Esempio n. 1
 public void Test() {
   TAAuthorizer a1 = new ConstantAuthorizer(TAAuthorizer.Decision.Allow);
   TransportAddress ta = TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance("brunet.udp://");
   Assert.IsTrue( a1.IsNotDenied( ta ), "constant allow");
   TAAuthorizer a2 = new ConstantAuthorizer(TAAuthorizer.Decision.Deny);
   Assert.IsFalse( a2.IsNotDenied( ta ), "constant deny");
   IPAddress network = IPAddress.Parse("");
   TAAuthorizer a3 = new NetmaskTAAuthorizer(network, 9,
   TransportAddress ta2 = TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance("brunet.udp://");
   Assert.AreEqual(a3.Authorize(ta2), TAAuthorizer.Decision.Deny, "Netmask Deny");
   TransportAddress ta3 = TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance("brunet.udp://");
   Assert.AreEqual(a3.Authorize(ta3), TAAuthorizer.Decision.None, "Netmask None");
   //Here is the series:
   //If Netmask doesn't say no, constant says yes:
   TAAuthorizer[] my_auths = new TAAuthorizer[]{ a3, a1 };
   TAAuthorizer a4 = new SeriesTAAuthorizer(my_auths);
   Assert.AreEqual(a4.Authorize(ta2), TAAuthorizer.Decision.Deny, "Series Deny");
   Assert.AreEqual(a4.Authorize(ta3), TAAuthorizer.Decision.Allow, "Series Allow");
Esempio n. 2
    public FunctionEdgeListener(int id, double loss_prob, TAAuthorizer ta_auth)
      _listener_id = id;
      _ploss_prob = loss_prob;
      if (ta_auth == null) {
        _ta_auth = new ConstantAuthorizer(TAAuthorizer.Decision.Allow);
      } else {
	_ta_auth = ta_auth;
      _tas = new ArrayList();
      _tas.Add(TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance("brunet.function://localhost:" +
                                     _listener_id.ToString()) );
      _queue = new Brunet.Util.LFBlockingQueue<FQEntry>();
      _queue_thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(StartQueueProcessing));
Esempio n. 3
     * @param port the port to listen on
     * @param ipList an IEnumerable object of IPAddress objects.
     * @param ta_auth the TAAuthorizer to use for remote nodes
    public TcpEdgeListener(int port, IEnumerable local_config_ips, TAAuthorizer ta_auth)
      _is_started = 0;
      _listen_sock = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork,
                                SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
      _listen_sock.LingerState = new LingerOption (true, 0);
      IPEndPoint tmp_ep = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, port);
      _local_endpoint = (IPEndPoint) _listen_sock.LocalEndPoint;
      port = _local_endpoint.Port;
      _count = 0;
       * We get all the IPAddresses for this computer
      if( local_config_ips == null ) {
        _tas = TransportAddressFactory.CreateForLocalHost(TransportAddress.TAType.Tcp, port);
      else {
        _tas = TransportAddressFactory.Create(TransportAddress.TAType.Tcp, port, local_config_ips);

      _ta_auth = ta_auth;
      if( _ta_auth == null ) {
        //Always authorize in this case:
        _ta_auth = new ConstantAuthorizer(TAAuthorizer.Decision.Allow);
      _loop = new Thread( this.SelectLoop );
      //This is how we push jobs into the SelectThread
      ActionQueue = new LockFreeQueue<SocketStateAction>();
  * @param port the local port to bind to
  * @param local_tas an IEnumerable object which gives the list of local
  * IPs.  This is consulted every time LocalTAs is accessed, so it can
  * change as new interfaces are added
  * @param ta_auth the TAAuthorizer for packets incoming
 public UdpEdgeListener(int port, IEnumerable local_config_ips, TAAuthorizer ta_auth)
   _s = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp);
   ipep = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, port);
   _port = port = ((IPEndPoint) (_s.LocalEndPoint)).Port;
    * We get all the IPAddresses for this computer
   if( local_config_ips == null ) {
     _tas = TransportAddressFactory.CreateForLocalHost(TransportAddress.TAType.Udp, _port);
   else {
     _tas = TransportAddressFactory.Create(TransportAddress.TAType.Udp, _port, local_config_ips);
   _nat_hist = null;
   _nat_tas = new NatTAs( _tas, _nat_hist );
   _ta_auth = ta_auth;
   if( _ta_auth == null ) {
     //Always authorize in this case:
     _ta_auth = new ConstantAuthorizer(TAAuthorizer.Decision.Allow);
   //We start out expecting around 30 edges with
   //a load factor of 0.15 (to make edge lookup fast)
   _id_ht = new Hashtable(30, 0.15f);
   _remote_id_ht = new Hashtable();
   _sync = new object();
   _running = 0;
   _isstarted = 0;
   ///@todo, we need a system for using the cryographic RNG
   _rand = new Random();
   _send_handler = this;
   _listen_finished_event = new ManualResetEvent(false);
   _listen_thread = new Thread( new ThreadStart(this.ListenThread) );
 public SimulationEdgeListener(int id, double loss_prob, TAAuthorizer ta_auth, bool use_delay)
   _edges = new Hashtable();
   _use_delay = use_delay;
   _sync = new object();
   _ba = new BufferAllocator(Int16.MaxValue);
   _listener_id = id;
   _ploss_prob = loss_prob;
   if (ta_auth == null) {
     _ta_auth = new ConstantAuthorizer(TAAuthorizer.Decision.Allow);
   } else {
     _ta_auth = ta_auth;
   _tas = new ArrayList();
   _tas.Add(TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance("b.s://" + _listener_id));
   _rand = new Random();
Esempio n. 6
    public TunnelEdgeListener(Node n) {
      _sync = new object();
      Console.Error.WriteLine("Creating an instance of TunnelEdgeListsner");
      lock(_sync) {
        _node = n;
        //true for now, will change later
        _ta_auth = new ConstantAuthorizer(TAAuthorizer.Decision.Allow);

        _id_ht = new Hashtable(30, 0.15f);
        _remote_id_ht = new Hashtable();
        _rand = new Random();
        _ecs_ht = new Hashtable();

        _running = 0;
        _isstarted = 0;
        _node.HeartBeatEvent += new EventHandler(this.TimeoutChecker);