Esempio n. 1
		/// <summary>
		/// Retrieve a collection of column properties for the Sql table.
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns>Returns a a collection of column properties.</returns>
		protected override Hashtable GetColumnProperties()
			Hashtable columnProperties = new Hashtable();
			DataTable columnData = this.TableForDataTypes;

			// Retrieve the column properties from the table
			foreach (DataColumn dataColumn in columnData.Columns)
				ColumnProperty columnProperty = new ColumnProperty();
				columnProperty.Name = dataColumn.Caption;
				columnProperty.DataType = GetSqlDataTypeString(dataColumn.DataType);
				columnProperties.Add(columnProperty.Name.ToUpper(), columnProperty);

			return columnProperties;
Esempio n. 2
		/// <summary>
		/// Retrieve a set of Sql INSERT statements for the data.
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns>Returns a set of Sql INSERT statements.</returns>
		protected override string GetSqlInsert()
			#region Constants

			const string	SQL_DATA_TYPE_CHAR					= "CHAR";
			const string	SQL_DATA_TYPE_DATETIME				= "DATETIME";

			#endregion Constants

			StringBuilder sqlInsertTableStatement = new StringBuilder();

			// Retrieve the Sql data type associated with each column
			Hashtable columnProperties = new Hashtable();
			// Build a list of the column names
			StringBuilder columnListBuilder = new StringBuilder();
			for (int i = 0; i < _data.Columns.Count; i++)
				string columnName = _data.Columns[i].Caption;
				ColumnProperty columnProperty = new ColumnProperty();
				columnProperty.Name = columnName;

				// Retrieve the appropriate column Xml node
				XmlNode columnNode = ((XmlNode)_columnData).SelectSingleNode(string.Format("{0}[@{1}='{2}']", _XPATH_COLUMN, _ATTRIBUTE_NAME_COLUMNNAME, columnName));
				if (columnNode != null)
					// Retrieve the column data type attribute
					if (columnNode.Attributes[_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_DATATYPE] != null)
						string columnDataType = columnNode.Attributes[_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_DATATYPE].Value;
						if (columnDataType != null && columnDataType != string.Empty)
							columnProperty.DataType = columnDataType;

							// Retrieve the column name override attribute value if it exists
							if (columnNode.Attributes[_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_COLUMNNAMEOVERRIDE] != null)
								string columnNameOverride = columnNode.Attributes[_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_COLUMNNAMEOVERRIDE].Value;
								if (columnNameOverride != null && columnNameOverride != string.Empty)
									columnProperty.NameOverride = columnNameOverride;

							// Retrieve the column date time format attribute value if it exists
							if (columnNode.Attributes[_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_DATETIMEFORMAT] != null)
								string dateTimeFormat = columnNode.Attributes[_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_DATETIMEFORMAT].Value;
								if (dateTimeFormat != null && dateTimeFormat != string.Empty)
									columnProperty.DateTimeFormat = dateTimeFormat;
							throw new Exception(string.Format("Column Xml data type attribute is empty: {0}.", columnName));
						throw new Exception(string.Format("Column Xml data type attribute not present: {0}.", columnName));
					throw new Exception(string.Format("Column Xml node not present: {0}.", columnName));

				string nameToAppend = columnName;
				if (columnProperty.NameOverride != null && columnProperty.NameOverride != string.Empty)
					nameToAppend = columnProperty.NameOverride;

				columnListBuilder.Append(string.Format("[{0}]", nameToAppend));
				if (i < _data.Columns.Count - 1)

				columnProperties.Add(columnProperty.Name, columnProperty);
			string columnList = columnListBuilder.ToString();

			// Build the Sql for data
			// Generate Sql INSERT statements for each row
			foreach (DataRow row in _data.Rows)
				sqlInsertTableStatement.Append(string.Format("INSERT INTO [{0}] ({1}) VALUES (", _tableName, columnList));

				for (int i = 0; i < _data.Columns.Count; i++)
					string columnName = _data.Columns[i].Caption;
					ColumnProperty columnProperty = (ColumnProperty)columnProperties[columnName];

					// Ensure NULL's are entered correctly
					if (row[i] == null || row[i] == System.DBNull.Value || row[i].ToString() == string.Empty)
					// String data types need to be enclosed in single quotes and quotes in the string need to be escaped
					else if (columnProperty.DataType.ToUpper().IndexOf(SQL_DATA_TYPE_CHAR) > -1)
						sqlInsertTableStatement.Append("'" + row[i].ToString().Replace("'", "''") + "'");
					// DateTime data types need to be enclosed in single quotes and formatted correctly to avoid localisation issues
					else if (columnProperty.DataType.ToUpper() == SQL_DATA_TYPE_DATETIME)
						string dateTimeValue = SQL_NULL;
							string cellValue = row[i].ToString();
							if (cellValue != null && cellValue != string.Empty && cellValue != "0")
								DateTime dateTime = DateTime.MinValue;
								if (columnProperty.DateTimeFormat != null && columnProperty.DateTimeFormat != string.Empty)
									string[] formats = columnProperty.DateTimeFormat.Split(new char[] {';'});
									dateTime = DateTime.ParseExact(cellValue, formats, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat, System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles.None);
									dateTime = Convert.ToDateTime(cellValue);

								if (dateTime != DateTime.MinValue)
									dateTimeValue = "'" + dateTime.ToLongDateString() + " " + dateTime.ToLongTimeString() + "'";
							// Do nothing
						// Number data types do not need to be formatted

					if (i < _data.Columns.Count - 1)

			return sqlInsertTableStatement.ToString();
Esempio n. 3
		/// <summary>
		/// Retrieve a collection of column properties for the Sql table.
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns>Returns a a collection of column properties.</returns>
		protected override Hashtable GetColumnProperties()
			Hashtable columnProperties = new Hashtable();

			// Retrieve the column properties from the Xml
			XmlNodeList columnNodeList = ((XmlNode)_columnData).SelectNodes(_XPATH_COLUMN);
			foreach (XmlNode columnNode in columnNodeList)
				string columnName = string.Empty;
				// Determine if a column name override exists first
				if (columnNode.Attributes[_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_COLUMNNAMEOVERRIDE] != null && columnNode.Attributes[_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_COLUMNNAMEOVERRIDE].Value != string.Empty)
					columnName = columnNode.Attributes[_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_COLUMNNAMEOVERRIDE].Value;
				else if (columnNode.Attributes[_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_COLUMNNAME] != null && columnNode.Attributes[_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_COLUMNNAME].Value != string.Empty)
					columnName = columnNode.Attributes[_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_COLUMNNAME].Value;

				if (columnName != null && columnName != string.Empty && columnNode.Attributes[_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_DATATYPE] != null && columnNode.Attributes[_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_DATATYPE].Value != string.Empty)
					ColumnProperty columnProperty = new ColumnProperty();
					columnProperty.Name = columnName;
					columnProperty.DataType = columnNode.Attributes[_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_DATATYPE].Value;
					columnProperties.Add(columnProperty.Name.ToUpper(), columnProperty);

			return columnProperties;
Esempio n. 4
		/// <summary>
		/// Retrieve the properties of a Sql table column.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="rowDescribingTableColumn">Row of data describing Sql table column.</param>
		/// <returns>Column property describing the Sql table column.</returns>
		private ColumnProperty GetColumnProperty(DataRow rowDescribingTableColumn)
			#region Constants

			const string SQLCOLUMN_COLUMNNAME		= "Column_name";
			const string SQLCOLUMN_TYPE				= "Type";
			const string SQLCOLUMN_LENGTH			= "Length";
			const string SQLCOLUMN_PRECISION		= "Prec";
			const string SQLCOLUMN_SCALE			= "Scale";

			const string SQL_DATATYPE_DECIMAL		= "DECIMAL";
			const string SQL_DATATYPE_VAR			= "VAR";
			const string SQL_DATATYPE_CHAR			= "CHAR";

			#endregion Constants

			ColumnProperty columnProperty = new ColumnProperty();

			// Set the details of the column property
			columnProperty.Name = rowDescribingTableColumn[SQLCOLUMN_COLUMNNAME].ToString();
			columnProperty.DataType = rowDescribingTableColumn[SQLCOLUMN_TYPE].ToString();

			string length = rowDescribingTableColumn[SQLCOLUMN_LENGTH].ToString();
			string precision = rowDescribingTableColumn[SQLCOLUMN_PRECISION].ToString().Trim();
			string scale = rowDescribingTableColumn[SQLCOLUMN_SCALE].ToString().Trim();

			// Set the precision and scale of decimal types
			if (columnProperty.DataType.ToUpper() == SQL_DATATYPE_DECIMAL)
				columnProperty.DataType += "(" + precision + "," + scale + ")";
			// Set the length of char and var* data types
			else if (columnProperty.DataType.ToUpper().IndexOf(SQL_DATATYPE_VAR) >= 0 || columnProperty.DataType.ToUpper().IndexOf(SQL_DATATYPE_CHAR) >= 0)
				columnProperty.DataType += "(" + length + ")";

			return columnProperty;