// Get a list of all the authors grouped by title, sorted by title;
 // for a given title sort the author names alphabetically by last name
 // then first name
 private void LoadQ3Result()
     using (var db = new BooksEntities())
         // retrieve results
         var result = from title in db.Titles
                      orderby title.Title1
                      select new
             FullName = from author in db.Authors
                        where title.Authors.Contains(author)
                        orderby author.LastName, author.LastName
             select author.LastName + ", " + author.FirstName
         // add result
         foreach (var item in result)
             txtQ3.AppendText("\r\n\t" + item.Title1);
             foreach (var name in item.FullName)
                 txtQ3.AppendText("\r\n\t\t" + name);
 // Get a list of all the titles and the authors who wrote them.
 // Sort the results by title. For each title sort the authors
 // alphabetically by last name, then first name
 private void LoadQ2Result()
     using (var db = new BooksEntities())
         var titlsAndAuthorsSortedByTitle = from title in db.Titles
                                            from author in db.Authors
                                            where title.Authors.Contains(author)
                                            orderby title.Title1, author.LastName, author.FirstName
             select new { title.Title1, title.ISBN, FullName = author.LastName + ", " + author.FirstName };
         foreach (var item in titlsAndAuthorsSortedByTitle)
             txtQ2.AppendText(string.Format("\r\n\t{0,-50} {1,-15} {2,-15} ", item.Title1, item.ISBN, item.FullName));
        // Get a list of all the titles and the authors who wrote them. Sort the results by title.
        private void LoadQ1Result()
            using (var db = new BooksEntities())
                // pure linq solution 1, test in LinqPad
                //var results =
                //        from title in Titles
                //        join authorIsbn in AuthorISBNs
                //        on title.ISBN equals authorIsbn.ISBN
                //        join author in Authors
                //        on authorIsbn.AuthorID equals author.AuthorID
                //        orderby title.Title
                //        select new {title.Title, title.ISBN, author.FirstName, author.LastName};
                //        results.Dump();

                // pure linq solution 2, test in LinqPad
                //var results =
                //from title in Titles
                //from authorIsbn in AuthorISBNs
                //from author in Authors
                //where title.ISBN == authorIsbn.ISBN
                //&& author.AuthorID == authorIsbn.AuthorID
                //orderby title.Title
                //select new { title.Title, title.ISBN, author.FirstName, author.LastName };

                // buggy, do not consider join
                //var titlesAndAuthorsSortedByTitle = from title in db.Titles
                //                                    from author in db.Authors
                //                                    orderby title.Title1
                //                                    select new { title.Title1, title.ISBN, FullName = author.FirstName + " " + author.LastName };

                // linq to entity
                var titlesAndAuthorsSortedByTitle = from title in db.Titles
                                                    from author in db.Authors
                                                    where title.Authors.Contains(author)
                                                    orderby title.Title1
                                                    select new { title.Title1, title.ISBN, FullName = author.FirstName + " " + author.LastName };

                foreach (var item in titlesAndAuthorsSortedByTitle)
                    txtQ1.AppendText(string.Format("\r\n\t{0,-50} {1,-15} {2,-15}", item.Title1, item.ISBN, item.FullName));