Esempio n. 1
        internal static Month GenerateMissionDate(DCSMission mission, MissionTemplateRecord template)
            int   day;
            Month month;

            // Select a random year from the most recent coalition's decade.
            var year = Toolbox.GetRandomYearFromDecade(template.ContextDecade);

            BriefingRoom.PrintToLog($"No fixed date provided in the mission template, generating date in decade {template.ContextDecade}");

            if (template.EnvironmentSeason == Season.Random) // Random season, pick any day of the year.
                month = (Month)Toolbox.RandomInt(12);
                day   = Toolbox.RandomMinMax(1, GeneratorTools.GetDaysPerMonth(month, year));
            else // Pick a date according to the desired season
                Month[] seasonMonths = GetMonthsForSeason(template.EnvironmentSeason);

                int monthIndex = Toolbox.RandomInt(4);
                month = seasonMonths[monthIndex];
                switch (monthIndex)
                case 0:     // First month of the season, season begins on the 21st
                    day = Toolbox.RandomMinMax(21, GeneratorTools.GetDaysPerMonth(month, year)); break;

                case 3:     // Last month of the season, season ends on the 20th
                    day = Toolbox.RandomMinMax(1, 20); break;

                    day = Toolbox.RandomMinMax(1, GeneratorTools.GetDaysPerMonth(month, year)); break;

            mission.SetValue("DateDay", day);
            mission.SetValue("DateMonth", (int)month + 1);
            mission.SetValue("DateYear", year);
            mission.SetValue("BriefingDate", $"{(int)month + 1:00}/{day:00}/{year:0000}");

            BriefingRoom.PrintToLog($"Misson date set to {day} {month} {year}.");