/*This function links the current users JCB acccount a flow account by adding it to the llnked accounts Database after the sFlow werbserice checks if account exists*/
 protected void LinkAccount(object sender, EventArgs e)
     FlowServices.FlowConnectSoapClient client = new FlowServices.FlowConnectSoapClient();
     if (client.CheckFlow(AccountNumber.Text, AccountEmail.Text, AccountPhoneNum.Text))
         string     inCmd = "insert into LinkedFlowAccounts values (@CustUserName, @FlowAccNum)";
         SqlCommand cmd   = new SqlCommand(inCmd, con);
         cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@CustUserName", CustomerID);
         cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@FlowAccNum", AccountNumber.Text);
         LinkStatus.Visible = true;
         StatusText.Text    = "No account with entered credentials were found";