public List <FeedMs> GetFeedList(int width, Shared.GetFont titleFont, Shared.GetFont dateFont, Shared.GetFont bodyFont) { TextBlob textBlob = new TextBlob(bodyFont, "label", width); //parse JSON string into List of Dictionaries. List <FeedMs> allFeeds = new List <FeedMs>(); try { #if NETFX_CORE // For some reason the WinRT Json Serializer doesn't want to // deserialize our objects so we'll just have to do it manually. //var items = Deserialize<List<Dictionary<string, string>>>(rawGetData); List <Dictionary <string, string> > items = HackDeserialize(rawGetData); #else var js = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer(); var items = js.Deserialize <List <Dictionary <string, string> > >(rawGetData); #endif //build news feed. foreach (var item in items) { FeedMs feedItem = new FeedMs(new Vector2(24, 0), textBlob, titleFont, dateFont, bodyFont); feedItem.Title = item["Title"]; feedItem.Body = item["Text"]; feedItem.DateString = item["Date"]; feedItem.CreateHyperlink(HyperlinkType.URL, Strings.Localize("mainMenu.readMoreHere"), item["URL"]); allFeeds.Add(feedItem); } } catch { } return(allFeeds); }
// c'tor public LiveFeedDisplay() { this.msNewsFeed = new NewsFeeds(); this.smallblob = new TextBlob(UI2D.Shared.GetGameFont18Bold, Strings.Localize(""), 300); this.smallblob.Justification = UIGridElement.Justification.Left; this.flagMoreBlob = new TextBlob(expandFlagFont, Strings.Localize("mainMenu.more"), 80); this.flagLessBlob = new TextBlob(expandFlagFont, Strings.Localize("mainMenu.less"), 80); this.newsScroller = new ItemScroller(scrollBoxPos, FeedSize, new Color(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), null, null); this.hitBox = new AABB2D(new Vector2(0, 0), FeedSize); // this.Header_bg = BokuGame.Load<Texture2D>(BokuGame.Settings.MediaPath + @"Textures\twitter_Icon"); this.cloudTR = BokuGame.Load <Texture2D>(BokuGame.Settings.MediaPath + @"Textures\MainMenu\cloudTR"); this.cloudBR = BokuGame.Load <Texture2D>(BokuGame.Settings.MediaPath + @"Textures\MainMenu\cloudBR"); this.cloudTL = BokuGame.Load <Texture2D>(BokuGame.Settings.MediaPath + @"Textures\MainMenu\cloudTL"); this.cloudBL = BokuGame.Load <Texture2D>(BokuGame.Settings.MediaPath + @"Textures\MainMenu\cloudBL"); this.cloudTC = BokuGame.Load <Texture2D>(BokuGame.Settings.MediaPath + @"Textures\MainMenu\cloudTC"); this.cloudBC = BokuGame.Load <Texture2D>(BokuGame.Settings.MediaPath + @"Textures\MainMenu\cloudBC"); this.cloudLC = BokuGame.Load <Texture2D>(BokuGame.Settings.MediaPath + @"Textures\MainMenu\cloudLC"); this.cloudRC = BokuGame.Load <Texture2D>(BokuGame.Settings.MediaPath + @"Textures\MainMenu\cloudRC"); this.cloudCenter = BokuGame.Load <Texture2D>(BokuGame.Settings.MediaPath + @"Textures\MainMenu\cloudCenter"); newsScroller.Clear(); FeedMs item = new FeedMs(FeedSize, "Getting News feed...", TitleFont, DateFont, BodyFont); newsScroller.AddItem(item); //Twitter.GetTweets(); msNewsFeed.BeginFetchNews(); gettingFeeds = true; } // end of c'tor
public bool AddFeed(string rawData, ref List <FeedMs> msFeed, int width, Shared.GetFont tFont, Shared.GetFont dFont, Shared.GetFont bFont) { char lastChar; char nextChar; TextBlobHL TextBlobHL = new TextBlobHL(bFont, "label", width); FeedMs feedItem = null; currentFeedSection = FeedSection.keyNone; if (rawData.StartsWith("\"" + keyTitle + "\"")) { feedItem = new FeedMs(new Vector2(24, 0), TextBlobHL, tFont, dFont, bFont); string[] delimiterChars = { "\":\"", "\",\"" }; string[] fields = rawData.Split(delimiterChars, StringSplitOptions.None); foreach (string field in fields) { nextChar = field[field.Length - 1]; if (currentFeedSection != FeedSection.keyNone) { ProcessKey(ref feedItem, field, currentFeedSection); currentFeedSection = FeedSection.keyNone; } else if (field.Contains("\"" + keyTitle)) { currentFeedSection = FeedSection.keyTitle; } else if (field.Contains(keyText)) { currentFeedSection = FeedSection.keyText; } else if (field.Contains(keyLink)) { currentFeedSection = FeedSection.keyLink; } else if (field.Contains(keyTwitter)) { currentFeedSection = FeedSection.keyTwitter; } else if (field.Contains(keyDate)) { currentFeedSection = FeedSection.keyDate; } lastChar = field[0]; } msFeed.Add(feedItem); } return(true); }
private void ProcessKey(ref FeedMs newsItem, string data, FeedSection key) { switch (key) { case FeedSection.keyTitle: newsItem.Title = data; ; break; case FeedSection.keyText: newsItem.Body = data; break; case FeedSection.keyDate: newsItem.DateString = data; break; case FeedSection.keyTwitter:; break; case FeedSection.keyLink: newsItem.CreateHyperlink(HyperlinkType.URL, "\nRead more Here!", data); break; } }
} // end of c'tor public void Update(Camera camera) { if (gettingFeeds) { msNewsFeed.Update(); if (msNewsFeed.CurrentState == NewsFeeds.OpState.Failed) { newsScroller.Clear(); FeedMs item = new FeedMs(FeedSize, "Failed to get news feed...", TitleFont, DateFont, BodyFont); newsScroller.AddItem(item); gettingFeeds = false; newsScroller.Dirty = true; } else if (msNewsFeed.CurrentState == NewsFeeds.OpState.Retrieving) { newsScroller.Clear(); FeedMs item = new FeedMs(FeedSize, "Updating news...", TitleFont, DateFont, BodyFont); newsScroller.AddItem(item); //gettingFeeds = false; newsScroller.Dirty = true; } else if (msNewsFeed.CurrentState == NewsFeeds.OpState.Retrieved) { try { // Done getting Tweets newsScroller.Clear(); List <FeedMs> feedList = msNewsFeed.GetFeedList( (int)(FeedSize.X - newsScroller.ScrollBoxSize.X), TitleFont, DateFont, BodyFont); if (feedList != null) { foreach (FeedMs newsItem in feedList) { newsScroller.AddItem(newsItem); } } newsScroller.ResizeItemWidths(); gettingFeeds = false; newsScroller.Dirty = true; } catch { newsScroller.Clear(); FeedMs item = new FeedMs(FeedSize, "Error getting news feed...", TitleFont, DateFont, BodyFont); newsScroller.AddItem(item); gettingFeeds = false; newsScroller.Dirty = true; } } } Vector2 pureMouseHit = new Vector2(MouseInput.Position.X, MouseInput.Position.Y); if (moreLessHitBox.Contains(pureMouseHit) && MouseInput.Left.WasReleased) { expanded = !expanded; } //check touch hit TouchContact touch = TouchInput.GetOldestTouch(); if (TouchInput.WasLastReleased && moreLessHitBox.Contains(touch.position)) { expanded = !expanded; } // Even if not active we need to refresh the rendertarget. newsScroller.RefreshRT(); if (Active) { newsScroller.Update(camera); if (camera == null) { camera = new PerspectiveUICamera(); } if (GamePadInput.ActiveMode == GamePadInput.InputMode.KeyboardMouse) { Vector2 hit = MouseInput.GetAspectRatioAdjustedPosition(camera, useOverscanForHitTesting); pureMouseHit = new Vector2(MouseInput.Position.X, MouseInput.Position.Y); if (!IsInScrollwindow(pureMouseHit)) { // Don't Deactivate here just because the mouse cursor has left the bounds of the scroll window. // We should only deactivate if ComboRight is pressed. //Deactivate(); // But if we're out of bounds and the used clicks, then Deactivate() if (MouseInput.Left.WasPressed) { Deactivate(); } } else if (MouseInput.PrevPosition != MouseInput.Position) { newsScroller.Activate(); } if (true) //newsScroller.IsFocused) { if (Actions.ComboUp.WasPressedOrRepeat) { newsScroller.FocusPrev(); } else if (Actions.ComboDown.WasPressedOrRepeat) { newsScroller.FocusNext(); } else if (Actions.ComboRight.WasPressed) { Deactivate(); } if (Actions.ZoomIn.WasPressedOrRepeat) { newsScroller.FocusPrevItem(); } else if (Actions.ZoomOut.WasPressedOrRepeat) { newsScroller.FocusNextItem(); } } if (Actions.ComboLeft.WasPressed) { newsScroller.Activate(); } } else if (GamePadInput.ActiveMode == GamePadInput.InputMode.GamePad) { HandleGamepadInput(); } } // end if active. } // end of Update()