public ExchangeRate(ICurrency mainCurrency, ICurrency referenceCurrency,
                            IBinanceDataPool binanceDataPool, TimeSpan maxHistory)
            Trend             = new Trend();
            MaxHistory        = maxHistory;
            MainCurrency      = mainCurrency;
            ReferenceCurrency = referenceCurrency;

            if (mainCurrency != Currency.Bitcoin)
                referenceUsdExchangeRate = new ExchangeRate(Currency.Bitcoin, Currency.UsDollar,
                                                            binanceDataPool, maxHistory);

            BinanceDataPool = binanceDataPool;
            BinanceDataPool.OnExchangeRateReady += OnPriceChange;
Esempio n. 2
 *      public static void WatchHoldings(IAccount account, List<IExchangeRate> allExchangeRates, List<ICurrency> allCurrencies, IBinanceDataPool binanceDataPool)
 *      {
 *          double exchangeCommission = 0.005;
 *          Object listLocker = new object();
 *          List<KeyValuePair<ICurrency, Task>> orderTasks = new List<KeyValuePair<ICurrency, Task>>();
 *          List<KeyValuePair<ICurrency, CancellationToken>> cancellationTokens = new List<KeyValuePair<ICurrency, CancellationToken>>();
 *          while (true)
 *          {
 *              account.RefreshHoldings();
 *              List<ICurrency> ownedCurrencies = account.Balances.Keys.Except(Currency.CurrenciesToTrade).ToList();
 *              List<IExchangeRate> ownedExchangeRates = allExchangeRates.Where(exch =>
 *                  ownedCurrencies.Any(curr => curr == exch.MainCurrency && exch.ReferenceCurrency == Currency.UsDollar)).ToList();
 *              IDictionary<IExchangeRate, Trend.TrendStatus> statuses = new Dictionary<IExchangeRate, Trend.TrendStatus>();
 *              foreach (var ownedExchangeRate in ownedExchangeRates)
 *              {
 *                  lock (listLocker)
 *                  {
 *                      if (orderTasks.Any(orderTask1 => orderTask1.Key == ownedExchangeRate.MainCurrency))
 *                      {
 *                          continue;
 *                      }
 *                  }
 *                  ITrend trend = new Trend();
 *                  Trend.TrendStatus action = trend.GetTrendStatus(
 *                      ownedExchangeRate, account.InitialBalancesInUsd[ownedExchangeRate.MainCurrency], account.BalancesInUsd[ownedExchangeRate.MainCurrency], 0.01, 0.1);
 *                  statuses.Add(ownedExchangeRate, action);
 *                  if (action == Trend.TrendStatus.Keep)
 *                  {
 *                      continue;
 *                  }
 *                  Task orderTask = null;
 *                  CancellationToken token = new CancellationToken(false);
 *                  Order order = new Order(ownedExchangeRate, account.Balances[ownedExchangeRate.MainCurrency] * 0.90, binanceDataPool);
 *                  switch (action)
 *                  {
 *                      case Trend.TrendStatus.Buy:
 *                      {
 *                          orderTask = new Task(() =>
 *                          {
 *                              order.PlaceBuyOrder();
 *                          }, token);
 *                      }
 *                          break;
 *                      case Trend.TrendStatus.BuyNow:
 *                      {
 *                          orderTask = new Task(() =>
 *                          {
 *                              order.PlaceBuyOrder();
 *                          });
 *                      }
 *                          break;
 *                      case Trend.TrendStatus.SellNow:
 *                      {
 *                          orderTask = new Task(() =>
 *                          {
 *                              order.PlaceSellOrder();
 *                          });
 *                      }
 *                          break;
 *                      case Trend.TrendStatus.Sell:
 *                      {
 *                          orderTask = new Task(() =>
 *                          {
 *                              order.PlaceSellOrder();
 *                              ;
 *                          });
 *                      }
 *                          break;
 *                  }
 *                  if (orderTask == null)
 *                  {
 *                      continue;
 *                  }
 *                  orderTask.ContinueWith((task, state) =>
 *                  {
 *                      lock (listLocker)
 *                      {
 *                          orderTasks.RemoveAll(orderTask1 => orderTask1.Key == ownedExchangeRate.MainCurrency);
 *                          cancellationTokens.RemoveAll(orderTask1 => orderTask1.Key == ownedExchangeRate.MainCurrency);
 *                      }
 *                  }, null);
 *                  lock (listLocker)
 *                  {
 *                      orderTasks.Add(new KeyValuePair<ICurrency, Task>(ownedExchangeRate.MainCurrency, orderTask));
 *                      cancellationTokens.Add(new KeyValuePair<ICurrency, CancellationToken>(ownedExchangeRate.MainCurrency, token));
 *                  }
 *                  orderTask.Start();
 *              }
 *          }
 *      }
        public static void DoWork(IAccount account, TimeSpan refreshRate, IBinanceDataPool binanceDataPool, bool trade)
            Console.WriteLine("Hi, I provide this software \"as is\" free of charge to the crypto community.");
            Console.WriteLine("However, feel free to send any gratuaty to Ethereum (ETH) 0xcb6803b1afa702c220144cf3828c356e936291f9");

            int      rowsOfInitialText  = 3;
            double   exchangeCommission = 0.005;
            TimeSpan sizeOfTrend        = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1);

            IDictionary <ICurrency, Trend.TrendStatus> trends = account.SupportedCurrencies.ToDictionary
                                                                    (currency => (ICurrency)currency, currency => Trend.TrendStatus.NotEnoughData);

            Object listLocker = new object();
            List <KeyValuePair <ICurrency, Task> > orderTasks = new List <KeyValuePair <ICurrency, Task> >();
            List <KeyValuePair <ICurrency, CancellationToken> > cancellationTokens = new List <KeyValuePair <ICurrency, CancellationToken> >();

            while (true)

                List <ICurrency> ownedCurrencies            = account.Balances.Keys.ToList();
                IDictionary <ICurrency, double> balancesUsd = account.BalancesInUsd;

                foreach (var balance in balancesUsd)
                    int currencyIndex = balancesUsd.Keys.ToList().IndexOf(balance.Key);

                    IExchangeRate ownedExchangeRate = account.ExchangeRates.First(exch => exch.MainCurrency == balance.Key && exch.ReferenceCurrency == Currency.UsDollar);

                    ITrend trend = new Trend();

                    DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
                    double   dataPointHalfMinute = trend.GetChangePercentage(ownedExchangeRate, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30)) * 100.0;
                    double   dataPoint1Minutes   = trend.GetChangePercentage(ownedExchangeRate, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1)) * 100.0;
                    double   dataPoint5Minutes   = trend.GetChangePercentage(ownedExchangeRate, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5)) * 100.0;
                    double   dataPoin30Minutes   = trend.GetChangePercentage(ownedExchangeRate, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30)) * 100.0;
                    double   dataPoin60Minutes   = trend.GetChangePercentage(ownedExchangeRate, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(60)) * 100.0;
                    double   dataPoinLifeTime    = trend.GetChangePercentage(ownedExchangeRate, TimeSpan.FromHours(24)) * 100.0;
                    double   currencyBalance     = (account.BalancesInUsd[ownedExchangeRate.MainCurrency] - account.InitialBalancesInUsd[ownedExchangeRate.MainCurrency]);
                    double   percentageGrowth    = trend.GetChangePercentage(ownedExchangeRate) * 100.0;

                    Trend.TrendStatus action = trends[balance.Key] = trend.GetTrendStatus(ownedExchangeRate, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1),
                                                                                          account.InitialBalancesInUsd[ownedExchangeRate.MainCurrency], account.BalancesInUsd[ownedExchangeRate.MainCurrency], 0.01, 0.3);

                    List <WriteLineStruct> writeLineList = new List <WriteLineStruct>()
                        new WriteLineStruct()
                            Text = (ownedExchangeRate.MainCurrency.Symbol + " : ${0:0.00}, "), Value = account.BalancesInUsd[ownedExchangeRate.MainCurrency], Threshold = double.NaN
                        new WriteLineStruct()
                            Text = "Initial Value : $ : ${0:0.00}, ", Value = account.InitialBalancesInUsd[ownedExchangeRate.MainCurrency], Threshold = double.NaN
                        new WriteLineStruct()
                            Text = "Change : ${0:0.00}, ", Value = currencyBalance, Threshold = 1.0
                        new WriteLineStruct()
                            Text = "Growth : {0:0.00}%, ", Value = percentageGrowth, Threshold = 0.1
                        new WriteLineStruct()
                            Text = "Unit Price : ${0:0.00}, ", Value = ownedExchangeRate.Price, Threshold = double.NaN
                        new WriteLineStruct()
                            Text = (action + ", ").PadRight(10), Value = (int)action, Threshold = 0.9
                        new WriteLineStruct()
                            Text = !double.IsNaN(dataPointHalfMinute) ? "----30 Seconds Change : {0:0.00}%, " : "", Value = dataPointHalfMinute, Threshold = 1.0
                        new WriteLineStruct()
                            Text = !double.IsNaN(dataPoint1Minutes) ?"1 Minute Change : {0:0.00}%, " : "", Value = dataPoint1Minutes, Threshold = 1.0
                        new WriteLineStruct()
                            Text = !double.IsNaN(dataPoint5Minutes) ?"5 Minute Change : {0:0.00}%, " : "", Value = dataPoint5Minutes, Threshold = 1.0
                        new WriteLineStruct()
                            Text = !double.IsNaN(dataPoin30Minutes) ?"30 Minute Change : {0:0.00}%, " : "", Value = dataPoin30Minutes, Threshold = 1.0
                        new WriteLineStruct()
                            Text = !double.IsNaN(dataPoin60Minutes) ?"60 Minute Change : {0:0.00}%, " : "", Value = dataPoin60Minutes, Threshold = 1.0
                        new WriteLineStruct()
                            Text = !double.IsNaN(dataPoinLifeTime) ?"Ever Change : {0:0.00}%, " : "", Value = dataPoinLifeTime, Threshold = 1.0
                    WriteLine(writeLineList, currencyIndex + rowsOfInitialText);

                    if (!trade)

                    lock (listLocker)
                        if (orderTasks.Any(orderTask1 => orderTask1.Key == ownedExchangeRate.MainCurrency))

                    if (action == Trend.TrendStatus.Keep)

                    CancellationToken token = new CancellationToken(false);
                    Order             order = new Order(ownedExchangeRate.ExchangeRateSymbol, account.Balances[ownedExchangeRate.MainCurrency], binanceDataPool);

                    Task orderTask = new Task(() =>
                        switch (action)
                        case Trend.TrendStatus.BuyNow:
                                order.PlaceBuyOrder(ownedExchangeRate.Price * 1.01);

                        case Trend.TrendStatus.Buy:

                        case Trend.TrendStatus.SellNow:

                        case Trend.TrendStatus.Sell:
                                order.PlaceSellOrder(ownedExchangeRate.Price * 0.99);
                    }, token);

                    if (orderTask == null)

                    orderTask.ContinueWith((task, state) =>
                        lock (listLocker)
                            orderTasks.RemoveAll(orderTask1 => orderTask1.Key == ownedExchangeRate.MainCurrency);
                            cancellationTokens.RemoveAll(orderTask1 => orderTask1.Key == ownedExchangeRate.MainCurrency);
                    }, null);

                    lock (listLocker)
                        orderTasks.Add(new KeyValuePair <ICurrency, Task>(ownedExchangeRate.MainCurrency, orderTask));
                        cancellationTokens.Add(new KeyValuePair <ICurrency, CancellationToken>(ownedExchangeRate.MainCurrency, token));

                List <WriteLineStruct> writeLineListEnd = new List <WriteLineStruct>()
                    new WriteLineStruct()
                        Text = ("Account Total : ${0:0.00}, "), Value = account.AccountTotalInUsd, Threshold = double.NaN
                    new WriteLineStruct()
                        Text = "Initial Account Total : ${0:0.00}, ", Value = account.InitialAccountTotalInUsd, Threshold = double.NaN
                    new WriteLineStruct()
                        Text = "Change Account Total : ${0:0.00}, ", Value = account.ChangeAccountTotalInUsd, Threshold = 1.0
                WriteLine(writeLineListEnd, ownedCurrencies.Count + rowsOfInitialText);
