Esempio n. 1
 /// Does this aabb contain the provided AABB.
 public bool Contains(b2AABB aabb)
     bool result = true;
     result = result && m_lowerBound.x <= aabb.m_lowerBound.x;
     result = result && m_lowerBound.y <= aabb.m_lowerBound.y;
     result = result && aabb.m_upperBound.x <= m_upperBound.x;
     result = result && aabb.m_upperBound.y <= m_upperBound.y;
     return result;
Esempio n. 2
        public void DrawAABB(b2AABB aAabb, b2Color aColor)
            mVertices[0] = new CCPoint(aAabb.LowerBound.x * mRatio, aAabb.LowerBound.y * mRatio);
            mVertices[1] = new CCPoint(aAabb.UpperBound.x * mRatio, aAabb.LowerBound.y * mRatio);
            mVertices[2] = new CCPoint(aAabb.UpperBound.x * mRatio, aAabb.UpperBound.y * mRatio);
            mVertices[3] = new CCPoint(aAabb.LowerBound.x * mRatio, aAabb.UpperBound.y * mRatio);

            CCDrawingPrimitives.DrawPoly(mVertices, 8, true, new CCColor4B(aColor.r, aColor.g, aColor.b, 1));
Esempio n. 3
        public virtual bool MouseDown(b2Vec2 p)
            m_mouseWorld = p;

            if (m_mouseJoint != null)
                return false;

            // Make a small box.
            b2AABB aabb = new b2AABB();
            b2Vec2 d = new b2Vec2();
            d.Set(0.001f, 0.001f);
            aabb.LowerBound = p - d;
            aabb.UpperBound = p + d;

            // Query the world for overlapping shapes.
            QueryCallback callback = new QueryCallback(p);
            m_world.QueryAABB(callback, aabb);

            if (callback.m_fixture != null)

                b2Body body = callback.m_fixture.Body;
                b2MouseJointDef md = new b2MouseJointDef();
                md.BodyA = m_groundBody;
                md.BodyB = body;
       = p;
                md.maxForce = 1000.0f * body.Mass;
                m_mouseJoint = (b2MouseJoint)m_world.CreateJoint(md);
                return true;


                //Como no ha encontrado un objeto empezamos el arrastre
                IsArrastring = true;
                originPosition = new CCPoint(p.x, p.y);
                return true;

Esempio n. 4
 public bool Equals(b2AABB o)
     return (LowerBound == o.LowerBound && UpperBound == o.UpperBound);
Esempio n. 5
        // Create a proxy in the tree as a leaf node. We return the index
        // of the node instead of a pointer so that we can grow
        // the node pool.
        public int CreateProxy(b2AABB aabb, object userData)
            int proxyId = AllocateNode();

            // Fatten the aabb.
            b2Vec2 r = new b2Vec2(b2Settings.b2_aabbExtension, b2Settings.b2_aabbExtension);
            m_nodes[proxyId].aabb.lowerBound = aabb.lowerBound - r;
            m_nodes[proxyId].aabb.upperBound = aabb.upperBound + r;
            m_nodes[proxyId].userData = userData;
            m_nodes[proxyId].height = 0;


            return proxyId;
Esempio n. 6
        public void LaunchBomb(b2Vec2 position, b2Vec2 velocity)
            if (m_bomb != null)
                m_bomb = null;

            b2BodyDef bd = new b2BodyDef();
            bd.type = b2BodyType.b2_dynamicBody;
            bd.position = position;
            bd.bullet = true;
            m_bomb = m_world.CreateBody(bd);
            m_bomb.LinearVelocity = velocity;

            b2CircleShape circle = new b2CircleShape();
            circle.Radius = 0.3f;

            b2FixtureDef fd = new b2FixtureDef();
            fd.shape = circle;
            fd.density = 20.0f;
            fd.restitution = 0.0f;

            b2Vec2 minV = position - new b2Vec2(0.3f, 0.3f);
            b2Vec2 maxV = position + new b2Vec2(0.3f, 0.3f);

            b2AABB aabb = new b2AABB();
            aabb.LowerBound = minV;
            aabb.UpperBound = maxV;

Esempio n. 7
        public static void Combine(ref b2AABB aabb1, ref b2AABB aabb2, out b2AABB output)
            output.LowerBound.x = aabb1.LowerBound.x < aabb2.LowerBound.x ? aabb1.LowerBound.x : aabb2.LowerBound.x;
            output.LowerBound.y = aabb1.LowerBound.y < aabb2.LowerBound.y ? aabb1.LowerBound.y : aabb2.LowerBound.y;

            output.UpperBound.x = aabb1.UpperBound.x > aabb2.UpperBound.x ? aabb1.UpperBound.x : aabb2.UpperBound.x;
            output.UpperBound.y = aabb1.UpperBound.y > aabb2.UpperBound.y ? aabb1.UpperBound.y : aabb2.UpperBound.y;
Esempio n. 8
        public static bool b2TestOverlap(ref b2AABB a, ref b2AABB b)
            b2Vec2 d1, d2;
            // No operator overloading here - do direct computation to reduce time complexity
            d1.m_x = b.LowerBoundX - a.UpperBoundX;
            d1.m_y = b.LowerBoundY - a.UpperBoundY;

            d2.m_x = a.LowerBoundX - b.UpperBoundX;
            d2.m_y = a.LowerBoundY - b.UpperBoundY;
            // d1 = b.LowerBound - a.UpperBound;
            // d2 = a.LowerBound - b.UpperBound;

            if (d1.m_x > 0.0f || d1.m_y > 0.0f)
                return false;

            if (d2.m_x > 0.0f || d2.m_y > 0.0f)
                return false;

            return true;
 public void GetFatAABB(int proxyId, out b2AABB output)
     Debug.Assert(0 <= proxyId && proxyId < m_nodeCapacity);
     output = m_nodes[proxyId].aabb;
Esempio n. 10
        public void RebuildBottomUp()
            int[] nodes = new int[m_nodeCount];
            int   count = 0;

            // Build array of leaves. Free the rest.
            for (int i = 0; i < m_nodeCapacity; ++i)
                if (m_nodes[i].height < 0)
                    // free node in pool

                if (m_nodes[i].IsLeaf())
                    m_nodes[i].parentOrNext = b2TreeNode.b2_nullNode;
                    nodes[count]            = i;

            while (count > 1)
                float minCost = b2Settings.b2_maxFloat;
                int   iMin = -1, jMin = -1;
                for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
                    b2AABB aabbi = m_nodes[nodes[i]].aabb;

                    for (int j = i + 1; j < count; ++j)
                        b2AABB aabbj = m_nodes[nodes[j]].aabb;
                        b2AABB b     = b2AABB.Default;
                        b.Combine(ref aabbi, ref aabbj);
                        float cost = b.Perimeter;
                        if (cost < minCost)
                            iMin    = i;
                            jMin    = j;
                            minCost = cost;

                int        index1 = nodes[iMin];
                int        index2 = nodes[jMin];
                b2TreeNode child1 = m_nodes[index1];
                b2TreeNode child2 = m_nodes[index2];

                int        parentIndex = AllocateNode();
                b2TreeNode parent      = m_nodes[parentIndex];
                parent.child1 = index1;
                parent.child2 = index2;
                parent.height = 1 + Math.Max(child1.height, child2.height);
                parent.aabb.Combine(ref child1.aabb, ref child2.aabb);
                parent.parentOrNext = b2TreeNode.b2_nullNode;

                child1.parentOrNext = parentIndex;
                child2.parentOrNext = parentIndex;

                nodes[jMin] = nodes[count - 1];
                nodes[iMin] = parentIndex;

            m_root = nodes[0];

Esempio n. 11
        public void ValidateMetrics(int index)
            if (index == b2TreeNode.b2_nullNode)

            b2TreeNode node = m_nodes[index];

            int child1 = node.child1;
            int child2 = node.child2;

            if (node.IsLeaf())
                Debug.Assert(child1 == b2TreeNode.b2_nullNode);
                Debug.Assert(child2 == b2TreeNode.b2_nullNode);
                Debug.Assert(node.height == 0);

            Debug.Assert(0 <= child1 && child1 < m_nodeCapacity);
            Debug.Assert(0 <= child2 && child2 < m_nodeCapacity);

            int height1 = m_nodes[child1].height;
            int height2 = m_nodes[child2].height;
            int height;
            height = 1 + Math.Max(height1, height2);
            Debug.Assert(node.height == height);

            b2AABB aabb = new b2AABB();
            aabb.Combine(m_nodes[child1].aabb, m_nodes[child2].aabb);

            Debug.Assert(aabb.lowerBound == node.aabb.lowerBound);
            Debug.Assert(aabb.upperBound == node.aabb.upperBound);

Esempio n. 12
 /// Combine an AABB into this one.
 public void Combine(b2AABB aabb)
     m_lowerBound = b2Math.b2Min(m_lowerBound, aabb.m_lowerBound);
     m_upperBound = b2Math.b2Max(m_upperBound, aabb.m_upperBound);
Esempio n. 13
        public void InsertLeaf(int leaf)

            if (m_root == b2TreeNode.b2_nullNode)
                m_root = leaf;
                m_nodes[m_root].parentOrNext = b2TreeNode.b2_nullNode;

            // Find the best sibling for this node
            b2AABB leafAABB = m_nodes[leaf].aabb;
            int    index    = m_root;

            while (m_nodes[index].IsLeaf() == false)
                int child1 = m_nodes[index].child1;
                int child2 = m_nodes[index].child2;

                float area = m_nodes[index].aabb.Perimeter;

                b2AABB combinedAABB = b2AABB.Default;
                combinedAABB.Combine(ref m_nodes[index].aabb, ref leafAABB);
                float combinedArea = combinedAABB.Perimeter;

                // Cost of creating a new parent for this node and the new leaf
                float cost = 2.0f * combinedArea;

                // Minimum cost of pushing the leaf further down the tree
                float inheritanceCost = 2.0f * (combinedArea - area);

                // Cost of descending into child1
                float cost1;
                if (m_nodes[child1].IsLeaf())
                    b2AABB aabb = b2AABB.Default;
                    aabb.Combine(ref leafAABB, ref m_nodes[child1].aabb);
                    cost1 = aabb.Perimeter + inheritanceCost;
                    b2AABB aabb = b2AABB.Default;
                    aabb.Combine(ref leafAABB, ref m_nodes[child1].aabb);
                    float oldArea = m_nodes[child1].aabb.Perimeter;
                    float newArea = aabb.Perimeter;
                    cost1 = (newArea - oldArea) + inheritanceCost;

                // Cost of descending into child2
                float cost2;
                if (m_nodes[child2].IsLeaf())
                    b2AABB aabb = b2AABB.Default;
                    aabb.Combine(ref leafAABB, ref m_nodes[child2].aabb);
                    cost2 = aabb.Perimeter + inheritanceCost;
                    b2AABB aabb = b2AABB.Default;
                    aabb.Combine(ref leafAABB, ref m_nodes[child2].aabb);
                    float oldArea = m_nodes[child2].aabb.Perimeter;
                    float newArea = aabb.Perimeter;
                    cost2 = newArea - oldArea + inheritanceCost;

                // Descend according to the minimum cost.
                if (cost < cost1 && cost < cost2)

                // Descend
                if (cost1 < cost2)
                    index = child1;
                    index = child2;

            int sibling = index;

            // Create a new parent.
            int oldParent = m_nodes[sibling].parentOrNext;
            int newParent = AllocateNode();

            m_nodes[newParent].parentOrNext = oldParent;
            m_nodes[newParent].userData     = null;
            m_nodes[newParent].aabb.Combine(ref leafAABB, ref m_nodes[sibling].aabb);
            m_nodes[newParent].height = m_nodes[sibling].height + 1;

            if (oldParent != b2TreeNode.b2_nullNode)
                // The sibling was not the root.
                if (m_nodes[oldParent].child1 == sibling)
                    m_nodes[oldParent].child1 = newParent;
                    m_nodes[oldParent].child2 = newParent;

                m_nodes[newParent].child1     = sibling;
                m_nodes[newParent].child2     = leaf;
                m_nodes[sibling].parentOrNext = newParent;
                m_nodes[leaf].parentOrNext    = newParent;
                // The sibling was the root.
                m_nodes[newParent].child1     = sibling;
                m_nodes[newParent].child2     = leaf;
                m_nodes[sibling].parentOrNext = newParent;
                m_nodes[leaf].parentOrNext    = newParent;
                m_root = newParent;

            // Walk back up the tree fixing heights and AABBs
            index = m_nodes[leaf].parentOrNext;
            while (index != b2TreeNode.b2_nullNode)
                index = Balance(index);

                int child1 = m_nodes[index].child1;
                int child2 = m_nodes[index].child2;

                Debug.Assert(child1 != b2TreeNode.b2_nullNode);
                Debug.Assert(child2 != b2TreeNode.b2_nullNode);

                m_nodes[index].height = 1 + Math.Max(m_nodes[child1].height, m_nodes[child2].height);
                m_nodes[index].aabb.Combine(ref m_nodes[child1].aabb, ref m_nodes[child2].aabb);

                index = m_nodes[index].parentOrNext;

Esempio n. 14
        public bool MoveProxy(int proxyId, b2AABB aabb, b2Vec2 displacement)
            Debug.Assert(0 <= proxyId && proxyId < m_nodeCapacity);


            if (m_nodes[proxyId].aabb.Contains(ref aabb))
                return false;


            // Extend AABB.
            b2AABB b = aabb;

            // Predict AABB displacement.
            b2Vec2 d = b2Settings.b2_aabbMultiplier * displacement;

            if (d.x < 0.0f)
                b.LowerBoundX += d.x;
                b.UpperBoundX += d.x;

            if (d.y < 0.0f)
                b.LowerBoundY += d.y;
                b.UpperBoundY += d.y;

            m_nodes[proxyId].aabb = b;

            return true;
Esempio n. 15
        // Create a proxy in the tree as a leaf node. We return the index
        // of the node instead of a pointer so that we can grow
        // the node pool.
        public int CreateProxy(b2AABB aabb, object userData)
            int proxyId = AllocateNode();

            // Fatten the aabb.
            m_nodes[proxyId].aabb = aabb;
            m_nodes[proxyId].userData = userData;
            m_nodes[proxyId].height = 0;


            return proxyId;
Esempio n. 16
  * Extends or clips the segment so that it's ends lie on the boundary of the AABB
 public void Extend(b2AABB aabb)
Esempio n. 17
        public bool MoveProxy(int proxyId, b2AABB aabb, b2Vec2 displacement)
            Debug.Assert(0 <= proxyId && proxyId < m_nodeCapacity);


            if (m_nodes[proxyId].aabb.Contains(aabb))
                return false;


            // Extend AABB.
            b2AABB b = aabb;
            b2Vec2 r = new b2Vec2(b2Settings.b2_aabbExtension, b2Settings.b2_aabbExtension);
            b.lowerBound = b.lowerBound - r;
            b.upperBound = b.upperBound + r;

            // Predict AABB displacement.
            b2Vec2 d = b2Settings.b2_aabbMultiplier * displacement;

            if (d.x < 0.0f)
                b.lowerBoundx += d.x;
                b.upperBoundx += d.x;

            if (d.y < 0.0f)
                b.lowerBoundy += d.y;
                b.upperBoundy += d.y;

            m_nodes[proxyId].aabb = b;

            return true;
Esempio n. 18
        public void RayCast(b2WorldRayCastWrapper callback, b2RayCastInput input)
            b2Vec2 p1 = input.p1;
            b2Vec2 p2 = input.p2;
            b2Vec2 r  = p2 - p1;

            Debug.Assert(r.LengthSquared > 0.0f);

            // v is perpendicular to the segment.
            b2Vec2 v     = r.NegUnitCross(); // b2Math.b2Cross(1.0f, r);
            b2Vec2 abs_v = b2Math.b2Abs(v);

            // Separating axis for segment (Gino, p80).
            // |dot(v, p1 - c)| > dot(|v|, h)

            float maxFraction = input.maxFraction;

            // Build a bounding box for the segment.
            b2AABB segmentAABB = b2AABB.Default;
                b2Vec2 t = p1 + maxFraction * (p2 - p1);
                segmentAABB.Set(b2Math.b2Min(p1, t), b2Math.b2Max(p1, t));

            Stack <int> stack = new Stack <int>();


            while (stack.Count > 0)
                int nodeId = stack.Pop();
                if (nodeId == b2TreeNode.b2_nullNode)

                b2TreeNode node = m_nodes[nodeId];

                if (b2Collision.b2TestOverlap(ref node.aabb, ref segmentAABB) == false)

                // Separating axis for segment (Gino, p80).
                // |dot(v, p1 - c)| > dot(|v|, h)
                b2Vec2 c          = node.aabb.Center;
                b2Vec2 h          = node.aabb.Extents;
                float  separation = b2Math.b2Abs(b2Math.b2Dot(v, p1 - c)) - b2Math.b2Dot(abs_v, h);
                if (separation > 0.0f)

                if (node.IsLeaf())
                    b2RayCastInput subInput = new b2RayCastInput();
                    subInput.p1          = input.p1;
                    subInput.p2          = input.p2;
                    subInput.maxFraction = maxFraction;

                    float value = callback.RayCastCallback(subInput, nodeId);

                    if (value == 0.0f)
                        // The client has terminated the ray cast.

                    if (value > 0.0f)
                        // Update segment bounding box.
                        maxFraction = value;
                        b2Vec2 t = p1 + maxFraction * (p2 - p1);
                        segmentAABB.Set(b2Math.b2Min(p1, t), b2Math.b2Max(p1, t));
Esempio n. 19
        public void RayCast(b2WorldRayCastWrapper callback, b2RayCastInput input)
            b2Vec2 p1 = input.p1;
            b2Vec2 p2 = input.p2;
            b2Vec2 r = p2 - p1;
            Debug.Assert(r.LengthSquared() > 0.0f);

            // v is perpendicular to the segment.
            b2Vec2 v = b2Math.b2Cross(1.0f, r);
            b2Vec2 abs_v = b2Math.b2Abs(v);

            // Separating axis for segment (Gino, p80).
            // |dot(v, p1 - c)| > dot(|v|, h)

            float maxFraction = input.maxFraction;

            // Build a bounding box for the segment.
            b2AABB segmentAABB = new b2AABB();
                b2Vec2 t = p1 + maxFraction * (p2 - p1);
                segmentAABB.lowerBound = b2Math.b2Min(p1, t);
                segmentAABB.upperBound = b2Math.b2Max(p1, t);

            Stack<int> stack = new Stack<int>();

            while (stack.Count > 0)
                int nodeId = stack.Pop();
                if (nodeId == b2TreeNode.b2_nullNode)

                b2TreeNode node = m_nodes[nodeId];

                if (b2Collision.b2TestOverlap(ref node.aabb, ref segmentAABB) == false)

                // Separating axis for segment (Gino, p80).
                // |dot(v, p1 - c)| > dot(|v|, h)
                b2Vec2 c = node.aabb.GetCenter();
                b2Vec2 h = node.aabb.GetExtents();
                float separation = b2Math.b2Abs(b2Math.b2Dot(v, p1 - c)) - b2Math.b2Dot(abs_v, h);
                if (separation > 0.0f)

                if (node.IsLeaf())
                    b2RayCastInput subInput = new b2RayCastInput();
                    subInput.p1 = input.p1;
                    subInput.p2 = input.p2;
                    subInput.maxFraction = maxFraction;

                    float value = callback.RayCastCallback(subInput, nodeId);

                    if (value == 0.0f)
                        // The client has terminated the ray cast.

                    if (value > 0.0f)
                        // Update segment bounding box.
                        maxFraction = value;
                        b2Vec2 t = p1 + maxFraction * (p2 - p1);
                        segmentAABB.lowerBound = b2Math.b2Min(p1, t);
                        segmentAABB.upperBound = b2Math.b2Max(p1, t);
Esempio n. 20
        private void MoveAABB(b2AABB aabb)
            b2Vec2 d = new b2Vec2();
            d.x = Rand.RandomFloat(-0.5f, 0.5f);
            d.y = Rand.RandomFloat(-0.5f, 0.5f);
            //d.x = 2.0f;
            //d.y = 0.0f;
            aabb.LowerBound += d;
            aabb.UpperBound += d;

            b2Vec2 c0 = 0.5f * (aabb.LowerBound + aabb.UpperBound);
            b2Vec2 min = new b2Vec2();
            min.Set(-m_worldExtent, 0.0f);
            b2Vec2 max = new b2Vec2();
            max.Set(m_worldExtent, 2.0f * m_worldExtent);
            b2Vec2 c = b2Math.b2Clamp(c0, min, max);

            aabb.LowerBound += c - c0;
            aabb.UpperBound += c - c0;
Esempio n. 21
        public b2Vec2 m_upperBound; //< the upper vertex

        #endregion Fields

        #region Methods

        /// Combine an AABB into this one.
        public void Combine(b2AABB aabb)
            m_lowerBound = b2Math.b2Min(m_lowerBound, aabb.m_lowerBound);
            m_upperBound = b2Math.b2Max(m_upperBound, aabb.m_upperBound);
Esempio n. 22
        public static bool b2TestOverlap(ref b2AABB a, ref b2AABB b)
            b2Vec2 d1, d2;
            d1 = b.m_lowerBound - a.m_upperBound;
            d2 = a.m_lowerBound - b.m_upperBound;

            if (d1.x > 0.0f || d1.y > 0.0f)
                return false;

            if (d2.x > 0.0f || d2.y > 0.0f)
                return false;

            return true;
         * Update the pairs. This results in pair callbacks. This can only add pairs.
        public void UpdatePairs(Action <object, object> callback)
            m_pairCount = 0;
            // Perform tree queries for all moving queries
            foreach (b2DynamicTreeNode queryProxy in m_moveBuffer)
                /*bool QueryCallback(b2DynamicTreeNode proxy)
                 * {
                 *      // A proxy cannot form a pair with itself.
                 *      if (proxy == queryProxy)
                 *              return true;
                 *      // Grow the pair buffer as needed
                 *      if (m_pairCount == m_pairBuffer.Count)
                 *      {
                 *              m_pairBuffer[m_pairCount] = new b2DynamicTreePair();
                 *      }
                 *      b2DynamicTreePair pair = m_pairBuffer[m_pairCount];
                 *      pair.proxyA = proxy < queryProxy?proxy:queryProxy;
                 *      pair.proxyB = proxy >= queryProxy?proxy:queryProxy;
                 *      return true;
                 * }*/
                BroadPhaseQueryCallback QueryCallback = delegate(object proxy){
                    // A proxy cannot form a pair with itself.
                    if (proxy == queryProxy)

                    // Grow the pair buffer as needed
                    if (m_pairCount == m_pairBuffer.Count)
                        m_pairBuffer.Add(new b2DynamicTreePair());

                    b2DynamicTreePair pair = m_pairBuffer[m_pairCount];
                    //pair.proxyA = proxy < queryProxy?proxy:queryProxy;
                    //pair.proxyB = proxy >= queryProxy?proxy:queryProxy;
                    pair.proxyA = queryProxy;
                    pair.proxyB = (b2DynamicTreeNode)proxy;


                // We have to query the tree with the fat AABB so that
                // we don't fail to create a pair that may touch later.
                b2AABB fatAABB = m_tree.GetFatAABB(queryProxy);
                m_tree.Query(QueryCallback, fatAABB);

            // Reset move buffer
            //m_moveBuffer.length = 0;
            m_moveBuffer.RemoveRange(0, m_moveBuffer.Count);

            // Sort the pair buffer to expose duplicates.
            // TODO: Something more sensible

            // Send the pair buffer
            for (int i = 0; i < m_pairCount;)
                b2DynamicTreePair primaryPair = m_pairBuffer[i];
                object            userDataA   = m_tree.GetUserData(primaryPair.proxyA);
                object            userDataB   = m_tree.GetUserData(primaryPair.proxyB);
                callback(userDataA, userDataB);

                // Skip any duplicate pairs
                while (i < m_pairCount)
                    b2DynamicTreePair pair = m_pairBuffer[i];
                    if (pair.proxyA != primaryPair.proxyA || pair.proxyB != primaryPair.proxyB)
Esempio n. 24
 /// Combine two AABBs into this one.
 public void Combine(b2AABB aabb1, b2AABB aabb2)
     m_lowerBound = b2Math.b2Min(aabb1.m_lowerBound, aabb2.m_lowerBound);
     m_upperBound = b2Math.b2Max(aabb1.m_upperBound, aabb2.m_upperBound);
Esempio n. 25
        public static bool b2TestOverlap(ref b2AABB a, ref b2AABB b)
            // No operator overloading here - do direct computation to reduce time complexity
            if (b.LowerBound.x - a.UpperBound.x > 0.0f || b.LowerBound.y - a.UpperBound.y > 0.0f)
                return false;

            if (a.LowerBound.x - b.UpperBound.x > 0.0f || a.LowerBound.y - b.UpperBound.y > 0.0f)
                return false;

            return true;
Esempio n. 26
 public bool Equals(b2AABB o)
     return(LowerBound == o.LowerBound && UpperBound == o.UpperBound);
Esempio n. 27
        public virtual bool MouseDown(b2Vec2 p)
            m_mouseWorld = p;

            if (m_mouseJoint != null)
                return false;

            // Make a small box.
            b2AABB aabb = new b2AABB();
            b2Vec2 d = new b2Vec2();
            d.Set(0.001f, 0.001f);
            aabb.LowerBound = p - d;
            aabb.UpperBound = p + d;

            // Query the world for overlapping shapes.
            QueryCallback callback = new QueryCallback(p);
            m_world.QueryAABB(callback, aabb);

            if (callback.m_fixture != null)
                b2Body body = callback.m_fixture.Body;
                b2MouseJointDef md = new b2MouseJointDef();
                md.BodyA = m_groundBody;
                md.BodyB = body;
       = p;
                md.maxForce = 1000.0f * body.Mass;
                m_mouseJoint = (b2MouseJoint) m_world.CreateJoint(md);
                return true;
            return false;
Esempio n. 28
        public override bool Equals(object obj)
            b2AABB o = (b2AABB)obj;

            return(LowerBound == o.LowerBound && UpperBound == o.UpperBound);
Esempio n. 29
        public void Combine(ref b2AABB aabb1, ref b2AABB aabb2)
            LowerBound.x = aabb1.LowerBound.x < aabb2.LowerBound.x ? aabb1.LowerBound.x : aabb2.LowerBound.x;
            LowerBound.y = aabb1.LowerBound.y < aabb2.LowerBound.y ? aabb1.LowerBound.y : aabb2.LowerBound.y;

            UpperBound.x = aabb1.UpperBound.x > aabb2.UpperBound.x ? aabb1.UpperBound.x : aabb2.UpperBound.x;
            UpperBound.y = aabb1.UpperBound.y > aabb2.UpperBound.y ? aabb1.UpperBound.y : aabb2.UpperBound.y;
Esempio n. 30
        public void Combine(ref b2AABB aabb)
            m_lowerBound.x = aabb.LowerBoundX < LowerBoundX ? aabb.LowerBoundX : LowerBoundX;
            m_lowerBound.y = aabb.LowerBoundY < LowerBoundY ? aabb.LowerBoundY : LowerBoundY;

            m_upperBound.x = aabb.UpperBoundX > UpperBoundX ? aabb.UpperBoundX : UpperBoundX;
            m_upperBound.y = aabb.UpperBoundY > UpperBoundY ? aabb.UpperBoundY : UpperBoundY;

            //m_lowerBound = b2Math.b2Min(m_lowerBound, aabb.LowerBound);
            //m_upperBound = b2Math.b2Max(m_upperBound, aabb.UpperBound);

            _Dirty = true;
Esempio n. 31
 public bool Contains(ref b2AABB aabb)
     bool result = true;
     result = result && LowerBound.x <= aabb.LowerBoundX;
     if (result)
         result = result && LowerBound.y <= aabb.LowerBoundY;
     if (result)
         result = result && aabb.UpperBoundX <= UpperBound.x;
     if (result)
         result = result && aabb.UpperBoundY <= UpperBound.y;
     return result;
Esempio n. 32
        public void Combine(ref b2AABB aabb1, ref b2AABB aabb2)
            m_lowerBound.x = aabb1.LowerBoundX < aabb2.LowerBoundX ? aabb1.LowerBoundX : aabb2.LowerBoundX;
            m_lowerBound.y = aabb1.LowerBoundY < aabb2.LowerBoundY ? aabb1.LowerBoundY : aabb2.LowerBoundY;

            m_upperBound.x = aabb1.UpperBoundX > aabb2.UpperBoundX ? aabb1.UpperBoundX : aabb2.UpperBoundX;
            m_upperBound.y = aabb1.UpperBoundY > aabb2.UpperBoundY ? aabb1.UpperBoundY : aabb2.UpperBoundY;

//            m_lowerBound = b2Math.b2Min(aabb1.LowerBound, aabb2.LowerBound);
//            m_upperBound = b2Math.b2Max(aabb1.UpperBound, aabb2.UpperBound);

            _Dirty = true;
Esempio n. 33
        public void Combine(ref b2AABB aabb)
            LowerBound.x = aabb.LowerBound.x < LowerBound.x ? aabb.LowerBound.x : LowerBound.x;
            LowerBound.y = aabb.LowerBound.y < LowerBound.y ? aabb.LowerBound.y : LowerBound.y;

            UpperBound.x = aabb.UpperBound.x > UpperBound.x ? aabb.UpperBound.x : UpperBound.x;
            UpperBound.y = aabb.UpperBound.y > UpperBound.y ? aabb.UpperBound.y : UpperBound.y;
Esempio n. 34
 public bool Equals(b2AABB o)
     return (m_lowerBound == o.LowerBound && m_upperBound == o.UpperBound);
Esempio n. 35
        public void InsertLeaf(int leaf)

            if (m_root == b2TreeNode.b2_nullNode)
                m_root = leaf;
                m_nodes[m_root].parentOrNext = b2TreeNode.b2_nullNode;

            // Find the best sibling for this node
            b2AABB leafAABB = m_nodes[leaf].aabb;
            int index = m_root;
            while (m_nodes[index].IsLeaf() == false)
                int child1 = m_nodes[index].child1;
                int child2 = m_nodes[index].child2;

                float area = m_nodes[index].aabb.GetPerimeter();

                b2AABB combinedAABB = new b2AABB();
                combinedAABB.Combine(m_nodes[index].aabb, leafAABB);
                float combinedArea = combinedAABB.GetPerimeter();

                // Cost of creating a new parent for this node and the new leaf
                float cost = 2.0f * combinedArea;

                // Minimum cost of pushing the leaf further down the tree
                float inheritanceCost = 2.0f * (combinedArea - area);

                // Cost of descending into child1
                float cost1;
                if (m_nodes[child1].IsLeaf())
                    b2AABB aabb = new b2AABB();
                    aabb.Combine(leafAABB, m_nodes[child1].aabb);
                    cost1 = aabb.GetPerimeter() + inheritanceCost;
                    b2AABB aabb = new b2AABB();
                    aabb.Combine(leafAABB, m_nodes[child1].aabb);
                    float oldArea = m_nodes[child1].aabb.GetPerimeter();
                    float newArea = aabb.GetPerimeter();
                    cost1 = (newArea - oldArea) + inheritanceCost;

                // Cost of descending into child2
                float cost2;
                if (m_nodes[child2].IsLeaf())
                    b2AABB aabb = new b2AABB();
                    aabb.Combine(leafAABB, m_nodes[child2].aabb);
                    cost2 = aabb.GetPerimeter() + inheritanceCost;
                    b2AABB aabb = new b2AABB();
                    aabb.Combine(leafAABB, m_nodes[child2].aabb);
                    float oldArea = m_nodes[child2].aabb.GetPerimeter();
                    float newArea = aabb.GetPerimeter();
                    cost2 = newArea - oldArea + inheritanceCost;

                // Descend according to the minimum cost.
                if (cost < cost1 && cost < cost2)

                // Descend
                if (cost1 < cost2)
                    index = child1;
                    index = child2;

            int sibling = index;

            // Create a new parent.
            int oldParent = m_nodes[sibling].parentOrNext;
            int newParent = AllocateNode();
            m_nodes[newParent].parentOrNext = oldParent;
            m_nodes[newParent].userData = null;
            m_nodes[newParent].aabb.Combine(leafAABB, m_nodes[sibling].aabb);
            m_nodes[newParent].height = m_nodes[sibling].height + 1;

            if (oldParent != b2TreeNode.b2_nullNode)
                // The sibling was not the root.
                if (m_nodes[oldParent].child1 == sibling)
                    m_nodes[oldParent].child1 = newParent;
                    m_nodes[oldParent].child2 = newParent;

                m_nodes[newParent].child1 = sibling;
                m_nodes[newParent].child2 = leaf;
                m_nodes[sibling].parentOrNext = newParent;
                m_nodes[leaf].parentOrNext = newParent;
                // The sibling was the root.
                m_nodes[newParent].child1 = sibling;
                m_nodes[newParent].child2 = leaf;
                m_nodes[sibling].parentOrNext = newParent;
                m_nodes[leaf].parentOrNext = newParent;
                m_root = newParent;

            // Walk back up the tree fixing heights and AABBs
            index = m_nodes[leaf].parentOrNext;
            while (index != b2TreeNode.b2_nullNode)
                index = Balance(index);

                int child1 = m_nodes[index].child1;
                int child2 = m_nodes[index].child2;

                Debug.Assert(child1 != b2TreeNode.b2_nullNode);
                Debug.Assert(child2 != b2TreeNode.b2_nullNode);

                m_nodes[index].height = 1 + Math.Max(m_nodes[child1].height, m_nodes[child2].height);
                m_nodes[index].aabb.Combine(m_nodes[child1].aabb, m_nodes[child2].aabb);

                index = m_nodes[index].parentOrNext;

Esempio n. 36
         * Ray-cast against the proxies in the tree. This relies on the callback
         * to perform a exact ray-cast in the case were the proxy contains a shape.
         * The callback also performs the any collision filtering. This has performance
         * roughly equal to k * log(n), where k is the number of collisions and n is the
         * number of proxies in the tree.
         * @param input the ray-cast input data. The ray extends from p1 to p1 + maxFraction * (p2 - p1).
         * @param callback a callback class that is called for each proxy that is hit by the ray.
         * It should be of signature:
         * ----- <code>function callback(input:b2RayCastInput, proxy:*):void</code>
         * <code>function callback(input:b2RayCastInput, proxy:*):Number</code>
        public void RayCast(BroadPhaseRayCastCallback callback, b2RayCastInput input)
            if (m_root == null)

            b2Vec2 p1 = input.p1;
            b2Vec2 p2 = input.p2;
            b2Vec2 r  = b2Math.SubtractVV(p1, p2);

            //b2Settings.b2Assert(r.LengthSquared() > 0.0);

            // v is perpendicular to the segment
            b2Vec2 v     = b2Math.CrossFV(1.0f, r);
            b2Vec2 abs_v = b2Math.AbsV(v);

            float maxFraction = input.maxFraction;

            // Build a bounding box for the segment
            b2AABB segmentAABB = new b2AABB();
            float  tX;
            float  tY;
                tX = p1.x + maxFraction * (p2.x - p1.x);
                tY = p1.y + maxFraction * (p2.y - p1.y);
                segmentAABB.lowerBound.x = Mathf.Min(p1.x, tX);
                segmentAABB.lowerBound.y = Mathf.Min(p1.y, tY);
                segmentAABB.upperBound.x = Mathf.Max(p1.x, tX);
                segmentAABB.upperBound.y = Mathf.Max(p1.y, tY);

            Dictionary <int, b2DynamicTreeNode> stack = new Dictionary <int, b2DynamicTreeNode>();

            int count = 0;

            stack[count++] = m_root;

            while (count > 0)
                b2DynamicTreeNode node = stack[--count];

                if (node.aabb.TestOverlap(segmentAABB) == false)

                // Separating axis for segment (Gino, p80)
                // |dot(v, p1 - c)| > dot(|v|,h)

                b2Vec2 c          = node.aabb.GetCenter();
                b2Vec2 h          = node.aabb.GetExtents();
                float  separation = Mathf.Abs(v.x * (p1.x - c.x) + v.y * (p1.y - c.y))
                                    - abs_v.x * h.x - abs_v.y * h.y;
                if (separation > 0.0f)

                if (node.IsLeaf())
                    b2RayCastInput subInput = new b2RayCastInput();
                    subInput.p1 = input.p1;
                    subInput.p2 = input.p2;
                    //*************by kingBook 2015/10/22 16:17*************
                    subInput.maxFraction = maxFraction;
                    float value = callback(subInput, node);
                    if (value == 0)
                    if (value > 0)
                        //Update the segment bounding box
                        maxFraction = value;
                        tX = p1.x + maxFraction * (p2.x - p1.x);
                        tY = p1.y + maxFraction * (p2.y - p1.y);
                        segmentAABB.lowerBound.x = Mathf.Min(p1.x, tX);
                        segmentAABB.lowerBound.y = Mathf.Min(p1.y, tY);
                        segmentAABB.upperBound.x = Mathf.Max(p1.x, tX);
                        segmentAABB.upperBound.y = Mathf.Max(p1.y, tY);
                    // No stack limit, so no assert
                    stack[count++] = node.child1;
                    stack[count++] = node.child2;
Esempio n. 37
        public void Query(Ib2QueryCallback w, b2AABB aabb)
            Stack<int> stack = new Stack<int>();

            while (stack.Count > 0)
                int nodeId = stack.Pop();
                if (nodeId == b2TreeNode.b2_nullNode)

                b2TreeNode node = m_nodes[nodeId];

                if (b2Collision.b2TestOverlap(ref node.aabb, ref aabb))
                    if (node.IsLeaf())
                        bool proceed = w.QueryCallback(nodeId);
                        if (proceed == false)
                        if(node.child1 != b2TreeNode.b2_nullNode)
                        if (node.child2 != b2TreeNode.b2_nullNode)
Esempio n. 38
 public void GetFatAABB(int proxyId, out b2AABB output)
     m_tree.GetFatAABB(proxyId, out output);
Esempio n. 39
        public void RebuildBottomUp()
            int[] nodes = new int[m_nodeCount];
            int count = 0;

            // Build array of leaves. Free the rest.
            for (int i = 0; i < m_nodeCapacity; ++i)
                if (m_nodes[i].height < 0)
                    // free node in pool

                if (m_nodes[i].IsLeaf())
                    m_nodes[i].parentOrNext = b2TreeNode.b2_nullNode;
                    nodes[count] = i;

            while (count > 1)
                float minCost = b2Settings.b2_maxFloat;
                int iMin = -1, jMin = -1;
                for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
                    b2AABB aabbi = m_nodes[nodes[i]].aabb;

                    for (int j = i + 1; j < count; ++j)
                        b2AABB aabbj = m_nodes[nodes[j]].aabb;
                        b2AABB b = new b2AABB();
                        b.Combine(aabbi, aabbj);
                        float cost = b.GetPerimeter();
                        if (cost < minCost)
                            iMin = i;
                            jMin = j;
                            minCost = cost;

                int index1 = nodes[iMin];
                int index2 = nodes[jMin];
                b2TreeNode child1 = m_nodes[index1];
                b2TreeNode child2 = m_nodes[index2];

                int parentIndex = AllocateNode();
                b2TreeNode parent = m_nodes[parentIndex];
                parent.child1 = index1;
                parent.child2 = index2;
                parent.height = 1 + Math.Max(child1.height, child2.height);
                parent.aabb.Combine(child1.aabb, child2.aabb);
                parent.parentOrNext = b2TreeNode.b2_nullNode;

                child1.parentOrNext = parentIndex;
                child2.parentOrNext = parentIndex;

                nodes[jMin] = nodes[count - 1];
                nodes[iMin] = parentIndex;

            m_root = nodes[0];

Esempio n. 40
 public virtual void Query(Ib2QueryCallback q, b2AABB aabb)
     m_tree.Query(q, aabb);
Esempio n. 41
        public void DrawAABB(b2AABB aabb, b2Color p1)
            b2Vec2[] verts = new b2Vec2[4];
            verts[0] = new b2Vec2(aabb.LowerBound.x, aabb.LowerBound.y);
            verts[1] = new b2Vec2(aabb.UpperBound.x, aabb.LowerBound.y);
            verts[2] = new b2Vec2(aabb.UpperBound.x, aabb.UpperBound.y);
            verts[3] = new b2Vec2(aabb.LowerBound.x, aabb.UpperBound.y);

            DrawPolygon(verts, 4, p1);
Esempio n. 42
 public void Query <T>(T callback, b2AABB aabb)
     m_tree.Query(callback, aabb);
Esempio n. 43
 /// Combine two AABBs into this one.
 public void Combine(b2AABB aabb1, b2AABB aabb2)
     m_lowerBound = b2Math.b2Min(aabb1.m_lowerBound, aabb2.m_lowerBound);
     m_upperBound = b2Math.b2Max(aabb1.m_upperBound, aabb2.m_upperBound);
Esempio n. 44
 public bool Equals(b2AABB o)
     return(m_lowerBound == o.LowerBound && m_upperBound == o.UpperBound);
Esempio n. 45
 private void GetRandomAABB(ref b2AABB aabb)
     b2Vec2 w = new b2Vec2();
     w.Set(2.0f * m_proxyExtent, 2.0f * m_proxyExtent);
     //aabb->lowerBound.x = -m_proxyExtent;
     //aabb->lowerBound.y = -m_proxyExtent + m_worldExtent;
     aabb.LowerBoundX = Rand.RandomFloat(-m_worldExtent, m_worldExtent);
     aabb.LowerBoundY = Rand.RandomFloat(0.0f, 2.0f * m_worldExtent);
     aabb.UpperBound = aabb.LowerBound + w;
  * @inheritDoc
 public void Query(BroadPhaseQueryCallback callback, b2AABB aabb)
     m_tree.Query(callback, aabb);