Esempio n. 1
 public void RenameNode(BobFsNode node, string name)
     LinkNode(name, node);
Esempio n. 2
        // TODO: We should update the inode bitmap if necessary
        public void DeleteNode(BobFsNode node)
            if (!IsDirectory)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Current node is not a directory.");

            int      runner = 0;
            DirEntry entry  = new DirEntry();

            while (runner < Size)
                entry.ReadFrom(this, runner);

                if (entry.Inum == node.Inum)
                    int read;
                    while ((read = ReadAll(runner + (8 + entry.Name.Length), _tmpBuffer, 0, BobFs.BlockSize)) != 0)
                        WriteAll(runner, _tmpBuffer, 0, read);
                        runner += read;

                    Size -= (uint)(8 + entry.Name.Length);

                runner += 8 + entry.Name.Length; // Point to next direntry's inum

            throw new Exception("Node not found.");
Esempio n. 3
        public void Format()
            // Setup superblock
            Array.Clear(_tmpBuffer, 0, BlockSize);
            Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(HeaderMagic).CopyTo(_tmpBuffer, 0);
            BitConverter.GetBytes((int)0).CopyTo(_tmpBuffer, HeaderMagic.Length);
            Source.WriteAll(0, _tmpBuffer, 0, BlockSize);
            _superBlock = Superblock.ReadFrom(_tmpBuffer);

            // Setup block bitmap
            byte[] tmpBuffer = new byte[BlockSize];
            Source.WriteAll(BlockSize * 1, tmpBuffer, 0, BlockSize);

            // Clear inode bitmap
            BitArray inodeBitmap = new BitArray(tmpBuffer);

            inodeBitmap[0] = true;
            inodeBitmap.CopyTo(tmpBuffer, 0);
            Source.WriteAll(BlockSize * 2, tmpBuffer, 0, BlockSize);

            // Create root directory
            BobFsNode root = new BobFsNode(this, 0);

            root.Type     = ENodeType.Directory;
            root.NumLinks = 1;
            root.Size     = 0;
Esempio n. 4
 public int WriteTo(BobFsNode node, int offset)
     byte[] buf = new byte[Name.Length + 8];
     BitConverter.GetBytes(Inum).CopyTo(buf, 0);
     BitConverter.GetBytes((uint)Name.Length).CopyTo(buf, 4);
     Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(Name).CopyTo(buf, 8);
     return(node.WriteAll(offset, buf, 0, buf.Length));
Esempio n. 5
            public void ReadFrom(BobFsNode node, int offset)
                byte[] headBuf = new byte[8];
                node.ReadAll(offset, headBuf, 0, 8);
                Inum = BitConverter.ToUInt32(headBuf, 0);
                uint nameLength = BitConverter.ToUInt32(headBuf, 4);

                byte[] nameBuf = new byte[nameLength];
                node.ReadAll(offset + 8, nameBuf, 0, (int)nameLength);
                Name = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(nameBuf, 0, (int)nameLength);
Esempio n. 6
        private BobFsNode NewNode(string name, ENodeType type)
            if (!IsDirectory)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Current node is not a directory.");

            // Get free inum
            // TODO: Can be optimized
            // TODO: Implement caching
            int freeInum = -1;

            _bobFs.Source.ReadAll(BobFs.BlockSize * 2, _tmpBuffer, 0, BobFs.BlockSize);
            BitArray inodeBitmap = new BitArray(_tmpBuffer);

            for (int index = 0; index < BobFs.BlockSize * 8 && freeInum == -1; index++)
                if (!inodeBitmap[index])
                    freeInum = index;
            if (freeInum == -1)
                throw new Exception("No free Inode.");
            inodeBitmap[freeInum] = true;
            inodeBitmap.CopyTo(_tmpBuffer, 0);
            _bobFs.Source.WriteAll(BobFs.BlockSize * 2, _tmpBuffer, 0, BobFs.BlockSize);

            // Add to directory
            DirEntry newDirEntry = new DirEntry();

            newDirEntry.Inum = (uint)freeInum;
            newDirEntry.Name = name;
            int bytesWritten = newDirEntry.WriteTo(this, (int)Size);

            if (bytesWritten < 0)
                throw new Exception("Current directory is full.");

            // Create inode at inum
            BobFsNode newInode = new BobFsNode(_bobFs, (uint)freeInum);

            newInode.Type     = type;
            newInode.NumLinks = 1;
            newInode.Size     = 0;

Esempio n. 7
        public void LinkNode(string name, BobFsNode file)
            if (!IsDirectory)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Current node is not a directory.");

            // Add to directory
            DirEntry newDirEntry = new DirEntry();

            newDirEntry.Inum = file.Inum;
            newDirEntry.Name = name;
            int bytesWritten = newDirEntry.WriteTo(this, (int)Size);

            if (bytesWritten < 0)
                throw new Exception("Current directory is full.");

            // Update nlinks in node