Esempio n. 1
        public void Load(Computer computer, Program program)
            // skip entry point stuff

            // Load the code segment into memory.
            for (int i = 0; i < program.codeSegment.Item1.Count; i++)
                // stack (grows downwards to data/code).
                computer.memory.virtualAddressSpace[i].value = program.codeSegment.Item1[i];
                computer.memory.virtualAddressSpace[i].asmLine = program.codeSegment.Item2[i];

            int nextLoadPoint = program.codeSegment.Item1.Count; // 8-byte stack reservation.

            // Load the data segment into memory.
            //todo - doesn't work at mo, because it needs to minus the nextLoadPoint, not add it, perhaps, in memory?
            /*for (int i = 0; i < program.dataSegment.Count; i++)
                computer.memory.virtualAddressSpace[i + nextLoadPoint].value = program.dataSegment[i];

            nextLoadPoint += program.dataSegment.Count;

            // Set IP (instruction pointer) to entry point.
            computer.cPU.GetRegisters().SetRegister((int)(X86Registers.RegisterPointers.INSTRUCTION_POINTER), 0, Helper.GetHelper().PadWithBytes((byte)(program.entryPoint), 4));
Esempio n. 2
        public X86InstructionSet(Computer parentComputer)
            this.parentComputer = parentComputer;

            // * Opcodes. *
            this.opcodes = new Dictionary<string, string>();

            this.opcodes.Add("_184", "MOV EAX, ");

            this.opcodes.Add("_232", "CALL ");

            this.opcodes.Add("_40", "INC EAX");

            this.opcodes.Add("_50", "PUSH EAX");

            this.opcodes.Add("_58", "POP EAX");

            this.opcodes.Add("_195", "RET");

            this.opcodes.Add("_106", "PUSH ");

            this.opcodes.Add("_233", "JMP ");

            this.opcodes.Add("_89", "MOV ");
Esempio n. 3
        public void ExecuteOpcode(Computer computer, byte opcode)
            // Do your reflective invocation thing here...
            Type reflectionType = typeof(X86InstructionSet);

            // Turn 32-bit instruction opcode into instruction opcode.

            // Prep for 'reflective invoke' :-).
            int line = computer.cPU.GetRegisters().GetRegister((int)(X86Registers.RegisterPointers.INSTRUCTION_POINTER), 0)[0];
            string methodName = "_" + computer.memory.virtualAddressSpace[line].value;//Encoding.ASCII.GetString(this.operands[0].value).Trim(new char[] { '\0' }); // Remove empty character bytes from opcode.

            MethodInfo info = reflectionType.GetMethod(methodName);
            ParameterInfo[] parameterInfos = info.GetParameters();

            if (parameterInfos.Length > 0)
                byte[] parameters = new byte[0];

                Array.Resize(ref parameters, parameters.Count() + 1);
                parameters[parameters.Count() - 1] = computer.memory.virtualAddressSpace[line + 1].value; // Next byte is opcode's needed parameter.

                IInstructionSet instructions = new X86InstructionSet(computer); // todo <-- horrible hack creating a new instruction set on the fly, here... //computer.cPU.instructionSet;

                info.Invoke(instructions, new object[] { parameters }); // Turn byte array into object array with single byte array element.
                IInstructionSet instructions = new X86InstructionSet(computer); // todo horrible hack creating a new instruction set on the fly, here... //computer.cPU.instructionSet;

                info.Invoke(instructions, null); // Turn byte array into object array with single byte array element.
Esempio n. 4
        public Program CreateProgram(Computer computer, List<string> listing)
            // Fingers on the Spectrum cassette player...

            // 1. Execute interpreter on listing.
            Interpreter interpreter = new Interpreter();

            return interpreter.Interpret(listing);
Esempio n. 5
        //public int line { get; set; }
        public void Step(Computer computer)
            // Run the program.
            //for (i = 0; i < computer.memory.virtualAddressSpace.Count; i++)

            //ExecuteOpcode(computer, computer.memory.virtualAddressSpace[line]);
            int castedIP = computer.cPU.GetRegisters().GetRegister((int)(X86Registers.RegisterPointers.INSTRUCTION_POINTER), 0)[0];

            ExecuteOpcode(computer, computer.memory.virtualAddressSpace[castedIP].value);

            //this.line += ToSkip(computer.memory.virtualAddressSpace[castedIP]); // Get next opcode to instruction ready to read.

            // todo - Horrible hack to re-get the IP if it may have been changed by an instruction such as RET.
            castedIP = computer.cPU.GetRegisters().GetRegister((int)(X86Registers.RegisterPointers.INSTRUCTION_POINTER), 0)[0];

            X86InstructionSet instructions = new X86InstructionSet(computer); // todo Remove, as only instantiated for the ToSkip() call below.

            int toSkip = instructions.ToSkip(computer.memory.virtualAddressSpace[castedIP].value);
            int toSkip2 = toSkip + computer.cPU.GetRegisters().GetRegister((int)(X86Registers.RegisterPointers.INSTRUCTION_POINTER), 0)[0];
            computer.cPU.GetRegisters().SetRegister((int)(X86Registers.RegisterPointers.INSTRUCTION_POINTER), 0, Helper.GetHelper().PadWithBytes((byte)(toSkip2), 4)); // Get next opcode to instruction ready to read.
Esempio n. 6
 // * Constructor *
 public X86CPU(Computer computer)
     this.x86InstructionSet = new X86InstructionSet(computer);
     this.x86Registers = new X86Registers();
Esempio n. 7
 public void PrepareProgram(Computer computer, Program program)
     // 2. Execute loader on source.
     loader.Load(computer, program);