protected void Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { var d = new DonationIcon(int.Parse(uiK.Text)); this.uiName.Text = d.IconName; this.uiText.Text = d.IconText; this.uiGuid.Text = d.ImgGuid.Value.ToString(); this.uiExtension.Text = d.ImgExtension; this.uiThreadK.Text = d.ThreadK.ToString(); this.uiActivationDate.Date = d.StartDateTime; this.uiActivationTime.Time = d.StartDateTime; this.uiEnabled.Checked = d.Enabled; this.uiVatable.Checked = d.Vatable.Value; SetLink(d.K); }
protected void Save(object sender, EventArgs e) { var d = new DonationIcon() {PriceWhenActive = 5, PriceWhenRetroactive = 10, DonatePageControl = DonationIcon.Control.Basic}; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(uiK.Text)) { d = new DonationIcon(int.Parse(uiK.Text)); } d.IconName = this.uiName.Text; d.IconText = this.uiText.Text; d.ImgGuid = new Guid(this.uiGuid.Text); d.ImgExtension = this.uiExtension.Text; d.ThreadK = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.uiThreadK.Text)) ? int.Parse(this.uiThreadK.Text) : 0; d.StartDateTime = uiActivationDate.Date.AddHours(uiActivationTime.Time.Hour).AddMinutes(uiActivationTime.Minute); d.Enabled = this.uiEnabled.Checked; d.Vatable = this.uiVatable.Checked; d.Update(); this.uiK.Text = d.K.ToString(); SetLink(d.K); }
public void MainPanelMisc_Load(object o, System.EventArgs e) { if (ThisUsr != null && !ThisUsr.IsSkeleton) { if (ThisUsr.CommentCount > 0) UsrCommentsLabel.Text = "<a href=\"" + ThisUsr.UrlMyComments() + "\">" + ThisUsr.CommentCount.ToString("#,##0") + " comment" + (ThisUsr.CommentCount == 1 ? "" : "s") + "</a>"; else UsrCommentsLabel.Text = "no comments"; GroupInviteAnchor.HRef = ThisUsr.UrlApp("invite"); GroupInviteAnchor.InnerHtml = GroupInviteAnchor.InnerHtml.Replace("xxx", ThisUsr.NickName); if (ThisUsr.CommentCount > 0) { UsrChatArchiveAnchor.HRef = ThisUsr.UrlApp("chat"); UsrChatArchiveAnchor.InnerHtml = UsrChatArchiveAnchor.InnerHtml.Replace("xxx", "Read comments posted by " + ThisUsr.NickName); } else UsrChatArchiveAnchorP.Visible = false; if (ThisUsr.ChatMessageCount == 0) UsrChatLabel.Text = "I've not posted in the live-chat yet"; else if (ThisUsr.ChatMessageCount == 1) UsrChatLabel.Text = "one live chat message"; else UsrChatLabel.Text = ThisUsr.ChatMessageCount.ToString("#,##0") + " live chat messages"; if (ThisUsr.PhotosMeCount == 0) UsrPhotoLabel.Text = ", and I've not been spotted yet."; else if (ThisUsr.PhotosMeCount == 1) UsrPhotoLabel.Text = ", and I've been <a href=\"" + ThisUsr.Url() + "#PhotosMe\">spotted once</a>."; else if (ThisUsr.PhotosMeCount <= 18) UsrPhotoLabel.Text = ", and I've been <a href=\"" + ThisUsr.Url() + "#PhotosMe\">spotted " + ThisUsr.PhotosMeCount.ToString("#,##0") + " times</a>."; else UsrPhotoLabel.Text = ", and I've been <a href=\"" + ThisUsr.UrlMyPhotos() + "\">spotted " + ThisUsr.PhotosMeCount.ToString("#,##0") + " times</a>."; AdminIconPanel.Visible = ThisUsr.IsAdmin; ModeratorIconPanel.Visible = !ThisUsr.IsAdmin && ThisUsr.IsSenior; EventModeratorIconPanel.Visible = !ThisUsr.IsAdmin && ThisUsr.IsSuper; SuperIconPanel.Visible = ThisUsr.IsSuperUser; DsiRegularIconPanel.Visible = ThisUsr.IsDsiRegular & !ThisUsr.IsSuperUser; //Donate1Panel.Visible = ThisUsr.Donate1IconShown; //Donate2Panel.Visible = ThisUsr.Donate2IconShown; DjIconPanel.Visible = ThisUsr.IsDj.HasValue && ThisUsr.IsDj.Value; var ds = DonationIcon.GetIconsForUsr(ThisUsr.K); if (ds != null && ds.Count > 0) { int i = 0; foreach (var d in ds) { uiDonationIconsHtml.Text += string.Format( "<a href='/pages/icons/k-{0}' class='CleanLinks'><img src='{1}' border='0' align='absmiddle' style='margin-right:3px;' width='26' height='21'></a>", d.K, d.IconPath); } uiDonationIconsPanel.Visible = true; try { DonationIcon d = new DonationIcon(ThisUsr.RolloverDonationIconK.Value); DonationIconTopP.InnerHtml = string.Format(@"<a href=""/pages/icons/k-{0}""><img src=""{1}"" border=""0"" align=""absmiddle"" style=""margin-right:3px;"" width=""26"" height=""21"" />{2}</a>", d.K.ToString(), d.IconPath, d.IconText); } catch { DonationIconTopP.Visible = false; } if (Usr.Current != null && ThisUsr.K == Usr.Current.K) { DonationRolloverP.Visible = true; { if (!Page.IsPostBack) { DonationRolloverDrop.DataSource = DonationIcon.GetIconsForUsr(ThisUsr.K); DonationRolloverDrop.DataTextField = "IconText"; DonationRolloverDrop.DataValueField = "K"; DonationRolloverDrop.DataBind(); } try { DonationIcon d = new DonationIcon(Usr.Current.RolloverDonationIconK.Value); if (!Page.IsPostBack) DonationRolloverDrop.SelectedValue = d.K.ToString(); DonationRolloverImage.Src = d.IconPath; } catch { } } } else DonationRolloverP.Visible = false; } else { uiDonationIconsPanel.Visible = false; DonationRolloverP.Visible = false; } DonationIconLegendP.Visible = ThisUsr.IsDonationIconLegend; ExtraIconPanel.Visible = ThisUsr.ExtraIconInUse > 0; TicketIconPanel.Visible = ThisUsr.HasTicket && ThisUsr.LastTicketEventDateTime > DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1); SpotterIconPanel.Visible = ThisUsr.IsSpotter; if (SpotterIconPanel.Visible) { SpotterIcon.Src = ThisUsr.SpotterIconPath; SpotterLink.HRef = ThisUsr.IsProSpotter ? "/pages/prospotters" : "/pages/spotters"; SpotterLabel.Text = ThisUsr.SpotterStatus(true, true, true); SpotterSpottingsLabel.Text = (ThisUsr.SpottingsTotal > 0 ? "<a href=\"" + ThisUsr.UrlSpottings() + "\">" : "") + ThisUsr.SpottingsTotal.ToString("#,##0") + " " + (ThisUsr.SpottingsTotal == 1 ? "person" : "people") + (ThisUsr.SpottingsTotal > 0 ? "</a>" : ""); } if (ThisUsr.PicPhotoK > 0) { try { PicAnchor.HRef = ThisUsr.PicPhoto.Url(); } catch { } } ChatterboxIconPanel.Visible = ThisUsr.IsChatterBox; NewUserIconPanel.Visible = ThisUsr.IsNewUser; DiscussionModeratorIconPanel.Visible = !ThisUsr.IsAdmin && ThisUsr.IsJunior; if (ThisUsr.MusicTypesFavouriteCount > 0) { UsrMusicTypesPanel.Visible = true; UsrMusicTypesLabel.Text = ""; for (int i = 0; i < ThisUsr.MusicTypesFavourite.Count; i++) { UsrMusicTypesLabel.Text += (i > 0 ? ", " : "") + ThisUsr.MusicTypesFavourite[i].GenericName; } } else UsrMusicTypesPanel.Visible = false; if (ThisUsr.PlacesVisitCount > 0) { UsrPlaceVisitPanel.Visible = true; UsrPlaceVisitLabel.Text = ""; PlaceSet ps = ThisUsr.PlacesVisit(Place.LinkColumns, 0); for (int i = 0; i < ps.Count; i++) { UsrPlaceVisitLabel.Text += (i > 0 ? ", " : "") + "<a href=\"" + ps[i].Url() + "\">" + ps[i].Name + "</a>"; } } else UsrPlaceVisitPanel.Visible = false; } }