public static LevelMetadata CreateFromXml(XmlWorldData xml)
            LevelMetadata metadata = new LevelMetadata();

        public static LevelMetadata LoadMetadataByGenre(Guid worldId, Genres genres)
            string bucket = BokuGame.MyWorldsPath;

            if (genres != 0)
                bucket = Utils.FolderNameFromFlags(genres);

            string fullPath = BokuGame.Settings.MediaPath + bucket + worldId.ToString() + @".Xml";

            Xml.XmlWorldData xml = XmlWorldData.Load(fullPath, XnaStorageHelper.Instance);
            if (xml != null)
                LevelMetadata data = new LevelMetadata();

                //minor hackery - seems previous versions of kodu will sometimes leave the genres set to 0
                //even though they should be updated for the bucket the level is in.  Then at load time, a run-time
                //genre is set.  This code will maintain that behavior for levels loaded through this helper
                if (bucket == BokuGame.DownloadsPath)
                    //ensure downloads always have the downloads flag
                    data.Genres |= Genres.Downloads;
                else if (bucket == BokuGame.BuiltInWorldsPath)
                    //ensure built in worlds always have the built in flag
                    data.Genres |= Genres.BuiltInWorlds;
                else if (bucket == BokuGame.MyWorldsPath)
                    data.Genres |= Genres.MyWorlds;

