Esempio n. 1
 public WebView()
     // Add event handler for navigation
     this.Navigating += new System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowserNavigatingEventHandler(WebView_Navigating);
     // Initiate parsing
     mMakoEngine = new MakoEngine();
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Method to test content, output both preparsed and parsed content
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="file"></param>
        private void TestContent(String file)
            Engine = new MakoEngine();

            using (StreamReader SR = new StreamReader(file))
                textBox1.Text = SR.ReadToEnd();

Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Method to test content, output both preparsed and parsed content
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="file"></param>
        private void TestContent(String file)
            Engine = new MakoEngine();

            using (StreamReader SR = new StreamReader(file))
                textBox1.Text = SR.ReadToEnd();

Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// This function preprosses the mako layer
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input">The input string to parse</param>
        /// <param name="argument">The argument sent to the parser</param>
        public String Preprocess(string input, string argument, bool inflate, string uri, bool onlyPreprocess = false)
            #region OverlayManager Experimental

             * STOCKHOLM 2011-07-01 14:45
             * New feature: Apply custom overlays specified by individual service:
             * Overlay are marked with <#namespace#> where "namespace" is an special
             * kind of <namespace>.xml view file inside an <extension_dir>/views/ folder
             * */

            // First gain attention by the event

            OverlayEventArgs args = new OverlayEventArgs(); // Create event args
            args.URI = uri;
            if (RequestOverlay != null)
                RequestOverlay(this, args);

            // if the args has retained the phase, eg. not cancelled
            if (!args.Cancel)
                // Substitute the overlay placeholders with the views
                if (args.ViewFolders != null)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> overlay in args.ViewFolders)
                        using (StreamReader SR = new StreamReader(overlay.Value))
                            String content = SR.ReadToEnd();
                            // Substitute overlay placeholders
                            input = input.Replace("<#" + overlay.Key.Replace(".xml", "") + "#>", content);

            // Remove unwanted trailings
            Regex a = new Regex(@"<\#[^\#]*\#>", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
            input = a.Replace(input, "");

             * Begin normal operation
             * */

            // Clear the output buffer
            Output = "";

             * Tell the runtime machine about the argument
             * */
                String[] arguments = argument.Split(':');
                RuntimeMachine.SetVariable("parameter", argument.Replace(arguments[0] + ":", "").Replace(arguments[1] + ":", ""));
                RuntimeMachine.SetVariable("service", arguments[0]);
            catch { }

             * This string defines the call-stack of the query
             * This is done before any other preprocessing
             * */
            String   CallStack = "";
            String[] lines     = input.Split('\n');

             * Boolean indicating which parse mode the parser is in,
             * true = in executable text
             * false = in output line
             * */
            bool parseMode = false;
            // Boolean indicating first line is parsing
            bool firstLine = true;

             * Iterate through all lines and preprocess the page.
             * If page starts with an % it will be treated as an preparser code or all content
             * inside enclosing <? ?>
             * Two string builders, the first is for the current output segment and the second for the current
             * executable segmetn
             * */
            StringBuilder outputCode        = new StringBuilder();
            StringBuilder executableSegment = new StringBuilder();

            // The buffer for the final preprocessing output
            StringBuilder finalOutput = new StringBuilder();
            // Append initial case

            // Boolean startCase. true = <? false \n%
            bool startCase = false;

            // Boolean which tells if the cursor is in the preparse or output part of the buffer (inside or outside an executable segment)
            bool codeMode = false;
            for (int i = 0; i < input.Length; i++)
                // Check if at an overgoing to an code block
                if (codeMode)
                    if ((startCase && input[i] == '?' && input[i + 1] == '>') || (input[i] == '\n' && !startCase))
                        codeMode = false;

                        // Jump forward two times if endcase is ?>
                        if (startCase)

                        // Get the final output
                        string codeOutput = executableSegment.ToString();
                        // If in JSPython mode, convert all row breaks to ; and other syntax elements
                        if (JSPython)
                            codeOutput = codeOutput.Replace("\n", ";");

                             * Convert statements
                             * */
                            codeOutput = codeOutput.Replace(":", "{");
                            codeOutput = codeOutput.Replace("end", "}");

                            codeOutput = codeOutput.Replace("\nif ", "\nif(");
                            codeOutput = codeOutput.Replace("then:", "){");
                            codeOutput = codeOutput.Replace("do:", "){");

                            codeOutput = codeOutput.Replace("endif", "}");
                        codeOutput = codeOutput.Replace("lt;", "<");

                        codeOutput = codeOutput.Replace("lower than", "<");
                        codeOutput = codeOutput.Replace("lower", "<");

                        codeOutput = codeOutput.Replace("higher", ">");

                        codeOutput = codeOutput.Replace("highter than", ">");
                        codeOutput = codeOutput.Replace("gt;", ">");
                        // Append the code data to the string buffer
                        finalOutput.Append(" " + codeOutput + " ");

                        // Clear outputcode buffer
                        executableSegment = new StringBuilder();

                    // If at end, summarize the string
                    if (i == input.Length - 1)
                        // Append the last string
                        // Format output code (Replace " to ¤ and swap back on preprocessing)
                        String OutputCode = outputCode.ToString().Replace("\"", "¤").Replace("\n", "%BR%\");\n__printx(\"");
                        OutputCode = this.HandleToTokens(OutputCode.ToString(), '@');
                        finalOutput.Append("__printx(\"" + OutputCode + "\");");
                        if (((input[i] == '\n' && input[i + 1] == '%')) || (input[i] == '<' && input[i + 1] == '?'))
                            startCase = (input[i] == '<' && input[i + 1] == '?');
                            codeMode  = true;

                            // Convert tokens to interpretable handles
                            String OutputCode = outputCode.ToString().Replace("\"", "¤").Replace("\n", "%BR%\");\n__printx(\"");
                            OutputCode = this.HandleToTokens(OutputCode.ToString(), '@');
                            finalOutput.Append("__printx(\"" + OutputCode + "\");");

                            // Clear the output code buffer
                            outputCode = new StringBuilder();

                            // Skip two tokens forward to not include those tokens to the code buffer
                            i += 1;
            // if exiting in text mode, append an end of the scalar string
            if (!parseMode)
                CallStack += "\");";
            // Run the code
            RuntimeMachine.SetFunction("__printx", new Func <String, object>(__printx));
            RuntimeMachine.SetFunction("synchronize_data", new Func <String, object>(synchronize_data));
            CallStack = finalOutput.ToString();

            CallStack = CallStack.Replace("\r", "");
            if (!onlyPreprocess)
                 * Try run the page. If there was error return ERROR: <error> message so the
                 * handler can choose to present it to the user
                 * */

                     * Check if the result of the preprocessing is the same as before. If nothing
                     * has changed return NONCHANGE. This is only for rendering whole pages, not inflate.
                     * */
                    if (!inflate)
                        if (Output == OldOutput)

                        OldOutput = Output;
                catch (Exception e)
                    // clear output
                    this.Output = "";
                    // Load error page
                    using (System.IO.StreamReader SR = new System.IO.StreamReader("views\\error.xml"))
                        string errorView = new MakoEngine().Preprocess(SR.ReadToEnd(), "", false, "", true);
                        RuntimeMachine = new JavaScriptEngine();
                        RuntimeMachine.SetFunction("__printx", new Func <String, object>(__printx));
                        RuntimeMachine.SetVariable("error", e.ToString() + "\n ");


Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// This function preprosses the mako layer
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input">The input string to parse</param>
        /// <param name="argument">The argument sent to the parser</param>
        public String Preprocess(string input, string argument, bool inflate, string uri, bool onlyPreprocess = false)
            #region OverlayManager Experimental
             * STOCKHOLM 2011-07-01 14:45
             * New feature: Apply custom overlays specified by individual service:
             * Overlay are marked with <#namespace#> where "namespace" is an special
             * kind of <namespace>.xml view file inside an <extension_dir>/views/ folder
             * */

            // First gain attention by the event

            OverlayEventArgs args = new OverlayEventArgs(); // Create event args
            args.URI = uri;
            if (RequestOverlay != null)
                RequestOverlay(this, args);

            // if the args has retained the phase, eg. not cancelled
            if (!args.Cancel)
                // Substitute the overlay placeholders with the views
                if(args.ViewFolders != null)
                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> overlay in args.ViewFolders)
                    using (StreamReader SR = new StreamReader(overlay.Value))
                        String content = SR.ReadToEnd();
                        // Substitute overlay placeholders
                        input = input.Replace("<#" + overlay.Key.Replace(".xml","") + "#>", content);

            // Remove unwanted trailings
            Regex a = new Regex(@"<\#[^\#]*\#>", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
            input = a.Replace(input, "");

             * Begin normal operation
             * */

            // Clear the output buffer
            Output = "";
             * Tell the runtime machine about the argument
             * */
                String[] arguments = argument.Split(':');
                RuntimeMachine.SetVariable("parameter", argument.Replace(arguments[0] + ":", "").Replace(arguments[1] + ":", ""));
                RuntimeMachine.SetVariable("service", arguments[0]);
            catch { }
             * This string defines the call-stack of the query
             * This is done before any other preprocessing
             * */
            String CallStack = "";
            String[] lines = input.Split('\n');
             * Boolean indicating which parse mode the parser is in,
             * true = in executable text
             * false = in output line
             * */
            bool parseMode = false;
            // Boolean indicating first line is parsing
            bool firstLine = true;
             * Iterate through all lines and preprocess the page.
             * If page starts with an % it will be treated as an preparser code or all content
             * inside enclosing <? ?>
             * Two string builders, the first is for the current output segment and the second for the current
             * executable segmetn
             * */
            StringBuilder outputCode =  new StringBuilder();
            StringBuilder executableSegment = new StringBuilder();

            // The buffer for the final preprocessing output
            StringBuilder finalOutput = new StringBuilder();
            // Append initial case

            // Boolean startCase. true = <? false \n%
            bool startCase = false;

            // Boolean which tells if the cursor is in the preparse or output part of the buffer (inside or outside an executable segment)
            bool codeMode = false;
            for(int i=0; i < input.Length ;i++)
                 // Check if at an overgoing to an code block
                    if((startCase && input[i] == '?' && input[i+1] == '>') ||( input[i] == '\n' && !startCase))

                        // Jump forward two times if endcase is ?>

                        // Get the final output
                        string codeOutput = executableSegment.ToString();
                        // If in JSPython mode, convert all row breaks to ; and other syntax elements
                        if (JSPython)
                            codeOutput = codeOutput.Replace("\n", ";");

                             * Convert statements
                             * */
                            codeOutput = codeOutput.Replace(":", "{");
                            codeOutput = codeOutput.Replace("end", "}");

                            codeOutput = codeOutput.Replace("\nif ", "\nif(");
                            codeOutput = codeOutput.Replace("then:", "){");
                            codeOutput = codeOutput.Replace("do:", "){");

                            codeOutput = codeOutput.Replace("endif", "}");

                        codeOutput = codeOutput.Replace("lt;", "<");

                        codeOutput = codeOutput.Replace("lower than", "<");
                        codeOutput = codeOutput.Replace("lower", "<");

                        codeOutput = codeOutput.Replace("higher", ">");

                        codeOutput = codeOutput.Replace("highter than", ">");
                        codeOutput = codeOutput.Replace("gt;", ">");
                        // Append the code data to the string buffer
                        finalOutput.Append(" "+ codeOutput  + " ");

                        // Clear outputcode buffer
                        executableSegment = new StringBuilder();

                    // If at end, summarize the string
                    if(i == input.Length - 1)
                        // Append the last string
                        // Format output code (Replace " to ¤ and swap back on preprocessing)
                        String OutputCode = outputCode.ToString().Replace("\"", "¤").Replace("\n", "%BR%\");\n__printx(\"");
                        OutputCode = this.HandleToTokens(OutputCode.ToString(),'@');
                        finalOutput.Append("__printx(\"" + OutputCode + "\");");

                        if (((input[i] == '\n' && input[i + 1] == '%')) || (input[i] == '<' && input[i + 1] == '?'))
                            startCase = (input[i] == '<' && input[i + 1] == '?');
                            codeMode = true;

                            // Convert tokens to interpretable handles
                            String OutputCode = outputCode.ToString().Replace("\"", "¤").Replace("\n", "%BR%\");\n__printx(\"");
                            OutputCode = this.HandleToTokens(OutputCode.ToString(), '@');
                            finalOutput.Append("__printx(\"" + OutputCode + "\");");

                            // Clear the output code buffer
                            outputCode = new StringBuilder();

                            // Skip two tokens forward to not include those tokens to the code buffer
                            i += 1;



            // if exiting in text mode, append an end of the scalar string
            if (!parseMode)
                CallStack += "\");";
            // Run the code
            RuntimeMachine.SetFunction("__printx",new Func<String,object>( __printx));
            RuntimeMachine.SetFunction("synchronize_data", new Func<String, object>(synchronize_data));
            CallStack = finalOutput.ToString();

            CallStack = CallStack.Replace("\r", "");
            if (!onlyPreprocess)
                 * Try run the page. If there was error return ERROR: <error> message so the
                 * handler can choose to present it to the user
                 * */

                     * Check if the result of the preprocessing is the same as before. If nothing
                     * has changed return NONCHANGE. This is only for rendering whole pages, not inflate.
                     * */
                    if (!inflate)
                        if (Output == OldOutput)
                            return "NONCHANGE";

                        OldOutput = Output;
                catch (Exception e)
                    // clear output
                    this.Output = "";
                    // Load error page
                    using (System.IO.StreamReader SR = new System.IO.StreamReader("views\\error.xml"))
                        string errorView = new MakoEngine().Preprocess(SR.ReadToEnd(), "", false, "", true);
                        RuntimeMachine = new JavaScriptEngine();
                        RuntimeMachine.SetFunction("__printx", new Func<String, object>(__printx));
                        RuntimeMachine.SetVariable("error", e.ToString() + "\n " );

                return this.Output;

                return CallStack;