private EventInfo CreateEventInfoBase(Event errorData)
            var appInfo = new AppInfo
                Version = Config.AppVersion,
                ReleaseStage = Config.ReleaseStage,
                AppArchitecture = Diagnostics.AppArchitecture,
                ClrVersion = Diagnostics.ClrVersion

            var userInfo = new UserInfo
                Id = errorData.UserId,
                Email = errorData.UserEmail,
                Name = errorData.UserName

            var deviceInfo = new DeviceInfo
                OSVersion = Diagnostics.DetectedOSVersion,
                ServicePack = Diagnostics.ServicePack,
                OSArchitecture = Diagnostics.OSArchitecture,
                ProcessorCount = Diagnostics.ProcessorCount,
                MachineName = Diagnostics.MachineName,
                HostName = Diagnostics.HostName

            var eventInfo = new EventInfo
                App = appInfo,
                Device = deviceInfo,
                Severity = errorData.Severity,
                User = userInfo,
                Context = errorData.Context,
                GroupingHash = errorData.GroupingHash,
                Exceptions = new List<ExceptionInfo>()
            return eventInfo;
        /// <summary>
        /// Starting with an exception, will recursively add exception infos to event infos.
        /// If an aggregate exception is encountered, all inner exceptions will be added
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="error">The error to create new event infos</param>
        /// <param name="exp">The exception to add to the current event</param>
        /// <param name="callStack">The stack of notify call</param>
        /// <param name="currentEvent">The current event info to add the exception to</param>
        private void RecursiveAddExceptionInfo(Event error,
                                               Exception exp,
                                               StackTrace callStack,
                                               EventInfo currentEvent)
            // If we have no more exceptions, return the generated event info
            if (exp == null) return;

            // Parse the exception and add it to the current event info stack
            var expInfo = ExceptionParser.GenerateExceptionInfo(exp, callStack, Config);
            if (expInfo != null)

            // If the exception has no inner exception, then we are finished. Generate metadata for the last exception
            // and set the final metadata for the event info
            if (exp.InnerException == null)
                FinaliseEventInfo(currentEvent, error, exp);
            #if !NET35
                // Check if the current exception contains more than 1 inner exception
                // if it does, then recurse through them seperately
                var aggExp = exp as AggregateException;
                if (aggExp != null && aggExp.InnerExceptions.Count > 1)
                    foreach (var inner in aggExp.InnerExceptions)
                        RecursiveAddExceptionInfo(error, inner, callStack, currentEvent);
                    // Otherwise just move to the next inner exception
                    RecursiveAddExceptionInfo(error, exp.InnerException, callStack, currentEvent);
                RecursiveAddExceptionInfo(error, exp.InnerException, callStack, currentEvent);
        /// <summary>
        /// Finalises the event info by adding final metadata 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="eventInfo">The event info to finalise</param>
        /// <param name="error">The responsible event</param>
        /// <param name="lastException">The root exception of the event info</param>
        private void FinaliseEventInfo(EventInfo eventInfo, Event error, Exception lastException)
            var expMetaData = new Metadata();

            expMetaData.AddToTab(ExpDetailsTabName, "runtimeEnding", error.IsRuntimeEnding);

            if (lastException.HelpLink != null)
                expMetaData.AddToTab(ExpDetailsTabName, "helpLink", lastException.HelpLink);

            if (lastException.Source != null)
                expMetaData.AddToTab(ExpDetailsTabName, "source", lastException.Source);

            if (lastException.TargetSite != null)
                expMetaData.AddToTab(ExpDetailsTabName, "targetSite", lastException.TargetSite);

            var metaData = Metadata.CombineMetadata(Config.Metadata, error.Metadata, expMetaData);
            eventInfo.Metadata = metaData.MetadataStore;