Esempio n. 1
         * The help method lists all commands, or all information
         * for a specified command
         * :param command: (string, optional) the command requiring assistance
         * :return: "help"	(JSON string) the command requiring assistance
        public string Help(WebRequestPostExample httpInstance, string command)
            string json   = httpInstance.CreateJsonRequest("help", "[" + "\"" + command + "\"" + "]");
            string result = CallHttpRequest(json);

Esempio n. 2

         * The createrawtransaction method creates a transaction, spending
         * the given inputs and sending to the given addresses.
         * :param transactions: {string, number} a dictinary of txid (string)
         *  as key and vout (number) as value.
         * :param amounts: {string, number} a dictinary of address (string)
         *  as key and amount (number) as value.
         * :return: "transaction" (JSON string) a hex string of the transaction
        public string CreateRawTransaction(WebRequestPostExample httpInstance, Dictionary <String, Double> transactions, Dictionary <String, Double> amounts)
            string tx_list = "[";

            foreach (var transaction in transactions)
                tx_list = tx_list + "{" + "\"txid" + "\"" + ":" + "\"" + transaction.Key + "\"" + "," + "\"" + "vout\"" + ":" + transaction.Value.ToString() + "}]";
            if (tx_list.Length > 1)
                tx_list = tx_list.Substring(0, (tx_list.Length - 1));

            tx_list = tx_list + "]";

            string amount_list = "{";

            foreach (var amount_individual in amounts)
                amount_list = amount_list + "\"" + amount_individual.Key + "\"" + ":" + amount_individual.Value + ",";
            if (amount_list.Length > 1)
                amount_list = amount_list.Substring(0, (amount_list.Length - 1));

            amount_list = amount_list + "}";

            string json   = httpInstance.CreateJsonRequest("createrawtransaction", "[" + tx_list + "," + amount_list + "]");
            string result = CallHttpRequest(json);

Esempio n. 3
         * The decodescript method decodes a hex-encoded script.
         * :param hexstring: (string)	the hex encoded script
         * :return: JSON string containing:
         *  "asm" (string) the script public key
         *  "hex" (string) the hex-encoded public key
         *  "type" (string) the output type
         *  "reqSigs" (numeric) the required signatures
         *  "addresses" [ ... ] (array of strings)
         *  "address" (string) the address
         *  "p2sh" (string) the script address
        public string DecodeScript(WebRequestPostExample httpInstance, string hexstring)
            string json   = httpInstance.CreateJsonRequest("decodescript", "[" + "\"" + hexstring + "\"" + "]");
            string result = CallHttpRequest(json);

Esempio n. 4
         * The getlocalsolps method returns the average local solutions
         * per second since this node was started.
         * :return: "data" (numeric) the solutions-per-second average
        public string GetLocalSolps(WebRequestPostExample httpInstance)
            string json   = httpInstance.CreateJsonRequest("getlocalsolps", "[" + "]");
            string result = CallHttpRequest(json);

Esempio n. 5
         * The getrawtransaction method returns the raw transaction data.
         * :param txid: (string, required) the transaction id
         * :param verbose: (numeric, optional, default=0) if 0,
         *  the method returns a string in hex; otherwise, it returns
         *  a json object
         * :return: "data"	(JSON string) if verbose is not set, or set to 0,
         *  the serialized, hex-encoded data for 'txid'
        public string GetRawTransaction(WebRequestPostExample httpInstance, string txid, int verbose)
            string json   = httpInstance.CreateJsonRequest("getrawtransaction", "[" + "\"" + txid + "\"" + "," + verbose.ToString() + "]");
            string result = CallHttpRequest(json);

Esempio n. 6
         * The migrate_createimporttransaction method performs the initial step in creating an import transaction. This method should be called on the source chain.
         * This method returns a created import transaction in hex format. This string should be passed to the migrate_completeimporttransaction method on the main KMD chain to be extended with the MoMoM proof object.
         * When using the MoMoM backup solution (described later), the created import transaction is not passed to the migrate_completeimporttransaction method.
         * The user may need to wait for some time before the back notarizations objects are stored in the destination chain.
         * Arguments:
         * "burntx"	(string, required)	the burn transaction in hex format returned from the previous method
         * "payouts"	(string, required)	the payouts object in hex format returned from the previous method and used for creating an import transaction
         * "notaryTxid1"	(string, optional)	the notary approval transaction id 1, to be passed if the MoMoM backup solution is used for notarization
         * "notaryTxidN"	(string, optional)	the notary approval transaction id N, to be passed if the MoMoM backup solution is used for notarization
         * Returns:
         * "ImportTxHex"	(string)	the created import transaction in hex format

        public string MigrateCreateImportTransaction(WebRequestPostExample httpInstance, string burnTx, string payouts, string notarytxid_n)
            string json   = httpInstance.CreateJsonRequest("migrate_createimporttransaction", "[" + "\"" + burnTx + "\"," + "\"" + payouts + "\"" + ((notarytxid_n != "")? "\"" + notarytxid_n + "\"" : "\"" + "\"") + "]");
            string result = CallHttpRequest(json);

Esempio n. 7
         * The prioritisetransaction method instructs the daemon to accept
         * the indicated transaction into mined blocks at a higher
         * (or lower) priority.
         * :param txid: (string, required)	the transaction id
         * :param priority_delta: (numeric, required) the priority to add
         *  or subtract (if negative).
         * :param fee_delta: (numeric, required) the fee value in satoshis
         *  to add or subtract (if negative);
         * :return: true (JSON string) returns true
        public string PrioritiseTransaction(WebRequestPostExample httpInstance, string txid, double priority_delta, int fee_delta)
            string json   = httpInstance.CreateJsonRequest("prioritisetransaction", "[" + "\"" + txid + "\"" + "," + priority_delta.ToString() + "," + fee_delta.ToString() + "]");
            string result = CallHttpRequest(json);

Esempio n. 8
         * A notary operator uses the migrate_createnotaryapprovaltransaction method to create an approval transaction in the destination chain with the proof of the burn transaction's existence in the source chain.
         * The returned notary approval transaction should be broadcast to the destination chain using the sendrawtransaction method.
         * Arguments:
         * "burntxid"	(string, required)	the burn transaction's id
         * "txoutproof"	(string, required)	the proof of the burn transaction's existence
         * Returns:
         * "NotaryTxHex"	(string)	notary approval transaction in hex format

        public string MigrateCreateNotaryApprovalTransaction(WebRequestPostExample httpInstance, string burnTxId, string txOutProof)
            string json   = httpInstance.CreateJsonRequest("migrate_createnotaryapprovaltransaction", "[" + "\"" + burnTxId + "\"," + "\"" + txOutProof + "\"" + "]");
            string result = CallHttpRequest(json);

Esempio n. 9
         * For creating more coins in the chain with -ac_import=PUBKEY enabled, use the selfimport method
         * The method returns a source transaction that contains a parameter with the amount of coins to create
         * The returned value is a proof of the trusted pubkey owner's intention to create new coins in the chain
         * The returned source transaction should be broadcast to the chain using the sendrawtransaction method. The source transaction spends a txfee=10000 satoshis from the -ac_pubkey owner's uxtos
         * After the source transaction is mined, the import transaction should also be broadcasted to the chain with the sendrawtransaction method. After this transaction is mined, its vout contains the amount of created coins in the chosen destination address
         * Arguments:
         * "destAddress"	(string, required)	the address where the created coins should be sent
         * "amount"	(number, required)	the amount in coins to create
         * Returns:
         * "SourceTxHex"	(string)	the source transaction in hex format
         * "ImportTxHex"	(string)	the import transaction in hex format
        public string SelfImport(WebRequestPostExample httpInstance, string DestAddress, double amount)
            string json   = httpInstance.CreateJsonRequest("selfimport", "[\"" + DestAddress + "\"," + amount.ToString() + "]");
            string result = CallHttpRequest(json);

Esempio n. 10
         * The migrate_completeimporttransaction method performs the finalizing step in creating an import transaction. This method should be called on the KMD (Komodo) chain.
         * This method returns the import transaction in hex format, updated with the MoMoM proof object. This object provides confirmation that the burn transaction exists in the source chain.
         * The finalized import transaction should be broadcast on the destination chain through the sendrawtransaction method.
         * Komodo recommends that the user wait until the notarization objects are stored in the destination chain before broadcasting the import transaction. Otherwise an error message is returned.
         * In the event that an error is returned, simply wait until the notarization objects are stored in the KMD chain and try again.
         * Arguments:
         * "importtx"	(string, required)	the import transaction in hex format created using the previous method
         * "offset"	(string, optional)	the number of blocks below the current KMD(Komodo) blockchain height in which a MoMoM proof must be searched
         * Returns:
         * "ImportTxHex"	(string)	import transaction in hex extended with the MoMoM proof of burn transaction

        public string MigrateCompleteImportTransaction(WebRequestPostExample httpInstance, string importTx, string offset)
            string json   = httpInstance.CreateJsonRequest("migrate_completeimporttransaction", "[" + "\"" + importTx + "\"," + ((offset != "")? "\"" + offset + "\"" : "\"" + "\"") + "]");
            string result = CallHttpRequest(json);

Esempio n. 11
         * The migrate_checkburntransactionsource method allows a notary operator to check the burn transaction's structure and verify its presence in the source chain.
         * Arguments:
         * "burntxid"	(string, required)	the burn transaction's id
         * Returns:
         * "sourceSymbol"	(string)	the source chain's name
         * "targetSymbol"	(string)	the target chain's name
         * "targetCCid"	(number)	the target chain's CCid
         * "tokenid"	(string, optional)	the token id if a token is to be migrated
         * "TxOutProof"	(string)	the proof of the burn transaction's existence in the source chain

        public string MigrateCheckBurnTransactionSource(WebRequestPostExample httpInstance, string burnTxId)
            string json   = httpInstance.CreateJsonRequest("migrate_checkburntransactionsource", "[" + "\"" + burnTxId + "\"" + "]");
            string result = CallHttpRequest(json);

Esempio n. 12
         * The z_validatepaymentdisclosure method validates a payment disclosure.
         * :param paymentdisclosure: (string, required) hex data string,
         *  with "zpd:" prefix
         * :return: (currently disabled)
        public string Z_ValidatePaymentDisclosure(WebRequestPostExample httpInstance, string payment_disclosure)
            string json   = httpInstance.CreateJsonRequest("z_validatepaymentdisclosure", "[" + "\"" + payment_disclosure + "\"" + "]");
            string result = CallHttpRequest(json);

Esempio n. 13

         * The z_getpaymentdisclosure method generates a payment disclosure
         * for a given joinsplit output
         * EXPERIMENTAL FEATURE: Payment disclosure is currently DISABLED.
         * This call always fails.
         * :param txid: (string, required)
         * :param js_index: (string, required)
         * :param output_index: (string, required)
         * :param message: (string, optional)
         * :return: "paymentdisclosure" (string) a hex data string,
         *  with a "zpd:" prefix
        public string Z_GetPaymentDisclosure(WebRequestPostExample httpInstance, string txid, string js_index, string output_index, string message)
            string json   = httpInstance.CreateJsonRequest("z_getpaymentdisclosure", "[" + "\"" + txid + "\"" + "," + "\"" + js_index + "\"" + "," + "\"" + output_index + "\"" + "," + "\"" + message + "\"" + "]");
            string result = CallHttpRequest(json);

Esempio n. 14
         * The stop method instructs the coin daemon to shut down.
         * :return: JSON string: Komodo server stopping
        public string Stop(WebRequestPostExample httpInstance)
            string json   = httpInstance.CreateJsonRequest("stop", "[" + "]");
            string result = CallHttpRequest(json);

Esempio n. 15
         * The getwalletburntransactions method lists all the burn transactions in the current wallet.
         * Arguments:
         * "count"	(number, optional)	the number of burn transactions to be returned; if omitted, defaults to 10 burn transactions
         * Returns:
         * "txid"	(string)	the burn transaction's id
         * "burnedAmount"	(number)	the burned value in coins
         * "tokenid"	(string, optional)	the token id, if tokens are burned
         * "targetSymbol"	(string)	the target chain's name
         * "targetCCid"	(number)	the target chain's CCid

        public string GetWalletBurnTransactions(WebRequestPostExample httpInstance, int count)
            string json   = httpInstance.CreateJsonRequest("getwalletburntransactions", "[" + "\"" + count.ToString() + "\"" + "]");
            string result = CallHttpRequest(json);

Esempio n. 16
         * The calc_MoM method calculates the value of the merkle root of the blocks' merkle roots (MoM), starting from the block of the indicated height for the chosen depth.
         * Arguments:
         * "height"	(number, required)	the block height from which the MoM calculation must begin
         * "MoMdepth"	(number, required)	the number of blocks to include in the MoM calculation
         * Returns:
         * "coin"	(string)	the chain's name
         * "height"	(string)	the starting block height
         * "MoMdepth"	(number)	the number of blocks included in the MoM calculation
         * "MoM"	(string)	the MoM value

        public string CalcMOM(WebRequestPostExample httpInstance, int height, double MoMdepth)
            string json   = httpInstance.CreateJsonRequest("calc_MoM", "[\"" + height.ToString() + "\"," + "\"" + MoMdepth.ToString() + "\"" + "]");
            string result = CallHttpRequest(json);

Esempio n. 17
         * The migrate_converttoexport method allows the user to create a customized burn transaction (as opposed to a fully automated burn transaction). This method converts a given transaction to a burn transaction.
         * The method adds proof data to the transaction, extracts the transaction vouts, calculates their value, and burns the value by sending it to an opreturn vout. This vout is then added to the created transaction. (An opreturn vout cannot be spent at a later date, and therefore funds sent to an opreturn vout are permanently burnt.)
         * The other returned value, payouts, is used in the migrate_createimporttransaction method.
         * The caller of the method bears the responsibility to fund and sign the returned burn transaction using the methods fundrawtransaction and signrawtransaction.
         * The signed burn transaction must be broadcast to the sendrawtansaction method.
         * Arguments:
         * "burntx"	(string, required)	the burn transaction in hex format
         * "destChain"	(string, required)	the name of the destination chain
         * Returns:
         * "payouts"	(string)	a hex string of the created payouts; this is passed into the migrate_createimporttransaction method
         * "exportTx"	(string)	a hex string of the returned burn transaction

        public string MigrateConvertToExport(WebRequestPostExample httpInstance, string burnTx, string destChain)
            string json   = httpInstance.CreateJsonRequest("migrate_converttoexport", "[" + "\"" + burnTx + "\"," + "\"" + destChain + "\"" + "]");
            string result = CallHttpRequest(json);

Esempio n. 18
         * The MoMoMdata method calculates the value of the merkle root of merkle roots of the blocks' merkle roots (MoMoM), starting from the block of the indicated height for the data of the indicated chain.
         * Arguments:
         * "symbol"	(string, required)	the chain's name whose data's MoMoM value is to be calculated
         * "kmdheight"	(number, required)	the number of blocks to include in the MoM calculation
         * "ccid"	(number, required)	the chain's CCid
         * Returns:
         * "coin"	(string)	the chain's name
         * "kmdheight"	(string)	the starting block's height
         * "ccid"	(number)	the chain's CCid
         * "MoMs"	(string)	the array of MoM values
         * "notarizationHash"	(string)	the first found notarization transaction id for the chain
         * "MoMoM"	(string)	the MoMoM value

        public string MoMoMData(WebRequestPostExample httpInstance, string symbol, int KMDHeight, int CCId)
            string json   = httpInstance.CreateJsonRequest("MoMoMdata", "[\"" + symbol + "\"," + "\"" + KMDHeight.ToString() + "\"," + "\"" + CCId.ToString() + "\"" + "]");
            string result = CallHttpRequest(json);

Esempio n. 19
         * The getnetworksolps method returns the estimated network
         * solutions per second based on the last n blocks.
         * :param blocks: (numeric, optional, default=120)
         *  the number of blocks; use -1 to calculate according
         *  to the relevant difficulty averaging window
         * :param height: (numeric, optional, default=-1) the block
         *  height that corresponds to the requested data
         * :return: data (numeric) solutions per second, estimated
        public string GetNetworkSolps(WebRequestPostExample httpInstance, int blocks, int height)
            string json   = httpInstance.CreateJsonRequest("getnetworksolps", "[" + blocks.ToString() + "," + height.ToString() + "]");
            string result = CallHttpRequest(json);

Esempio n. 20
         * The migrate_createburntransaction method creates a transaction burning a specific amount of coins or tokens. This method also creates a payouts object which is later used to create an import transaction for the value corresponding to the burned amount. This method should be called on the source chain.
         * The method creates a burn transaction and returns it. This should be broadcast to the source chain using the sendrawtransaction method. After the burn transaction is successfully mined, the user might have to wait for some amount of time for the back notarization to reach the source chain. The back notarization contains the MoMoM fingerprints of the mined block that contains the burn transaction.
         * The hex value of the burn transaction along with the other returned value payouts are used as arguments for the migrate_createimporttransaction method.
         * Arguments:
         * DestChain: The name of the destination chain
         * DestAddress: The address on the destination chain where couns are to be sent;the pubkey if tokens are to be sent
         * amount: the amount in coins or tokens that should be burned on the source chain and created on the destination chain; if the indicated assets are tokens, the amount can be set only to 1, as only migration of non-fungible tokens are supported at this time
         * tokenid: token id in hex; if set, the software assumes that the user is migrating tokens
         * Returns:
         * "payouts"	(string)	a hex string of the created payouts; this value is passed into the migrate_createimporttransaction method
         * "BurnTxHex"	(string)	a hex string of the returned burn transaction

        public string MigrateCreateBurnTransaction(WebRequestPostExample httpInstance, string DestinationName, string DestinationChainAddress, double Amount, string TokenID)
            string json   = httpInstance.CreateJsonRequest("migrate_createburntransaction", "[\"" + DestinationName + "\"," + "\"" + DestinationChainAddress + "\"," + Amount.ToString() + "]");
            string result = CallHttpRequest(json);

Esempio n. 21
         * The submitblock method instructs the daemon to propose a new block
         * to the network.
         * :param hexdata: (string, required)	the hex-encoded block data
         *  to submit.
         * :param workid: (string, sometimes optional)	if the server provides
         *  a workid, it MUST be included with submissions
         * :return: JSON string containing:
         *  "duplicate": the node already has a valid copy of the block
         *  "duplicate-invalid": the node already has the block,
         *      but it is invalid
         *  "duplicate-inconclusive": the node already has the block
         *      but has not validated it
         *  "inconclusive" the node has not validated the block, it may
         *      not be on the node's current best chain
         *  "rejected" the block was rejected as invalid

        public string SubmitBlock(WebRequestPostExample httpInstance, string hexdata, string workid)
            string json   = httpInstance.CreateJsonRequest("submitblock", "[" + "\"" + hexdata + "\"" + "," + "\"" + (workid != ""?workid:"") + "\"" + "]");
            string result = CallHttpRequest(json);

Esempio n. 22
         * The assetchainproof method scans the chain for the back MoM notarization for a transaction corresponding to the given transaction id and returns a proof object with MoM branch. Scanning is performed from the height up to the chain tip, with a limit of 1440 blocks.
         * Arguments:
         * "txid"	(string, required)	the transaction id for which a proof object must be returned
         * Returns:
         * "proof object"	(string)	the returned proof object with MoM branch in hex format

        public string AssetChainProof(WebRequestPostExample httpInstance, string TxId)
            string json   = httpInstance.CreateJsonRequest("assetchainproof", "[\"" + TxId + "\"" + "]");
            string result = CallHttpRequest(json);

Esempio n. 23
         * The getmininginfo method returns a json object containing
         * mining-related information.
         * :return: JSON string with mining-related information.
        public string GetMiningInfo(WebRequestPostExample httpInstance)
            string json   = httpInstance.CreateJsonRequest("getmininginfo", "[" + "]");
            string result = CallHttpRequest(json);

Esempio n. 24
         * The getNotarisationsForBlock method returns the notarization transactions within the block of the given block hash.
         * Arguments:
         * "height"	(number, required)	the block number of the block to be searched
         * Returns:
         * "Notary Cluster"	(string)	refers to the notary group which performed the notarizations; KMD for the main Komodo notaries, LABS for the LABS notaries
         * "txid"	(string)	the notarization transaction's id
         * "chain"	(string)	the chain that has been notarized
         * "height"	(number)	the notarization transaction's block height
         * "blockhash"	(string)	the hash of the notarization transaction's block
         * "notaries"	(array)	the ids of the notaries who performed the notarization

        public string GetNotarizationsForBlock(WebRequestPostExample httpInstance, int height)
            string json   = httpInstance.CreateJsonRequest("getNotarisationsForBlock", "[" + height.ToString() + "]");
            string result = CallHttpRequest(json);

Esempio n. 25
         * The sendrawtransction method submits raw transaction
         * (serialized, hex-encoded) to local nodes and the network.
         * :param hexstring: (string, required) the hex string of the
         *  raw transaction
         * :param allowhighfees: (boolean, optional, default=false)
         *  whether to allow high fees
         * :return: "hex" (JSON string) the transaction hash in hex
        public string SendRawTransaction(WebRequestPostExample httpInstance, string hexstring, Boolean allow_high_fees)
            string json   = httpInstance.CreateJsonRequest("sendrawtransaction", "[" + "\"" + hexstring + "\"" + "," + allow_high_fees.ToString().ToLower() + "]");
            string result = CallHttpRequest(json);

Esempio n. 26
         * The scanNotarisationsDB method scans the notarization database backwards from the given block height for a notarization of the chain with the given name (symbol).
         * Arguments:
         * "blockHeight"	(number, required)	the starting block height from which notarizations are to be searched
         * "symbol"	(string, required)	the chain's name whose notarizations are to be searched
         * "blocksLimit"	(number, optional)	an optional block depth to search for notarizations
         * Returns:
         * "height"	(number)	the block height of the notarization transaction id that has been found
         * "hash"	(string)	the hash of the notarization transaction id that has been found
         * "opreturn"	(string)	the notarization data in hex format

        public string ScanNotarisationsDB(WebRequestPostExample httpInstance, int BlockHeight, string symbol, string BlocksLimit)
            string json   = httpInstance.CreateJsonRequest("scanNotarisationsDB", "[" + "\"" + BlockHeight.ToString() + "\"" + "," + "\"" + symbol + "\"," + ((BlocksLimit != "")?"\"" + BlocksLimit + "\"" : "\"" + "\"") + "]");
            string result = CallHttpRequest(json);

Esempio n. 27
         * The decoderawtransaction method returns a json object representing
         * the serialized, hex-encoded transaction.
         * :param hexstring: (string, required) the transaction hex string.
         * :return: JSON string with the serialized, hex-encoded transaction.
        public string DecodeRawTransaction(WebRequestPostExample httpInstance, string hexstring)
            string json   = httpInstance.CreateJsonRequest("decoderawtransaction", "[" + "\"" + hexstring + "\"" + "]");
            string result = CallHttpRequest(json);

Esempio n. 28
         * The getimports method lists import transactions in the indicated block of the chain.
         * Arguments:
         * "hash or height"	(string or number, required)	the block's hash or height to be searched
         * Returns:
         * "imports"	(array)
         * "txid"	(string)	the import transaction id
         * "amount"	(number)	the import transaction's value in coins
         * "export"	(json)	the export or burn transaction's infomation
         * "txid"	(string)	the export transaction's id
         * "amount"	(number)	the export transaction's value
         * "txid"	(string)	the export transaction's id
         * "source"	(string)	the source chain's name
         * "tokenid"	(string,optional)	the source chain's token id, if tokens are imported
         * "TotalImported"	(number)	the total imported amount in coins

        public string GetImports(WebRequestPostExample httpInstance, string BlockHash, int height)
            string json   = httpInstance.CreateJsonRequest("getimports", "[" + ((BlockHash != "")?"\"" + BlockHash + "\"" : height.ToString()) + "]");
            string result = CallHttpRequest(json);

Esempio n. 29
         * The getsnapshot method returns a snapshot of addresses and their
         * amounts at the asset chain's current height.
         * The method requires addressindex to be enabled.
         * :param top: (number, optional)	Only return this many addresses,
         *  i.e. top N rich lis
         * :return: JSON string containing:
         *  "addresses"	(array of jsons) the array containing the address
         *      and amount details
         *  "addr" (string) an address
         *  "amount" (number) the amount of coins in the above address
         *  "total"	(numeric) the total amount in snapshot
         *  "average" (numeric)	the average amount in each address
         *  "utxos"	(number) the total number of UTXOs in snapshot
         *  "total_addresses" (number) the total number of addresses
         *      in snapshot.
         *  "start_height" (number) the block height snapshot began
         *  "ending_height"	(number) the block height snapshot finished,
         *  "start_time" (number) the unix epoch time snapshot started
         *  "end_time" (number) the unix epoch time snapshot finished
        public string GetSnapshot(WebRequestPostExample httpInstance, int top)
            string json   = httpInstance.CreateJsonRequest("getsnapshot", "[" + "\"top.ToString()\"" + "]");
            string result = CallHttpRequest(json);

Esempio n. 30
         * The verifytxoutproof method verifies that a proof points
         * to a transaction in a block.
         * :param proofstring: (string, required)	the hex-encoded proof
         *  generated by gettxoutproof
         * :return: "txid"	(JSON string) the transaction ids to which the
         *  proof commits; the array is empty if the proof is invalid
        public string VerifyTxOutProof(WebRequestPostExample httpInstance, string proofstring)
            string json   = httpInstance.CreateJsonRequest("verifytxoutproof", "[" + "\"" + proofstring + "\"" + "]");
            string result = CallHttpRequest(json);
