public StorePrice(StoreInfo aStoreInfo) { this.Distance = aStoreInfo.Distance; //this.Duration = aStoreInfo.Duration; //this.IsOpenNow = aStoreInfo.IsOpenNow; this.Latitude = aStoreInfo.Latitude; this.Longitude = aStoreInfo.Longitude; this.StoreAddress = aStoreInfo.StoreAddress; this.StoreID = aStoreInfo.StoreID; this.StoreName = aStoreInfo.StoreName; }
public IHttpActionResult getStoreInfo(double Latitude, double Longitude) { StoreInfo SI=new StoreInfo(); List<StoreInfo> lstSI = new List<StoreInfo>(); //lstSI = locationService.getStores(Latitude, Longitude, 0.2); // Radius is ~150 feet. to accomadate if the user in parking lots... lstSI = storeService.getStoresInRadius(Latitude, Longitude, 0.2); // Radius is ~150 feet. to accomadate if the user in parking lots... //TODO:Insert into stores table if (lstSI.Count > 0) SI = lstSI[0]; return Ok(SI); }
/// <summary> /// This Function generates a list of StoreInfo objects. /// <param name="Latitude">Current Latitude</param> /// <param name="Longitude">Current Longitude</param> /// <param name="Radius">Radius in Miles</param> /// <returns> List of StoreInfo Objects</returns> /// public List<StoreInfo> getStores(double Latitude, double Longitude, double Radius) { List<StoreInfo> lstSI = new List<StoreInfo>(); //TODO: Add the storeID // Generating Parameters for Google Places API NameValueCollection GP_Details = new NameValueCollection(); String googleAPIKey = appSettingsService.GetGoogleAPIKey(); GP_Details.Add("key", googleAPIKey); GP_Details.Add("sensor", "false"); GP_Details.Add("location", Latitude + "," + Longitude); GP_Details.Add("radius", Convert.ToString(Radius * 1609)); // Radius is converted to meters for the API GP_Details.Add("types", "liquor_store"); string GP_Url = "json?" + string.Join("&", GP_Details.AllKeys.Select(x => string.Format("{0}={1}", HttpUtility.UrlEncode(x), HttpUtility.UrlEncode(GP_Details[x])))); HttpClient httpGPClient = new HttpClient(); httpGPClient.BaseAddress = new Uri(""); HttpResponseMessage GP_Response = httpGPClient.GetAsync(GP_Url).Result; if (GP_Response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { string googleResult = GP_Response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result.ToString(); // parsing Data out of JSON result from google places API JObject json = Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject.Parse(googleResult); JArray results = (JArray)json["results"]; for (int i = 0; i < results.Count; i++) { StoreInfo si = new StoreInfo(); JToken location = json["results"][i]["geometry"]["location"]; si.Latitude = location["lat"].Value<double>(); si.Longitude = location["lng"].Value<double>(); si.StoreName = json["results"][i]["name"].Value<string>(); si.StoreAddress = json["results"][i]["vicinity"].Value<string>(); JToken hours = json["results"][i]["opening_hours"]; //if (hours != null) // si.IsOpenNow = hours["open_now"].Value<bool>(); // Generating parameters for Google Matrix API to find the distance and the duration //NameValueCollection GM_Details = new NameValueCollection(); //GM_Details.Add("key", googleAPIKey); //GM_Details.Add("origins", Latitude + "," + Longitude); //GM_Details.Add("destinations", si.Latitude + "," + si.Longitude); //GM_Details.Add("units", "imperial"); //string GM_Url = "json?" + string.Join("&", GM_Details.AllKeys.Select(x => string.Format("{0}={1}", HttpUtility.UrlEncode(x), HttpUtility.UrlEncode(GM_Details[x])))); //HttpClient httpGMClient = new HttpClient(); //httpGMClient.BaseAddress = new Uri(""); //HttpResponseMessage GM_Response = httpGMClient.GetAsync(GM_Url).Result; //if (GM_Response.IsSuccessStatusCode) //{ // //Parsing out the distance and duration out of the JSON from Google Matrix API. // string googleMatrixResult = GM_Response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result.ToString(); // JObject GM_Json = Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject.Parse(googleMatrixResult); // JArray rows = (JArray)GM_Json["rows"]; // if (rows.Count > 0) // { // si.Distance = GM_Json["rows"][0]["elements"][0]["distance"]["value"].Value<double>(); // si.Duration = GM_Json["rows"][0]["elements"][0]["duration"]["value"].Value<double>(); // } //} Dictionary<String, Double> distanceResult = getDistanceAndTime(Latitude, Longitude, si.Latitude, si.Longitude); si.Distance = distanceResult["Distance"]; //si.Duration = distanceResult["Duration"]; lstSI.Add(si); } } lstSI = lstSI.OrderBy(o => o.Distance).ToList(); return lstSI; }