public override void StopUse()
            Transform             protector = controllee.transform;
            BezierWalkerWithSpeed walker    = protector.GetComponent <BezierWalkerWithSpeed>();

            walker.speed = 0;
Esempio n. 2

    //-------------------------- INITIALISATION ---------------------------//
    #region Initilisation
    public void InitializePathBehavior()
        SC_bezier    = GetComponent <BezierSolution.BezierWalkerWithSpeed>(); //Récupère le script du flock
        FlockManager = GetComponent <SC_FlockManager>();                      //Récupère le script du flock

        InitTab();                                                            //initialise tout les tableaux

        //Premier comportement quand la nuée est spawn
        curCircleIndex = 0;
        newCircleIndex = 0;
Esempio n. 3
 private void Awake()
     nextSplineFirstPoint = nextSplineToFollow.GetPoint(0f);
     walkerWithSpeed      = GetComponent <BezierSolution.BezierWalkerWithSpeed>();
     if (walkerWithSpeed == null)
         Debug.Log("Couldn't find walker for " + name);
         walkerWithSpeed.spline = nextSplineToFollow;
     defaultParent = transform.parent;
    void InitializeFlock()
        flockInitialRot       = transform.rotation;
        _mainGuide            = gameObject.transform;
        _GuideList            = new List <Transform>(); //Instanciation de la guide list
        _curCurveDistanceList = new List <Vector3>();   // Instanciation de la list de distance sur les courbes pour chaque guide

        _KoaManager   = Instantiate(_KoaPrefab, transform);                    //Instantiate Koa
        _SCKoaManager = _KoaManager.GetComponent <SC_UI_Display_KoaManager>(); //Récupère le Koa manager du koa instancié

        _SCKoaManager.Initialize(_mainGuide, nbBoid, baseBoidSettings);//Initialise le Koa | paramètre : Guide a suivre <> Nombre de Boids a spawn <> Comportement des boids voulu
        mainAnim     = _KoaManager.GetComponent <SC_UI_Display_KoaManager>()._koa.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <Animator>();
        emissiveAnim = mainAnim.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <Animator>();

        bezierWalkerSpeed = GetComponent <BezierSolution.BezierWalkerWithSpeed>();

        public override void Use()
            // Set control player position
            Rigidbody2D rb = usingPlayer.GetComponent <Player>().rb();

            rb.velocity = new Vector2(0, rb.velocity.y);

            // Control the protector direction
            Transform             protector = controllee.transform;
            BezierWalkerWithSpeed walker    = protector.GetComponent <BezierWalkerWithSpeed>();
            float inputVertical             = (Input.GetKey(usingPlayer.GetInputKey()[(int)GameSetting.PlayerInput.Left])) ? -1 : (Input.GetKey(usingPlayer.GetInputKey()[(int)GameSetting.PlayerInput.Right])) ? 1 : 0;

            walker.speed = inputVertical;
            //// get the angle
            Vector3 norTar = (robot.transform.position - protector.position).normalized;
            float   angle  = Mathf.Atan2(norTar.y, norTar.x) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
            //// rotate to angle
            Quaternion rotation = new Quaternion();

            rotation.eulerAngles = new Vector3(0, 0, angle - 90);
            protector.rotation   = rotation;
Esempio n. 6

    //------------------------------- INIT --------------------------------//
    #region Init
    void Awake()
        isActive          = false;
        bezierWalkerSpeed = GetComponent <BezierSolution.BezierWalkerWithSpeed>();
        bezierWalkerTime  = GetComponent <BezierSolution.BezierWalkerWithTime>();
 void Start()
     bezierWalker = GetComponent <BezierSolution.BezierWalkerWithSpeed>();
Esempio n. 8

    //------------------------------- INIT --------------------------------//
    #region Init
    void Awake()
        bezierWalkerSpeed  = GetComponent <BezierSolution.BezierWalkerWithSpeed>();
        bezierWalkerTime   = GetComponent <BezierSolution.BezierWalkerWithTime>();
        flockWeaponManager = GetComponent <SC_FlockWeaponManager>();