internal void AddSettings(String sectionName, IList<ConfigEntry> Entries)
            ConfigSection section = configSections[sectionName];

            if (section == null)
                section = new ConfigSection(sectionName, configSections.Count);
                configSections.Add(sectionName, section);

            foreach (ConfigEntry entry in Entries)
        /// <summary>
        /// Opens the INI file at the given path and enumerates the values in the IniParser.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="iniPath">Full path to INI file.</param>
        public INIFileParser(String iniPath)
            configSections = new Dictionary<string, ConfigSection>();

            TextReader iniFile = null;
            string strLine = null;
            ConfigSection currentSection = null;
            string[] keyValuePair = null;

            iniFilePath = iniPath;

            if (File.Exists(iniPath))
                    iniFile = new StreamReader(iniPath);

                    strLine = iniFile.ReadLine();

                    while (strLine != null)
                        strLine = strLine.Trim();

                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strLine))
                            if (strLine.StartsWith("[") && strLine.EndsWith("]"))
                                currentSection = new ConfigSection(strLine.Substring(1, strLine.Length - 2), configSections.Count);
                                configSections.Add(strLine.Substring(1, strLine.Length - 2), currentSection);
                                string key = null;
                                String value = null;
                                string commentString = GetLineCommentChars(strLine);

                                keyValuePair = strLine.Split(new char[] { '=' }, 2);

                                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(commentString))
                                    key = keyValuePair[0];
                                    key = keyValuePair[0].Substring(commentString.Length, keyValuePair[0].Length - commentString.Length);

                                if (keyValuePair.Length > 1)
                                    value = keyValuePair[1];

                                currentSection.AddEntry(key, value, commentString);


                        strLine = iniFile.ReadLine();

                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw ex;
                    if (iniFile != null)
                throw new FileNotFoundException("Unable to locate " + iniPath);
        public void CopyReplaceSection(String sourceSection, String destSectionName)
            ConfigSection clone = new ConfigSection(configSections[sourceSection]);

            clone.OrderInFile = configSections[destSectionName].OrderInFile;
            clone.SectionName = configSections[destSectionName].SectionName;

            configSections.Add(destSectionName, clone);
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds or replaces a setting to the table to be saved.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sectionName">Section to add under.</param>
        /// <param name="settingName">Key name to add.</param>
        /// <param name="settingValue">Value of key.</param>
        public void AddSetting(String sectionName, String settingName, String settingValue, string commentString)
            ConfigSection section = configSections[sectionName];

            if (section == null)
                section = new ConfigSection(sectionName, configSections.Count);
                configSections.Add(sectionName, section);

            section.AddEntry(settingName, settingValue, commentString);
 public ConfigSection(ConfigSection configSection)
     SectionName = configSection.SectionName;
     OrderInFile = configSection.OrderInFile;
     Entries     = new List <ConfigEntry>(configSection.Entries);
 public ConfigSection(ConfigSection configSection)
     SectionName = configSection.SectionName;
     OrderInFile = configSection.OrderInFile;
     Entries = new List<ConfigEntry>(configSection.Entries);