Esempio n. 1
        public static void AddBookComplex(List<string> authors, string title, string isbn, string price, string website)
            BookstoreEntities context = new BookstoreEntities();

            Book newBook = new Book();

            foreach (var author in authors)
                newBook.Authors.Add(CreateOrLoadAuthor(context, author));    
            newBook.Title = title.Trim();
            if (isbn != null)
                newBook.ISBN = long.Parse(isbn.Trim());

            if (price != null)
                newBook.Price = decimal.Parse(price.Trim());
            catch (DbEntityValidationException e)

Esempio n. 2
        public static List<Book> FindBooksByTitleAuthorIsbn(string title, string authorName, string isbn)
            BookstoreEntities context = new BookstoreEntities();

            var booksQuery = from b in context.Books
                             select b;

            if (title != null)
                booksQuery = from b in context.Books
                             where b.Title.ToLower() == title.ToLower()
                             select b;

            if (isbn != null)
                booksQuery = booksQuery.Where(b => b.ISBN == isbn);

            if (authorName != null)
                booksQuery = booksQuery.Where(
                    b => b.Authors.Any(a => a.Name.ToLower() == authorName.ToLower()));

            booksQuery = booksQuery.OrderBy(b => b.Title);

            return booksQuery.ToList();
Esempio n. 3
        public static void AddBookWithReview(List<string> authorNames, string title,
            string isbn, string price, string website, List<Review> reviewList, BookstoreEntities context)
            Book newBook = new Book();
            foreach (var author in authorNames)
                newBook.Authors.Add(CreateOrLoadAuthor(author.Trim(), context));

            newBook.Title = title.Trim();
            if (isbn != null)
                newBook.ISBN = isbn.Trim();
            if (price != null)
                newBook.Price = decimal.Parse(price);
            if (website != null)
                newBook.WebSite = website.Trim();

            foreach (var review in reviewList)

Esempio n. 4
        public static Author AddAuthor(string name)
            BookstoreEntities context = new BookstoreEntities();
            Author author = CreateOrLoadAuthor(context, name);

            return author;
        public List<Book> FindBooksByTitleAuthorAndISBN(BookstoreEntities context, 
            BookstoreDAL bookstoreDAL, string bookTitle, string authorName, string ISBN)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(bookTitle) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(authorName) &&
                return new List<Book>();

            IQueryable<Book> booksQuery = context.Books.Include("Authors");
            Book book = new Book();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(bookTitle))
                booksQuery = booksQuery.Where(
                    b => b.Title.ToLower() == bookTitle.ToLower());

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(authorName))
                booksQuery = booksQuery.Where(
                    b => b.Authors.Any(a => a.Name.ToLower() == authorName.ToLower()));

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ISBN))
                booksQuery = booksQuery.Where(b => b.ISBN == ISBN);

            booksQuery = booksQuery.OrderBy(b => b.Title);
            return booksQuery.ToList();
Esempio n. 6
 static void SimpleSearch()
     XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
     XmlNode query = doc.SelectSingleNode("/query");
     string title = DataImporter.GetValue(query, "title");
     string author = DataImporter.GetValue(query, "author");
     string isbn = DataImporter.GetValue(query, "isbn");
     BookstoreEntities context = new BookstoreEntities();
     using (context)
         IList<Book> found = BookstoreDAL.FindBook(title, author, isbn, context);
         if (found.Count > 0)
             Console.WriteLine("{0} books found:", found.Count);
             foreach (var book in found)
                 if (book.Reviews.Count > 0)
                     Console.WriteLine("{0} --> {1} reviews", book.Title, book.Reviews.Count);
                     Console.WriteLine("{0} --> no reviews", book.Title);
             Console.WriteLine("Nothing found");
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
            BookstoreDAL dal = new BookstoreDAL();

            XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
            string xPathQuery = "/catalog/book";

            XmlNodeList books = xmlDoc.SelectNodes(xPathQuery);

            using (var context = new BookstoreEntities())
                foreach (XmlNode bookNode in books)
                    string title = GetChildText(bookNode, "title");
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(title))
                        throw new ArgumentException("The Book <title> node is empty or missing",

                    string ISBN = GetChildText(bookNode, "isbn");
                    string priceString = GetChildText(bookNode, "price");
                    decimal? price = null;
                    if (priceString != null)
                        price = decimal.Parse(priceString);

                    string websiteUrl = GetChildText(bookNode, "web-site");

                    List<string> authorNames = new List<string>();
                    foreach (XmlNode authorNode in bookNode.SelectNodes("author"))
                        string authorName = authorNode.InnerText.Trim();
                        if (authorName == String.Empty)
                            throw new ArgumentException("Author name cannot be empty.");


                    if (authorNames.Count == 0)
                        throw new ArgumentException("The <author> node is empty or missing.",

                    using (var tran = new TransactionScope())
                        dal.AddBook(context, authorNames, title, ISBN, price, websiteUrl);

Esempio n. 8
    static void ComplexSearch(XmlTextWriter writer)
        BookstoreEntities context = new BookstoreEntities();
        using (context)
            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
            XmlNodeList queries = doc.SelectNodes("/review-queries/query");
            foreach (XmlNode query in queries)
                string type = query.Attributes["type"].Value;
                if (type == "by-period")
                    string start = query.SelectSingleNode("start-date").InnerText;
                    string end = query.SelectSingleNode("end-date").InnerText;
                    IList<Review> found =
                        BookstoreDAL.FindReviewPeriod(start, end, context);
                    WriteResultSet(writer, found);
                else if (type == "by-author")
                    string author = query.SelectSingleNode("author-name").InnerText;
                    IList<Review> found =
                        BookstoreDAL.FindReviewAuthor(author, context);
                    WriteResultSet(writer, found);

                SearchLogsImporter.AddLog(DateTime.Now, query.OuterXml);
        private static List<Review> FindReviewsByReviewQuery(BookstoreDAL dal, 
            BookstoreEntities context, XmlNode query)
            string type = GetChildText(query, "@type");

            List<Review> foundReviews = null;

            switch (type)
                case "by-period":

                    string startDateString = GetChildText(query, "start-date");
                    string endDateString = GetChildText(query, "end-date");
                    DateTime startDate = DateTime.Parse(startDateString);
                    DateTime endDate = DateTime.Parse(endDateString);

                    foundReviews =
                        dal.FindReviewsByPeriod(context, startDate, endDate);

                case "by-author":

                    string authorName = GetChildText(query, "author-name");

                    foundReviews =
                        dal.FindReviewsByAuthor(context, authorName);

                    throw new ArgumentException("Invalid review query type. " +
                        "Must be 'by-period' or 'by-author'.");
            return foundReviews;
 public int FindBookReviewCount(BookstoreEntities context,
     BookstoreDAL bookstoreDAL, Book book)
     int bookReviewCount =
         context.Reviews.Include("Book").Where(r => r.BookId == book.Id).Count();
     return bookReviewCount;
        // Task 4
        public void ComplexImportOfBook(
            IList<string> authorsNames,
            string title,
            IList<ReviewTransferObject> reviewTransferObjects,
            string isbn,
            decimal? price,
            string webSite)
            BookstoreEntities context = new BookstoreEntities();

            Book newBook = new Book();
            newBook.ISBN = isbn;
            newBook.Title = title;
            newBook.Price = price;
            newBook.WebSite = webSite;

            foreach (string authorName in authorsNames)
                Author author = CreateOrLoadAuthor(context, authorName);

            foreach (ReviewTransferObject reviewTransferObject in reviewTransferObjects)
                Review review = SerializeToReview(context, reviewTransferObject);

        private static Review GetSingleReview(BookstoreEntities context, XmlNode reviewItem)
            if (reviewItem.Name != "review" || reviewItem.InnerText.Length == 0)
                throw new ApplicationException("Invalid input XML file - Invalid Review tag");

            var review = new Review();
            review.ReviewText = reviewItem.InnerText.Trim();
            if (reviewItem.Attributes["date"] != null)
                review.Date = DateTime.Parse(reviewItem.Attributes["date"].InnerText.Trim());
                review.Date = DateTime.Now.Date;

            if (reviewItem.Attributes["author"] != null)
                review.Author = GetSingleAuthor(context, reviewItem.Attributes["author"]);

            return review;
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
            BookstoreDAL dataAccessLayer = new BookstoreDAL();

            XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
            string xPathQuery = "/catalog/book";

            XmlNodeList books = xmlDoc.SelectNodes(xPathQuery);

            using (var context = new BookstoreEntities())
                foreach (XmlNode bookNode in books)
                    string title = GetChildText(bookNode, "title");
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(title))
                        throw new ArgumentException("The Book <title> node is empty or missing",

                    string ISBN = GetChildText(bookNode, "isbn");
                    string priceString = GetChildText(bookNode, "price");
                    decimal? price = null;
                    if (priceString != null)
                        price = decimal.Parse(priceString);

                    string websiteUrl = GetChildText(bookNode, "web-site");

                    List<string> authorNames = new List<string>();
                    foreach (XmlNode authorNode in bookNode.SelectNodes("authors/author"))

                    Book addedBook =
                        dataAccessLayer.AddBook(context, authorNames, title,
                        ISBN, price, websiteUrl);

                    using (var tran = new TransactionScope())
                        foreach (XmlNode reviewNode in bookNode.SelectNodes("reviews/review"))
                            ProcessReviewNode(context, dataAccessLayer, addedBook, reviewNode);

        // Task 6
        public IEnumerable<FoundReviewTransferObject> GetReviewsByAuthorName(string authorName)
            BookstoreEntities context = new BookstoreEntities();
            var reviewsInPeriod = context.Reviews.Include("Book").Include("Book.Authors")
                .Where(r => r.Author.Name.ToLower() == authorName)
                .OrderBy(r => r.DateOfCreation).ThenBy(r => r.Content);

            IList<FoundReviewTransferObject> reviewsFound = new List<FoundReviewTransferObject>();
            DeserializeFoundReviews(reviewsInPeriod, reviewsFound);

            return reviewsFound;
        // Task 6
        public IEnumerable<FoundReviewTransferObject> GetReviewsByPeriod(DateTime starDate, DateTime endDate)
            BookstoreEntities context = new BookstoreEntities();
            var reviewsInPeriod = context.Reviews.Include("Book").Include("Book.Authors")
                .Where(r => r.DateOfCreation.CompareTo(starDate) >= 0 &&
                    r.DateOfCreation.CompareTo(endDate) <= 0)
                .OrderBy(r => r.DateOfCreation).ThenBy(r => r.Content);

            IList<FoundReviewTransferObject> reviewsFound = new List<FoundReviewTransferObject>();
            DeserializeFoundReviews(reviewsInPeriod, reviewsFound);

            return reviewsFound;
Esempio n. 16
        public static Author CreateOrLoadAuthor(string author, BookstoreEntities context)
            Author currentAuthor = context.Authors.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name.ToLower() == author.ToLower());
            if (currentAuthor == null)
                currentAuthor = new Author();
                currentAuthor.Name = author;

            return currentAuthor;
Esempio n. 17
        public static Review AddReview(int? authorId, int? bookId, DateTime reviewDate, string reviewContent)
            BookstoreEntities context = new BookstoreEntities();
            Review review = new Review();
            review.AuthorId = authorId;
            review.BookId = bookId;
            review.Date = reviewDate;
            review.Text = reviewContent;


            return review;
        public static void AddBookstore(string author, string title, long? isbn, decimal? price, string webSite)
            BookstoreEntities context = new BookstoreEntities();

            Book newBook = new Book();
            newBook.Author = CreateOrLoadAuthor(context, author);
            newBook.Title = title;
            newBook.ISBN = isbn;
            newBook.Price = price;
            newBook.WebSite = webSite;

        private Author CreateOrLoadAuthor(BookstoreEntities context, string authorName)
            Author author = context.Authors.FirstOrDefault<Author>(a => a.Name == authorName);
            if (author != null)
                return author;

            Author newAuthor = new Author() { Name = authorName };

            return newAuthor;
        private Review SerializeToReview(BookstoreEntities context, ReviewTransferObject reviewTransferObject)
            Review review = new Review();
            review.Content = reviewTransferObject.Content;
            string authorName = reviewTransferObject.Author;
            if (authorName != null)
                review.Author = CreateOrLoadAuthor(context, authorName);

            review.DateOfCreation = reviewTransferObject.Date;
            return review;
        // Tasks 3
        public void SimpleImportOfBook(string authorName, string title, string isbn, decimal? price, string webSite)
            BookstoreEntities context = new BookstoreEntities();

            Book newBook = new Book();
            Author author = CreateOrLoadAuthor(context, authorName);
            newBook.ISBN = isbn;
            newBook.Price = price;
            newBook.Title = title;
            newBook.WebSite = webSite;

Esempio n. 22
    static void ComplexImport()
        BookstoreEntities context = new BookstoreEntities();
        using (context)
            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
            XmlNodeList catalog = doc.SelectNodes("/catalog/book");
            foreach (XmlNode book in catalog)
                TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope(
                        new TransactionOptions()
                            IsolationLevel = IsolationLevel.RepeatableRead
                using (scope)
                    List<string> authorNames = new List<string>();
                    XmlNodeList authors = book.SelectNodes("authors/author");
                    foreach (XmlNode author in authors)

                    string title = GetValue(book, "title");
                    string isbn = GetValue(book, "isbn");
                    string price = GetValue(book, "price");
                    string website = GetValue(book, "web-site");

                    List<Review> reviewList = new List<Review>();
                    XmlNodeList reviews = book.SelectNodes("reviews/review");
                    foreach (XmlNode review in reviews)
                        Review currentReview = new Review();
                        currentReview.ReviewText = review.InnerText;
                        currentReview.Date = GetDate(review);
                        string authorName = GetAuthor(review);
                        currentReview.Author = BookstoreDAL.CreateOrLoadAuthor(authorName, context);

                    BookstoreDAL.AddBookWithReview(authorNames, title, isbn, price, website, reviewList, context);
        public Author CreateOrLoadAuthor(BookstoreEntities context, string authorName)
            Author existingAuthor = context.Authors.Where(a => a.Name == authorName)

            if (existingAuthor != null)
                return existingAuthor;

            Author newAuthor = new Author();
            newAuthor.Name = authorName;

            return newAuthor;
        private static Author CreateOrLoadAuthor(BookstoreEntities context, string author)
            Author existingAuthor =
                (from a in context.Authors
                 where a.AuthorName == author
                 select a).FirstOrDefault();

            if (existingAuthor != null)
                return existingAuthor;

            Author newAuthor = new Author();
            newAuthor.AuthorName = author;

            return newAuthor;
		public static Review AddReview(Book book, string reviewAuthor, 
			DateTime reviewDate, string reviewContent)
			BookstoreEntities context = new BookstoreEntities();
			Review newReview = new Review();
			newReview.BookId = book.BookId;
			if (reviewAuthor != null)
				Author author = CreateOrLoadAuthor(context, reviewAuthor);
				newReview.Author = author;
			newReview.Date = reviewDate;
			newReview.Content = reviewContent;

			return newReview;
        private static Review CreateOrLoadReview(BookstoreEntities context, int reviewId)
            Review existingReview =
                (from r in context.Reviews
                 where r.ReviewId == reviewId
                 select r).FirstOrDefault();

            if (existingReview != null)
                return existingReview;

            Review newReview = new Review();
            newReview.ReviewId = reviewId;

            return newReview;
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
            BookstoreDAL dal = new BookstoreDAL();

            XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
            string xPathQuery = "/query";

            using (var context = new BookstoreEntities())
                XmlNode query = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode(xPathQuery);

                string title = GetChildText(query, "title");
                string author = GetChildText(query, "author");
                string ISBN = GetChildText(query, "isbn");

                List<Book> foundBooks = dal.FindBooksByTitleAuthorAndISBN(context,
                    dal, title, author, ISBN);

                int foundBooksCount = foundBooks.Count;
                if (foundBooksCount > 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("{0} books found:", foundBooks.Count);
                    foreach (var book in foundBooks)
                        int numberOfReviews = dal.FindBookReviewCount(context, dal, book);
                        if (numberOfReviews > 0)
                            Console.WriteLine("{0} --> {1} reviews", book.Title, numberOfReviews);
                            Console.WriteLine("{0} --> no reviews", book.Title);
                    Console.WriteLine("Nothing found");
Esempio n. 28
        public static Dictionary<string, int> FindBooksByTitleAndAuthorAndISBN(string title, string author, string isbn)
            /*Problem 5. Simple Search for Books. */
            Dictionary<string, int> booksReviews = new Dictionary<string, int>();

            BookstoreEntities context = new BookstoreEntities();
            var booksQuery =
                from b in context.Books.Include("Reviews")
                select b;
            if (title != null)
                booksQuery =
                    from b in context.Books
                    where b.Title.ToLower() == title.ToLower()
                    select b;

            if (isbn != null && isbn != string.Empty)
                long isbnNumber = long.Parse(isbn);
                booksQuery =
                    from b in context.Books
                    where b.ISBN == isbnNumber
                    select b;

            if (author != null)
                booksQuery = booksQuery.Where(
                    b => b.Authors.Any(a => a.Name.ToLower() == author.ToLower()));

            booksQuery = booksQuery.OrderBy(b => b.Title);

            var booksData = booksQuery.Select(b => new {b.Title, b.Reviews.Count});

            foreach (var book in booksData)
                booksReviews.Add(book.Title, book.Count);

            return booksReviews;
Esempio n. 29
        public static void ComplexBookAdd(string title, string isbn, string price, string webSiteURL, List<string> authors, List<Dictionary<string, string>> reviews)
            BookstoreEntities context = new BookstoreEntities();
            Book newBook = new Book();

            foreach (var author in authors)
                Author bookAuthor = CreateOrLoadAuthor(context, author);

            foreach (var review in reviews)
                Review bookReview = new Review();
                if (review["author"] != null && review["author"] != string.Empty)
                    Author reviewAuthor = CreateOrLoadAuthor(context, review["author"]);
                    bookReview.Author = reviewAuthor;
                bookReview.Text = review["text"];
                var creationDate = DateTime.Now;
                if (review["creationDate"] != null && review["creationDate"] != string.Empty)
                    creationDate = DateTime.Parse(review["creationDate"]);
                bookReview.CreationDate = creationDate;

            newBook.Title = title;
            newBook.WebSiteURL = webSiteURL;
            if (isbn != string.Empty && isbn != null)
                newBook.ISBN = long.Parse(isbn);

            if (price != string.Empty && price != null)
                newBook.Price = decimal.Parse(price);
		public static Book AddBook(
			string title, string authorName, decimal? price, string isbn, string url)
			BookstoreEntities context = new BookstoreEntities();
			Book newBook = new Book();
			newBook.Title = title;
            if (authorName != null)
                Author author = CreateOrLoadAuthor(context, authorName);
			newBook.Price = price;
			newBook.ISBN = isbn;
			newBook.Url = url;

			return newBook;
        private static Author CreateOrLoadAuthor(BookstoreEntities context, string author)
            Author existringAuthor =
                (from a in context.Authors
                 where a.Name == author
                 select a).FirstOrDefault();

            if (existringAuthor != null)

            Author newAuthor = new Author();

            newAuthor.Name = author;
