public ReceiveState(TcpEdge e, BufferAllocator ba) { Edge = e; _s = e.Socket; _ba = ba; }
protected void HandleReads(SocketState ss) { ArrayList readsocks = ss.ReadSocks; Socket listen_sock = ss.ListenSock; for(int i = 0; i < readsocks.Count; i++) { Socket s = (Socket)readsocks[i]; //See if this is a new socket if( s == listen_sock ) { TcpEdge e = null; Socket new_s = null; try { new_s = listen_sock.Accept(); IPEndPoint rep = (IPEndPoint)new_s.RemoteEndPoint; new_s.LingerState = new LingerOption (true, 0); TransportAddress rta = TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance(TransportAddress.TAType.Tcp, rep); if( ss.TAA.Authorize(rta) == TAAuthorizer.Decision.Deny ) { //No thank you Dr. Evil Console.Error.WriteLine("Denying: {0}", rta); new_s.Close(); } else { //This edge looks clean TcpEdgeListener.SetSocketOpts(s); e = new TcpEdge(TEL, true, new_s); ss.AddEdge(e); //Handle closes in the select thread: CloseAction ca = new CloseAction(e, TEL.ActionQueue); e.CloseEvent += ca.CloseHandler; TEL.SendEdgeEvent(e); } } catch(Exception) { //Looks like this Accept has failed. Do nothing //Console.Error.WriteLine("New incoming edge ({0}) failed: {1}", new_s, sx); //Make sure the edge is closed if( e != null ) { TEL.RequestClose(e); //Go ahead and forget about this socket. CloseAction ca = new CloseAction(e, null); ca.Start(ss); } else if( new_s != null) { //This should not be able to throw an exception: new_s.Close(); } } } else { ReceiveState rs = ss.GetReceiveState(s); if( rs != null && !rs.Receive() ) { TEL.RequestClose(rs.Edge); //Go ahead and forget about this socket. CloseAction ca = new CloseAction(rs.Edge, null); ca.Start(ss); } } } }
/** * Called when the socket is writable */ public void HandleWritability(Socket s) { try { if( s.Connected ) { TcpEdgeListener.SetSocketOpts(s); TcpEdge e = new TcpEdge(TEL, false, s); Result.Value = e; //Handle closes in the select thread: CloseAction ca = new CloseAction(e, TEL.ActionQueue); e.CloseEvent += ca.CloseHandler; //Set the edge TEL.ActionQueue.Enqueue(this); } else { //This did not work out, close the socket and release the resources: HandleError(s); } } catch(Exception) { //This did not work out, close the socket and release the resources: //Console.WriteLine("Exception: {0}", x); HandleError(s); } }
public CloseAction(TcpEdge e, LockFreeQueue<SocketStateAction> q) { _e = e; _queue = q; }
public void RemoveEdge(TcpEdge e) { Socket s = e.Socket; // Go ahead and remove from the map. ... this needs to be done because // Socket's dynamic HashCode, a bug in an older version of Mono Hashtable new_s_to_rs = new Hashtable( _sock_to_rs.Count ); foreach(DictionaryEntry de in _sock_to_rs) { ReceiveState trs = (ReceiveState)de.Value; if( e != trs.Edge ) { new_s_to_rs.Add( de.Key, trs ); } } _sock_to_rs = new_s_to_rs; AllSockets.Remove(s); _socks_to_send.Remove(s); Interlocked.Decrement(ref TEL._count); //We shouldn't be sending at the same time: lock( e ) { //We need to shutdown the socket: try { //Don't let more reading or writing: s.Shutdown(SocketShutdown.Both); } catch { } finally { //This can't throw an exception s.Close(); } } }
public void AddEdge(TcpEdge e) { Socket s = e.Socket; AllSockets.Add(s); ReceiveState rs = new ReceiveState(e, BA); _sock_to_rs[s] = rs; Interlocked.Increment(ref TEL._count); }