public override void AddEvent(BloxEvent ev) { if ("Input/OnMouseDrag".Equals(ev.ident)) { this.onDragEvents.Add(ev); } else if ("Input/OnMouseEnter".Equals(ev.ident)) { this.onEnterEvents.Add(ev); } else if ("Input/OnMouseExit".Equals(ev.ident)) { this.onExitEvents.Add(ev); } else if ("Input/OnMouseOver".Equals(ev.ident)) { this.onOverEvents.Add(ev); } else if ("Input/OnMouseUp".Equals(ev.ident)) { this.onUpEvents.Add(ev); } else if ("Input/OnMouseDown".Equals(ev.ident)) { this.onDownEvents.Add(ev); } else if ("Input/OnMouseUpAsButton".Equals(ev.ident)) { this.onButtonEvents.Add(ev); } else { Debug.LogError("This event handler can't handle: " + ev.ident); } }
public BloxEvent Copy() { BloxEvent bloxEvent = new BloxEvent(); this.CopyTo(bloxEvent); return(bloxEvent); }
public void CopyTo(BloxEvent ev) { Debug.Log("CopyTo", "BloxEvent", Color.yellow); if (Application.isPlaying) { Debug.LogError("This can't be done at runtime"); } else { Debug.Log("CopyTo", "Blox", Color.yellow); this.Serialize(); if ( == null) { = new BloxEventData(); } ev.ident = this.ident; ev.screenName = this.screenName; =; ev._ed_viewOffs =; =; ev.storedBlocksIdx = new List <int>(); ev.storedBlocksIdx.AddRange(this.storedBlocksIdx); ev.Deserialize(this.blox); } }
public override void AddEvent(BloxEvent ev) { if ("Common/Awake".Equals(ev.ident)) { this.awakeEvents.Add(ev); } else if ("Common/Start".Equals(ev.ident)) { this.startEvents.Add(ev); } else if ("Common/OnDestroy".Equals(ev.ident)) { this.destroyEvents.Add(ev); } else if ("Common/OnEnable".Equals(ev.ident)) { this.enableEvents.Add(ev); } else if ("Common/OnDisable".Equals(ev.ident)) { this.disableEvents.Add(ev); } else { Debug.LogError("This event handler can't handle: " + ev.ident); } }
public override void AddEvent(BloxEvent ev) { if ("Common/LateUpdate".Equals(ev.ident)) {; } else { Debug.LogError("This event handler can't handle: " + ev.ident); } }
public override void AddEvent(BloxEvent ev) { if ("Misc/OnGUI".Equals(ev.ident)) {; } else { Debug.LogError("This event handler can't handle: " + ev.ident); } }
public override void AddEvent(BloxEvent ev) { if ("Collision/OnControllerColliderHit".Equals(ev.ident)) {; } else { Debug.LogError("This event handler can't handle: " + ev.ident); } }
private void RunEvent(BloxEvent ev, params BloxEventArg[] args) { ev.GetReadyToRun(args); if (ev.canYield) { BloxGlobal.Instance.StartCoroutine(ev.RunYield(this.container)); } else { ev.Run(this.container); } }
private void AttachEventHandlers(Blox b) { if (!b.bloxLoaded) { Debug.Log("AttachEventHandlers", "BloxContainer", Color.yellow); b.Deserialize(); } Common_BloxEventHandler common_BloxEventHandler = null; for (int i = 0; i <; i++) { BloxEvent bloxEvent =[i].Init(this, b); if (bloxEvent != null) { if (bloxEvent.ident.Equals("Custom")) { if (!this.customEvents.ContainsKey(bloxEvent.screenName)) { this.customEvents.Add(bloxEvent.screenName, new List <BloxEvent>()); } this.customEvents[bloxEvent.screenName].Add(bloxEvent); } else { Type type = BloxGlobal.FindEventHandlerType(bloxEvent.ident); if (type == null) { Debug.LogWarning("Could not find a handler for: " + bloxEvent.ident, base.gameObject); } else { BloxEventHandler bloxEventHandler = (BloxEventHandler)base.gameObject.GetComponent(type); if ((UnityEngine.Object)bloxEventHandler == (UnityEngine.Object)null) { bloxEventHandler = (BloxEventHandler)base.gameObject.AddComponent(type); if (bloxEventHandler.GetType() == typeof(Common_BloxEventHandler)) { common_BloxEventHandler = (Common_BloxEventHandler)bloxEventHandler; } } bloxEventHandler.AddEvent(bloxEvent); } } } } if ((UnityEngine.Object)common_BloxEventHandler != (UnityEngine.Object)null) { common_BloxEventHandler.Awake(); common_BloxEventHandler.OnEnable(); } }
public override void AddEvent(BloxEvent ev) { if ("Misc/OnBecameInvisible".Equals(ev.ident)) { this.onBecameInvisibleEvents.Add(ev); } else if ("Misc/OnBecameVisible".Equals(ev.ident)) { this.onBecameVisible.Add(ev); } else { Debug.LogError("This event handler can't handle: " + ev.ident); } }
public override void AddEvent(BloxEvent ev) { if ("Misc/OnTransformParentChanged".Equals(ev.ident)) { this.events1.Add(ev); } else if ("Misc/OnTransformChildrenChanged".Equals(ev.ident)) { this.events2.Add(ev); } else { Debug.LogError("This event handler can't handle: " + ev.ident); } }
public override void AddEvent(BloxEvent ev) { if ("Misc/OnAnimatorMove".Equals(ev.ident)) { this.moveEvents.Add(ev); } else if ("Misc/OnAnimatorIK".Equals(ev.ident)) { this.ikEvents.Add(ev); } else { Debug.LogError("This event handler can't handle: " + ev.ident); } }
public override void AddEvent(BloxEvent ev) { if ("Collision/OnCollisionEnter".Equals(ev.ident)) { this.onEnterEvents.Add(ev); } else if ("Collision/OnCollisionExit".Equals(ev.ident)) { this.onExitEvents.Add(ev); } else if ("Collision/OnCollisionStay".Equals(ev.ident)) { this.onStayEvents.Add(ev); } else { Debug.LogError("This event handler can't handle: " + ev.ident); } }
public override void AddEvent(BloxEvent ev) { if ("Trigger/with Info/OnTriggerEnter(...)".Equals(ev.ident)) { this.onEnterEvents.Add(ev); } else if ("Trigger/with Info/OnTriggerExit(...)".Equals(ev.ident)) { this.onExitEvents.Add(ev); } else if ("Trigger/with Info/OnTriggerStay(...)".Equals(ev.ident)) { this.onStayEvents.Add(ev); } else { Debug.LogError("This event handler can't handle: " + ev.ident); } }
public BloxEvent Init(BloxContainer container, Blox blox) { Debug.Log("Init", "BloxEvent", Color.yellow); if (! { return(null); } BloxEvent bloxEvent = new BloxEvent(); bloxEvent.ident = this.ident; bloxEvent.screenName = this.screenName; =; bloxEvent.yieldAllowed = this.yieldAllowed; bloxEvent.container = container; =; bloxEvent.storedBlocksIdx = this.storedBlocksIdx; bloxEvent.Deserialize(blox); = null; bloxEvent.storedBlocksIdx = null; for (BloxBlock next = bloxEvent.firstBlock; next != null; next = { next.owningEvent = bloxEvent; if ( != null) { = next; } next.Init(); if (next.selfOrChildCanYield) { if (bloxEvent.yieldAllowed) { bloxEvent.canYield = true; } else { Debug.LogWarningFormat("You should not use Flow Blocks related to Waiting in this Event [{0}]. The Wait Block will be ignored.", this.ident); } } } return(bloxEvent); }
public override void AddEvent(BloxEvent ev) { if ("Misc/OnApplicationFocus".Equals(ev.ident)) { this.focusEvents.Add(ev); } else if ("Misc/OnApplicationPause".Equals(ev.ident)) { this.pauseEvents.Add(ev); } else if ("Misc/OnApplicationQuit".Equals(ev.ident)) { this.quitEvents.Add(ev); } else if ("Misc/OnLevelWasLoaded".Equals(ev.ident)) { this.lvLoadedEvents.Add(ev); } else { Debug.LogError("This event handler can't handle: " + ev.ident); } }
public void Init() { if ( { if (this.blockType == BloxBlockType.Unknown || (this.mi != null && !this.mi.IsValid)) { this.isValid = false; } else { if (this.returnValue == null && this.returnType != null && this.returnType != typeof(void)) { this.returnValue = BloxMemberInfo.GetDefaultValue(this.returnType); } if (this.owningBlock != null && this.mi != null && (this.mi.MemberType == MemberTypes.Field || this.mi.MemberType == MemberTypes.Property)) { this.paramBlocks = null; } BloxMemberInfo obj = this.mi; this.contextType = ((obj != null) ? obj.ReflectedType : null); if (this.contextBlock != null) { this.contextBlock.owningEvent = this.owningEvent; this.contextBlock.owningBlock = this; this.contextBlock.Init(); } BloxMemberInfo obj2 = this.mi; ParameterInfo[] array = (obj2 != null) ? obj2.GetParameters() : null; if (((array != null) ? array.Length : 0) != 0) { this.paramTypes = new Type[array.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < this.paramTypes.Length; i++) { this.paramTypes[i] = array[i].ParameterType; if (this.paramTypes[i].IsByRef) { this.hasReferenceTypes = true; if (this.paramBlocks != null && this.paramBlocks.Length >= i && this.paramBlocks[i] != null && this.paramBlocks[i].GetType() == typeof(Variable_Block)) { break; } this.LogError("The Block field [" + array[i].Name + "] expected a Variable Block.", null); return; } } } else if (this.mi != null && (this.mi.MemberType == MemberTypes.Field || this.mi.MemberType == MemberTypes.Property)) { this.paramTypes = new Type[1] { this.mi.ReturnType }; } if (((this.paramBlocks != null) ? this.paramBlocks.Length : 0) != 0) { this.paramValues = new object[this.paramBlocks.Length]; for (int j = 0; j < this.paramBlocks.Length; j++) { if (this.paramBlocks[j] == null) { if (this.paramTypes != null && this.paramTypes.Length > j) { this.paramValues[j] = BloxMemberInfo.GetDefaultValue(this.paramTypes[j]); } } else { this.paramBlocks[j].owningEvent = this.owningEvent; this.paramBlocks[j].owningBlock = this; this.paramBlocks[j].fieldIdx = j; this.paramBlocks[j].Init(); } } } this.InitBlock(); if (this.isValid) { for (BloxBlock bloxBlock = this.firstChild; bloxBlock != null; bloxBlock = { bloxBlock.parentBlock = this; bloxBlock.owningEvent = this.owningEvent; if ( != null) { = bloxBlock; } bloxBlock.Init(); if (bloxBlock.selfOrChildCanYield) { this.selfOrChildCanYield = true; } } } } } }
public virtual void AddEvent(BloxEvent ev) { }