -size.y * wallThicknessRat * 0.5f; heightOffset += (size.y - useOpeningHeight) * (_openingHeightRatio - 0.5f); Vector3 center = new Vector3(useOpeningWidth * 0.75f + widthOffset, heightOffset, 0); float depth = shutterModel.modelBounds.size.z; depth *= width / Mathf.Min(shutterModel.modelBounds.size.x, shutterModel.modelBounds.size.y); Vector3 balPos =;//new Vector3(placeModelBounds.max.z); balPos.x = center.x; balPos.y = center.y; balPos.z = 0; Quaternion balRot = Quaternion.Euler(0, 180, 0) * shutterModel.userRotationQuat; Vector3 balScl = new Vector3(-1, 1, 1); balScl.x = width / shutterModel.modelBounds.size.x; balScl.y = height / shutterModel.modelBounds.size.y; balScl.z = depth / shutterModel.modelBounds.size.z; output.SetTRS(balPos, balRot, balScl); return(output); }
public Matrix4x4 BalconyMeshPosition(Vector2 size, float wallThickness) { HUtils.log(); Matrix4x4 output = new Matrix4x4(); float useOpeningWidth = openingWidth; float useOpeningHeight = openingHeight; float wallThicknessRat = wallThickness / size.y; size.y += -wallThickness; if (dimensionType == DimensionTypes.Relative) { useOpeningWidth = useOpeningWidth * size.x; useOpeningHeight = useOpeningHeight * size.y; } float width = useOpeningWidth + balconySideOverhang * 2; float height = useOpeningHeight * balconyHeight; float widthOffset = 0; float heightOffset = 0; widthOffset += -width * ( / balconyModel.modelBounds.size.x); widthOffset += (size.x - useOpeningWidth) * (_openingWidthRatio - 0.5f); heightOffset += -height * ( / balconyModel.modelBounds.size.y); heightOffset += -size.y * wallThicknessRat * 0.5f; heightOffset += (size.y - useOpeningHeight) * (_openingHeightRatio - 0.5f); Vector3 center = new Vector3(widthOffset, (-useOpeningHeight + height) * 0.5f + heightOffset, 0); float depth = balconyModel.modelBounds.size.z; depth *= width / balconyModel.modelBounds.size.x; Vector3 balPos =;//new Vector3(placeModelBounds.max.z); balPos.x = center.x; balPos.y = center.y; balPos.z = -depth * 0.5f; Quaternion balRot = Quaternion.Euler(0, 180, 0) * balconyModel.userRotationQuat; Vector3 balScl =; balScl.x = width / balconyModel.modelBounds.size.x; balScl.y = height / balconyModel.modelBounds.size.y; balScl.z = depth / balconyModel.modelBounds.size.z; output.SetTRS(balPos, balRot, balScl); return(output); }
public Matrix4x4 OpeningMeshPosition(Vector2 size, float wallThickness) { HUtils.log(); Matrix4x4 output = new Matrix4x4(); float useOpeningWidth = openingWidth; float useOpeningHeight = openingHeight; float wallThicknessRat = wallThickness / size.y; size.y += -wallThickness; if (dimensionType == DimensionTypes.Relative) { useOpeningWidth = useOpeningWidth * size.x; useOpeningHeight = useOpeningHeight * size.y; } float width = useOpeningWidth; float height = useOpeningHeight; float widthOffset = 0; float heightOffset = 0; widthOffset += -width * ( / openingModel.userBounds.size.x); widthOffset += (size.x - useOpeningWidth) * (_openingWidthRatio - 0.5f); heightOffset += -height * ( / openingModel.userBounds.size.y); heightOffset += -size.y * wallThicknessRat * 0.5f; heightOffset += (size.y - useOpeningHeight) * (_openingHeightRatio - 0.5f); Vector3 center = new Vector3(widthOffset, heightOffset, 0); float depth = openingModel.userBounds.size.z; depth *= width / Mathf.Min(openingModel.userBounds.size.x, openingModel.userBounds.size.y); Vector3 balPos =; balPos.x = center.x; balPos.y = center.y; balPos.z = openingDepth; Quaternion balRot = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 0) * openingModel.userRotationQuat; Vector3 balScl =; balScl.x = width / openingModel.userBounds.size.x; balScl.y = height / openingModel.userBounds.size.y; balScl.z = depth / openingModel.userBounds.size.z; output.SetTRS(balPos, balRot, balScl); return(output); }