Esempio n. 1
        public static FontData LoadQFontDataFromFile(string filePath, float downSampleFactor, FontKerningConfiguration kerningConfig)
            string xmldoc = File.ReadAllText(filePath);
            var data = new FontData();
            int pageCount = 0;
            char[] charSet;
            data.Deserialize(xmldoc, out pageCount, out charSet);

            string namePrefix = filePath.Replace(".bmf", "").Replace(" ", "");

            var bitmapPages = new List<HelperBitmap>();

            if (pageCount == 1)
                bitmapPages.Add(new HelperBitmap(namePrefix + ".png"));
                for (int i = 0; i < pageCount; i++)
                    bitmapPages.Add(new HelperBitmap(namePrefix + "_" + i + ".png"));

            foreach (var glyph in data.CharSetMapping.Values)
                RetargetGlyphRectangleOutwards(bitmapPages[].bitmapData, glyph, false, kerningConfig.alphaEmptyPixelTolerance);

            var intercept = FirstIntercept(data.CharSetMapping);
            if (intercept != null)
                throw new Exception("Failed to load font from file. Glyphs '" + intercept[0] + "' and '" + intercept[1] + "' were overlapping. If you are texturing your font without locking pixel opacity, then consider using a larger glyph margin. This can be done by setting QFontBuilderConfiguration myQfontBuilderConfig.GlyphMargin, and passing it into CreateTextureFontFiles.");

            if (downSampleFactor > 1.0f)
                foreach (var page in bitmapPages)
                    page.DownScale32((int)(page.bitmap.Width * downSampleFactor), (int)(page.bitmap.Height * downSampleFactor));

                foreach (var glyph in data.CharSetMapping.Values)
                    glyph.rect = new Rectangle((int)(glyph.rect.X * downSampleFactor),
                                                (int)(glyph.rect.Y * downSampleFactor),
                                                (int)(glyph.rect.Width * downSampleFactor),
                                                (int)(glyph.rect.Height * downSampleFactor));
                    glyph.yOffset = (int)(glyph.yOffset * downSampleFactor);
            else if (downSampleFactor < 1.0f)
                // If we were simply to shrink the entire texture, then at some point we will make glyphs overlap, breaking the font.
                // For this reason it is necessary to copy every glyph to a separate bitmap, and then shrink each bitmap individually.
                FontGlyph[] shrunkGlyphs;
                HelperBitmap[] shrunkBitmapsPerGlyph;
                CreateBitmapPerGlyph(data.CharSetMapping.Values.ToArray(), bitmapPages.ToArray(), out shrunkGlyphs, out shrunkBitmapsPerGlyph);

                //shrink each bitmap
                for (int i = 0; i < shrunkGlyphs.Length; i++)
                    var bmp = shrunkBitmapsPerGlyph[i];
                    bmp.DownScale32(Math.Max((int)(bmp.bitmap.Width * downSampleFactor), 1), Math.Max((int)(bmp.bitmap.Height * downSampleFactor), 1));
                    shrunkGlyphs[i].rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, bmp.bitmap.Width, bmp.bitmap.Height);
                    shrunkGlyphs[i].yOffset = (int)(shrunkGlyphs[i].yOffset * downSampleFactor);

                var shrunkBitmapData = new BitmapData[shrunkBitmapsPerGlyph.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < shrunkBitmapsPerGlyph.Length; i++)
                    shrunkBitmapData[i] = shrunkBitmapsPerGlyph[i].bitmapData;

                //use roughly the same number of pages as before..
                int newWidth = (int)(bitmapPages[0].bitmap.Width * (0.1f + downSampleFactor));
                int newHeight = (int)(bitmapPages[0].bitmap.Height * (0.1f + downSampleFactor));

                //free old bitmap pages since we are about to chuck them away
                for (int i = 0; i < pageCount; i++)

                FontGlyph[] shrunkRepackedGlyphs;
                bitmapPages = GenerateBitmapSheetsAndRepack(shrunkGlyphs, shrunkBitmapData, newWidth, newHeight, out shrunkRepackedGlyphs, 4, false);
                data.CharSetMapping = CreateCharGlyphMapping(shrunkRepackedGlyphs);

                foreach (var bmp in shrunkBitmapsPerGlyph)

                pageCount = bitmapPages.Count;

            data.Pages = new TexturePage[pageCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < pageCount; i++)
                data.Pages[i] = new TexturePage(bitmapPages[i].bitmapData);

            if (downSampleFactor != 1.0f)
                foreach (var glyph in data.CharSetMapping.Values)
                    RetargetGlyphRectangleOutwards(bitmapPages[].bitmapData, glyph, false, kerningConfig.alphaEmptyPixelTolerance);

                intercept = FirstIntercept(data.CharSetMapping);
                if (intercept != null)
                    throw new Exception("Failed to load font from file. Glyphs '" + intercept[0] + "' and '" + intercept[1] + "' were overlapping. This occurred only after resizing your texture font, implying that there is a bug in QFont. ");

            var glyphList = new List<FontGlyph>();

            foreach (var c in charSet)

            data.KerningPairs = KerningCalculator.CalculateKerning(charSet.ToArray(), glyphList.ToArray(), bitmapPages, kerningConfig);


            for (int i = 0; i < pageCount; i++)

            return data;
Esempio n. 2
        public FontData BuildFontData(string saveName)
            if (config.ForcePowerOfTwo && config.SuperSampleLevels != PowerOfTwo(config.SuperSampleLevels))
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("SuperSampleLevels must be a power of two when using ForcePowerOfTwo.");

            if (config.SuperSampleLevels <= 0 || config.SuperSampleLevels > 8)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("SuperSampleLevels = [" + config.SuperSampleLevels + "] is an unsupported value. Please use values in the range [1,8]");

            int margin = 2; //margin in initial bitmap (don't bother to make configurable - likely to cause confusion
            int pageWidth = config.PageWidth * config.SuperSampleLevels; //texture page width
            int pageHeight = config.PageHeight * config.SuperSampleLevels; //texture page height
            bool usePowerOfTwo = config.ForcePowerOfTwo;
            int glyphMargin = config.GlyphMargin * config.SuperSampleLevels;

            FontGlyph[] initialGlyphs;
            var sizes = GetGlyphSizes(font);
            var maxSize = GetMaxGlyphSize(sizes);
            var initialBmp = CreateInitialBitmap(font, maxSize, margin, out initialGlyphs, config.TextGenerationRenderHint);
            var initialBitmapData = initialBmp.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, initialBmp.Width, initialBmp.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);

            int minYOffset = int.MaxValue;
            foreach (var glyph in initialGlyphs)
                RetargetGlyphRectangleInwards(initialBitmapData, glyph, true, config.KerningConfig.alphaEmptyPixelTolerance);
                minYOffset = Math.Min(minYOffset, glyph.yOffset);
            minYOffset--; //give one pixel of breathing room?

            foreach (var glyph in initialGlyphs)
                glyph.yOffset -= minYOffset;

            FontGlyph[] glyphs;
            var bitmapPages = GenerateBitmapSheetsAndRepack(initialGlyphs, new BitmapData[1] { initialBitmapData }, pageWidth, pageHeight, out glyphs, glyphMargin, usePowerOfTwo);


            if (config.SuperSampleLevels != 1)
                ScaleSheetsAndGlyphs(bitmapPages, glyphs, 1.0f / config.SuperSampleLevels);
                RetargetAllGlyphs(bitmapPages, glyphs, config.KerningConfig.alphaEmptyPixelTolerance);

            //create list of texture pages
            var pages = new List<TexturePage>();
            foreach (var page in bitmapPages)
                pages.Add(new TexturePage(page.bitmapData));

            var fontData = new FontData();
            fontData.CharSetMapping = CreateCharGlyphMapping(glyphs);
            fontData.Pages = pages.ToArray();
            fontData.KerningPairs = KerningCalculator.CalculateKerning(charSet.ToCharArray(), glyphs, bitmapPages, config.KerningConfig);
            fontData.naturallyMonospaced = IsMonospaced(sizes);

            if (saveName != null)
                if (bitmapPages.Count == 1)
                    bitmapPages[0].bitmap.Save(saveName + ".png", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png);
                    for (int i = 0; i < bitmapPages.Count; i++)
                        bitmapPages[i].bitmap.Save(saveName + "_" + i + ".png", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png);

            foreach (var page in bitmapPages)

            //validate glyphs
            var intercept = FirstIntercept(fontData.CharSetMapping);
            if (intercept != null)
                throw new Exception("Failed to create glyph set. Glyphs '" + intercept[0] + "' and '" + intercept[1] + "' were overlapping. This is could be due to an error in the font, or a bug in Graphics.MeasureString().");

            return fontData;