public static void Postfix(PlayerControl __instance, PlayerControl PAIBDFDMIGK, bool __state) { // Collect dead player info DeadPlayer deadPlayer = new DeadPlayer(PAIBDFDMIGK, DateTime.UtcNow, DeathReason.Kill, __instance); GameHistory.deadPlayers.Add(deadPlayer); // Reset killer to crewmate if __state if (__state) { __instance.Data.IsImpostor = false; } // Lover suicide trigger on murder if ((Lovers.lover1 != null && PAIBDFDMIGK == Lovers.lover1) || (Lovers.lover2 != null && PAIBDFDMIGK == Lovers.lover2)) { PlayerControl otherLover = PAIBDFDMIGK == Lovers.lover1 ? Lovers.lover2 : Lovers.lover1; if (PlayerControl.LocalPlayer == PAIBDFDMIGK && otherLover != null && !otherLover.Data.IsDead && Lovers.bothDie) // Only the dead lover sends the rpc { MessageWriter writer = AmongUsClient.Instance.StartRpcImmediately(PlayerControl.LocalPlayer.NetId, (byte)CustomRPC.LoverSuicide, Hazel.SendOption.None, -1); writer.Write(otherLover.PlayerId); AmongUsClient.Instance.FinishRpcImmediately(writer); RPCProcedure.loverSuicide(otherLover.PlayerId); } } // Child died if (Child.child != null && PAIBDFDMIGK == Child.child) { MessageWriter writer = AmongUsClient.Instance.StartRpcImmediately(PlayerControl.LocalPlayer.NetId, (byte)CustomRPC.ChildDied, Hazel.SendOption.None, -1); AmongUsClient.Instance.FinishRpcImmediately(writer); RPCProcedure.childDied(); } }
static void Postfix(VitalsMinigame __instance) { // Spy show time since death bool showSpyInfo = Spy.spy != null && Spy.spy == PlayerControl.LocalPlayer && Spy.spyTimer > 0; for (int k = 0; k < __instance.vitals.Length; k++) { VitalsPanel vitalsPanel = __instance.vitals[k]; GameData.PlayerInfo playerInfo = GameData.Instance.AllPlayers[k]; if (vitalsPanel.IsDead) { DeadPlayer deadPlayer = deadPlayers?.Where(x => x.player?.PlayerId == playerInfo?.PlayerId)?.FirstOrDefault(); if (deadPlayer != null && deadPlayer.timeOfDeath != null) { float timeSinceDeath = ((float)(DateTime.UtcNow - deadPlayer.timeOfDeath).TotalMilliseconds); if (showSpyInfo) { vitalsPanel.Text.Text = Math.Round(timeSinceDeath / 1000) + "s"; } else { vitalsPanel.Text.Text = DestroyableSingleton <TranslationController> .Instance.GetString(Palette.ShortColorNames[(int)playerInfo.ColorId], new UnhollowerBaseLib.Il2CppReferenceArray <Il2CppSystem.Object>(0)); } } } } }
static void Postfix(PlayerControl __instance, GameData.PlayerInfo PAIBDFDMIGK) { // Medic report if (Medic.medic != null && Medic.medic == PlayerControl.LocalPlayer && __instance.PlayerId == Medic.medic.PlayerId) { DeadPlayer deadPlayer = deadPlayers?.Where(x => x.player?.PlayerId == PAIBDFDMIGK?.PlayerId)?.FirstOrDefault(); if (deadPlayer != null && deadPlayer.killerIfExisting != null) { float timeSinceDeath = ((float)(DateTime.UtcNow - deadPlayer.timeOfDeath).TotalMilliseconds); string msg = ""; if (timeSinceDeath < Medic.reportNameDuration * 1000) { msg = $"Body Report: The killer appears to be {}! (Killed {Math.Round(timeSinceDeath / 1000)}s ago)"; } else if (timeSinceDeath < Medic.reportColorDuration * 1000) { var colors = new Dictionary <byte, string>() { { 0, "darker" }, { 1, "darker" }, { 2, "darker" }, { 3, "lighter" }, { 4, "lighter" }, { 5, "lighter" }, { 6, "darker" }, { 7, "lighter" }, { 8, "darker" }, { 9, "darker" }, { 10, "lighter" }, { 11, "lighter" }, }; var typeOfColor = colors[deadPlayer.killerIfExisting.Data.ColorId] ?? "unknown"; msg = $"Body Report: The killer appears to be a {typeOfColor} color. (Killed {Math.Round(timeSinceDeath / 1000)}s ago)"; } else { msg = $"Body Report: The corpse is too old to gain information from. (Killed {Math.Round(timeSinceDeath / 1000)}s ago)"; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(msg)) { if (AmongUsClient.Instance.AmClient && DestroyableSingleton <HudManager> .Instance) { DestroyableSingleton <HudManager> .Instance.Chat.AddChat(PlayerControl.LocalPlayer, msg); } if (msg.IndexOf("who", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0) { DestroyableSingleton <Assets.CoreScripts.Telemetry> .Instance.SendWho(); } } } } }
public static void bendTimeUpdate() { if (TimeMaster.isRewinding) { if (localPlayerPositions.Count > 0) { // Set position var next = localPlayerPositions[0]; if (!PlayerControl.LocalPlayer.inVent) { PlayerControl.LocalPlayer.transform.position = next.Item1; } localPlayerPositions.RemoveAt(0); if (localPlayerPositions.Count > 0) { localPlayerPositions.RemoveAt(0); // Skip every second position to rewinde in half the time } // Try reviving LOCAL player if (TimeMaster.reviveDuringRewind && PlayerControl.LocalPlayer.Data.IsDead) { DeadPlayer deadPlayer = deadPlayers.Where(x => x.player == PlayerControl.LocalPlayer).FirstOrDefault(); if (deadPlayer != null && next.Item2 < deadPlayer.timeOfDeath) { MessageWriter write = AmongUsClient.Instance.StartRpcImmediately(PlayerControl.LocalPlayer.NetId, (byte)CustomRPC.TimeMasterRevive, SendOption.None, -1); write.Write(PlayerControl.LocalPlayer.PlayerId); AmongUsClient.Instance.FinishRpcImmediately(write); RPCProcedure.timeMasterRevive(PlayerControl.LocalPlayer.PlayerId); } } } else { TimeMaster.isRewinding = false; PlayerControl.LocalPlayer.moveable = true; HudManager.Instance.FullScreen.enabled = false; } } else { while (localPlayerPositions.Count >= Mathf.Round(TimeMaster.rewindTime / Time.fixedDeltaTime)) { localPlayerPositions.RemoveAt(localPlayerPositions.Count - 1); } localPlayerPositions.Insert(0, new Tuple <Vector3, DateTime>(PlayerControl.LocalPlayer.transform.position, DateTime.UtcNow)); } }
public static void timeMasterRevive(byte playerId) { foreach (PlayerControl player in PlayerControl.AllPlayerControls) { if (player.PlayerId == playerId) { player.Revive(); var body = UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectsOfType <DeadBody>().FirstOrDefault(b => b.ParentId == playerId); DeadPlayer deadPlayerEntry = deadPlayers.Where(x => x.player.PlayerId == playerId).FirstOrDefault(); if (body != null) { UnityEngine.Object.Destroy(body.gameObject); } if (deadPlayerEntry != null) { deadPlayers.Remove(deadPlayerEntry); } } } }
public static void Postfix(PlayerControl __instance) { // Collect dead player info DeadPlayer deadPlayer = new DeadPlayer(__instance, DateTime.UtcNow, DeathReason.Exile, null); GameHistory.deadPlayers.Add(deadPlayer); // Lover suicide trigger on exile if ((Lovers.lover1 != null && __instance == Lovers.lover1) || (Lovers.lover2 != null && __instance == Lovers.lover2)) { PlayerControl otherLover = __instance == Lovers.lover1 ? Lovers.lover2 : Lovers.lover1; if (PlayerControl.LocalPlayer == __instance && otherLover != null && !otherLover.Data.IsDead && Lovers.bothDie) // Only the dead lover sends the rpc { MessageWriter writer = AmongUsClient.Instance.StartRpcImmediately(PlayerControl.LocalPlayer.NetId, (byte)CustomRPC.LoverSuicide, Hazel.SendOption.None, -1); writer.Write(otherLover.PlayerId); AmongUsClient.Instance.FinishRpcImmediately(writer); RPCProcedure.loverSuicide(otherLover.PlayerId); } } }
static void Postfix(VitalsMinigame __instance) { // Spy show time since death if (Spy.spy == null || Spy.spy != PlayerControl.LocalPlayer) { return; } for (int k = 0; k < __instance.vitals.Length; k++) { VitalsPanel vitalsPanel = __instance.vitals[k]; GameData.PlayerInfo playerInfo = GameData.Instance.AllPlayers[k]; if (vitalsPanel.IsDead) { DeadPlayer deadPlayer = deadPlayers?.Where(x => x.player?.PlayerId == playerInfo?.PlayerId)?.FirstOrDefault(); if (deadPlayer != null && deadPlayer.timeOfDeath != null) { float timeSinceDeath = ((float)(DateTime.UtcNow - deadPlayer.timeOfDeath).TotalMilliseconds); vitalsPanel.Text.Text = Math.Round(timeSinceDeath / 1000) + "s"; } } } }