Esempio n. 1
        public bool Load(byte[] data)
            LibRetro.retro_game_info gi = new LibRetro.retro_game_info();
            fixed(byte *p = &data[0])
       = (IntPtr)p;
                gi.meta = "";
                gi.path = "";
                gi.size = (uint)data.Length;
                if (!retro.retro_load_game(ref gi))
                    Console.WriteLine("retro_load_game() failed");
                savebuff  = new byte[retro.retro_serialize_size()];
                savebuff2 = new byte[savebuff.Length + 13];

            LibRetro.retro_system_av_info av = new LibRetro.retro_system_av_info();
            retro.retro_get_system_av_info(ref av);

            BufferWidth  = (int)av.geometry.base_width;
            BufferHeight = (int)av.geometry.base_height;
            vidbuff      = new int[av.geometry.max_width * av.geometry.max_height];
            dar          = av.geometry.aspect_ratio;

            // TODO: more precise
            CoreComm.VsyncNum = (int)(10000000 * av.timing.fps);
            CoreComm.VsyncDen = 10000000;

            SetupResampler(av.timing.fps, av.timing.sample_rate);

Esempio n. 2
        bool LoadWork(ref LibRetro.retro_game_info gi)
            //defer this until loading because during the LibRetroEmulator constructor, we dont have access to the game name and so paths can't be selected
            //this cannot be done until set_environment is complete
            if (CoreComm.CoreFileProvider == null)
                SaveDirectory = SystemDirectory = "";
                SystemDirectory     = CoreComm.CoreFileProvider.GetRetroSystemPath();
                SaveDirectory       = CoreComm.CoreFileProvider.GetRetroSaveRAMDirectory();
                SystemDirectoryAtom = unmanagedResources.StringToHGlobalAnsi(SystemDirectory);
                SaveDirectoryAtom   = unmanagedResources.StringToHGlobalAnsi(SaveDirectory);

            //defer this until loading because it triggers the core to read save and system paths
            //if any cores did that from set_environment then i'm assured we can call set_environment again here before retro_init and it should work
            //--alcaro says any cores that can't handle that should be considered a bug
            //UPDATE: dosbox does that, so lets try it

            if (!retro.retro_load_game(ref gi))
                Console.WriteLine("retro_load_game() failed");

            //TODO - libretro cores can return a varying serialize size over time. I tried to get them to write it in the docs...
            savebuff  = new byte[retro.retro_serialize_size()];
            savebuff2 = new byte[savebuff.Length + 13];

            LibRetro.retro_system_av_info av = new LibRetro.retro_system_av_info();
            retro.retro_get_system_av_info(ref av);

            BufferWidth  = (int)av.geometry.base_width;
            BufferHeight = (int)av.geometry.base_height;
            vidbuff      = new int[av.geometry.max_width * av.geometry.max_height];
            dar          = av.geometry.aspect_ratio;

            // TODO: more precise
            CoreComm.VsyncNum = (int)(10000000 * av.timing.fps);
            CoreComm.VsyncDen = 10000000;

            SetupResampler(av.timing.fps, av.timing.sample_rate);
            (ServiceProvider as BasicServiceProvider).Register <ISoundProvider>(resampler);

            ControllerDefinition = CreateControllerDefinition(_SyncSettings);
