Esempio n. 1
 public DominatingInducedMatching(int n)
     : base(n)
     Sigma = new BitSet(0, MaxSize) { 1 };
     Rho = new BitSet(0, MaxSize) { 0 };
     Rho = !Rho;
Esempio n. 2
 public IndependentDominatingSet(int n)
     : base(n)
     Sigma = new BitSet(0, MaxSize) { 0 };
     Rho = new BitSet(0, MaxSize) { 0 };
     Rho = !Rho;
Esempio n. 3
        // Uses depth-first search to check if the graph induced by the subgraph given as a parameter is connected
        // In other words, we retreive all edges from the original graph and check the subgraph for connectedness
        public static bool Connected(Graph graph, BitSet subgraph)
            // Vertices that are visited
            Set<int> visited = new Set<int>();

            // Stack of vertices yet to visit
            Stack<int> stack = new Stack<int>();

            // Initial vertex
            int s = subgraph.First();

            // Continue while there are vertices on the stack
            while (stack.Count > 0)
                int v = stack.Pop();

                // If we have not encountered this vertex before, then we check for all neighbors if they are part of the subgraph
                // If a neighbor is part of the subgraph it means that we have to push it on the stack to explore it at a later stage
                if (!visited.Contains(v))

                    foreach (int w in graph.OpenNeighborhood(v))
                        if (subgraph.Contains(w))

            // If we visited an equal number of vertices as there are vertices in the subgraph then the subgraph is connected
            return visited.Count == subgraph.Count;
Esempio n. 4
 public DominatingSet(int n)
     : base(n)
     Sigma = new BitSet(0, MaxSize);
     Sigma = !Sigma;
     Rho = new BitSet(0, MaxSize) { 0 };
     Rho = !Rho;
Esempio n. 5
        // Basic constructor for a dNeighborhood
        public dNeighborhood(BitSet vector)
            Occurrences = new Dictionary<int, int>();
            Vector = vector;

            foreach (int v in Vector)
                Occurrences[v] = 0;
Esempio n. 6
        // Counts the number of independent sets in a graph, such that:
        // - The vertices in P are legal choices for our IS, initially set to all vertices in the graph
        // - None of the vertices in X are used, initially empty
        // The performDFS boolean is used to check if we should perform a check for connectedness on this level of the recursion
        private static long Compute(Graph graph, BitSet P, BitSet X, bool performDFS)
            // Base case, when P and X are both empty we cannot expand the IS
            if (P.IsEmpty && X.IsEmpty)
                return 1;

            // Base case, if a vertex w in X has no neighbor in P, then it means that this IS will never get maximal
            // since we could always include w. Thus, the IS will not be valid and we return 0.
            foreach (int w in X)
                if ((graph.OpenNeighborhood(w) * P).IsEmpty)
                    return 0;

            long count = 0;

            // If a DFS is needed we check if the graph induced by (P + X) is still connected.
            // If the graph is disconnected, in components c1,...,cn then we can simply count the IS of all these components
            // after which we simply multiply these numbers.
            if (performDFS)
                if (!DepthFirstSearch.Connected(graph, P + X))
                    count = 1;

                    foreach (BitSet component in DepthFirstSearch.ConnectedComponents(graph, P + X))
                        count *= Compute(graph, component * P, component * X, false);

                    return count;

            // Select a pivot in P to branch on
            // In this case we pick the vertex with the largest degree
            int maxDegree = -1; ;
            int pivot = -1;
            foreach (int u in P)
                int deg = graph.Degree(u);
                if (deg > maxDegree)
                    maxDegree = deg;
                    pivot = u;

            // There should always be a pivot after the selection procedure
            if (pivot == -1)
                throw new Exception("Pivot has not been selected");

            // We branch on the pivot, one branch we include the pivot in the IS.
            // This might possibly disconnect the subgraph G(P + X), thus we set the performDFS boolean to true.
            count = Compute(graph, P - graph.ClosedNeighborhood(pivot), X - graph.OpenNeighborhood(pivot), true);

            // One branch we exclude the pivot of the IS. This will not cause the graph to get possibly disconnected
            count += Compute(graph, P - pivot, X + pivot, false);

            return count;
Esempio n. 7
        private static List<int> ComputeSequence(Graph graph, BitSet connectedComponent, CandidateStrategy candidateStrategy, int init, out int value)
            int n = graph.Size;
            List<int> sequence = new List<int>() { init };
            BitSet left = new BitSet(0, n) { init };
            BitSet right = connectedComponent - init;

            // Initially we store the empty set and the set with init as the representative, ie N(init) * right
            Set<BitSet> UN_left = new Set<BitSet>() { new BitSet(0, n), graph.OpenNeighborhood(init) * right };
            value = int.MinValue;
            while (!right.IsEmpty)
                Set<BitSet> UN_chosen = new Set<BitSet>();
                int chosen = Heuristics.TrivialCases(graph, left, right);

                if (chosen != -1)
                    UN_chosen = IncrementUN(graph, left, UN_left, chosen);
                // If chosen has not been set it means that no trivial case was found
                // Depending on the criteria for the next vertex we call a different algorithm
                    BitSet candidates = Heuristics.Candidates(graph, left, right, candidateStrategy);

                    int min = int.MaxValue;

                    foreach (int v in candidates)
                        Set<BitSet> UN_v = IncrementUN(graph, left, UN_left, v);
                        if (UN_v.Count < min)
                            chosen = v;
                            UN_chosen = UN_v;
                            min = UN_v.Count;

                // This should never happen
                if (chosen == -1)
                    throw new Exception("No vertex is chosen for next step in the heuristic");

                // Add/remove the next vertex in the appropiate sets
                UN_left = UN_chosen;
                value = Math.Max(UN_chosen.Count, value);

            return sequence;
Esempio n. 8
        // This constructor returns a new bipartite graph by putting all vertices in 'left' on one side, and 'right' on the other side
        // There will be an edge between two vertices if there was an edge in the original graph
        public BipartiteGraph(Graph graph, BitSet _left, BitSet _right)
            : this(_left, _right, _left.Count + _right.Count)
            Dictionary<int, int> mapping = new Dictionary<int, int>();
            int i = 0;

            foreach (int v in left + right)
                mapping[v] = i++;

            foreach (int v in left)
                foreach (int w in graph.OpenNeighborhood(v) * right)
                    Connect(mapping[v], mapping[w]);
Esempio n. 9
        // Construction
        // Constructor for a new graph of size n
        public Graph(int n)
            vertices = new BitSet(0, n);
            AdjacencyMatrix = new BitSet[n];

            Size = n;

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                AdjacencyMatrix[i] = new BitSet(0, n);
        private void FillTable(Graph graph, List<int> sequence)
            int n = graph.Size;

            // Processed vertices
            BitSet left = new BitSet(0, n);

            // Unprocessed vertices
            BitSet right = graph.Vertices;

            // Lists of representatives that we keep track of on each level of the algorithm
            LinearRepresentativeList reps = new LinearRepresentativeList();

            // Initial insertions, the empty set always has the empty neighborhood set as a representative initially
            reps.Update(new BitSet(0, n), new BitSet(0, n));

            for (int i = 0; i < sequence.Count; i++)
                /// We give v the possibility to be a representative instead of being contained in neighborhoods
                int v = sequence[i];

                // Actually move v from one set to the other set

                // We don't want to disturb any pointers so we create new empty datastructures to save everything for the next iteration
                LinearRepresentativeList nextReps = new LinearRepresentativeList();

                // We are iterating over all representatives saved inside the list of the previous step. For each entry there are only two possibilities to create a new neighborhood
                foreach (BitSet representative in reps)
                    // Case 1: The neighborhood possibly contained v (thus v has to be removed), but is still valid
                    BitSet neighborhood = reps.GetNeighborhood(representative) - v;
                    nextReps.Update(representative, neighborhood);

                    // Case 2: The union of the old neighborhood, together with v's neighborhood, creates a new entry. The representative is uniond together with v and saved.
                    BitSet representative_ = representative + v;
                    BitSet neighborhood_ = neighborhood + (graph.OpenNeighborhood(v) * right);
                    nextReps.Update(representative_, neighborhood_);

                // Update the values for the next iteration
                reps = nextReps;

                // Save the maximum size that we encounter during all iterations; this will be the boolean dimension of the graph.
                MaxDimension = Math.Max(MaxDimension, reps.Count);

                // Save the representatives at the current cut in the table
                Table[left.Copy()] = reps;
Esempio n. 11
        // Builds a neighborhood for a set X from the ground on up, without relying on what has been saved previously in O(n^2) time
        public dNeighborhood(BitSet X, BitSet vector, Graph graph)
            // O(n) time copy
            Vector = vector.Copy();
            Occurrences = new Dictionary<int, int>();

            // Loops in O(|Vector|) time over all vertices in the vector
            foreach (int v in Vector)
                // Bitset operation of O(n) time
                BitSet nv = graph.OpenNeighborhood(v) * X;
                Occurrences[v] = Math.Min(nv.Count, dValue);
Esempio n. 12
        // Implementation of Algorithm 1 of 'Fast dynamic programming for locally checkable vertex subset and vertex partitioning problems' (Bui-Xuan et al.)
        // Used to compute the representatives and their corresponding dNeighborhoods for a given node of the decomposition tree
        private void FillTable(Graph graph, BitSet cut)
            int n = graph.Size;
            BitSet _cut = graph.Vertices - cut;

            // Lists of representatives that we keep track of on each level of the algorithm
            RepresentativeList representatives = new RepresentativeList();
            RepresentativeList lastLevel = new RepresentativeList();

            // Initial insertions, the empty set always has the empty neighborhood set as a representative initially
            dNeighborhood dInitial = new dNeighborhood(_cut);
            representatives.Update(new BitSet(0, n), dInitial);
            lastLevel.Update(new BitSet(0, n), dInitial);

            while (lastLevel.Count > 0)
                RepresentativeList nextLevel = new RepresentativeList();
                foreach (BitSet r in lastLevel)
                    foreach (int v in cut)
                        // avoid that r_ = r, since we already saved all sets of that size
                        if (r.Contains(v))

                        BitSet r_ = r + v;
                        dNeighborhood dn = representatives.GetNeighborhood(r).CopyAndUpdate(graph, v);

                        if (!representatives.ContainsNeighborhood(dn) && !dn.Equals(representatives.GetNeighborhood(r)))
                            nextLevel.Update(r_, dn);
                            representatives.Update(r_, dn);

                // Update the values for the next iteration
                lastLevel = nextLevel;

            // Save the representatives at the current cut in the table
            Table[cut.Copy()] = representatives;

            // Save the maximum size that we encounter during all iterations; this will be the boolean dimension of the graph is d = 1.
            MaxDimension = Math.Max(MaxDimension, representatives.Count);
Esempio n. 13
        // Counts the number of independent sets in a graph, such that:
        // - All vertices in R are included in the independent set, initially empty
        // - Some of the vertices in P are included in the independent set, initially all vertices of the graph
        // - None of the vertices in X are included in the independent set, initially empty
        private static int Compute(Graph graph, BitSet R, BitSet P, BitSet X)
            // Base case, when P and X are both empty we cannot expand the IS
            if (P.IsEmpty && X.IsEmpty)
                return 1;

            int count = 0;
            BitSet copy = P.Copy();

            // Foreach vertex v in P we include it in the IS and compute how many maximal IS will include v by going into recursion.
            foreach (int v in copy)
                count += Compute(graph, R + v, P - graph.ClosedNeighborhood(v), X - graph.OpenNeighborhood(v));

            return count;
Esempio n. 14
        // Returns all connected components in a certain subgraph, where we define a subgraph by the vertices that are contained in it
        // We apply multiple dfs searches to find all connected parts of the graph
        public static List<BitSet> ConnectedComponents(Graph graph, BitSet subgraph)
            // Each connected component is defined as a bitset, thus the result is a list of these bitsets
            List<BitSet> result = new List<BitSet>();

            // Working stack for the dfs algorithm
            Stack<int> stack = new Stack<int>();

            // Each vertex of the subgraph will either be explored, or it will be the starting point of a new dfs search
            BitSet todo = subgraph.Copy();

            while (!todo.IsEmpty)
                int s = todo.First();

                // Start tracking the new component
                BitSet component = new BitSet(0, graph.Size);

                // Default dfs exploring part of the graph
                while (stack.Count > 0)
                    int v = stack.Pop();

                    // If we have not encountered this vertex before (meaning it isn't in this component), then we check for all neighbors if they are part of the subgraph
                    // If a neighbor is part of the subgraph it means that we have to push it on the stack to explore it at a later stage for this component
                    if (!component.Contains(v))

                        // Remove this vertex from the 'todo' list, since it can never be the starting point of a new component

                        foreach (int w in graph.OpenNeighborhood(v))
                            if (subgraph.Contains(w))
                // The whole connected component has been found, so we can add it to the list of results
            return result;
Esempio n. 15
        // Constructs the actual width values
        // The idea is the following: If we want to know the optimal width for a certain cut A, thus Width[A], then we can obtain this by
        // either taking the max(Cuts[A], the minimum over all widths of Width[A - a]), which is our recurrence relation.
        private static void ConstructSequence(Graph graph, BitSet A)
            // min saves the minimum size of all neighborhoods of the cut [A - a], where a can be any vertex in A
            long min = long.MaxValue;

            // v will be the optimal choice to leave out in the previous iteration in order to obtain A's full neighborhood
            int v = -1;

            foreach (int a in A)
                BitSet previous = A - a;

                // If we have not constructed the previous step yet, then go in recursion and do so
                if (!Neighborhoods.ContainsKey(previous))
                    ConstructSequence(graph, previous);

                // Save the minimum value
                if (Width[previous] < min)
                    min = Width[previous];
                    v = a;

            // Obtain the neighborhood of v
            BitSet nv = graph.OpenNeighborhood(v) * (graph.Vertices - A);

            // We save the full set of neighborhood vertices at cut A. It does not matter that v was chosen arbitrarely; we always end up in the same collection of neighboring vertices for the set A
            Set<BitSet> un = new Set<BitSet>();
            foreach (BitSet _base in Neighborhoods[A - v])
                un.Add(_base - v);          // previous neighbor without v is a possible new neighborhood
                un.Add((_base - v) + nv);   // previous neighbor without v, unioned with the neighborhood of v is a possible new neighborhood

            // Save all entries
            Neighborhoods[A] = un;              // List of all neighbors at cut A
            Cuts[A] = Neighborhoods[A].Count;   // Dimension at this cut
            Width[A] = Math.Max(min, Cuts[A]);  // Actual possible width to get to this cut
Esempio n. 16
        // Parses a decomposition given the filename of the decomposition and the graph files.
        public static Decomposition ParseDecomposition(string decompositionFilename, string graphFilename)
            Graph graph = ParseGraph(graphFilename);
            StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(decompositionFilename);
            string line;
            Tree tree = new Tree();

            // Each line is simply an integer, which is the sequence of the linear decomposition
            while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
                // Skip comments
                if (line.StartsWith("c ")) continue;

                string[] s = line.Trim().Split(' ');
                BitSet node = new BitSet(0, graph.Size);
                foreach (string vertex in s)
                    node.Add(int.Parse(vertex) - 1); // -1 because internally we work with [0,...,n)

            return new Decomposition(graph, tree);
Esempio n. 17
        // Counts the number of independent sets in a graph, such that:
        // - All vertices in R are included in the independent set, initially empty
        // - Some of the vertices in P are included in the independent set, initially all vertices of the graph
        // - None of the vertices in X are included in the independent set, initially empty
        private static long Compute(Graph graph, BitSet R, BitSet P, BitSet X)
            // Base case, when P and X are both empty we cannot expand the IS
            if (P.IsEmpty && X.IsEmpty)
                return 1;

            long count = 0;
            int pivot = -1;
            int min = int.MaxValue;

            // Procedure to find a pivot
            // The idea is that in any maximal IS, either vertex u or a neighbor of u is included (else we could expand by adding u to the IS)
            // We find the u with the smallest neighborhood, so that we will keep the number of branches low
            foreach (int u in (P + X))
                int size = (P * graph.OpenNeighborhood(u)).Count;
                if (size < min)
                    min = size;
                    pivot = u;

            // There should always be a pivot after the selection procedure, else P and X should both have been empty
            if (pivot == -1)
                throw new Exception("Pivot has not been selected");

            // Foreach vertex v in the set containing the legal choices of the the closed neighborhood of the pivot,
            // we include each choice in the IS and compute how many maximal IS will include v by going into recursion
            foreach (int v in (P * graph.ClosedNeighborhood(pivot)))
                count += Compute(graph, R + v, P - graph.ClosedNeighborhood(v), X - graph.OpenNeighborhood(v));

            return count;
Esempio n. 18
        // Trivial cases
        public static int TrivialCases(Graph graph, BitSet left, BitSet right)
            int chosen = -1;

            // Check if any vertex in right belongs to one of the trivial cases, if yes then we can add this vertex directly to the sequence
            foreach (int v in right)
                // Trivial case 1. If the neighbors of a vertex v in right are all contained in left, then select v
                // What this means is that v has an empty neighborhood, thus it will not add anything to the boolean-dimension
                if ((graph.OpenNeighborhood(v) - left).IsEmpty)
                    chosen = v;


                bool stop = false;
                // 2. If there are two vertices, v in right and u in left, such that N(v) * right == (N(u)\v) * right,
                // then v is selected as our next vertex
                // What this means is that all neighbors of v are already 'represented' by u, thus making the choice for v will not add anything to the dimension
                foreach (int u in left)
                    BitSet nv = graph.OpenNeighborhood(v) * right;  // N(v) * right
                    BitSet nu = (graph.OpenNeighborhood(u) - v) * right;    // (N(u)\v) * right
                    if (nv.Equals(nu))
                        chosen = v;
                        stop = true;

                if (stop) break;

            return chosen;
Esempio n. 19
 public int this[BitSet representative, int k]
         if (!Data[k].ContainsKey(representative))
             return 0;
         return Data[k][representative];
         Data[k][representative.Copy()] = value;
Esempio n. 20
        public dNeighborhood CopyAndUpdateVector(BitSet vector, bool increment)
            // initialize an empty dNeighborhood in O(|Vector|) time
            dNeighborhood nx = new dNeighborhood(vector);

            BitSet iterateOver = increment ? Vector : vector;
            foreach (int v in iterateOver)
                nx.Occurrences[v] = Occurrences[v];

            return nx;
Esempio n. 21
 // Candidate strategy
 public static BitSet Candidates(Graph graph, BitSet left, BitSet right, CandidateStrategy candidateStrategy)
     BitSet nl = graph.Neighborhood(left) * right;
     return candidateStrategy == CandidateStrategy.All ?
         right.Copy() : (nl + graph.Neighborhood(nl)) * right;
Esempio n. 22
        public static void Compute(LinearDecomposition decomposition)
            Graph graph = decomposition.Graph;
            List<int> sequence = decomposition.Sequence;
            int n = graph.Size;

            BitSet right = graph.Vertices;
            BitSet left = new BitSet(0, n);

            LookupTable table = new LookupTable(n);
            LinearRepresentativeTable cuts = new LinearRepresentativeTable(graph, sequence);

            table[new BitSet(0, n), 0] = 1;
            table[new BitSet(0, n), 1] = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < sequence.Count; i++)
                int v = sequence[i];


                LinearRepresentativeList LRw = cuts[left];

                LinearRepresentativeList LRa = cuts[left - v];

                LookupTable newTable = new LookupTable(n);

                foreach (BitSet ra in LRa)
                    BitSet nra = graph.Neighborhood(ra) * right;
                    BitSet rw = LRw.GetRepresentative(nra);

                    int maxValue = int.MinValue;
                    int limit = (left - v).Count;
                    for (int k = 0; k <= limit; k++)
                        if (table[ra, k] > 0)
                            maxValue = Math.Max(maxValue, k);

                    for (int j = 0; j <= maxValue; j++)
                        newTable[rw, j] = newTable[rw, j] + table[ra, j];


                    // ra + {v} is not a valid independent set
                    if (LRa.GetNeighborhood(ra).Contains(v))


                    // add {v} to the independent set
                    BitSet nrav = graph.Neighborhood(ra + v) * right;
                    BitSet rwv = LRw.GetRepresentative(nrav);

                    for (int j = 0; j <= maxValue; j++)
                        newTable[rwv, j + 1] = newTable[rwv, j + 1] + table[ra, j];

                table = newTable;

Esempio n. 23
 // Basic operations
 // When adding a new entry we check if the neighborhood is already contained in the set
 // If true, then we might replace the previous representative that is not connected to this neighborhood if the new one is lexicographically smaller
 public void Update(BitSet representative, dNeighborhood neighborhood)
     Map.Add(representative.Copy(), neighborhood);
Esempio n. 24
        // Inserting a node with its parent saves us the time of finding the parent
        public void InsertWithParent(BitSet node, BitSet parent)
            Parent[node] = parent;

            if (Size % 2 == 0)
                if (RightChild.ContainsKey(parent))
                    throw new Exception("Inserted parent already has a leftchild");
                RightChild[parent] = node;
                if (LeftChild.ContainsKey(parent))
                    throw new Exception("Inserted parent already has a leftchild");
                LeftChild[parent] = node;

Esempio n. 25
            // Determines the dValue given set
            // For a set x, d is defined as follows:
            // d(N) = 0
            // d(x) = 1 + min(max v in x, max v not in x)
            private static int DetermineDValue(BitSet set)
                BitSet _set = !set;

                if (set.IsEmpty || _set.IsEmpty)
                    return 0;

                return 1 + Math.Min(set.Last(), _set.Last());
Esempio n. 26
        // Basic operations
        // Inserting works correctly because we assume that a node that gets newly inserted will not be in the tree already
        // By definition of boolean decompositions this is redundant and the node should be removed from the decomposition tree
        public void Insert(BitSet node)
            if (Parent.ContainsKey(node))
                throw new Exception("This node already exists in the decomposition tree");

            // Check if this is the first node that we add to the collection
            if (Size == 0)
                root = node;

            // The parent of the node that we are currently insering should be the node X that this node is a subset of, and X is has the highest index so far
            BitSet parent = new BitSet(0, 0);
            for (int i = Size - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                parent = Contained[i];
                if (node.IsSubsetOf(parent))

            Parent[node] = parent;

            // The node will always be a leftchild if the previously inserted node had an even number, and vice versa
            // This assumes that we always add children of a node directly after each other
            if (Size % 2 == 0)
                RightChild[parent] = node;
                LeftChild[parent] = node;

Esempio n. 27
        // Alternative way of calculating the boolean width of a decomposition by counting the number of maximal independent sets in bipartite graphs,
        // constructed for each cut of the decomposition
        private long CalculateBooleanWidthBiPartite()
            BitSet left = new BitSet(0, Graph.Size);
            BitSet right = Graph.Vertices;
            long max = int.MinValue;

            foreach (int v in Sequence)
                // Construct the bipartite graph
                BipartiteGraph bg = new BipartiteGraph(Graph, left, right);

                // Count the number of maximal independent sets in this bipartite graph
                max = Math.Max(max, CC_MIS.Compute(bg));
            return max;
Esempio n. 28
        public static int Compute(LinearDecomposition decomposition)
            Graph graph = decomposition.Graph;
            int n = graph.Size;
            List<int> sequence = decomposition.Sequence;
            BitSet left = new BitSet(0, graph.Size);
            BitSet right = graph.Vertices;
            BitSet VG = graph.Vertices;

            LinearRepresentativeTable cuts = new LinearRepresentativeTable(graph, sequence);
            LookupTable table = new LookupTable();

            // first initialize the very first leaf node
            int l = sequence[0];

            // Base cases
            BitSet leaf = new BitSet(0, n) { l };
            BitSet nleaf = new BitSet(0, n) { graph.OpenNeighborhood(l).First() };

            table[new BitSet(0, n), new BitSet(0, n)] = int.MaxValue;
            table[leaf, new BitSet(0, n)] = 1;
            table[leaf, nleaf] = 1;
            table[new BitSet(0, n), nleaf] = 0;

            for (int i = 1; i < sequence.Count; i++)
                int v = sequence[i];


                LinearRepresentativeList LRw = cuts[left];
                LinearRepresentativeList LRw_ = cuts[right];

                LinearRepresentativeList LRa = cuts[left - v];
                LinearRepresentativeList LRa_ = cuts[right + v];

                LookupTable newTable = new LookupTable();

                foreach (BitSet outside in LRw_)
                    foreach (BitSet inside in LRa)
                        BitSet nrw_ = graph.Neighborhood(outside) * (left - v);
                        BitSet ra_ = LRa_.GetRepresentative(nrw_);

                        BitSet nra = graph.Neighborhood(inside) * right;
                        BitSet rw = LRw.GetRepresentative(nra);

                        int savedValue = newTable[rw, outside];
                        int newValue = table[inside, ra_];

                        BitSet raw_ = inside + outside;
                        BitSet nraw_ = graph.Neighborhood(raw_);
                        if (!nraw_.Contains(v))
                            newValue = int.MaxValue;

                        int min = Math.Min(savedValue, newValue);
                        newTable[rw, outside] = min;


                        nrw_ = graph.Neighborhood(outside + v) * (left - v);
                        ra_ = LRa_.GetRepresentative(nrw_);

                        nra = graph.Neighborhood(inside + v) * right;
                        rw = LRw.GetRepresentative(nra);

                        savedValue = newTable[rw, outside];
                        newValue = table[inside, ra_];
                        newValue = newValue == int.MaxValue ? newValue : newValue + 1;
                        min = Math.Min(savedValue, newValue);
                        newTable[rw,  outside] = min;

                table = newTable;

            return table[new BitSet(0, graph.Size), new BitSet(0, graph.Size)];
Esempio n. 29
 public int this[BitSet inside, BitSet outside]
         Tuple<BitSet, BitSet> t = new Tuple<BitSet, BitSet>(inside, outside);
         if (!Data.ContainsKey(t))
             return int.MaxValue;
         return Data[t];
         Tuple<BitSet, BitSet> t = new Tuple<BitSet, BitSet>(inside, outside);
         Data[t] = value;
 // Indexer
 public LinearRepresentativeList this[BitSet cut]
     get { return Table[cut]; }