Esempio n. 1
         *                  RECORDING THREAD!
         * ****************************************************************************/
        private void RecordingThread()
            uint received;
            bool a = true;
            bool b = true;
            bool lasta, lastb;
            AcqChan = TotChan();  //How many channels are we going to acquire
            VoltageSpacing =(int)(Ymax / (AcqChan));
            Thread BuffDraw = new Thread(new ThreadStart(drawbuffer)); //Set up thread for buffering
            BuffDraw.Start(); //and then start it
            BuffSize = ((uint)(SampleRate/UpdateSpeed))*(uint)AcqChan; //Need to determine the right buffer size.
            rec_buffer = new double[BuffSize]; //Place to copy the buffer of recieved data
            draw_buffer = new double[BuffSize]; //Place to copy the buffer to, for drawing
            //Need that so we can do thread-safe operations.
            Int32 transbuffer = new Int32();  //Translational buffer to write bytes instead of doubles.
            MPReturn = MPCLASS.startAcquisition();  //Start actual acquisition
            if (MPReturn != MPCODE.MPSUCCESS) //If acquisition fails, error out.
            while (isstreaming) //Thread stopping variable - set to false to end the recording thread.
                MPReturn = MPCLASS.receiveMPData(rec_buffer, BuffSize, out received); //Get the latest buffer
                //This function pauses until the buffer is full - making the 'recieved' variable somewhat useless.
                //If this fails, the recieved will be smaller than the buffsize, but you have bigger issues.
                if (MPReturn != MPCODE.MPSUCCESS) //Make sure we were successful in getting the buffer.
                    MessageBox.Show(MPReturn.ToString() + "   " + MPCLASS.getMPDaemonLastError().ToString());
                    MPReturn = MPCLASS.stopAcquisition(); //Have to restart the aquisition.
                if (received % AcqChan > 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("Buffersize Mismatch @ " + DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay.ToString());
                last_received = received; //For the draw buffer
                samplesize = (int)last_received / AcqChan;
                samplecount += samplesize;
                if (IsFileWriting) //If we are writing to the file, we want to handle it immediately.

                    BinaryFile.Seek(CurrentWriteLoc, SeekOrigin.Begin); //Make sure the File writting is in the right place
                    if (string.Compare(RecordingDevice, "Telemetry") == 0)
                        for (int j = 0; j < BuffSize; j++) //Cycle through the buffer.
                            rec_buffer[j] = Math.Min(rec_buffer[j], 4); //Make sure we don't exceed the maxes
                            rec_buffer[j] = Math.Max(rec_buffer[j], 0);//Make sure we don't exceed the minmum
                            transbuffer = Convert.ToInt32((rec_buffer[j] - Offset) * (double)Int32.MaxValue / 2); //Convert the value
                            BinaryFileID.Write((Int32)transbuffer); //Write the bytes to the file. The int16 probably isn't necessary to cast,
                            //better safe than sorry.
                        for (int j = 0; j < BuffSize; j++) //Cycle through the buffer.
                            rec_buffer[j] = Math.Min(rec_buffer[j], Int32.MaxValue / Gain); //Make sure we don't exceed the maxes
                            rec_buffer[j] = Math.Max(rec_buffer[j], Int32.MinValue / Gain);//Make sure we don't exceed the minmum
                            transbuffer = Convert.ToInt32((rec_buffer[j]) * Gain); //Convert the value
                            BinaryFileID.Write((Int32)transbuffer); //Write the bytes to the file. The int16 probably isn't necessary to cast,
                            //better safe than sorry.
                    CurrentWriteLoc = BinaryFile.Position;  //Update the current location.

                    if (FileStop) //Need to have thread safe file closing! Oops!
                        updateheader(); //Write sample total
                        BinaryFile.Close(); //Close
                        FileCount = 0;
                        IsFileWriting = false;
                        FileStop = false;
                    else if (BinaryFile.Position > (1980 * MBYTE)) //Need to stop file, and restart it
                        updateheader(); //Write the final Stuff
                        BinaryFile.Close(); //Close the file
                        FileCount++; //Apparently, I don't need this, because the code won't overwrite a file. But, whatever
                        StartWriting(); //Start a new file!


                lasta = a; //These serve as a debounce function.
                lastb = b; //Without debounce, you get multiple states in a single transistion
                if ( == 0)
                MPCLASS.getDigitalIO(9, out a, MPCLASS.DIGITALOPT.READ_HIGH_BITS); //read the high bit for state
                MPCLASS.getDigitalIO(8, out b, MPCLASS.DIGITALOPT.READ_HIGH_BITS); //read the low bit for state
                if ((lastb == b) && (lasta == a))
                    if (a && b) //11, feeder ready
                        Feeder.State = 3;
                        Feeder.StateText = "READY";
                    if (!a && b)
                        Feeder.State = 1;
                        Feeder.StateText = "EXECUTING";
                    if (a && !b)
                        if (Feeder.State != 2)
                            string Result = "SUCCESS - " + Feeder.GetLastCommandText() + " - ";
                            FEB.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate { FEB.Add_Status(Result); }));
                        Feeder.State = 2;
                        Feeder.StateText = "SUCCESS";
                    if (!a && !b)
                        if (Feeder.State == 3) //If the feeder goes from ready to Error, something happened with the infrared sensors
                            FEB.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate { FEB.Add_Error("Infrared Sensors offline - "); }));
                        else if (Feeder.State == 1) //if something went wrong during execution, then the feeder failed to deliver pellets.
                            string Result = "FAIL - " + Feeder.GetLastCommandText() + " - ";
                            FEB.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate { FEB.Add_Error(Result); }));
                        Feeder.State = 0;
                        Feeder.StateText = "ERROR";
                if ((Feeder.CommandSize > 0) && Feeder.CommandReady)
                    byte v;
                    v = Feeder.GetTopCommand();
                    for (byte k = 0; k < 5; k++)   //Step through the bits of the command
                        bool x =!((v&(1 << k)) > 0); //mathematical way to make x the kth bit
                        MPCLASS.setDigitalIO((uint)k, x, true, MPCLASS.DIGITALOPT.SET_LOW_BITS); //set it on the MP150
                    MPCLASS.setDigitalIO(7, true, true, MPCLASS.DIGITALOPT.SET_LOW_BITS); //pulse the data ready bit
                    MPCLASS.setDigitalIO(7, false, true, MPCLASS.DIGITALOPT.SET_LOW_BITS); //finish pulse
                else if ( > 0) //only want to send the feeding commands once every 4 cycles
                    if ( == 6) { = 0; }

                Buffer.BlockCopy(rec_buffer, 0, draw_buffer, 0, (int)received * 8);  //copy the Buffer to the drawing area
                _DrawHandle.Set(); //let the drawing thread know that data is available.

            MPReturn = MPCLASS.stopAcquisition();  //We won't get here unless the thread stops.
Esempio n. 2
 public bool Disconnect()
     this.MPReturn = MPCLASS.disconnectMPDev();
     if (this.MPReturn != MPCODE.MPSUCCESS)
         return true;
         return false;
Esempio n. 3
        public bool StartRecording()
            AcqThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(RecordingThread)); //Initialize recording thread
            AcqThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.Highest;
            isstreaming = true;
            g = Graphics.FromImage(offscreen);
            ClearDisplay = true;
            Ymax = Convert.ToSingle(g.VisibleClipBounds.Height);
            Xmax = Convert.ToSingle(g.VisibleClipBounds.Width);
            PointSpacing = Convert.ToSingle(Xmax / MaxDrawSize);

            MPReturn = MPCLASS.setDigitalAcqChannels(DigitalChannel);
            if (this.MPReturn != MPCODE.MPSUCCESS)
                return false;
            MPReturn = MPCLASS.setSampleRate(1000 / SampleRate);
            if (this.MPReturn != MPCODE.MPSUCCESS)
                return false;

            this.MPReturn = MPCLASS.setAcqChannels(this.RecordAC);

            if (this.MPReturn != MPCODE.MPSUCCESS)
                return false;

            this.MPReturn = MPCLASS.startMPAcqDaemon();

            if (MPReturn != MPCODE.MPSUCCESS)
                return false;

            return true;
Esempio n. 4
         *  Connection/Recording functions
        public bool Connect()
            //connect to the MP Device
            this.MPReturn = MPCLASS.connectMPDev(MPCLASS.MPTYPE.MP150, MPCLASS.MPCOMTYPE.MPUDP, "auto");

            if (this.MPReturn != MPCODE.MPSUCCESS)
                return false;
            return true;