Esempio n. 1
    protected int LowestDelay(GraphNode src, GraphNode dst)
      ConnectionList cl = src.ConnectionTable.GetConnections(ConnectionType.Structured);
      Connection fastest_con = cl[0];
      int lowest_delay = Int32.MaxValue;
      int second_half = Int32.MaxValue;

      foreach(Connection con in cl) {
        GraphEdge edge = con.Edge as GraphEdge;
        int delay = edge.Delay;
        if(delay == 0) {

        GraphNode mid = _addr_to_node[fastest_con.Address as AHAddress];
        int delay2 = CalculateDelay(mid, dst);
        if(second_half == 0) {

        if(delay < lowest_delay) {
          fastest_con = con;
          lowest_delay = delay;
          second_half = delay2;

      return lowest_delay + second_half;
Esempio n. 2
    ///</summary>Creates a new Graph for simulate routing algorithms.</summary>
    ///<param name="count">The network size not including the clusters.</param>
    ///<param name="near">The amount of connections on the left or right of a 
    ///<param name="shortcuts">The amount of far connections had per node.</param>
    ///<param name="latency">(optional)count x count matrix containing the
    ///latency between ///two points.</param>
    ///<param name="cluster_count">A cluster is a 100 node network operating on
    ///a single point in the network.  A cluster cannot communicate directly
    ///with another cluster.</param>
    ///<param name="dataset">A square dataset consisting of pairwise latencies.</param>
    public Graph(int count, int near, int shortcuts, int random_seed, List<List<int>> dataset)
      _latency_map = dataset;

      _rand = new Random(random_seed);

      _addr_to_node = new Dictionary<AHAddress, GraphNode>(count);
      _addrs = new List<AHAddress>(count);
      _addr_to_index = new Dictionary<AHAddress, int>(count);

      // first we create our regular network
      while(_addrs.Count < count) {
        AHAddress addr = GenerateAddress();
        GraphNode node = new GraphNode(addr);
        _addr_to_node[addr] = node;


      for(int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        GraphNode cnode = _addr_to_node[_addrs[i]];
        ConnectionList cons = cnode.ConnectionTable.GetConnections(ConnectionType.Structured);
        // We select our left and right neighbors up to near out (so we get 2*near connections)
        // Then we check to make sure we don't already have this connection, since the other guy
        // may have added it, if we don't we create one and add it.
        for(int j = 1; j <= near; j++) {
          int left = i - j;
          if(left < 0) {
            left += count;
          GraphNode lnode = _addr_to_node[_addrs[left]];
          if(!cons.Contains(lnode.Address)) {
            int delay = CalculateDelay(cnode, lnode);
            AddConnection(cnode, lnode, delay);
            AddConnection(lnode, cnode, delay);

          int right = i+j;
          if(right >= count) {
            right -= count;
          GraphNode rnode = _addr_to_node[_addrs[right]];
          // No one has this connection, let's add it to both sides.
          if(!cons.Contains(rnode.Address)) {
            int delay = CalculateDelay(cnode, rnode);
            AddConnection(cnode, rnode, delay);
            AddConnection(rnode, cnode, delay);
        // Let's add shortcuts so that we have at least the minimum number of shortcuts
        while(cnode.Shortcuts < shortcuts) {
          cons = cnode.ConnectionTable.GetConnections(ConnectionType.Structured);
          AHAddress addr = ComputeShortcutTarget(cnode.Address);
          addr = FindNodeNearestToAddress(addr);
          if(cons.Contains(addr) || addr.Equals(cnode.Address)) {
          GraphNode snode = _addr_to_node[addr];
          cons = snode.ConnectionTable.GetConnections(ConnectionType.Structured);
          int delay = CalculateDelay(cnode, snode);
          if(delay == -1) {
          AddConnection(cnode, snode, delay);
          AddConnection(snode, cnode, delay);

      foreach(GraphNode gn in _addr_to_node.Values) {
Esempio n. 3
    ///<summary>Calculates the delay between two nodes.</summary>
    protected virtual int CalculateDelay(GraphNode node1, GraphNode node2)
      if(_latency_map != null) {
        int mod = _latency_map.Count;
        int x = node1.UniqueID % mod;
        int y = node2.UniqueID % mod;
        return (int) (_latency_map[x][y] / 1000.0);

      return _rand.Next(10, 240);
Esempio n. 4
 ///<summary>Creates an edge and a connection from node2 to node1 including
 ///the edge.  Note:  this is unidirectional, this must be called twice,
 ///swapping node1 with node2 for a connection to be complete.</summary>
 protected void AddConnection(GraphNode node1, GraphNode node2, int delay)
   Edge edge = new GraphEdge(delay);
   Connection con = new Connection(edge, node2.Address, ConnectionType.Structured.ToString(), null, null);
Esempio n. 5
    ///<summary>Calculates the delay between two nodes.</summary>
    protected virtual int CalculateDelay(GraphNode node1, GraphNode node2)
      if(node1 == node2) {
        return 0;

      if(_latency_map != null) {
        int mod = _latency_map.Count;
        int x = node1.UniqueID % mod;
        int y = node2.UniqueID % mod;
        if(x == y) {
          return 0;
        } else if(_latency_map[x][y] <= 0) {
          _latency_map[x][y] = 1000 * 1000;
        return (int) (_latency_map[x][y] / 1000.0);

      return _rand.Next(10, 240);