public void SetUp() { browshot = new BrowshotClient("vPTtKKLBtPUNxVwwfEKlVvekuxHyTXyi"); // test1 }
static void Main(string[] args) { string url = LoadSetting("url", String.Empty); string key = LoadSetting("key", String.Empty); string size = LoadSetting("size", "screen"); int delay = LoadSetting("delay", 5); int flash_delay = LoadSetting("flash_delay", 5); int quality = LoadSetting("quality", 90); int instance_id = LoadSetting("instance", 65); int cache = LoadSetting("cache", 8600); int shots = LoadSetting("shots", 1); int shot_interval = LoadSetting("shot_interval", 5); int screen_width = LoadSetting("screen_width", 0); int screen_height = LoadSetting("screen_height", 0); string referrer = LoadSetting("referrer", String.Empty); string script = LoadSetting("script", String.Empty); string post_data = LoadSetting("post_data", String.Empty); // thumbnail int width = LoadSetting("width", 0); int height = LoadSetting("height", 0); string file = LoadSetting("file", String.Empty); string format = LoadSetting("format", "png"); bool show_help = false; //OptionSet option_set = new OptionSet() //.Add("?|help|h", "Prints out the options.", v => show_help = v != null) //.Add("u|url=", "the {URL} for the screenshot", v => url = v ) //.Add("s|shots=", "the number of {SHOTS} of the same page.", v => shots = v ); var p = new OptionSet() { { "u|url=", "the {URL} for the screenshot", v => url = v }, { "k|key=", "your API {KEY}\n" + String.Format("default = {0}", key), v => key = v }, { "f|file=", "{FILENAME} to use for the thumbnail images\n" + String.Format("default = {0}", file), v => file = v }, { "i|instance=", "{INSTANCE_ID} to use\n" + String.Format("default = {0}", instance_id), (int v) => instance_id = v }, { "z|size=", "the screenshot {SIZE}, 'page' or 'screen'\n" + String.Format("default = {0}", size), v => size = v }, { "d|delay=", "number of {SECONDS} to wait after the page is loaded\n" + String.Format("default = {0}", delay), (int v )=> delay = v }, { "fd|flash_delay=", "number of {SECONDS} to wait if Flash objects are present\n" + String.Format("default = {0}", flash_delay), (int v )=> flash_delay = v }, { "o|format=", "the image {FORMAT} of the screenshot, 'png' or 'jpeg'\n" + String.Format("default = {0}", format), v => format = v }, { "q|quality=", "JPEG image {QUALITY} of the screenshot\n" + String.Format("Optional, default = {0}", quality), (int v) => quality = v }, { "s|shots=", "the number of {SHOTS} of the same page\n" + String.Format("Optional, default = {0}", shots), (int v) => shots = v }, { "si|shot_interval=", "the number of {SECONDS} between 2 screenshots of the same page\n" + String.Format("Optional, default = {0}", shot_interval), (int v) => shot_interval = v }, { "c|cache=", "get a previous screenshots if done within {SECONDS}\n" + String.Format("default = {0}", cache), (int v) => cache = v }, { "w|width=", "thumbnail {WIDTH}\n" + String.Format("default = {0}", width), (int v) => width = v }, { "e|height=", "thumbnail {HEIGHT}\n" + String.Format("default = {0}", height), (int v) => height = v }, { "sw|screen_width=", "browser screen {WIDTH}\n" + String.Format("default = {0}", screen_width), (int v) => screen_width = v }, { "sh|screen_height=", "browser screen {HEIGHT}\n" + String.Format("default = {0}", screen_height), (int v) => screen_height = v }, { "referrer=", "{REFERRER} Url\n" + String.Format("default = {0}", referrer), v => referrer = v }, { "script=", "{JAVASCRIPT} Url to inject in the page\n" + String.Format("default = {0}", script), v => script = v }, { "post_data=", "{POST DATA} for a POST request\n" + String.Format("default = {0}", post_data), v => script = v }, /*{ "v", "increase debug message verbosity", v => { if (v != null) ++verbosity; } },*/ { "h|help|?", "show the list of options", v => show_help = v != null }, }; List<string> extra; try { extra = p.Parse (args); } catch (OptionException e) { Console.Write ("browshot-cmd.exe: "); Console.WriteLine (e.Message); Console.WriteLine ("Try `browshot-cmd.exe --help' for more information"); return; } if (show_help) { ShowHelp(p); return; } if(url == String.Empty) { Console.WriteLine("Missing URL"); ShowHelp(p); return; } if (key == String.Empty) { Console.WriteLine("Missing API key"); ShowHelp(p); return; } /*if (file == String.Empty) { Console.WriteLine("Missing file name"); ShowHelp(p); return; }*/ browshot = new BrowshotClient(key, true); Hashtable arguments = new Hashtable(); arguments.Add("instance_id", instance_id); arguments.Add("size", size); arguments.Add("cache", cache); arguments.Add("shots", shots); arguments.Add("delay", delay); arguments.Add("flash_delay", flash_delay); arguments.Add("screen_width", screen_width); arguments.Add("screen_height", screen_height); arguments.Add("shot_interval", shot_interval); arguments.Add("format", format); arguments.Add("quality", quality); arguments.Add("referrer", referrer); arguments.Add("script", script); arguments.Add("post_data", post_data); // ... arguments.Add("width", width); arguments.Add("height", height); arguments.Add("file", file); start(url, arguments); }
public void SetUp() { browshot = new BrowshotClient("API_KEY"); }