Esempio n. 1
        internal static void GetCastleMoves(byte color, Board board, Move[] moveList, ref int pos)
            if (color == PieceColor.White)
                if (board.WhiteCanCastleOO)
                    if ((Constants.WhiteCastleMaskOO & board.OccupiedSquares) == 0)
                        moveList[pos++] = Constants.WhiteCastlingOO;

                if (board.WhiteCanCastleOOO)
                    if ((Constants.WhiteCastleMaskOOO & board.OccupiedSquares) == 0)
                        moveList[pos++] = Constants.WhiteCastlingOOO;

            else if (color == PieceColor.Black)
                if (board.BlackCanCastleOO)
                    if ((Constants.BlackCastleMaskOO & board.OccupiedSquares) == 0)
                        moveList[pos++] = Constants.BlackCastlingOO;
                if (board.BlackCanCastleOOO)
                    if ((Constants.BlackCastleMaskOOO & board.OccupiedSquares) == 0)
                        moveList[pos++] = Constants.BlackCastlingOOO;
Esempio n. 2
 internal static void GetAllMoves(byte color, Move[] allMoves, ref int pos, Board board)
     GetPawnMoves(color, board.GetPieceSet(color, PieceType.Pawn), board, allMoves, ref pos);
     GetKnightMoves(color, board.GetPieceSet(color, PieceType.Knight), board, allMoves, ref pos);
     GetKingMoves(color, board.GetPieceSet(color, PieceType.King), board, allMoves, ref pos);
     GetBishopMoves(color, board.GetPieceSet(color, PieceType.Bishop), board, allMoves, ref pos);
     GetRookMoves(color, board.GetPieceSet(color, PieceType.Rook), board, allMoves, ref pos);
     GetQueenMoves(color, board.GetPieceSet(color, PieceType.Queen), board, allMoves, ref pos);
     GetCastleMoves(color, board, allMoves, ref pos);
Esempio n. 3
        internal static void GetKingMoves(byte color, BitBoard king, Board board, Move[] moveList, ref int pos)
            BitBoard targets;
            byte fromIndex;
            byte toIndex;

            while (king != 0)
                fromIndex = (byte)BitBoard.BitScanForwardReset(ref king); // search for LS1B and then reset it
                targets = King.GetAllTargets(color, Constants.SquareMask[fromIndex], board);

                while (targets != 0)
                    toIndex = (byte)BitBoard.BitScanForwardReset(ref targets); // search for LS1B and then reset it
                    moveList[pos++] = new Move(fromIndex, toIndex, PieceType.King, board.pieceSet[toIndex].Type, PieceType.None);
Esempio n. 4
        internal void UndoMove(Move move)
            this.pieceSet[move.FromSquare] = this.pieceSet[move.ToSquare]; // muove il pezzo
            this.pieceSet[move.ToSquare] = move.IsCapture() ? new Piece(SideToMove, move.PieceCaptured) : new Piece(PieceColor.None, PieceType.None); // svuota o riempie la casella di partenza

            BitBoard From = Constants.SquareMask[move.FromSquare];
            BitBoard To = Constants.SquareMask[move.ToSquare];
            BitBoard FromTo = From | To;

            this.SideToMove = this.SideToMove.GetOpposite();

            // aggiorna la bitboard
            this.bitBoardSet[this.SideToMove][move.PieceMoved] ^= FromTo;
            if (this.SideToMove == PieceColor.White)
                this.WhitePieces ^= FromTo;
                this.BlackPieces ^= FromTo;

            if (move.PieceMoved == PieceType.King)
                this.kingSquare[this.SideToMove] = move.FromSquare;

            if (move.IsCapture())
                this.bitBoardSet[this.SideToMove.GetOpposite()][move.PieceCaptured] ^= To;

                //aggiorna i pezzi dell'avversario
                if (this.SideToMove == PieceColor.White)
                    this.BlackPieces ^= To;
                    this.WhitePieces ^= To;

                this.OccupiedSquares ^= From;
                this.EmptySquares ^= From;
                this.OccupiedSquares ^= FromTo;
                this.EmptySquares ^= FromTo;
Esempio n. 5
        internal bool IsMoveLegal(Move move, BitBoard pinned)
            if (move.PieceMoved == PieceType.King)
                return !this.IsAttacked(Constants.SquareMask[move.ToSquare], this.SideToMove);

            if (this.IsAttacked(this.bitBoardSet[SideToMove][PieceType.King], this.SideToMove))
                bool islegal = true;
                islegal = !this.IsAttacked(this.bitBoardSet[SideToMove.GetOpposite()][PieceType.King], this.SideToMove.GetOpposite());

                return islegal;

            return (pinned == 0) || ((pinned & Constants.SquareMask[move.FromSquare]) == 0)
                || MovePackHelper.AreSquareAligned(move.FromSquare, move.ToSquare, this.kingSquare[this.SideToMove]);
Esempio n. 6
        internal static void GetLegalMoves(byte color, Move[] allMoves, ref int pos, Board board)
            BitBoard pinned = board.GetPinnedPieces();
            GetAllMoves(color, allMoves, ref pos, board);

            int last = pos;
            int cur = 0;
            while (cur != last)
                if (!board.IsMoveLegal(allMoves[cur], pinned))
                    allMoves[cur] = allMoves[--last];
            pos = last;
Esempio n. 7
        internal static void GetPawnMoves(byte color, BitBoard pawns, Board board, Move[] moveList, ref int pos)
            BitBoard targets;
            BitBoard epTargets;
            byte fromIndex;
            byte toIndex;

            while (pawns != 0)
                fromIndex = (byte)BitBoard.BitScanForwardReset(ref pawns); // search for LS1B and then reset it
                targets = Pawn.GetAllTargets(color, Constants.SquareMask[fromIndex], board);

                while (targets != 0)
                    toIndex = (byte)BitBoard.BitScanForwardReset(ref targets); // search for LS1B and then reset it

                    // en passant
                    if (board.EnPassantSquare != Square.Invalid)
                        epTargets = color == PieceColor.White ? MovePackHelper.WhitePawnAttacks[fromIndex] : MovePackHelper.BlackPawnAttacks[fromIndex];

                        if ((epTargets & Constants.SquareMask[board.EnPassantSquare]) != 0)
                            moveList[pos++] = new Move(fromIndex, toIndex, PieceType.Pawn, PieceType.Pawn, PieceType.Pawn);

                    // promotions
                    if (Square.GetRankIndex(toIndex) == 7 && color == PieceColor.White || Square.GetRankIndex(toIndex) == 0 && color == PieceColor.Black)
                        moveList[pos++] = new Move(fromIndex, toIndex, PieceType.Pawn, board.pieceSet[toIndex].Type, PieceType.Queen);
                        moveList[pos++] = new Move(fromIndex, toIndex, PieceType.Pawn, board.pieceSet[toIndex].Type, PieceType.Rook);
                        moveList[pos++] = new Move(fromIndex, toIndex, PieceType.Pawn, board.pieceSet[toIndex].Type, PieceType.Bishop);
                        moveList[pos++] = new Move(fromIndex, toIndex, PieceType.Pawn, board.pieceSet[toIndex].Type, PieceType.Knight);
                        moveList[pos++] = new Move(fromIndex, toIndex, PieceType.Pawn, board.pieceSet[toIndex].Type, PieceType.None); // no promotions